I am going to author a post that explores implications about the existence of the magnetic singularity that appears in the EVO as described in this Bob Greenyer lecture on the Skyrmion formation of the EVO. This post will attempt to explain the theory behind how an EVO can remediate nuclear waste.
One implication is the existence of a magnetic monopole as an implication of the magnetic singularity generated by the Skyrmion. I contend that this singularity is the magnetic monopole that science has been looking for over a hundred years.
First I contend that the particle that forms the EVO is a electron that has been reformed by removing it mass and charge to just leave its spin. This changeless and massless quasiparticle is called a polariton. I further contend that this particle is the Dirac magnetic charge. The polariton is the quantum of magnetic charge.
When the polariton boson forms a condensate, that condensate forms a magnetic singularity as explained by Bob. This singularity is the long sort after magnetic monopole that has been missing from from EMF theory. The EVO is a topologic defect in the Higgs field. The existence of the magnetic monopole implies the operation of a grand unification of forces theory that provides a field theory for the long range operation of the weak force. It is this strengthening of the weak force that is the actor that remediates nuclear waste at long ranges.
For an explanation of the above, see starting at 8:40 in the video below.
In terms used in science and also by the video, the EVO is a topological defect in the Higgs field called a hedgehog. this particle is a supermassive particle that is a monopole.
The demonstration of a Grand Unified Theory of forces will tern out to be a unprecedented revolution in science.
Bob has just introduced us to an emerging research area in science involving monopoles and hedgehogs as follows:
Topological spin orders in real space can be transcribed into the electronic state via the gauge field, that is, the emergent magnetic field4. A real-space geometric arrangement of spins affects charge transport by exerting an additional quantum phase on the itinerant electrons, called Berry phase5, which acts as the effective magnetic field. Among topological spin orders, hedgehogs and antihedgehogs play the roles of sources or sinks of emergent field, that is, emergent monopoles or antimonopoles6,7. These hedgehog spin structures have been indeed realized as topological defects such as Bloch points8,9,10,11 and singular points where magnetic skyrmions coalesce with or split from one another12. However, topological transitions associated with creation and annihilation of these hedgehogs are random events in terms of time and space; observation and identification of the consequent critical phenomena in the presence of emergent monopoles remain unexplored because of difficulty in controlling their behaviours.
What we have done, the experimenters among us, have generated and controlled these shyrmions (aka EVOs) and confirmed the some of the predictions that science has made about their behavior.
Neutrinos do not produce gravity effects. And neutrinos are not symmetric. The right handed neutrino has not yet been discovered. If these right handed neutrinos existed, then they might be a candidate for dark matter.
I also beleive that dark matter produces energy and matter. The EVO produces energy/matter from nothing, so the EVO is a candidate for dark matter. Neutrinos have not been seen to produce over unity effects.
Four Phases of the Big Bang - There were four main phases of the Big Bang era: (1) the beginning of the universe as a singularity in space and time, (2) a period of cosmic inflation where the universe grew and cooled exponentially, (3) an episode of reheating, lasting only a trillionth of a second, where the potential energy from inflation decayed into all of the elementary particles of physics, and finally (4) the normal expansion of the Universe where quarks combined into protons and neutrons and the four fundamental forces of physics separated into their distinctive forms.
The EVO is a mimic of the first stage of the creation of the universe where all the forces were combined into a single force.. The neutrino background occurred during the forth stage. So the EVO reaction existed before particles were created.
I go to great pains to continually make a distinction between 'relic/cold neutrinos' and those that come from standard nuclear reactions commonly referred to in the vast predominant literature and on-line media as 'neutrinos'. On is relativistic and has no to meaningless mass, the other is so slow it cannot escape the gravity of the sun. As for properties, they are less similar than IR and Gamma Rays.
Whilst ALL neutrinos have a relationship to gravity, 'neutrinos' are not effectively interacted with by even 9 light years of lead. 'Relic/cold neutrinos' however can be partially reflected, diffused and diffracted by solid matter. In the case of Parkhomov, who was studying 'relic/cold neutrinos' in the microns to mm De-Broglie wavelength range, a smooth steel parabolic dish was sufficient to reflect and focus a significant proportion of 'relic neutrinos' and in his Nickel+H experiments metal parabolic curved sections arched over reactor and in the form of a metal pan, were sufficient to significantly reflect generated 'cold neutrinos'.
'relic neutrinos' are a part of dark matter and synthesised 'cold neutrinos' become dark matter. Dark matter is not normally observable, though in this case its existence was confirmed by the telescope focussing on beta isotopes like 60Co by Parkhmov over 30 years.
I will argue that gravity is largely a push effect and that clearly 'relic neutrinos' have already shown themselves to be an active component in that process. Because EVOs are ubiquitous, matter and life, where they are most likely to manifest consumes 'relic/cold neutrinos', effectively acting as a sink, producing a pressure gradient that yet more 'relic/cold neutrinos' diffuse to.
EVOs condense everything, and that includes 'relic/cold neutrinos'. In this way energy can appear to come from nothing.
Thanks for that - I had no idea that Andrew had done that - I also like the way he took my QR coded links from the book Kickstarter and made them into links - will help me referring back to them in the future.
No problem. In researching the background of some of these papers I discovered that Enrico Fermi's original paper on neutrinos submitted to Nature magazine in 1934, according to Wikipedia, was rejected by the editors "because it contained speculations too remote from reality to be of interest to the reader." Haha. I'm belly laughing. Cheers.
Excellent points Bob and thanks again for summarizing these ideas. Until I see New Scientist or anyone else articulate this distinction between relic and fast neutrinos as you and Parkhomov have so eloquently done, I'm sticking with your interpretations. It appears to fit the data that Parkhomov has observed for decades and also Qigong, PK, and micro-PK effects. Seems like formal science is really far behind on this at the moment though the CERN working group did have some discussion on relic neutrinos as a dark matter candidate.
In particle physics, a gauge boson is a bosonic elementary particle that mediates interactions among elementary fermions, and thus acts as a force carrier. Gauge bosons can carry any of the four fundamental interactions of nature. Elementary particles, whose interactions are described by a gauge theory, interact with each other by the exchange of gauge bosons; usually as virtual particles.
Photons, W and Z bosons, gluons, and the hypothetical gravitons are gauge bosons. All known gauge bosons have a spin of 1; for comparison, the Higgs boson has spin zero. Therefore, all known gauge bosons are vector bosons.
The gage boson that carries the unified force that is projected by the EVO must conform to the existing interfaces that operate normally with existing particles and forces as defined by the standard model.
To meet existing particle and force interfaces, the unified force gage boson (UFGB) must act identically to the existing gage bosons defined by the standard model: Photons, W and Z bosons, gluons, and gravitons. Since the UFGB acts at long range, it must be massless consistent with the rules of the standard model.
What makes the weak force weak and have a very short range is that the W and Z bosons are massive at 80 to 90 GeV. The range of a gage boson is inversely proportional to its mass. Large mass means short range.
Also in order for the UFGB to match the interface spec of the standard model, the spin of the UFGB must be 1 and be a vector boson.
Having the interface spec as explained above, the UFGB would act identically to the photon in that it would be reflected by a mirror as shown by Parkhomov.
This might be what Matsumoto was calling "tornado" shapes. But we can't see it in the video here (there's only one frame that might be showing it before the bubble recoils) and it's hard to find in the video referenced (ULTR - Finger prints).
If this is what Matsumoto was talking about, this changes everything! It's not a top down-view. It's a side-on view of something similar to an arc or segment of a smoke ring-like soliton evo such as what Ken Shoulders was creating with purely electrical discharges.
Matsumoto agreed with Shoulders that the two base structures are Spheres and Toroids. This is logical that nature would do this as these are the two minimum energy single surface structures that have minimum curvatures.
There is one other form that was correctly identified by Solin, and this is tubes, and we get to see that in VEGA Valley - the structure of which shows the self organisation of pseudo-monopole like structures that therefore wet together and organise as a magnetic fluid.
You can see how the double layers wet together in many of the VEGA videos.
It cannot be overstated how valuable the physical evidence is in the VEGA Valley - this sample is showing you the basis of superconductivity on the macro scale.
The beauty of that video of the shot into the pit is that it is just a hint of what can be learned from this simple system with better imaging - something we will secure in time. The experiment has already shown there is a LOT of low-hanging fruit to explore.
Yeah. But I think you might have gone a step further. STRINGS. It's just a thought at this point, but that 'helical" <whatever> you saw may be a new creature... or at least one we've never seen "in action" before.
Bob, so what I'm getting from all of this is that these vortex monopole structures, EVOs, skyrmions, coherent matter waves underly or even create our common type of electricity. That EVO superconducting currents are not actually a "second type of electricity" as the Russians called it, but really the main type. Our AC and DC currents are the secondary type! Would that be how ball lightening creates cloud to ground lightening? Thanks.
If the coherent structures are indeed an observable macro quantum object manifestation of their normal quantum scale counterparts, it might be something to consider that what we see is what electrons do in their normal state only smaller. However, what we can say for sure is that you have an aggregate body that is interacting with things it likes to consume, whereas electrons themselves do not like to easily densly aggregate ordinarily - moreover, they normally move within say a metal rather than encapsulate and consume.
A bit like IR and Gamma photons or neutrinos and relic neutrinos have completely different properties, so may electrons and their aggregates outside of the common aspects - such as that identified by shoulders - that electron, cooper pair, muon and tauon and EVOs can all have single electric charge but electron is not superconducting unless in a cooper pair and muon can catalyse fusion at room temperature. If an EVO can act as a muon, and also split into 100,000s of sub units greater than a muon, then fusion should be trivial - but an EVO can also carry ions.
Did not quite grasp your distinction between second type and AC-DC, care to help me understand what you mean?
Thanks, I was referring to your presentation several months ago about Matsumoto where you mentioned that Russian researchers had put something like 25K volts through an 8 mm wire at room temperature, if I’m not mistaken. You said they had called it a “second type of electricity” fueled by EVOs.
Right. In that case one might think of the wire as a guide - Matsumoto said that in his work the micro ball lightning (MBL) was guided along a metal plate (copper) to the second anode - he found tracks where they had passed. Shoulders used guides extensively, though mostly dielectric.
I believe that because the Russians were using W filament bulbs, the small induction there and the use of W cause the MBL to dishevel and release electrons in the normal electron world. That and causing some cluster decay in the W.
For what it's worth, there's something called lines of force theory of EM. In this approach, the skyrmions could be the literal 'lines of force' that create electrical phenomena. This presents a couple possible routes for force unification of all forces. Anyway, to speak basically about it, e fields (dielectricity) would be lines of force, or skyrmions that terminate on electrons/protons within wires. B fields, or magnetism, would be lines of force (again, skyrmions) that terminate on themselves, in a toroidal format. Again, you have both lines of force, and donut-shaped skyrmions in this formulation. Sounds familiar, no?
In this theory, you assume an oceanic, all-pervading dielectric field. Interestingly, this is the view of electricity formulated by Faraday in the mid 1800s. It was primarily used by the US military, who trained engineers in lines of force theory right up through the late 60s and early 70s. Eric Dollard speaks on it in detail, and according to him, there is evidence that these individual lines of force actually exist in all E-fields. Lastly, this approach is extremely engineerable, which is why it was favored in military contexts, but again requires a very different view of matter. It is fair to call this an engineerable theory of EM that rethinks quantum phenomena.
I will argue the push gravity evidence. Using this 'pressure', for which I have already discussed real evidence over decades, I will be able to argue the means by which propulsion will be achieved at any point in the universe.
On the wire stuff - I like the work of "Fractal Woman" on the subject
Thanks for circling back onto this comment. Fantastic. Agreed on all fronts, though I hadn't quite intuited that you would take this approach to gravitation. It makes perfect sense. Everybody who works with charge clusters in the lab seems to come to the same conclusion about gravity, from Shoulders right on back to Tesla.
When third parties get to review the volume of evidence I have accrued since 2017 alongside the statements of Tesla, Shoulders and the observations of Hutchison, many will wonder how something so clear-cut and conceptually simple was not realised sooner - probably it was.
The Skyrmion flavor of the EVO might be formed through the condensation of Rydberg matter. Holmlid talked about this process a lot. It makes sense to understand how electrons can condense without becoming bosons. There is a process called Rydberg blockade that supports catalytic formation of Rydberg matter condensation.
Like bosons that can be condensed to form Bose–Einstein condensates, Rydberg matter can be condensed, but not in the same way as bosons. The reason for this is that Rydberg matter behaves similarly to a gas, meaning that it cannot be condensed without removing the condensation energy; ionisation occurs if this is not done. All solutions to this problem so far involve using an adjacent surface in some way, the best being evaporating the atoms of which the Rydberg matter is to be formed from and leaving the condensation energy on the surface.[31] Using caesium atoms, graphite-covered surfaces and thermionic converters as containment, the work function of the surface has been measured to be 0.5 eV,[32] indicating that the cluster is between the ninth and fourteenth excitation levels.[25]
Holmlid used potassium clusters to form a template based catalysts to produce his Rydberg matter based EVOs. It is logical to suspect that LION uses Rydberg matter based EVO flavors since the deuterium method of formation most likely produces Skyrmions.
Because Rydberg matter consists of usually hexagonal planar clusters, it makes sense that the Hexigonal impressions seen in tunnels, and scars on surfaces come from Rydberg matter based EVOs.
It looks like there are multiple types of EVO structures: at least two being the Skyrmion type and the polariton type.
I have seen polariton EVO shaped scars in metal surfaces that look like a Mexican hat. Spark and microwave based EVOs are most likely polariton flavored high energy based EVOs.
We saw the polariton based EVO in the ultra experiment.
The hexagon and triangular impressions we saw in the LION experiment most likely came from the Skyrmion type EVO. These EVOs might be formed at low energies. This flavor of EVO could be used in low energy biological systems.
These multiple flavors of EVO lead to much complexity and confusion.
The tunnels were oriented in random 3 dimensional directions. the diamond lattice would be formed in a regular crystal structure. The consistent profile shape of these various random tunnels would not be expected to happen in a regulars crystal structure. All the tunnel had a regular hexagonal structure regardless of their position with regards to the crystal lattice..
Furthermore, you mentioned in the video that the tunnels look like they followed faults in the lattice structure. It this did occur, the crystal structure of the diamond would demonstrate irregulate lattice patterns.
The deposition of transmuted elements occurs when the EVO terminates. The energy that was held in the black hole reforms into new elements in the shape of a sphere. This shape has no connection to the positions of ions that form the Rydberg hexagonal lattice formation.
The hexagonal EVO form is ubiquitous in all sorts of material other than diamond including magnetic generated polarization of reflected light formation
I you will allow, I will give you the brutele truth as I see it.
The magnetic and electric character of the Skyrmion is converted to a vacuum based character via a property of condensed matter physics called the Higgs mode. This mode converts electrons into vacuum energy quantum packets. This is confusing when one thing that is completely documented is changed into something else of a completely different nature that is not documented.
Magnetic rules no long apply when the EVO interacts with our space/time. The gage particles produce by the EVO are changed. EMF is changed, gravity is changed, the why nuclear reactions occur is changed. This can be confusing.
I despair because this contrafactual in reality is likely to be too much for people to get a handle on.
All EVO interactions are vacuum based interactions only. The Higgs mode converts the electron into a Higgs field quantum charrier. This changes the interaction between the EVO and our space time into a vacuum decay based interaction. Any charge or mass based interactions do not apply. When space and anti space interact (the EVO), both are destroyed.
The flux tubes carry a Higgs field vacuum decay interaction with whatever it contacts. This means that the flux tube will destroy whatever it contacts... I mean ANYTHING.
This video about the Higgs abyss explains this situation
I find it easier to consider that the cooper pair bosons have become one wave-function - a macro quantum object - but you know me, I only like to really work on a phenomenological basis, if I can't see and show what it is doing, then I am hypothesising.
The aggregate do appear to self-organise to an extreme degree and are cell field vector aligning materials in the VEGA Valley in a way that logically implies that the electron condensate fluid is similar to the inverse of Linden Gledhills photo that I showed in the presentation (only with smaller cell units).
They also show a very tight event horizon in front of and around their path when travelling. This is possible to imagine as the topological affect on some medium surrounding and in front of their motion. A skyrmion field of influence around a hypothesised coherent matter travelling wave would explain the observations made in VEGA.
As to what the medium is that is affected in this way, in the low pressure VEGA environment, of course their can be some gas interaction, but I believe that it needs to be something more fluid, and I have hypothesised in the first videos on these 'extreme interactions' that is due to the CMTW interaction with the super-fluid cold neutrino condensate that persists throughout the cosmos and will seamlessly penetrate into the VEGA reactor chambers. All CMTW will interact with this super-fluid and as such will result in the observed motions.
I find it difficult to observe so much magnetic-type organisation and then agree that something like magnetic rules do not apply. The CMTW for the most part, do not seem to be concerned with electric fields but they are very interested in each other, this is something noted by Shoulders. In the "VEGA - Extreme interactions" obeservations, one could argue that they are 'caught in the spin field of the discharge' as I did
but since discharges are EVOs with a cathode to anode vector as there is still charge expressed, one might consider the broad spinning force to be a manifestation of the same, tight spin around a CMTW. Is all magnetic spin and indeed magnetic current therefore a flux of relic neutrinos? Or as many in the Russian community would call them - micro leptons. After all, we know that electrons and neutrinos in general can share and exchange their kinetic energy. It would follow therefore that in a magnetic material where electron spins are aligned, they would impart various aligned momentums to the neutrinos they interact with. Moreover, since water is polar, this would lead to the spin observations in water and freezing water. This collected insight has far-reaching implications.
What I can agree with, and we have seen, is that given enough pumping, the structures will eat/destroy anything. Shoulders states that it is novel nuclear reactions based on the binding energy being higher than ordinary matter - and in his patents and articles he describes ways to produce EVOs of various binding energies and extract them so their interactions based on this property can be investigated. Sadly - there are few competent experimentalists that could even attempt this even if they wanted to. What we have shown in ULTR and VEGA experiments is that nothing happens until a threshold is reached and things then happen very rapidly.
"Is all magnetic spin and indeed magnetic current therefore a flux of relic neutrinos? Or as many in the Russian community would call them - micro leptons. After all, we know that electrons and neutrinos in general can share and exchange their kinetic energy. It would follow therefore that in a magnetic material where electron spins are aligned, they would impart various aligned momentums to the neutrinos they interact with. Moreover, since water is polar, this would lead to the spin observations in water and freezing water. This collected insight has far-reaching implications."
I think you're definitely onto something there Bob.
Also, how does Parkhamov's reactor run out of relic neutrinos to process? Would a simple turntable keep it going? Furthermore, as we are travelling in orbit constantly, how are the relic neutrinos not being replenished?
Axil, just to be clear, are you saying that you don't believe that EVOs interact with relic and cold neutrinos, only with the vacuum Higgs field directly? Thanks.
The EVO is a universe that once existed at the very beginning states of our universe. That stage is called the Planck epoch. Evidence of this is revealed when the EVO shows that it can project gravitational effects. According to the rules of the standard model, the EVO must project a gage boson (a force carrying particle) that can carry the gravitational force. The Planck epoch is the only stage of the universe when all the forces of nature were combined. There must be a gage force carrying particle that exits the EVO that can effect our universe. This gage particle is only produced when the EVO exists. So the EVO force carrier is a temporary force carrier.
Parkhomov posited Relic neutrinos as the gage particle for the weak force only. Relic neutrinos do not carry the gravitational force. Also Relic neutrinos exist at all times as a background. If the Relic neutrinos were a permanent force carrier, then their effects would always be observable. For example, this permanence of weak force action means that a nuclear reactor would not produce radioactive isotopes.
There is a theory in cosmology that posits that dark matter produces anomalous gravitation effects. This theory is called Mond
This effect fits with the EVO as dark matter. The EVO produces anomalous gravitational effects. The EVO must be generating a gage particle that is producing Mond. This particle cannot be a neutrino because the neutrino does not project anomalous gravitational effects.
There is also the appearance of evidence for a fifth force. This force could be generated by the Plank force carrying gage boson that is generated by the EVO as dark matter.
If you can get through this Sabine video, then you will know a lot about dark matter.
I have posted extensively to Sabine's blog about the EVO and the EVO as dark matter and she has accepted the idea as possible by allowing these posts to pass moderation.
Sabine is a leader in dark matter theory because of her belief in the superfluid nature of dark matter. The EVO becomes a superfluid when it enters the entangled state. We saw this entangled state in the LION experiment when all the EVOs shared a common energy pool and generated the same identical transmutation products.
The EVO is the only theory of dark matter that I am aware of that manifests a duel particle and superfluid nature that is produced by a phase transition. Plainly speaking, this means that sometimes the EVO acts aa a particle and at other times the EVO aggradation acts as a superfluid and sometimes the EVO aggradation acts as both particles and a superfluid
This MFMP video shows how all EVOs can act as one super EVO in an entangled aggradation.
See my comment above, I was just clarifying what Bob had said about Russian research on room-temperature superconductivity, possibly generated by EVOs, within a very thin metal wire.
Ballistic conduction differs from superconductivity due to the absence of the Meissner effect in the material. A ballistic conductor would stop conducting if the driving force is turned off, whereas in a superconductor current would continue to flow after the driving supply is disconnected.
One reason why EVO action is seen is nanoparticles is because of Ballistic_conduction
This is very helpful. So in the case of the Russian research from the 90s, did the conduction continue after the current was turned off, actual superconductivity, or did it stop right away?
I have to think about this a little more... Axel comes with interesting video from PBS space time 'monopoles are the most searched for objects...If they exist....
Bob showed us in this episode that it is most likely true, they exist an we can create them easy, so they are all around us all the time!! For some reason we where not able to see them....
The nature article on monopoles states that "emergent monopoles ( based on Skyrmions) remain unexplored because of difficulty in controlling their behaviours."
From an experimental point of view we are ahead of science.
It is clear that Hutchison was ahead back in the early eighties - before anyone had officially declared they had made a BEC and long before Lockheed Martin said they could be made at any temperature (2011).
That being said - and as I noted before - after publishing my 'monopole' presentations last year - I was sent a drawing where people considering Hutchison's work in the 1980s could only explain it by the presence of something like a pseudo monopole (one pole suppressed).
I have to read that nature article still. The control is indeed what is difficult, much to learn still.... I start to 'see' how they come into existence and how they are 'kept alive' (in my case 'feeding' them with electricity). We can clearly see that they 'like'to be fed and 'like' to be 'together' in a fluid type of structure, at least that is what I see in the picktures of Linden Gladhill. Up till now these BL's have been 'eating' my electricity and transmutating materials. My quest for the BL's to produce heat (inspired by Safire) is still not working in my experiments. Lot's of questions there.....
Well - I think that SAFIRE maybe producing heat my consuming matter and the corresponding very dynamic situation.
I think we can be more organised and focussed on making and breaking the structure as I have been focussing towards for many years and target towards direct electricity production. This article, which I have been unable to edit for much more than 3 years as it is frozen in the block chain details this.
If one over-makes the Active Agent without breaking/bleeding it or you cannot contain it sufficiently (over and above its self-containment), then it has the potential to basically consume anything that it comes into contact with..."
I am most likely destoying the EVO's with my power supply (setup) I read a DC current but when seen on the oscilloscope the current goes with 100Hz to zero. So most likekely I destroy (most?) EVO's every 10mS. The rectifier makes a halve sine wave of 100Hz. I have to add an additional PSU to see if this really changes the behaviour of the plasma. Need to find the time though....
When I watched the VEGA experiment where the EVOs exploded in a BoseNova, I noticed that the high energy electrons in a bright band from the explosion traveled directly in a short straight line to the anode. You should see a voltage spice in your circuit when those high energy electrons return to the anode.
When we saw the QX demo, we saw the random high dv/dt voltage spikes on Rossi's pumping input show on his input line scope. Those voltage feedback spikes destroyed his controller, but it looks like he found a way to capture that voltage in the SKL reactor. The over unity energy is carried by those high energy electrons at 1.5 MeV, I beleive that Rossi is capturing this return of high energy electrons in the SKL reactor These electrons may be getting to the anode before they can release their energy as heat in the plasma. If you can see these random voltage spikes on your scope, you might be able to capture the energy from those electrons before they release their energy as heat to the plasma.
Thanks Axil, I have been measuring with the oscilloscope and have seen spikes, but mainly when the plasma is arcing (well, we know now that involves EVO's). Also some weird patterns I did not understand and the oscilloscope was not able to track them properly. It is not possible yet to correlate the spikes with the events, then a better recording should be done. But, using a AM radio gives enough 'proof' to see a reasonable connection. I had problems in the beginning to make plasma, I was increasing the voltage (up to 4000V) and then I blew out fuses. The discharges whers very load (impressive) also. That was when I got the feeling I was dealing with a lot of energy coming back. I use a induction in the anode feed. I used transformers for that purpose and I could take energy from the secondary side. But that could have come from the discharge of the capacitor also. So I have been experimenting with it but was not able to get a consistent result. The induction coil I have to protect because the reverse spikes are 'nasty' I have damaged a few coils now while the spikes damage the insulation of the coils. I have a parallel capacitor plus resistor (in series with the capacitor) to dissipate the spikes. So yes, something electrical is coming back for sure!
"it is absolutely necessary that the large energy releases of fusion processes be absorbed by robust, coherent systems that can share large quantities of energy among macroscopic numbers of elementary systems."
Where Gravity Is Weak and Naked Singularities Are Verboten
This post deals with some very deep stuff that the followers of he EVO who are interested in cutting edge science might appreciate.
In our space time, naked singularities are not permitted. In our universe, a singularity will always become surrounded by a black hole.
But in our anti universe, naked singularities can exist. This type of universe is called anti De Sutter space.
In Bob Greenyer's lecture on monopoles, naked singularities exist inside of the EVO. The EVO is an anti universe where naked singularities, extreme energy concentrations, and monopoles can exist. Also inside the EVO grand unification of forces occur. This is what defeats nuclear waste and enables the Hutchison effect to lift stuff off tables..
This all points to the EVO as a bubble of anti space in which naked singularities can exist. This also means that string theory is a valid description of the mechanisms that occurs inside the EVO. This mechanism also involves a different type of gravity.
Also this anti universe behavior existed at the earliest instants of the universe. But that early universe rapidly became unstable in the smallest fraction of time, exploded, and expanded into the universe that we live in today.
But the forces inside the EVO can still reach out and effect what happens in our current universe. This is how the EVO can cause transmutation, gravity effects, and nuclear waste remediation.
Finally I watched this presentation, from about the half of it in my Big screen TV, enjoyed it thoroughly.
I think that skyrmions are great models of how EVOs behave. So far we have seen that any system where charge separation can occur can create coherence, be it water or plasma. I will go out on a limb and say that this can all be considered expressions of magneto fluid dynamics, we have seen analogous from aqueous solutions induced by ultrasonic stimulation, liquid metals under ultrasonic stimulation, plasma under electromagnetic stunulation, etc. The skyrmions are perhaps the most studied from a mainstream point of view because they are being researched from a completely different point of view but this helps to understand the behavior of coherent matter in all the range of parallel phenomena with the underlying charge separation and high dt/de interventions.
The skyrmion presentation shown (the one from Germany) even presented the hydrodynamic example with a vortex . Schauberger must be smiling somewhere in the universe.
The animation is not convincing because the spiral does not stop and reverse in the middle although the direction of travel relative to the pole orientation does.
I am going to author a post that explores implications about the existence of the magnetic singularity that appears in the EVO as described in this Bob Greenyer lecture on the Skyrmion formation of the EVO. This post will attempt to explain the theory behind how an EVO can remediate nuclear waste.
One implication is the existence of a magnetic monopole as an implication of the magnetic singularity generated by the Skyrmion. I contend that this singularity is the magnetic monopole that science has been looking for over a hundred years.
First I contend that the particle that forms the EVO is a electron that has been reformed by removing it mass and charge to just leave its spin. This changeless and massless quasiparticle is called a polariton. I further contend that this particle is the Dirac magnetic charge. The polariton is the quantum of magnetic charge.
Background on the Magnetic_monopole
When the polariton boson forms a condensate, that condensate forms a magnetic singularity as explained by Bob. This singularity is the long sort after magnetic monopole that has been missing from from EMF theory. The EVO is a topologic defect in the Higgs field. The existence of the magnetic monopole implies the operation of a grand unification of forces theory that provides a field theory for the long range operation of the weak force. It is this strengthening of the weak force that is the actor that remediates nuclear waste at long ranges.
For an explanation of the above, see starting at 8:40 in the video below.
In terms used in science and also by the video, the EVO is a topological defect in the Higgs field called a hedgehog. this particle is a supermassive particle that is a monopole.
The demonstration of a Grand Unified Theory of forces will tern out to be a unprecedented revolution in science.
Bob has just introduced us to an emerging research area in science involving monopoles and hedgehogs as follows:
Topological spin orders in real space can be transcribed into the electronic state via the gauge field, that is, the emergent magnetic field4. A real-space geometric arrangement of spins affects charge transport by exerting an additional quantum phase on the itinerant electrons, called Berry phase5, which acts as the effective magnetic field. Among topological spin orders, hedgehogs and antihedgehogs play the roles of sources or sinks of emergent field, that is, emergent monopoles or antimonopoles6,7. These hedgehog spin structures have been indeed realized as topological defects such as Bloch points8,9,10,11 and singular points where magnetic skyrmions coalesce with or split from one another12. However, topological transitions associated with creation and annihilation of these hedgehogs are random events in terms of time and space; observation and identification of the consequent critical phenomena in the presence of emergent monopoles remain unexplored because of difficulty in controlling their behaviours.
What we have done, the experimenters among us, have generated and controlled these shyrmions (aka EVOs) and confirmed the some of the predictions that science has made about their behavior.
So according to this article in New Scientist, neutrinos, because they are so small, appear to be more connected to dark matter than the Higgs field. Seems consistent with Parkhomov. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2163969-mystery-of-neutrino-masses-may-be-explained-by-dark-matter-force/
Neutrinos do not produce gravity effects. And neutrinos are not symmetric. The right handed neutrino has not yet been discovered. If these right handed neutrinos existed, then they might be a candidate for dark matter.
I also beleive that dark matter produces energy and matter. The EVO produces energy/matter from nothing, so the EVO is a candidate for dark matter. Neutrinos have not been seen to produce over unity effects.
Looking for cosmic neutrino background
Four Phases of the Big Bang - There were four main phases of the Big Bang era: (1) the beginning of the universe as a singularity in space and time, (2) a period of cosmic inflation where the universe grew and cooled exponentially, (3) an episode of reheating, lasting only a trillionth of a second, where the potential energy from inflation decayed into all of the elementary particles of physics, and finally (4) the normal expansion of the Universe where quarks combined into protons and neutrons and the four fundamental forces of physics separated into their distinctive forms.
The EVO is a mimic of the first stage of the creation of the universe where all the forces were combined into a single force.. The neutrino background occurred during the forth stage. So the EVO reaction existed before particles were created.
I go to great pains to continually make a distinction between 'relic/cold neutrinos' and those that come from standard nuclear reactions commonly referred to in the vast predominant literature and on-line media as 'neutrinos'. On is relativistic and has no to meaningless mass, the other is so slow it cannot escape the gravity of the sun. As for properties, they are less similar than IR and Gamma Rays.
Whilst ALL neutrinos have a relationship to gravity, 'neutrinos' are not effectively interacted with by even 9 light years of lead. 'Relic/cold neutrinos' however can be partially reflected, diffused and diffracted by solid matter. In the case of Parkhomov, who was studying 'relic/cold neutrinos' in the microns to mm De-Broglie wavelength range, a smooth steel parabolic dish was sufficient to reflect and focus a significant proportion of 'relic neutrinos' and in his Nickel+H experiments metal parabolic curved sections arched over reactor and in the form of a metal pan, were sufficient to significantly reflect generated 'cold neutrinos'.
'relic neutrinos' are a part of dark matter and synthesised 'cold neutrinos' become dark matter. Dark matter is not normally observable, though in this case its existence was confirmed by the telescope focussing on beta isotopes like 60Co by Parkhmov over 30 years.
I will argue that gravity is largely a push effect and that clearly 'relic neutrinos' have already shown themselves to be an active component in that process. Because EVOs are ubiquitous, matter and life, where they are most likely to manifest consumes 'relic/cold neutrinos', effectively acting as a sink, producing a pressure gradient that yet more 'relic/cold neutrinos' diffuse to.
EVOs condense everything, and that includes 'relic/cold neutrinos'. In this way energy can appear to come from nothing.
Hi Bob, I don't know if you are the one who shared this page but it's a great resource for learning about the behavior and properties of relic neutrinos: https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/2019/05/18/dr-alexander-parkhomov-space-earth-human/
Hi Simeon,
Thanks for that - I had no idea that Andrew had done that - I also like the way he took my QR coded links from the book Kickstarter and made them into links - will help me referring back to them in the future.
Thanks again
No problem. In researching the background of some of these papers I discovered that Enrico Fermi's original paper on neutrinos submitted to Nature magazine in 1934, according to Wikipedia, was rejected by the editors "because it contained speculations too remote from reality to be of interest to the reader." Haha. I'm belly laughing. Cheers.
Excellent points Bob and thanks again for summarizing these ideas. Until I see New Scientist or anyone else articulate this distinction between relic and fast neutrinos as you and Parkhomov have so eloquently done, I'm sticking with your interpretations. It appears to fit the data that Parkhomov has observed for decades and also Qigong, PK, and micro-PK effects. Seems like formal science is really far behind on this at the moment though the CERN working group did have some discussion on relic neutrinos as a dark matter candidate.
The CERN group specifically said that Relic Neutrinos could be the cause of gravity.
Though a Japanese scientist suggested that normal neutrinos could be the cause of gravity in late 1950s, but this is less likely IMHO.
Gauge boson
In particle physics, a gauge boson is a bosonic elementary particle that mediates interactions among elementary fermions, and thus acts as a force carrier. Gauge bosons can carry any of the four fundamental interactions of nature. Elementary particles, whose interactions are described by a gauge theory, interact with each other by the exchange of gauge bosons; usually as virtual particles.
Photons, W and Z bosons, gluons, and the hypothetical gravitons are gauge bosons. All known gauge bosons have a spin of 1; for comparison, the Higgs boson has spin zero. Therefore, all known gauge bosons are vector bosons.
The gage boson that carries the unified force that is projected by the EVO must conform to the existing interfaces that operate normally with existing particles and forces as defined by the standard model.
To meet existing particle and force interfaces, the unified force gage boson (UFGB) must act identically to the existing gage bosons defined by the standard model: Photons, W and Z bosons, gluons, and gravitons. Since the UFGB acts at long range, it must be massless consistent with the rules of the standard model.
What makes the weak force weak and have a very short range is that the W and Z bosons are massive at 80 to 90 GeV. The range of a gage boson is inversely proportional to its mass. Large mass means short range.
Also in order for the UFGB to match the interface spec of the standard model, the spin of the UFGB must be 1 and be a vector boson.
Having the interface spec as explained above, the UFGB would act identically to the photon in that it would be reflected by a mirror as shown by Parkhomov.
The dark photon is the posited gage boson that is produced by dark matter. It is the same as the UFGB.
Neither the dark photon or the UFGB is not a neutrino.
Thanks Axil for this fascinating discussion and article links.
re. bubble seen firing helical shape into cone/pit.
https://youtu.be/r-9kGPs00i0?t=1016 (around 17:20)
This might be what Matsumoto was calling "tornado" shapes. But we can't see it in the video here (there's only one frame that might be showing it before the bubble recoils) and it's hard to find in the video referenced (ULTR - Finger prints).
If this is what Matsumoto was talking about, this changes everything! It's not a top down-view. It's a side-on view of something similar to an arc or segment of a smoke ring-like soliton evo such as what Ken Shoulders was creating with purely electrical discharges.
Matsumoto agreed with Shoulders that the two base structures are Spheres and Toroids. This is logical that nature would do this as these are the two minimum energy single surface structures that have minimum curvatures.
There is one other form that was correctly identified by Solin, and this is tubes, and we get to see that in VEGA Valley - the structure of which shows the self organisation of pseudo-monopole like structures that therefore wet together and organise as a magnetic fluid.
You can see how the double layers wet together in many of the VEGA videos.
It cannot be overstated how valuable the physical evidence is in the VEGA Valley - this sample is showing you the basis of superconductivity on the macro scale.
The beauty of that video of the shot into the pit is that it is just a hint of what can be learned from this simple system with better imaging - something we will secure in time. The experiment has already shown there is a LOT of low-hanging fruit to explore.
I haven't gotten into Vega yet. Or just tid bits.
re. toroids, speres, and rods (with cones).
Yeah. But I think you might have gone a step further. STRINGS. It's just a thought at this point, but that 'helical" <whatever> you saw may be a new creature... or at least one we've never seen "in action" before.
I may discuss this later today in a short video.
https://phys.org/news/2021-10-skyrmions.amp I thought you just mentioned these, signal from noise. Now I’m seeing this new word to me.
Ok - I have started to add references.
Bob, so what I'm getting from all of this is that these vortex monopole structures, EVOs, skyrmions, coherent matter waves underly or even create our common type of electricity. That EVO superconducting currents are not actually a "second type of electricity" as the Russians called it, but really the main type. Our AC and DC currents are the secondary type! Would that be how ball lightening creates cloud to ground lightening? Thanks.
If the coherent structures are indeed an observable macro quantum object manifestation of their normal quantum scale counterparts, it might be something to consider that what we see is what electrons do in their normal state only smaller. However, what we can say for sure is that you have an aggregate body that is interacting with things it likes to consume, whereas electrons themselves do not like to easily densly aggregate ordinarily - moreover, they normally move within say a metal rather than encapsulate and consume.
A bit like IR and Gamma photons or neutrinos and relic neutrinos have completely different properties, so may electrons and their aggregates outside of the common aspects - such as that identified by shoulders - that electron, cooper pair, muon and tauon and EVOs can all have single electric charge but electron is not superconducting unless in a cooper pair and muon can catalyse fusion at room temperature. If an EVO can act as a muon, and also split into 100,000s of sub units greater than a muon, then fusion should be trivial - but an EVO can also carry ions.
Did not quite grasp your distinction between second type and AC-DC, care to help me understand what you mean?
Thanks, I was referring to your presentation several months ago about Matsumoto where you mentioned that Russian researchers had put something like 25K volts through an 8 mm wire at room temperature, if I’m not mistaken. You said they had called it a “second type of electricity” fueled by EVOs.
Right. In that case one might think of the wire as a guide - Matsumoto said that in his work the micro ball lightning (MBL) was guided along a metal plate (copper) to the second anode - he found tracks where they had passed. Shoulders used guides extensively, though mostly dielectric.
I believe that because the Russians were using W filament bulbs, the small induction there and the use of W cause the MBL to dishevel and release electrons in the normal electron world. That and causing some cluster decay in the W.
For what it's worth, there's something called lines of force theory of EM. In this approach, the skyrmions could be the literal 'lines of force' that create electrical phenomena. This presents a couple possible routes for force unification of all forces. Anyway, to speak basically about it, e fields (dielectricity) would be lines of force, or skyrmions that terminate on electrons/protons within wires. B fields, or magnetism, would be lines of force (again, skyrmions) that terminate on themselves, in a toroidal format. Again, you have both lines of force, and donut-shaped skyrmions in this formulation. Sounds familiar, no?
In this theory, you assume an oceanic, all-pervading dielectric field. Interestingly, this is the view of electricity formulated by Faraday in the mid 1800s. It was primarily used by the US military, who trained engineers in lines of force theory right up through the late 60s and early 70s. Eric Dollard speaks on it in detail, and according to him, there is evidence that these individual lines of force actually exist in all E-fields. Lastly, this approach is extremely engineerable, which is why it was favored in military contexts, but again requires a very different view of matter. It is fair to call this an engineerable theory of EM that rethinks quantum phenomena.
https://youtu.be/JQnSz_e7jvc?t=2659 - A select location from Dollard: Origin of Energy Synthesis
I will argue the push gravity evidence. Using this 'pressure', for which I have already discussed real evidence over decades, I will be able to argue the means by which propulsion will be achieved at any point in the universe.
On the wire stuff - I like the work of "Fractal Woman" on the subject
She is also correct on the misinterpretations of 'ferrocell' activity
Thanks for circling back onto this comment. Fantastic. Agreed on all fronts, though I hadn't quite intuited that you would take this approach to gravitation. It makes perfect sense. Everybody who works with charge clusters in the lab seems to come to the same conclusion about gravity, from Shoulders right on back to Tesla.
When third parties get to review the volume of evidence I have accrued since 2017 alongside the statements of Tesla, Shoulders and the observations of Hutchison, many will wonder how something so clear-cut and conceptually simple was not realised sooner - probably it was.
I don't beleive that the Rydberg matter flavor of the EVO produces a toroidal circulation. Rydberg matter is a lattice structure, usually hexagonal.
Rydberg matter
The Skyrmion flavor of the EVO might be formed through the condensation of Rydberg matter. Holmlid talked about this process a lot. It makes sense to understand how electrons can condense without becoming bosons. There is a process called Rydberg blockade that supports catalytic formation of Rydberg matter condensation.
Like bosons that can be condensed to form Bose–Einstein condensates, Rydberg matter can be condensed, but not in the same way as bosons. The reason for this is that Rydberg matter behaves similarly to a gas, meaning that it cannot be condensed without removing the condensation energy; ionisation occurs if this is not done. All solutions to this problem so far involve using an adjacent surface in some way, the best being evaporating the atoms of which the Rydberg matter is to be formed from and leaving the condensation energy on the surface.[31] Using caesium atoms, graphite-covered surfaces and thermionic converters as containment, the work function of the surface has been measured to be 0.5 eV,[32] indicating that the cluster is between the ninth and fourteenth excitation levels.[25]
Holmlid used potassium clusters to form a template based catalysts to produce his Rydberg matter based EVOs. It is logical to suspect that LION uses Rydberg matter based EVO flavors since the deuterium method of formation most likely produces Skyrmions.
Because Rydberg matter consists of usually hexagonal planar clusters, it makes sense that the Hexigonal impressions seen in tunnels, and scars on surfaces come from Rydberg matter based EVOs.
It looks like there are multiple types of EVO structures: at least two being the Skyrmion type and the polariton type.
I have seen polariton EVO shaped scars in metal surfaces that look like a Mexican hat. Spark and microwave based EVOs are most likely polariton flavored high energy based EVOs.
We saw the polariton based EVO in the ultra experiment.
The hexagon and triangular impressions we saw in the LION experiment most likely came from the Skyrmion type EVO. These EVOs might be formed at low energies. This flavor of EVO could be used in low energy biological systems.
These multiple flavors of EVO lead to much complexity and confusion.
Interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing.
I feel the damage in the LION diamond core is predominantly due to the lattice structure of diamond.
with the exception of a large cluster that removes a sphere from the diamond.
In the case of many other affected materials, it I believe it is due to fluid dynamics and self organisation of the macro clusters.
The tunnels were oriented in random 3 dimensional directions. the diamond lattice would be formed in a regular crystal structure. The consistent profile shape of these various random tunnels would not be expected to happen in a regulars crystal structure. All the tunnel had a regular hexagonal structure regardless of their position with regards to the crystal lattice..
Furthermore, you mentioned in the video that the tunnels look like they followed faults in the lattice structure. It this did occur, the crystal structure of the diamond would demonstrate irregulate lattice patterns.
The deposition of transmuted elements occurs when the EVO terminates. The energy that was held in the black hole reforms into new elements in the shape of a sphere. This shape has no connection to the positions of ions that form the Rydberg hexagonal lattice formation.
The hexagonal EVO form is ubiquitous in all sorts of material other than diamond including magnetic generated polarization of reflected light formation
I you will allow, I will give you the brutele truth as I see it.
The magnetic and electric character of the Skyrmion is converted to a vacuum based character via a property of condensed matter physics called the Higgs mode. This mode converts electrons into vacuum energy quantum packets. This is confusing when one thing that is completely documented is changed into something else of a completely different nature that is not documented.
Magnetic rules no long apply when the EVO interacts with our space/time. The gage particles produce by the EVO are changed. EMF is changed, gravity is changed, the why nuclear reactions occur is changed. This can be confusing.
I despair because this contrafactual in reality is likely to be too much for people to get a handle on.
All EVO interactions are vacuum based interactions only. The Higgs mode converts the electron into a Higgs field quantum charrier. This changes the interaction between the EVO and our space time into a vacuum decay based interaction. Any charge or mass based interactions do not apply. When space and anti space interact (the EVO), both are destroyed.
The flux tubes carry a Higgs field vacuum decay interaction with whatever it contacts. This means that the flux tube will destroy whatever it contacts... I mean ANYTHING.
This video about the Higgs abyss explains this situation
The EVO grows larger if fed electrons and photons on its own until it becomes unstable and it explodes fortunately for our universe.
I find it easier to consider that the cooper pair bosons have become one wave-function - a macro quantum object - but you know me, I only like to really work on a phenomenological basis, if I can't see and show what it is doing, then I am hypothesising.
The aggregate do appear to self-organise to an extreme degree and are cell field vector aligning materials in the VEGA Valley in a way that logically implies that the electron condensate fluid is similar to the inverse of Linden Gledhills photo that I showed in the presentation (only with smaller cell units).
They also show a very tight event horizon in front of and around their path when travelling. This is possible to imagine as the topological affect on some medium surrounding and in front of their motion. A skyrmion field of influence around a hypothesised coherent matter travelling wave would explain the observations made in VEGA.
As to what the medium is that is affected in this way, in the low pressure VEGA environment, of course their can be some gas interaction, but I believe that it needs to be something more fluid, and I have hypothesised in the first videos on these 'extreme interactions' that is due to the CMTW interaction with the super-fluid cold neutrino condensate that persists throughout the cosmos and will seamlessly penetrate into the VEGA reactor chambers. All CMTW will interact with this super-fluid and as such will result in the observed motions.
I find it difficult to observe so much magnetic-type organisation and then agree that something like magnetic rules do not apply. The CMTW for the most part, do not seem to be concerned with electric fields but they are very interested in each other, this is something noted by Shoulders. In the "VEGA - Extreme interactions" obeservations, one could argue that they are 'caught in the spin field of the discharge' as I did
but since discharges are EVOs with a cathode to anode vector as there is still charge expressed, one might consider the broad spinning force to be a manifestation of the same, tight spin around a CMTW. Is all magnetic spin and indeed magnetic current therefore a flux of relic neutrinos? Or as many in the Russian community would call them - micro leptons. After all, we know that electrons and neutrinos in general can share and exchange their kinetic energy. It would follow therefore that in a magnetic material where electron spins are aligned, they would impart various aligned momentums to the neutrinos they interact with. Moreover, since water is polar, this would lead to the spin observations in water and freezing water. This collected insight has far-reaching implications.
What I can agree with, and we have seen, is that given enough pumping, the structures will eat/destroy anything. Shoulders states that it is novel nuclear reactions based on the binding energy being higher than ordinary matter - and in his patents and articles he describes ways to produce EVOs of various binding energies and extract them so their interactions based on this property can be investigated. Sadly - there are few competent experimentalists that could even attempt this even if they wanted to. What we have shown in ULTR and VEGA experiments is that nothing happens until a threshold is reached and things then happen very rapidly.
"Is all magnetic spin and indeed magnetic current therefore a flux of relic neutrinos? Or as many in the Russian community would call them - micro leptons. After all, we know that electrons and neutrinos in general can share and exchange their kinetic energy. It would follow therefore that in a magnetic material where electron spins are aligned, they would impart various aligned momentums to the neutrinos they interact with. Moreover, since water is polar, this would lead to the spin observations in water and freezing water. This collected insight has far-reaching implications."
I think you're definitely onto something there Bob.
Also, how does Parkhamov's reactor run out of relic neutrinos to process? Would a simple turntable keep it going? Furthermore, as we are travelling in orbit constantly, how are the relic neutrinos not being replenished?
He proved that adding more hydrogen later did not make the cell work again.
You need not only the Cold / Relic neutrinos, but the means to generate their condensates. This is the role of the PNK-02 nickel.
I went into some detail about this in this presentation.
Axil, just to be clear, are you saying that you don't believe that EVOs interact with relic and cold neutrinos, only with the vacuum Higgs field directly? Thanks.
The EVO is a universe that once existed at the very beginning states of our universe. That stage is called the Planck epoch. Evidence of this is revealed when the EVO shows that it can project gravitational effects. According to the rules of the standard model, the EVO must project a gage boson (a force carrying particle) that can carry the gravitational force. The Planck epoch is the only stage of the universe when all the forces of nature were combined. There must be a gage force carrying particle that exits the EVO that can effect our universe. This gage particle is only produced when the EVO exists. So the EVO force carrier is a temporary force carrier.
Parkhomov posited Relic neutrinos as the gage particle for the weak force only. Relic neutrinos do not carry the gravitational force. Also Relic neutrinos exist at all times as a background. If the Relic neutrinos were a permanent force carrier, then their effects would always be observable. For example, this permanence of weak force action means that a nuclear reactor would not produce radioactive isotopes.
There is a theory in cosmology that posits that dark matter produces anomalous gravitation effects. This theory is called Mond
Modified Newtonian dynamics
This effect fits with the EVO as dark matter. The EVO produces anomalous gravitational effects. The EVO must be generating a gage particle that is producing Mond. This particle cannot be a neutrino because the neutrino does not project anomalous gravitational effects.
There is also the appearance of evidence for a fifth force. This force could be generated by the Plank force carrying gage boson that is generated by the EVO as dark matter.
Axil, how does your idea that EVOs create a MOND effect square with recent evidence that MOND may not explain dark matter at a cosmological scale? Here's a recent article about it: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2280746-merging-galaxies-throw-shade-on-alternative-dark-matter-theory/
Is Dark Matter Real? - with Sabine Hossenfelder
If you can get through this Sabine video, then you will know a lot about dark matter.
I have posted extensively to Sabine's blog about the EVO and the EVO as dark matter and she has accepted the idea as possible by allowing these posts to pass moderation.
Sabine is a leader in dark matter theory because of her belief in the superfluid nature of dark matter. The EVO becomes a superfluid when it enters the entangled state. We saw this entangled state in the LION experiment when all the EVOs shared a common energy pool and generated the same identical transmutation products.
The EVO is the only theory of dark matter that I am aware of that manifests a duel particle and superfluid nature that is produced by a phase transition. Plainly speaking, this means that sometimes the EVO acts aa a particle and at other times the EVO aggradation acts as a superfluid and sometimes the EVO aggradation acts as both particles and a superfluid
This MFMP video shows how all EVOs can act as one super EVO in an entangled aggradation.
Thanks, Axil. Fascinating.
Hi Simeon, regarding the "second type of electricity" are you referring to radiant energy ala Tesla?
See my comment above, I was just clarifying what Bob had said about Russian research on room-temperature superconductivity, possibly generated by EVOs, within a very thin metal wire.
thin metal wire can produce Ballistic conduction.
Ballistic conduction differs from superconductivity due to the absence of the Meissner effect in the material. A ballistic conductor would stop conducting if the driving force is turned off, whereas in a superconductor current would continue to flow after the driving supply is disconnected.
One reason why EVO action is seen is nanoparticles is because of Ballistic_conduction
This is very helpful. So in the case of the Russian research from the 90s, did the conduction continue after the current was turned off, actual superconductivity, or did it stop right away?
As I understand it, it had to be continuously fed.
I don't keep track of what the Russians are doing... I don't know that detail.
Well, again, a friend is taking me out, so I won't be around. The weather's changed and it's party-time, in Austin! I'll have to watch later.
Boy, DID i!
It ended up being a surprise party, for me! Crazy kids.
I'll watch, tomorrow, when I'm sane, and all.
I have to think about this a little more... Axel comes with interesting video from PBS space time 'monopoles are the most searched for objects...If they exist....
Bob showed us in this episode that it is most likely true, they exist an we can create them easy, so they are all around us all the time!! For some reason we where not able to see them....
The nature article on monopoles states that "emergent monopoles ( based on Skyrmions) remain unexplored because of difficulty in controlling their behaviours."
From an experimental point of view we are ahead of science.
It is clear that Hutchison was ahead back in the early eighties - before anyone had officially declared they had made a BEC and long before Lockheed Martin said they could be made at any temperature (2011).
That being said - and as I noted before - after publishing my 'monopole' presentations last year - I was sent a drawing where people considering Hutchison's work in the 1980s could only explain it by the presence of something like a pseudo monopole (one pole suppressed).
I have to read that nature article still. The control is indeed what is difficult, much to learn still.... I start to 'see' how they come into existence and how they are 'kept alive' (in my case 'feeding' them with electricity). We can clearly see that they 'like'to be fed and 'like' to be 'together' in a fluid type of structure, at least that is what I see in the picktures of Linden Gladhill. Up till now these BL's have been 'eating' my electricity and transmutating materials. My quest for the BL's to produce heat (inspired by Safire) is still not working in my experiments. Lot's of questions there.....
Well - I think that SAFIRE maybe producing heat my consuming matter and the corresponding very dynamic situation.
I think we can be more organised and focussed on making and breaking the structure as I have been focussing towards for many years and target towards direct electricity production. This article, which I have been unable to edit for much more than 3 years as it is frozen in the block chain details this.
"The need to bleed
If one over-makes the Active Agent without breaking/bleeding it or you cannot contain it sufficiently (over and above its self-containment), then it has the potential to basically consume anything that it comes into contact with..."
I think that how to do this will become clear.
Try feeding the EVOs with a powerful pulsed high dv/dt current. The EVOs must be destroyed in a cycle in order to release their energy content.
I am most likely destoying the EVO's with my power supply (setup) I read a DC current but when seen on the oscilloscope the current goes with 100Hz to zero. So most likekely I destroy (most?) EVO's every 10mS. The rectifier makes a halve sine wave of 100Hz. I have to add an additional PSU to see if this really changes the behaviour of the plasma. Need to find the time though....
It is probably a good thing you are destroying them
Hank: please allow another input as follows...
When I watched the VEGA experiment where the EVOs exploded in a BoseNova, I noticed that the high energy electrons in a bright band from the explosion traveled directly in a short straight line to the anode. You should see a voltage spice in your circuit when those high energy electrons return to the anode.
When we saw the QX demo, we saw the random high dv/dt voltage spikes on Rossi's pumping input show on his input line scope. Those voltage feedback spikes destroyed his controller, but it looks like he found a way to capture that voltage in the SKL reactor. The over unity energy is carried by those high energy electrons at 1.5 MeV, I beleive that Rossi is capturing this return of high energy electrons in the SKL reactor These electrons may be getting to the anode before they can release their energy as heat in the plasma. If you can see these random voltage spikes on your scope, you might be able to capture the energy from those electrons before they release their energy as heat to the plasma.
Thanks Axil, I have been measuring with the oscilloscope and have seen spikes, but mainly when the plasma is arcing (well, we know now that involves EVO's). Also some weird patterns I did not understand and the oscilloscope was not able to track them properly. It is not possible yet to correlate the spikes with the events, then a better recording should be done. But, using a AM radio gives enough 'proof' to see a reasonable connection. I had problems in the beginning to make plasma, I was increasing the voltage (up to 4000V) and then I blew out fuses. The discharges whers very load (impressive) also. That was when I got the feeling I was dealing with a lot of energy coming back. I use a induction in the anode feed. I used transformers for that purpose and I could take energy from the secondary side. But that could have come from the discharge of the capacitor also. So I have been experimenting with it but was not able to get a consistent result. The induction coil I have to protect because the reverse spikes are 'nasty' I have damaged a few coils now while the spikes damage the insulation of the coils. I have a parallel capacitor plus resistor (in series with the capacitor) to dissipate the spikes. So yes, something electrical is coming back for sure!
This is what R. Mills does in the SunCell.
I found this yesterday: QED Coherence in Matter by Giuliano Preparata: https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/2738#t=toc. The chapters can be accessed using https://sci-hubtw.hkvisa.net/.
Very interesting stuff in my opinion!
£36 for the E-Book, might just have to get it - you know, for the team
I downloaded the whole book one chapter at a time
Would you be able to archive it and post a cloud link?
by "archive it" what do you mean? It was easy for me to just use sci-hub, put in DOI and BAM! there it is. Sci-hub is the best!
So I see the section on Cold Fusion has the word Coherent in it 30 times.
Here is an excerpt
"it is absolutely necessary that the large energy releases of fusion processes be absorbed by robust, coherent systems that can share large quantities of energy among macroscopic numbers of elementary systems."
Not long ago I had found a recent paper by Preparata, about coherence, he is highly respected and works very secretively.
Hmmmm - this looks interesting.
"The coherent ground state (CGS) of water"
This is Preparata - of Preparata medal for ICCF fame.
Any title that caught your eye?
All of it is interesting but the last 7 chapters especially chapters 7 and 8.
That’s the paper I had found not long ago and posted at the thread for papers at LENR-forum
And looking for that post on the forum I found this other I had posted where the work of Preparata on water crossed with ancient Hopi traditions... https://www.lenr-forum.com/forum/thread/3261-the-playground/?postID=153410&highlight=Preparata%2Bwater#post153410
In a normal matter world we are mostly part of the water cycle.
Where Gravity Is Weak and Naked Singularities Are Verboten
This post deals with some very deep stuff that the followers of he EVO who are interested in cutting edge science might appreciate.
In our space time, naked singularities are not permitted. In our universe, a singularity will always become surrounded by a black hole.
But in our anti universe, naked singularities can exist. This type of universe is called anti De Sutter space.
In Bob Greenyer's lecture on monopoles, naked singularities exist inside of the EVO. The EVO is an anti universe where naked singularities, extreme energy concentrations, and monopoles can exist. Also inside the EVO grand unification of forces occur. This is what defeats nuclear waste and enables the Hutchison effect to lift stuff off tables..
This all points to the EVO as a bubble of anti space in which naked singularities can exist. This also means that string theory is a valid description of the mechanisms that occurs inside the EVO. This mechanism also involves a different type of gravity.
Also this anti universe behavior existed at the earliest instants of the universe. But that early universe rapidly became unstable in the smallest fraction of time, exploded, and expanded into the universe that we live in today.
But the forces inside the EVO can still reach out and effect what happens in our current universe. This is how the EVO can cause transmutation, gravity effects, and nuclear waste remediation.
Finally I watched this presentation, from about the half of it in my Big screen TV, enjoyed it thoroughly.
I think that skyrmions are great models of how EVOs behave. So far we have seen that any system where charge separation can occur can create coherence, be it water or plasma. I will go out on a limb and say that this can all be considered expressions of magneto fluid dynamics, we have seen analogous from aqueous solutions induced by ultrasonic stimulation, liquid metals under ultrasonic stimulation, plasma under electromagnetic stunulation, etc. The skyrmions are perhaps the most studied from a mainstream point of view because they are being researched from a completely different point of view but this helps to understand the behavior of coherent matter in all the range of parallel phenomena with the underlying charge separation and high dt/de interventions.
The skyrmion presentation shown (the one from Germany) even presented the hydrodynamic example with a vortex . Schauberger must be smiling somewhere in the universe.
re. Making Monopoles
The animation is not convincing because the spiral does not stop and reverse in the middle although the direction of travel relative to the pole orientation does.
Asking my son about the lens (I cannot find your reply, Bob!)
He bought me the camera and used to manage the store.., before he got so talented and in-demand.