I don’t know what to do with this but I’m putting it here in the hope that Bob Greenyer sees it:


It’s basically the testimony of an insider who is on the run from the Deep State. I came across him while researching the irregularities surrounding the recent U.S. election. He has a twitter handle johnheretohelp. His testimony about malfeasance at the top of U.S. politics has been recently released by Lin Wood. It all ties back to the lab origins of covid-19 and the politicisation and censorship that surrounds all this.

The link above though is to the same witness’s involvement in free energy research and where this led him and his fellow researchers - most of whom appear to have been disappeared. The start of his account is incredible enough, but it’s the second project that really blew me away.

My previous researches into this individual seem to back up the idea that he is credible, and Lin Wood who is a libel lawyer would not publish the stuff he has about top U.S. individuals without doing his due diligence on the credibility of the witness. So I kind of trust this witness and am inclined to believe what he says about things on the political level, but I don’t want to get into a political discussion here. It’s just to say that I am inclined to believe this man. What he gives testimony to here in the link I’ve provided is something called project looking glass, Pandora, and a separate project that he lamentingly refers to as ‘Deep Space 9’. I really don’t know what to think about it. It just seems so unbelievable.

But since this is for thinking a bit more outside the box I’m leaving it here like a cat leaves a dead frog on the rug. Perhaps people won’t like what I’ve bought in, but there it is. Make of it what you all will.

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In 1993, when Ben Rich knew he was dying, he linked the most fantastic of technologies to ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)


I have already discussed EM disease induction technologies.


I have also Discussed the MicroWave effects


I also discussed that John Hutchison was told that his technology had been replicated using 22-24cm wavelength microwaves.


"So there is a lot of breakthrough in the media coming slowly but it is coming out more. So it will give something for people to look at and think about.

I think the mind can act as also a er… a co-hearer of frequencies and transmitter.. and unlock this doorway into space and time.

Some measurements at Stanford University, UCLA, Lawrence Livermore - Dr. Henry Strap, William Tiller, put it at around 22 - 24cm waveband that a lot of this activity happens at - and their tests are quite exhaustive and erm quite extensive - giving a lot of interesting results. At Mcdonnald Douglas they do a lot of spoon bending where they take control samples and slip them under the electron microscope to see if they were bent via force or by mind."

5G is the first wide-scale communication technology that uses 22-24cm of light. LTE can actually use this band, but 5G is intended to be far more widely deployed and used and can beam form, enabling it to target people intensely based on the device they are holding.


"Frequency range 1 (FR1) is from 450 MHz to 6 GHz, which includes the LTE frequency range."


When Trump announced that he was banning certain operators from deploying 5G and encouraged allies to do the same, I immediately turned to my wife and said "I wonder if he knows the real reason he is being advised to take that position?" I then added "It is so sad and so sick, they cannot tell people the real reason, perhaps because they want to be the ones doing the controlling."

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Furthermore, I wrote here about leaked documents.


I also wrote about de-classified CIA 1991 document here:


But the document is now not available on the CIAs website.

Here is a partial transcript I made

""V. Kaznacheyev's associates have already conducted more than 20,000 experiments (at the human and individual cell levels) and have come to a sensational conclusion - a special field form of life is present in living matter.

It manifests itself in physical fields, the nature of which is still not clear. But one thing is certain, the scope of the concept 'living' is much more complex than we had imagined. According to academic V. Kaznacheyev, it appears that, in addition to ordinary oxidation / reduction reactions, processes at the level of cold fusion take place in the living cell"

It goes on

"If this form of life is detected and if this is done in a laboratory doing classified work, the temptation may arise to exert a special influence on the human mind and abilities. From there, it is but one step to a terrifying psychological weapon"

I think I will do a document to collect my thought on these emerging technologies.

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Hi Bob! Great presentation with a lot o valuable information. I will resume a small Ni plate that I used in some LENR experiments many years ago and I will put it on a CD and see if it is (still) somewhat active. BTW, the CD-Rs does not contain Al at all: they have just a very thin layer (in the order of 100 nm) of metal coating over the dye layer, and under the top laquer.

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You are right, however there were still sheets of aluminium in their reactor through which the radiation travelled. More seriously, Aluminium is said to be paramagnetic. Moreover, CDRs contain as their reflective layer, gold or silver/silver alloy and both gold and silver are diamagnetic. I actually think the more important aspect in these three elements is their conductivity (with silver being the highest). This is because I believe the free electrons on their surface can excite the Black EVO and make it grey/white - in which state it can start to interact with matter.

Years ago, we put a silver Cockcroft and Walton coin in front of our GM pancake in an effort to see if we could, what we thought then, 'down convert' radiation from *GlowStick* experiments. This is why LION put silver foil on the end of the LION cores. The thinking came from Russ George and Ed Teller's "Mischugenons" thinking. Here is Russ's latest article on the subject.


This article tells the story of Russ' interactions with Ed Teller.


Russ continually likes to suggest that he was discovering something new...

"I should surely have been “cooked”. Since I was not the particles emanating from the experiment must be something entirely new, some mischugnons perhaps, crazy particles, until now unknown to science. Interacting more with elements with a high neutron cross-section but rather more weakly so than any normal neutron."

... but it is clear that Tesla, Barkla 'J-Radiation' (and the scores of people that tried to study it in 20s+), Hutchison, Shoulders, Solin, Preparata, Fleischmann, Matsumoto, Urutskoev etc have all 'seen' these things.

In my view, Silver's free electrons interact with the Black EVO causing it to become excited and 'dishevel' (as shoulders calls it). This results in fast electrons moving though silver and the emissions of Bremsstrahlung radiation. This is what was detected in Russ's tube and, as we saw in 'Signal' it can go well-beyond k-shell energies and so it has been miss-characterised as 'Gamma'.

Barkla was specifically onto in in 1910s. He should be given full credit for acknowledging the phenomena first, but we have come a long way from just witnessing that secondary signature.


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Hey Bob,

Enjoyed the presentation. Just afew thoughts.

1) You mentioned at the end that PDF's were showing with a yellow tone. Thought there might be a chance it was the blue eye saving settings that most OS's have built into them now a days. Sometimes they get turned on after system updates so it might be worth a check.

2) I realize more testing is probably necessary but when you showed the chart here https://youtu.be/tOF9lp8R3GU?t=4208 that illustrated that 90% of the radiation was blocked by the first 2 CD's it made me think that perhaps the other 10% of the radiation is of such a HUGE energy quanta and an order of magnitude higher such that it couldn't realistically be stopped. I am not trying to disuade anyone I'm just hoping perhaps your aware of some data point that can clarify things for me. Like am I reasonable to understand that the 20 or so interactions on CD's 3-10 were all caused by the same 20 instances of strange radiation. As in 20 total instances of strange radiation each leaving one impression on each of the 10 cd's? Or am I more correct to assume the alterante, that when the strange radiation leaves a mark it means that it has effectively been eliminated? This would be trivial to settle and I think it would be a very good thing to clarify. You could perhaps do it very simply by just stacking 10 CD's and putting a shared mark on them all to allow you to see the orientation. Then after exposing them for afew days, isolate the strange radiation impressions and see if there is a spatial correlation between impressions on adjacent CD's. So for example does an impression on the outermost CD have an impression at the same location on all or any of the inner CD's. I do realize strange radiation can enter dark mode, and I also realize that the strange radiation or perhaps EVO's are more likely to travel along the surface of the CD's so perhaps they would just shoot around the edges and there would be no spatial correlation identifiable. But it seems to me from the images, that at least for the strange radiation that appears to leave penetration marks, there might be a correlation. And knowing whether the strange radiation that is penetrating the outer most CD also left penetration marks on the inner CD's would be perhaps useful to know. If it were leaving impressions on the inner CD's as well as the outer CD's at the exact same location, I would perhaps interpret that as meaning it was a much higher energy grouping and perhaps layering this type of shielding might be inadequate. Or perhaps it isn't the case that they are just a way higher order of magnitude energy (other wild speculation) but it is the case that the spacing or thickness of a dialectric or metal layer has the capacity to slow/capture a certain type of quanta of radiation, and anything that doesn't get captured by the first 1/2 layers isn't going to be captured by identical subsequent layers. In which case perhaps a variety of layers of different thicknesses or different materials is in order to capture the full spectrum of the radiation. I think we know of two different materials now that can be used CD's and film. So perhaps in addition to the layered CD's test above to test for spacial correlation, a similar test could be done layering different detection media and trying to identify special correlation.

Anyways just some ideas (of which you have no shortage) :)

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Yesterday, I worked to fix the colour and sound issues which I believe I have done.

1) It is related to that and colour profile. There is a hack you can do which I found, however, I found another solution. Essentially I am using an Elegato HD60s to capture real-time the Macs second screen, allowing me to present in the best way I know how. However, if I don't have a real monitor plugged into the Elegato's output, The mac always does that yellowing profile and it cannot be fixed without the hack (which, I did not want to try). After about 2 hours I found that it does it right with a second real screen plugged in and hit ti s how I will work it for now.

2) This is a good idea and is something that Alexander Parkhomov did in his studies as recorded in SPACE. EARTH. HUMAN. I notice that this author did do registration marks on the disks, but co-location evidence was not detailed in the slides (but may have been verbally noted in the Russian presentation).

As I said, there is mounting evidence from the last twenty years that these neutral forms are guided by and caught on ferro-magnetic materials. In the case of Bogdanovich et. al. at the Moscow Nuclear Physics laboratory, they are specifically saying that gamma rays are knocking large aggregated quanta off the faces of magnets.

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Thanks Bob! I need to work on my memory :) I seem to forget all kinds of key things from the book, even though I've read it once entirely and re-read select portions twice. All the best!

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I attempted to juman enhance the Google translate of a paper from Chizhov, one where he used CO2 gas chamber to find energetic particles in a Nickel Hydrogen reactor that was still emitting them over a year after the reactor had been left in storage withou being operated, perhaps is this one same you translated? But I gave up after a few pages because there was too many equations that were a pain to manually correct. Thanks for getting back to this fascinating topic!

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It is the same, however, I hope this will be more digestible.

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Questions on quantum gravity...if gravity and mass are intertwined like electricity and magnetism...I’m assuming that the discovery of the Higgs field which gives particles mass could in fact give particles gravity......another guess or question is that if an electron was the shape of a spinor(plasmiod) or monopole ...if you rotate it fast enough it would look like a sphere...if an object rotates fast enough it can create a centrifugal force (like artificial gravity) and since the object in question (evos or neutrinos) has a charge could this result in gravity like effect at the quantum level(like that picture of the basic yin structure in your triangles and spirals video)

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Hi Gardy,

Neutrinos never have charge, and one form of them, Relic Neutrinos (left over from the 'birth of the universe') are of such temperature, numbers and size that apparently they form one coherent quantum superfluid through the entire extent of the universe.

EVOs can have charge, but can be neutral, they appear to always have a magnetic component.

EVOs, according to the research of Ken Shoulders, can vary their charge many many orders of magnitude.

VEGA experiments suggest to me that the electrons become one coherent condensate, where they all tend towards acting as one macro electron. In this state, their mass is negated, moreover, it appears they shield the mass of the ions they encapsulate therefore there is a removal of whatever it is that is gravity and you then only have to propel the thing that is now not affected by gravity. Fortunately EVOs appear to be able to propel themselves - even in a 'vacuum' (which as we have said above contains a superfluid condensate of relic neutrinos).

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Nice presentation! Safety first.

There are so many experimenters not being aware of the potential strange radiation that's being produced (for example a lot of vortex magnetic trap water experiments, although the charge is probably accumulated in the water and transferred to and stored in a salt afterwards).

For possible shielding materials: do you think that layering with triboelectric materials (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triboelectric_effect), which can hold a negative or positive charge, depending on the material. For example Teflon/PTFE?

This is also interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electret (a dielectric material that has a quasi-permanent electric charge or dipole polarisation).

The layering of materials sounds very similar as how orgone accumulators are constructed.

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For discharging the captured charges maybe conductors (wiring) could be installed at the edges between the different materials and ground these? (or do something else with it).

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That is my intention with my multi-thin layer shield. It has been specifically designed to have grounding for each aluminium layer.


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Well, in the presentation yesterday, I suggested the use of PTFE - it is a fluoro-polymer.

A static charge has the risk of exciting these otherwise neutral clusters. This may be positive or negative in terms of shielding. In my own shield I have layers of aluminium and cellophane. I intend to compliment this with hopefully the PVF TAPE product and the vinyl magnet.

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Ok I probably missed the part where you mentioned PTFE (but caught the things about PVF and Vinyl). Let's hope that the PVF TAPE and vinyl magnet will shield sufficiently.

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Well - we are to deploy this and other learning in Super NOVA and VEGA experiments.

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