Great video. Lots of drop-out but easier to catch than a black cat in a dark room, at least. ;-) Picks up steam around 25-28 minutes and keeps on rolling. (I'm at around 43 min so far and couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer. Think vinegar and baking soda when it starts SEEMING to make no sense... about "water". Nupe. It makes perfect sense. The two additives "refactor" into something more stable.)
Still watching but I think one of the main points is likely to be that LENR stands for Low Energy Nuclear ReFactoring. I share this concern about jumping the gun with names for things that produce a predilection to produce errors.
The translation may only work at YouTube. If you thought the lists of reactions was showing what SHOULD happen in LENR, you (like me) got the exact WRONG impression.
Thanks for the video Bob. Whoofff... there goes the roof. ;-) This is fantastic stuff.
So called "cold neutrinos" do have all the the properties necessary to produce what we're seeing in Low Energy Nuclear "Reconfiguration" (or refactored/optimized or randomized distribution of elementary particles), but does what we are seeing have ALL the properties of neutrinos?
1. We have Shoulders with smoke ring-like vortex structures consisting almost entirely of electrons and Matsumoto who saw microscopic tornado shapes during electrolysis. What do they have in common.
2. We have potentially harmful "birdies" (named for their "strange radiation" tracks) and we know that oxygen can absorb it, such as in Ohmasa gas..
This suggests a couple of things we could be looking at more seriously. a) for production of the fields/forces required for LENR and b) shielding to avoid unwanted effects.
And it raises questions about birdies: If they fly in pairs possibly separated by significant distances, which is a possibility suggested by their monopole-like behavior, then how many are getting neutralized by oxygen in the environment or air?
Shoulders started with EV which meant Strong Electron. Then he realised that they transported Ions and called them "Charge Clusters" then he realised they were transporting vast numbers of electrons an ions at a 10^5:1 ratio in small packages - so he re-named them "High Density Charge Clusters". Then he realised they could present in positive, neutral or negative states and white > grey > black states and could induce a range of nuclear reactions and synthesis that defied them just being a cluster of charges. He also recognised that they interacted to form chains and other aggregates. He then named them "Exotic Vacuum Objects".
He was not a theorist, he was an experimentalist. He relied on others to explain observations such as Puthoff, Sarfatti etc. The theorists were largely using maths to expiate the reported observations.
Shishkin, Parkhomov and Matsumoto come from nuclear expertise they can recognise that everything they see is not explainable by normal radiation as they are experts in it.
Parkhomov proved beyond doubt over 30 years that there are Neutrinos involved and these have a De Broglie wavelength in the microns to millimetres which means they are not nuclear derived Neutrinos.
Solin, Shishkin, Bogdanovich et. al., Urutskoyev et. al. and myself have proved beyond doubt that in some form they contain cold Neutrinos, ions and electrons at least. We have also shown that they are magnetic with a mono-polar nature. The interesting thing with monopoles in this 'suppressed' pole form is that they can cluster
We see this in data from Urutskoev, LION, VEGA, Bogdanovich and Hutchison effect shows this.
They are not true monopoles - they are like the Primer fields bowls which are an nth degree manifestation of Boyd Bushman's Lockheed Martin patent.
Hi Bob, in one of Boyd Bushman's interviews he mentions analysis of presumably "UFO" metamaterials by Lockheed Martin contained Telluride, Germanium, and Palladium; and he notes that none of the three elements found were metals. Did you have any thoughts on this?
Boyd Bushman, Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin talks about extra terrestrial craft, anti gravity technology, encounters with extra terrestrials from the planet Quintonia, as well as picture evidence.
And we don't know why but... [the] crystal appears to be colored "rose" and we can't figure out why yet.
Similar to coloration of quartz that we've seen in a couple of your videos but much more uniform and pronounced coloration.
In this video, Bushman apparently told as much as he could before he died. He still honored his oath of secrecy wherever he felt it was valid, but he was troubled by who appeared to be secretly involved in this research. Coming from where he did, and knowing what he did and having little to lose at his "end of life", he seems more credible than others who get their information second hand from intel folks who are as likely to lie as they are to tell the truth. Or to tuck a lie into the truth which is even more damaging to progress in research.
Even knowing this, many researchers have apparently been misled. Seen Mirage Men? It's a documentary.
Here a little, there a little, and so the process of eliminating the deliberately falsified stuff in addition to the well-meaning errors also has to be done.
"... and they informed me that there are three elements which... is..the UFO contained. One is teluride, the other is germanium, the other is palladium." [and here's where it get's strange -rs] "I did not say a metal once" (shaking his head for emphasis).
I don't think he's talking about a catalyst.
A non-metal form of Palladium?
This is a periodic table Bob uses. If you hit the isotopes tab, there are so many isotopes that it goes off my screen! 91 to 114. (no element 115?)
I've seen the CRT experiment before but I misremembered what happened when you turned the magnets upside down. It DOES change upper and lower colors. The two magnets may not be equal strength or something. It's behaving like a weakened magnet with a residual N and S pole. Dunno. We'd have to play with the gap.
Thank you, Bob. I appreciate the gesture, but I'm likely to load your poor blog with so much half baked nonsense... I'm just tossing out ideas, like seeds in the wind, for if anyone that has a better grasp of "how it all works" might be able to correct and utilize some feature or idea I bring up.
I've checked out the Russian translation at the end where you time-stamped it so far. The translation may only work at YT, and not at remoteview. But I'm going in !! ;-)
I so get the DeBrolie wavelength logic and the temptation to call them neutrinos, as they have the same effect, but there may be a hidden *commonality* between *different* things here. I'm just not sure is all.
BTW, the NNNNN, and SSSSS binding in some cases may not really be what they seem. For example in the "braids" of skyrmions, the central "rope" (let's call it) may be a very strong opposite polarity that a) attracts five (or six) ropes of an opposing polarity AND repels any other skyrmion braids with a similarly strong core of the same polarity, thus assuring tight binding to the five vertices (as considered from a cross section or collision with a solid) of a polygon with gaps between similarly polarized braids.
Let's see if I can try to draw it.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . n . . n . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. n . .N . n . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . n . . n . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . n . . n . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. n . .N . n . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . n . . n . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The balance of attraction and repulsion between elements of this mesh would have to be something like the point at which magnetic repulsion and electronic attraction are equal. Not sure how to represent this mathematically for physicists but the spacing would be due to Fm x 1/r^3 = Fe x 1/r^2.
Thanks again Bob. Now I'm off to YT to see if the translation still works.
* To any innocent bystanders puzzled by, or indeed damaged by my first sentence. My TODO stack is growing faster than the speed of light and is emitting a wave front of EM as a shock wave, lol. At least I think that's the problem... And thank you ALL for your forebearance.
Hi Bob, here's a fairly recent article abstract about the helicity of relic neutrinos (with PDF download link for the complete paper) which the authors show has a definite direction. I imagine this helical motion might affect how they interact, as described by Parkhomov, with biological and technological processes. Cheers.
I wonder why the opening 40 minutes must be devoted to "convincing" an audience that LENR is real and reviewing some previous models. I doubt any skeptics are watching. This sort of "apology" has been given hundreds of times by many dozens of researchers.
Love the Google-Translate "everyone knows that a neutron decays into a proton and a nectarine"
Is there anything new beyond the cold neutrino idea and the need to raise the chambers to ~2000 C ?
It is presented to both regulars and the public, so it is tedious context.
Google translate can be terrible but it is all we have sometimes.
He shows that secondary receiving fuel components of SR can release thermal energy - he is therefore "using the SR" rather than letting it fly away. He shows that light elements and in particular Lithium Fluoride is a good receiving compound.
WxMaxima (or Xmaxima) is a Computer Algebra System (CAS) not quite as fancy as Mathematica but a lot more affordable. It's free.
It was developed by the US Department of Energy and later released to the public domain. The syntax might throw you at first but it's really not that hard to start crunching numbers and stuff.
Here's an example. It's for a single loop of current (but not a torus). Notice that this is an algebraic solution. The only literal numbers come from the constants (u[0] and pi).
In Linux Mint I found a bug in the help docs. The linkage in the maxima docs table of contents file ALL the file file names were wrong. It took a couple of hours to correct them all, (several hundred) but here it is if anyone needs it.
How to extract the file is at the link. The installation path should be pretty obvious. Once you've checked it out, (and diff against the broken file if you want to be super careful) move the new html file to the appropriate system folder and wxmaxma -> Maxima help should then work.
There is a LOT of important stuff in there that I couldn't access when this was broken.
Some YT videos do auto-translate to English, some don't. This one is (currently) only Russian at my end, but the slides are mostly stuff you've covered, so we (or just I?) may not be missing much.
The neutrino theory seems to be pretty much in the bag but the case for monopoles taking part in these reactions is not yet solid, at least as far as I've been able to determine at this point.
Hi, The presentation and Q&A now allow you to turn on the subtitles and use the cog to set the translation to another language. I agree with Shishkin largely when he states that the formed Cold Neutrinos can form a soliton that has two magnetic charges (that may or may not be a Falico soliton that has a wormhole connecting them) You can see Shishkin's comments here
That being said, I think that the our observations across multiple independent systems and those of Solin show the presence of the two magnetic charge types.
The formation of cluster theory is more complete with Matsumoto, in that he also sees the production of Neutrinos but that they become bound to a positron and electron to form the particle he calls the 'Iton'
You can download the latest issue of his book we are publishing on this blog.
in an electron cluster, he argues you get the formation of these. Here is the very simplest I can put it
Any atom has at least a proton and an electron (protium). What is the effect of self compression on this?
Well, the proton becomes polarised, leading to the emission of a positron and an electron neutrino. This then leaves you with a neutron and an iton, that is to say, the original electron gets bound to the emitted neutrino and positron.
Any other element has an electron for every proton and a number of neutrons.
Ultimately you get an 'iconic mesh' around a neutron core and the whole thing is neutral. It can self-collapse resulting in Electro-Nuclear Collapse. The title of his book is "Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse."
I'm not convinced of Matsumoto's theory. A couple of probs, actually, but the main one is the binding mechanism for electron, positron, and neutrino. This is one of those things I referred to as looking like stuffing stuff that doesn't fit into a black box called "neutrinos". (in my previous longish reply)
But maybe... I'm still watching... I certainly don't have all the answers. Just a lot of questions. ;-)
According to The Nattoh Model, it is essential to induce ENRs that a hydrogen cluster should be strongly compressed to transform to an itonic state. Here many electrons are degenerated and interconnected each other to strongly bind hydrogen atoms. The compression is so strong that it makes various kinds of ENRs occur in the itonic cluster.
1. How the degeneration and interconnection occurs is not defined.
pg 201.
The hydrogen-clusters can be compressed by themselves in a highly pressurized state of the hydrogen atoms, in which new particles "itons" are produced. Energetic hydrogen atoms that can instantaneously be emitted during the hydrogen-catalyzed fusion reaction make additional fusion reactions. This means that the chain-reactions of hydrogen can be maintained in metal.
re. additional fusion reactions.
2. What force holds the iton together while all these nuclear reactions take place?
Possible ans pg 26
The hydrogen-clusters are so pressurized by the overpotential of the electrolysis that they can induce the new "hydrogen-catalyzed" fusion reactions by self-compression.
No. Overpotential of electrolysis is clearly NOT what holds the itons together.
Other descriptions I found are impossible to copy/paste but amount to the same kind of non-explanation, all the way to black holes that start with itons whose incredibly powerful binding force remains unexplained, but treated like it's "a given" by the fact that the nuclear reactions undeniably did occur.
But that misinterpretation leads to (more) overlooked possibilities, same as CF has been suffering from for 40 years. Although the "overpotential" part is technically accurate this binding occurs without electrolysis at all.
Moreover the binding force proposed by Shoulders/Kouriopoulos is logical, as spin aligned electrons whose magnetic fields overcome their electric repulsion and is described by very simple math.
Force is inverse square of distance for charge, but inverse cube for magnetic force. Magnetic attraction of electron spins is confined to the area close to the electron like magnetic fields we see around a bar magnet. The force is weaker at a distance but much stronger when forced into close proximity.
This explanation might be incomplete, but at least there are no missing parts or black boxes.
Great images of traces and analysis of the patterns. Nobody can take that away from him, but his Nattoh theory does not work.
I don't mean to imply that his Nattoh theory is "bad". It's just obsolete.
I think I could explain the meshes and polygons by now. But I have to fight the temptation to just add more clutter to our thinking, because I can't prove it.
Besides, I'm only a sophomore in this study. "Soph" from the Greek meaning "wise". And "more" meaning... well... "moron", actually. ;-)
A "wise moron" so far. Woo hoo! Gettin' closer tho. ;-)
I got the first 20 pages a while back. I might wait for the whole thing. But before I get it, either way, let me ask you: do YOU stand by what he proposed? Do you stand by Kouropoulos, who I initially was skeptical of but now believe he was right.
The conflict boils down to magnetic cohesion based on Shoulders (per Kouropoulos) v. gravitic based on Matsumoto. (Putoff goes with sasimir effect, which I originally though might be going on until I realized the scale at which these things are happening.)
On these scales, what's the force carrier if Matsumoto is right about gravity playing a role? I.e., how would quantum gravity affect the model? It would require "gravitons".
I may download Matsumoto half-done anyway, but whatever we're attempting to understand here can't be all things to all people so we need a way to test the various hypotheses, and that's what I like about your work; there's a LOT of experimental data.
Yeah. I'm up to speed on THIS kind of clustering. But it's not at all the same as what Matsumoto is proposing. Here, all that's required is for electrons to spin "spin align" into the kinds of arrangements we'd see with ball shaped magnets. Either transverse (strong and short alternating polarities) or longitudinal (weaker but potentially very long, in a string -- or into Matsumoto's mesh!).
As a side note, couldn't hydrogen peroxide be used as a shield against strange radiation if the theory about birdies being monopoles that bind with (paramagnetic) oxygen is accurate? And if that worked, would the saturated H202 be a waste product or would we then have "monopoles in a can"? ;-)
Dissolved paramagnetic oxygen in water is enough. Without Oxygen, Bockris and Sundarasan did not see production of Fe in Carbon arc in water experiments in the 1990s.
Could particle "spin" (not really a physical rotation) be polarized in such a way that an entangled pair could have complementary magnetic "quantum states"?
I see the experimental data and hypothesis in "A proposed explanation for Bin-Juine Huang's cavitation driven excess heat system" at around 1:14++. That appears to verify that they are monopoles.
The notion of magnetic charge presents some problems, doesn't it? (at 1:17:20). Magnetic charge would have to be quantizable.
What I'm looking at is continuing the shape of the Perevzchikov image into a full circle for a reference (the blue and red ones appear to be chopped at the tops), then with a complimentary birdie on the opposite side of the circle joined at their tails, imagining a wormhole between them, One could not exist without the other but through a wormhole - like entanglement.
Yes. That's what I was looking at (but from a different video). The image on the left (unretouched or idealized) is more convincingly part of a perfect circle, begging the question: what's in the part of the circle we can't see? ;-)
re: opposite magnetic charges.
Yes, I'm familiar with that representation, but I'm not convinced yet that putting the connection between them in 3D space is accurate.
I'm running into nomenclature probs again. I'm looking at ULTR - Finger prints (refered to from Magnetic Skyrmion about a bubble at the edge of a pit... which I can't find but I did find this...)
At around 1:27:00 (probably not exact) we are now talking about a universe-wide nuturino condensate...
Yes. AND NO! This is what Shoulder's called the Exotic Vaccuum. It's what I have been thinking of as a magnetic background, another dimension that is truly at right angles to 3D+1 spacetime. And I'm sure everyone that KNOWS that something like this must exist has their own name for it.
But Shoulders was the smart one. He calls the black box a black box and that's all he calls it so he never ascribes to it properties he's not 100% sure aren't valid. There is an "exotic vacuum". We don't know much about it.
[I'm not shouting... just headline font down here.]
PROBLEM WITH NEUTRINO BLACK BOX THEORIES: The Hutchison Effect also produced strange gravitic effects, such as objects rising and falling as though the surface of the earth was somehow raised above its physical location, almost periodically at times. No destruction to internal structures.
But his effects are pretty much still a black box. We don't really know how this stuff works. All we know is that iit does work.
I think Parkhomov has pretty well proven "cold neutrino" interactions in nuclear reactions though -- but we don't know if "cold neutrinos" are really neutrinos at all! Do they flip flavors between the three types as they fly around? Neutrinos do. Do they only exist in right chiral versions? Neujtrinos have no opposing chiral versions of themselves. Not sure but this sounds like it could be a problem for the N and S monopole theory being based on neutrinos.
I think taking pieces left over, after rounding our calculations up or down to fit our pet theories, into the neutrino black box will end up biting us in the &ss. And if not, I still don't see how it does anything but add new names for old concepts.
But I might get used to it, lol. I can now translate evo, soliton, itonic clusters, coherent plasmoids (did I miss any?) on the fly.
My point (slash) gripe is only with confusing labyrinth of incompatible synonyms. So if "incompatible synonyms" seems like an oxymoron to you, I think we are on the verge of making some serious progress in alternative energy solutions. :-)
Don't get me wrong, Bob. This is WONDERFUL and extremely important work you're doing. I am only showing you what "entry level" to this study looks like.
Not sure about a Nobel. He mainly just blew the doors open to a new universe and a million unanswered questions but I totally agree that the field might best be named after him. Or Carla. ;-)
John, if you're around. Thank you!! Now the physics guys can blunder around with their formulas proving what we already knew - that ice cream floats better than plastic cups;as they prepare Mars for human habitation. Like this. ;-)
It's also a warning not to take these sci guys at face value all the time. And let's face it, progress in this area will NOT be without serious opposition from some very smart folks with very large budgets and deep ties to "the establishment". Like what MIT did to Fleischmann and Pons... just for starters.
Wait. We don't even know if it's a "field" ET. It could be another dimension, for all we know. the Hutchi-verse. Lol.
We see something when we drop iron filings on a piece of paper over a bar magnet, but as each iron particle becomes magnetized it would naturally attract those at it's N and S ends in a line but repel those next to it where the N and S poles would repel each other, creating gaps. The lines and gaps are what we call lines of flux. But are they?
Electrons DO swirl around what's considered magnetic lines of flux when they move along them, but if we think of the lines as being representations of gradients in the B (magnetic) field, then as momentum or some other force drives the electron down the line, the electron experiences an additional force at right angles to it's direction of travel, in accordance with the left hand rule for eLectrons in a coil
Wanna go THIS way? Go THAT way, and hope you eventually get there. This is the universe in which we live.
This effect happens everywhere along the supposed lines of flux between the N and S poles of a magnet just as iron filings line up from pole to pole. There is no null zone halfway between the two opposite poles where forces cancel each other out.
We enter this field of study with the firm understanding that electricity flows from negative to positive. In a way, it's more interesting that way. But maybe that's just me. ;-)
The electron, by obeying the traffic laws in the magnetic universe creates it's own magnetic field aligned with the flux gradient by it's swirling action along a helical path which keeps it locked on track, like a line of magnetic filings.
But while charge, (like electrons or holes), is quantized, magnetism (like velocity) is not.
Great video. Lots of drop-out but easier to catch than a black cat in a dark room, at least. ;-) Picks up steam around 25-28 minutes and keeps on rolling. (I'm at around 43 min so far and couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer. Think vinegar and baking soda when it starts SEEMING to make no sense... about "water". Nupe. It makes perfect sense. The two additives "refactor" into something more stable.)
Still watching but I think one of the main points is likely to be that LENR stands for Low Energy Nuclear ReFactoring. I share this concern about jumping the gun with names for things that produce a predilection to produce errors.
The translation may only work at YouTube. If you thought the lists of reactions was showing what SHOULD happen in LENR, you (like me) got the exact WRONG impression.
Thanks for the video Bob. Whoofff... there goes the roof. ;-) This is fantastic stuff.
I'm still stuck on this.
So called "cold neutrinos" do have all the the properties necessary to produce what we're seeing in Low Energy Nuclear "Reconfiguration" (or refactored/optimized or randomized distribution of elementary particles), but does what we are seeing have ALL the properties of neutrinos?
Thought For The Day
[I'll remove this comment in the next day or two]
1. We have Shoulders with smoke ring-like vortex structures consisting almost entirely of electrons and Matsumoto who saw microscopic tornado shapes during electrolysis. What do they have in common.
2. We have potentially harmful "birdies" (named for their "strange radiation" tracks) and we know that oxygen can absorb it, such as in Ohmasa gas..
This suggests a couple of things we could be looking at more seriously. a) for production of the fields/forces required for LENR and b) shielding to avoid unwanted effects.
And it raises questions about birdies: If they fly in pairs possibly separated by significant distances, which is a possibility suggested by their monopole-like behavior, then how many are getting neutralized by oxygen in the environment or air?
Don't delete, it is your journey
Shoulders started with EV which meant Strong Electron. Then he realised that they transported Ions and called them "Charge Clusters" then he realised they were transporting vast numbers of electrons an ions at a 10^5:1 ratio in small packages - so he re-named them "High Density Charge Clusters". Then he realised they could present in positive, neutral or negative states and white > grey > black states and could induce a range of nuclear reactions and synthesis that defied them just being a cluster of charges. He also recognised that they interacted to form chains and other aggregates. He then named them "Exotic Vacuum Objects".
He was not a theorist, he was an experimentalist. He relied on others to explain observations such as Puthoff, Sarfatti etc. The theorists were largely using maths to expiate the reported observations.
Shishkin, Parkhomov and Matsumoto come from nuclear expertise they can recognise that everything they see is not explainable by normal radiation as they are experts in it.
Parkhomov proved beyond doubt over 30 years that there are Neutrinos involved and these have a De Broglie wavelength in the microns to millimetres which means they are not nuclear derived Neutrinos.
Solin, Shishkin, Bogdanovich et. al., Urutskoyev et. al. and myself have proved beyond doubt that in some form they contain cold Neutrinos, ions and electrons at least. We have also shown that they are magnetic with a mono-polar nature. The interesting thing with monopoles in this 'suppressed' pole form is that they can cluster
We see this in data from Urutskoev, LION, VEGA, Bogdanovich and Hutchison effect shows this.
They are not true monopoles - they are like the Primer fields bowls which are an nth degree manifestation of Boyd Bushman's Lockheed Martin patent.
Hi Bob, in one of Boyd Bushman's interviews he mentions analysis of presumably "UFO" metamaterials by Lockheed Martin contained Telluride, Germanium, and Palladium; and he notes that none of the three elements found were metals. Did you have any thoughts on this?
Hey ET (and Bob further below)
ET: Got a better link? I found this but only mentions Germanium? (The critter looks like Betty Hill's "Junior" bust, by the way).
Interview w/ Boyd Bushman A Documentary (Area 51, UFO's, ET's, Pictures!)
Boyd Bushman, Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin talks about extra terrestrial craft, anti gravity technology, encounters with extra terrestrials from the planet Quintonia, as well as picture evidence.
Unknown isotopes - if indeed true.
31:08 - UFO Germanium
Bob: see 31:45
And we don't know why but... [the] crystal appears to be colored "rose" and we can't figure out why yet.
Similar to coloration of quartz that we've seen in a couple of your videos but much more uniform and pronounced coloration.
In this video, Bushman apparently told as much as he could before he died. He still honored his oath of secrecy wherever he felt it was valid, but he was troubled by who appeared to be secretly involved in this research. Coming from where he did, and knowing what he did and having little to lose at his "end of life", he seems more credible than others who get their information second hand from intel folks who are as likely to lie as they are to tell the truth. Or to tuck a lie into the truth which is even more damaging to progress in research.
Even knowing this, many researchers have apparently been misled. Seen Mirage Men? It's a documentary.
Here a little, there a little, and so the process of eliminating the deliberately falsified stuff in addition to the well-meaning errors also has to be done.
Palladium is a metal, so I'm assuming he means the Pd is in diluted chemical form maybe as catalyst?
"... and they informed me that there are three elements which... is..the UFO contained. One is teluride, the other is germanium, the other is palladium." [and here's where it get's strange -rs] "I did not say a metal once" (shaking his head for emphasis).
I don't think he's talking about a catalyst.
A non-metal form of Palladium?
This is a periodic table Bob uses. If you hit the isotopes tab, there are so many isotopes that it goes off my screen! 91 to 114. (no element 115?)
Yeah. This is one for Bob. Hope he sees it.
At the 8:25 mark
I've seen the CRT experiment before but I misremembered what happened when you turned the magnets upside down. It DOES change upper and lower colors. The two magnets may not be equal strength or something. It's behaving like a weakened magnet with a residual N and S pole. Dunno. We'd have to play with the gap.
My TODO stack is emitting Cerenkov radiation. ;-)
re. don't delete.
Thank you, Bob. I appreciate the gesture, but I'm likely to load your poor blog with so much half baked nonsense... I'm just tossing out ideas, like seeds in the wind, for if anyone that has a better grasp of "how it all works" might be able to correct and utilize some feature or idea I bring up.
I've checked out the Russian translation at the end where you time-stamped it so far. The translation may only work at YT, and not at remoteview. But I'm going in !! ;-)
I so get the DeBrolie wavelength logic and the temptation to call them neutrinos, as they have the same effect, but there may be a hidden *commonality* between *different* things here. I'm just not sure is all.
BTW, the NNNNN, and SSSSS binding in some cases may not really be what they seem. For example in the "braids" of skyrmions, the central "rope" (let's call it) may be a very strong opposite polarity that a) attracts five (or six) ropes of an opposing polarity AND repels any other skyrmion braids with a similarly strong core of the same polarity, thus assuring tight binding to the five vertices (as considered from a cross section or collision with a solid) of a polygon with gaps between similarly polarized braids.
Let's see if I can try to draw it.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . n . . n . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. n . .N . n . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . n . . n . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . n . . n . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. n . .N . n . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . n . . n . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The balance of attraction and repulsion between elements of this mesh would have to be something like the point at which magnetic repulsion and electronic attraction are equal. Not sure how to represent this mathematically for physicists but the spacing would be due to Fm x 1/r^3 = Fe x 1/r^2.
Thanks again Bob. Now I'm off to YT to see if the translation still works.
* To any innocent bystanders puzzled by, or indeed damaged by my first sentence. My TODO stack is growing faster than the speed of light and is emitting a wave front of EM as a shock wave, lol. At least I think that's the problem... And thank you ALL for your forebearance.
Hi Bob, here's a fairly recent article abstract about the helicity of relic neutrinos (with PDF download link for the complete paper) which the authors show has a definite direction. I imagine this helical motion might affect how they interact, as described by Parkhomov, with biological and technological processes. Cheers.
Thanks Simeon, I'll check it out. Still debate on right left or Majorana
I wonder why the opening 40 minutes must be devoted to "convincing" an audience that LENR is real and reviewing some previous models. I doubt any skeptics are watching. This sort of "apology" has been given hundreds of times by many dozens of researchers.
Love the Google-Translate "everyone knows that a neutron decays into a proton and a nectarine"
Is there anything new beyond the cold neutrino idea and the need to raise the chambers to ~2000 C ?
It is presented to both regulars and the public, so it is tedious context.
Google translate can be terrible but it is all we have sometimes.
He shows that secondary receiving fuel components of SR can release thermal energy - he is therefore "using the SR" rather than letting it fly away. He shows that light elements and in particular Lithium Fluoride is a good receiving compound.
Thought For The Day
WxMaxima (or Xmaxima) is a Computer Algebra System (CAS) not quite as fancy as Mathematica but a lot more affordable. It's free.
It was developed by the US Department of Energy and later released to the public domain. The syntax might throw you at first but it's really not that hard to start crunching numbers and stuff.
Here's an example. It's for a single loop of current (but not a torus). Notice that this is an algebraic solution. The only literal numbers come from the constants (u[0] and pi).
NIce? :-)
Might be useful.
In Linux Mint I found a bug in the help docs. The linkage in the maxima docs table of contents file ALL the file file names were wrong. It took a couple of hours to correct them all, (several hundred) but here it is if anyone needs it.
How to extract the file is at the link. The installation path should be pretty obvious. Once you've checked it out, (and diff against the broken file if you want to be super careful) move the new html file to the appropriate system folder and wxmaxma -> Maxima help should then work.
There is a LOT of important stuff in there that I couldn't access when this was broken.
Some YT videos do auto-translate to English, some don't. This one is (currently) only Russian at my end, but the slides are mostly stuff you've covered, so we (or just I?) may not be missing much.
The neutrino theory seems to be pretty much in the bag but the case for monopoles taking part in these reactions is not yet solid, at least as far as I've been able to determine at this point.
As usual, thank you for all your work, Bob.
Hi, The presentation and Q&A now allow you to turn on the subtitles and use the cog to set the translation to another language. I agree with Shishkin largely when he states that the formed Cold Neutrinos can form a soliton that has two magnetic charges (that may or may not be a Falico soliton that has a wormhole connecting them) You can see Shishkin's comments here
That being said, I think that the our observations across multiple independent systems and those of Solin show the presence of the two magnetic charge types.
The formation of cluster theory is more complete with Matsumoto, in that he also sees the production of Neutrinos but that they become bound to a positron and electron to form the particle he calls the 'Iton'
You can download the latest issue of his book we are publishing on this blog.
in an electron cluster, he argues you get the formation of these. Here is the very simplest I can put it
Any atom has at least a proton and an electron (protium). What is the effect of self compression on this?
Well, the proton becomes polarised, leading to the emission of a positron and an electron neutrino. This then leaves you with a neutron and an iton, that is to say, the original electron gets bound to the emitted neutrino and positron.
Any other element has an electron for every proton and a number of neutrons.
Ultimately you get an 'iconic mesh' around a neutron core and the whole thing is neutral. It can self-collapse resulting in Electro-Nuclear Collapse. The title of his book is "Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse."
I'm not convinced of Matsumoto's theory. A couple of probs, actually, but the main one is the binding mechanism for electron, positron, and neutrino. This is one of those things I referred to as looking like stuffing stuff that doesn't fit into a black box called "neutrinos". (in my previous longish reply)
But maybe... I'm still watching... I certainly don't have all the answers. Just a lot of questions. ;-)
Latest tranche of pages from Matsumoto's collected papers,1989-1999. Now published up to page 147.
Over half of book published now as 1:1 pdf
Learn about the products of cluster driven self-compression and "Gravity decays of Multiple-Neutron nuclei"
This gives a series of formula to the produce of the proton polarisation, self-compression, itonisation process.
Get it here:
UPDATE: Still doesn't work for me, Bob.
Under 4a in the most recent version.
According to The Nattoh Model, it is essential to induce ENRs that a hydrogen cluster should be strongly compressed to transform to an itonic state. Here many electrons are degenerated and interconnected each other to strongly bind hydrogen atoms. The compression is so strong that it makes various kinds of ENRs occur in the itonic cluster.
re. Strongly bind hydrogen (and presumably also chain reaction product) atoms.
1. How the degeneration and interconnection occurs is not defined.
pg 201.
The hydrogen-clusters can be compressed by themselves in a highly pressurized state of the hydrogen atoms, in which new particles "itons" are produced. Energetic hydrogen atoms that can instantaneously be emitted during the hydrogen-catalyzed fusion reaction make additional fusion reactions. This means that the chain-reactions of hydrogen can be maintained in metal.
re. additional fusion reactions.
2. What force holds the iton together while all these nuclear reactions take place?
Possible ans pg 26
The hydrogen-clusters are so pressurized by the overpotential of the electrolysis that they can induce the new "hydrogen-catalyzed" fusion reactions by self-compression.
No. Overpotential of electrolysis is clearly NOT what holds the itons together.
Other descriptions I found are impossible to copy/paste but amount to the same kind of non-explanation, all the way to black holes that start with itons whose incredibly powerful binding force remains unexplained, but treated like it's "a given" by the fact that the nuclear reactions undeniably did occur.
But that misinterpretation leads to (more) overlooked possibilities, same as CF has been suffering from for 40 years. Although the "overpotential" part is technically accurate this binding occurs without electrolysis at all.
Moreover the binding force proposed by Shoulders/Kouriopoulos is logical, as spin aligned electrons whose magnetic fields overcome their electric repulsion and is described by very simple math.
Force is inverse square of distance for charge, but inverse cube for magnetic force. Magnetic attraction of electron spins is confined to the area close to the electron like magnetic fields we see around a bar magnet. The force is weaker at a distance but much stronger when forced into close proximity.
This explanation might be incomplete, but at least there are no missing parts or black boxes.
Great images of traces and analysis of the patterns. Nobody can take that away from him, but his Nattoh theory does not work.
I don't mean to imply that his Nattoh theory is "bad". It's just obsolete.
I think I could explain the meshes and polygons by now. But I have to fight the temptation to just add more clutter to our thinking, because I can't prove it.
Besides, I'm only a sophomore in this study. "Soph" from the Greek meaning "wise". And "more" meaning... well... "moron", actually. ;-)
A "wise moron" so far. Woo hoo! Gettin' closer tho. ;-)
I got the first 20 pages a while back. I might wait for the whole thing. But before I get it, either way, let me ask you: do YOU stand by what he proposed? Do you stand by Kouropoulos, who I initially was skeptical of but now believe he was right.
The conflict boils down to magnetic cohesion based on Shoulders (per Kouropoulos) v. gravitic based on Matsumoto. (Putoff goes with sasimir effect, which I originally though might be going on until I realized the scale at which these things are happening.)
On these scales, what's the force carrier if Matsumoto is right about gravity playing a role? I.e., how would quantum gravity affect the model? It would require "gravitons".
I may download Matsumoto half-done anyway, but whatever we're attempting to understand here can't be all things to all people so we need a way to test the various hypotheses, and that's what I like about your work; there's a LOT of experimental data.
Got the Russian translation.
Yeah. I'm up to speed on THIS kind of clustering. But it's not at all the same as what Matsumoto is proposing. Here, all that's required is for electrons to spin "spin align" into the kinds of arrangements we'd see with ball shaped magnets. Either transverse (strong and short alternating polarities) or longitudinal (weaker but potentially very long, in a string -- or into Matsumoto's mesh!).
I have added a tutorial on how to turn on auto-translated captions.
As a side note, couldn't hydrogen peroxide be used as a shield against strange radiation if the theory about birdies being monopoles that bind with (paramagnetic) oxygen is accurate? And if that worked, would the saturated H202 be a waste product or would we then have "monopoles in a can"? ;-)
Dissolved paramagnetic oxygen in water is enough. Without Oxygen, Bockris and Sundarasan did not see production of Fe in Carbon arc in water experiments in the 1990s.
H2O2 is Diamagnetic, so not sure that would work.
Could particle "spin" (not really a physical rotation) be polarized in such a way that an entangled pair could have complementary magnetic "quantum states"?
I see the experimental data and hypothesis in "A proposed explanation for Bin-Juine Huang's cavitation driven excess heat system" at around 1:14++. That appears to verify that they are monopoles.
The notion of magnetic charge presents some problems, doesn't it? (at 1:17:20). Magnetic charge would have to be quantizable.
What I'm looking at is continuing the shape of the Perevzchikov image into a full circle for a reference (the blue and red ones appear to be chopped at the tops), then with a complimentary birdie on the opposite side of the circle joined at their tails, imagining a wormhole between them, One could not exist without the other but through a wormhole - like entanglement.
But maybe neutrinos, somehow.
The shape of the monopoles as seen by MFMP, Shishkin et. al., Bogdanovich et. al., Perevozchikov et. al.,
You can see the structure here, which is like a pin-tack
Here is my suggested Falico soliton structure linking two opposite magnetic charges
re. structure like a pin tack.
Yes. That's what I was looking at (but from a different video). The image on the left (unretouched or idealized) is more convincingly part of a perfect circle, begging the question: what's in the part of the circle we can't see? ;-)
re: opposite magnetic charges.
Yes, I'm familiar with that representation, but I'm not convinced yet that putting the connection between them in 3D space is accurate.
I'm running into nomenclature probs again. I'm looking at ULTR - Finger prints (refered to from Magnetic Skyrmion about a bubble at the edge of a pit... which I can't find but I did find this...)
At around 1:27:00 (probably not exact) we are now talking about a universe-wide nuturino condensate...
Yes. AND NO! This is what Shoulder's called the Exotic Vaccuum. It's what I have been thinking of as a magnetic background, another dimension that is truly at right angles to 3D+1 spacetime. And I'm sure everyone that KNOWS that something like this must exist has their own name for it.
But Shoulders was the smart one. He calls the black box a black box and that's all he calls it so he never ascribes to it properties he's not 100% sure aren't valid. There is an "exotic vacuum". We don't know much about it.
[I'm not shouting... just headline font down here.]
PROBLEM WITH NEUTRINO BLACK BOX THEORIES: The Hutchison Effect also produced strange gravitic effects, such as objects rising and falling as though the surface of the earth was somehow raised above its physical location, almost periodically at times. No destruction to internal structures.
But his effects are pretty much still a black box. We don't really know how this stuff works. All we know is that iit does work.
I think Parkhomov has pretty well proven "cold neutrino" interactions in nuclear reactions though -- but we don't know if "cold neutrinos" are really neutrinos at all! Do they flip flavors between the three types as they fly around? Neutrinos do. Do they only exist in right chiral versions? Neujtrinos have no opposing chiral versions of themselves. Not sure but this sounds like it could be a problem for the N and S monopole theory being based on neutrinos.
I think taking pieces left over, after rounding our calculations up or down to fit our pet theories, into the neutrino black box will end up biting us in the &ss. And if not, I still don't see how it does anything but add new names for old concepts.
But I might get used to it, lol. I can now translate evo, soliton, itonic clusters, coherent plasmoids (did I miss any?) on the fly.
My point (slash) gripe is only with confusing labyrinth of incompatible synonyms. So if "incompatible synonyms" seems like an oxymoron to you, I think we are on the verge of making some serious progress in alternative energy solutions. :-)
Don't get me wrong, Bob. This is WONDERFUL and extremely important work you're doing. I am only showing you what "entry level" to this study looks like.
Thank you for the replies.
Let's just call it the Hutchison field. The man deserves a Nobel.
Hi ET. Yeah.
Not sure about a Nobel. He mainly just blew the doors open to a new universe and a million unanswered questions but I totally agree that the field might best be named after him. Or Carla. ;-)
John, if you're around. Thank you!! Now the physics guys can blunder around with their formulas proving what we already knew - that ice cream floats better than plastic cups;as they prepare Mars for human habitation. Like this. ;-)
This is funny!
It's also a warning not to take these sci guys at face value all the time. And let's face it, progress in this area will NOT be without serious opposition from some very smart folks with very large budgets and deep ties to "the establishment". Like what MIT did to Fleischmann and Pons... just for starters.
Wait. We don't even know if it's a "field" ET. It could be another dimension, for all we know. the Hutchi-verse. Lol.
Thought For The Day,.
Do magnetic field lines exist?
We see something when we drop iron filings on a piece of paper over a bar magnet, but as each iron particle becomes magnetized it would naturally attract those at it's N and S ends in a line but repel those next to it where the N and S poles would repel each other, creating gaps. The lines and gaps are what we call lines of flux. But are they?
Electrons DO swirl around what's considered magnetic lines of flux when they move along them, but if we think of the lines as being representations of gradients in the B (magnetic) field, then as momentum or some other force drives the electron down the line, the electron experiences an additional force at right angles to it's direction of travel, in accordance with the left hand rule for eLectrons in a coil
Wanna go THIS way? Go THAT way, and hope you eventually get there. This is the universe in which we live.
This effect happens everywhere along the supposed lines of flux between the N and S poles of a magnet just as iron filings line up from pole to pole. There is no null zone halfway between the two opposite poles where forces cancel each other out.
We enter this field of study with the firm understanding that electricity flows from negative to positive. In a way, it's more interesting that way. But maybe that's just me. ;-)
The electron, by obeying the traffic laws in the magnetic universe creates it's own magnetic field aligned with the flux gradient by it's swirling action along a helical path which keeps it locked on track, like a line of magnetic filings.
But while charge, (like electrons or holes), is quantized, magnetism (like velocity) is not.
Well, define the resolution of quantisation.
Before I give you the point for this, what's to say that momentum isn't carried across a planck length? But I was hoping I could avoid this detail.
You win! BUT I'LL BE BACK!! ;-)(