There is much to consider given the past few weeks.
What can and are we learning about the best way forward?
Short presentation followed by ZOOM Call
LIVESTREAM 14 May 2023 @ 21:30
Zoom follow-on meeting recording
UPDATE: From the ICCF25 Secretariat:
We are pleased to inform that your submission entitled:
"Practical Applications of the Fractal Toroidal Moment"
has been accepted to oral session.
Thanks for the EGO out, Bob. All the best mate to your family and look after yourself.
OT: I found a pair of moqui marbles in my stone collection.
ChatGPT :
"Moqui Marbles, also known as Mochi Balls or Shaman Stones, are round sandstone balls (surrounded by iron oxide) found in the desert region of the western United States that are considered sacred by the Navajo Native Americans. They have been given the name "living stones" due to their unique properties and meanings.
The term "living stones" comes from the Navajo belief that these stones have a soul and lead a kind of spiritual life. They are considered messengers of the earth, capable of capturing and storing the energy of the cosmos. The stones are often used by shamans in spiritual and healing ceremonies to calm the participant's spirit and restore balance.
The Navajo also consider these stones a connection to nature and creation stories. They believe that the stones are witnesses to creation and have a spiritual connection to the sacred sites of their ancestors. Therefore, the Navajo have given these stones the name "living stones" as they believe they are a part of the living cosmos.
In New Age spirituality, Moqui Marbles are also popular as protection stones and for grounding. Many people believe that these stones can help absorb negative energy and generate positive vibrations."