This is great Bob. I also feel there's a set of ethics that can come with this technology. Balancing light and dark, we are all one from the same source...

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Nicely put

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I'm glad you bring this issue up. According to a remote viewing team we are in a closing window to get rid of the control system "negative entities" mantain in Gaia. "positive entities" are fanatics of free will, they can't do anything about it unless we truly want it. At the same time, the reality of the field of consciousness in which we live is blasting open the paradigm of materialism we have as reference frame, as the success of the podcast The Telepathy Tapes is spreading through the world like wildfire, and we are left with a lot of truth and a lot to do about it to bring the paradigm down and create a new one.

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I had so many people send me links to the Telepathy Tapes this week and so, finally with some time, I listened to them all morning on double speed. It was quite cathartic, many of these ignored people experience what I have over my life, though I am fortunate to not be locked out from speaking. The damn is about to burst. The time for the deceivers holding back human potential is up.

I will do a separate post on them in the near future.

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Very happy you found the Telepathy tapes, hope Everyone in the LENR community also lends an ear :)

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Hello Bob, I heard you talk in another interview about wanting to create a steam powered machine capable of travelling faster than the speed of light. May I suggest reading the works of Victor Schauberger

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Could you post a link to the tapes here please? I know I've experienced telepathy.

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Thanks for this. Reminds me how every little drip into the bucket, adds to the spill point, when the internal tension is transcended, and the cascade comes running over that rim. Drip, drip. drip.

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Jan 9Edited

Thanks Bob.

don't know if this is BS, a message or a warning.


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🌪️Thanks Bob you excel in excelling, strong words softly spoken. ps. Tell Zeus to do one, he’s a nosey barsteward 👍🏽🌪️🍀💚☮️♾️🌪️

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I’m shocked and sorry. I’ve been talking to ppl since I realized what is going on I’m on the Oregon coast 🙈🙉 I apologize for the skepticism from my countrymen . I’m trying to learn as much as I can about this new field of science!!! thank you !!we should stop capitalism all the way down away with money. Heaven on earth money? is the root of all evil ! Either way we have a reckoning especially since we won’t pay attention I’ve had to dig to learn about this ….revolution is on the wind. when people realize our government is worse than the natzis ever were 🤦‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤯

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Hear hear!!

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⚡️✨🌀♾️thanks Bob!

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