Love it yummy indeed

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I do animal based diet- meat, organs, fruit, dairy, honey/maple syrup. But this is a wonderful idea for the kids!

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It's been fun so far and they have made two direct sales already - they are dreaming of Nintendo switches and Gerbils with their proceeds - I have said they need to sell a lot of seeds before their dreams come true.

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Bob there’s also other great nutrients one can grow is your climate like munic or Vienna ?

Still hot here in califinia up to 100 degrees but ok I love it I love stinging nettles arthritis cure

The weather world wide is dramatic busy iam with vintage navy gear mghtbget another load from fair radio and later the scrap yard very hard finding things unlike Vancouver years ago takes hours if digging in eBay mr Alex in Greece my vacation pkace I’ll bring a container ok heers

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Well - Cabbage grows great, and when you ferment it, you get Vitamin K2

"Vitamin K2 is a nutrient that works together with vitamin D to regulate calcium metabolism in your body. Calcium is a mineral that is essential for many functions, such as bone health, blood clotting, muscle contraction, and nerve signaling. However, too much calcium in the wrong places can be harmful, such as in the arteries or kidneys. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium from the food you eat, but it does not control where the calcium goes. Vitamin K2 helps direct the calcium to the bones and teeth, where it belongs, and away from the soft tissues, where it can cause problems. By doing so, vitamin K2 supports both bone and cardiovascular health"

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I do take k2 supplements I should increase k2 great information on cabbage I will search out cabbage

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Very healthy stuff indeed

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Bob, you should check out electro-culture it is very relevant to our research: electroculturevandoorne.com https://cultivateelevate.com/electroculture/

The best results seem to be with either a right handed helix of copper wire (longer better) or a Lakhovsky ring open to the north. Very simple to do and as you will see on the first link, absolutely massive produce is possible.

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