End of a previous comment that has relevance to future endevours ...

So, just as those "defining" the meter in 1795, we should not now be surprised when we see encoding "knowledge from the ancients" that we ourselves are now only uncovering as they are inherent behaviours in nature - and form part of the overall wheelworks of nature that have so often shown their presence, if only sometimes indirectly, in experiments of the past.

To which I would like to draw the readers attention to a "fraudster" of the late 19th Century - one John Ernst Worrell Keely , who claimed to have discovered a new motive power which was originally described as "vaporic" or "etheric" force, and later as an unnamed force based on "vibratory sympathy", by which he produced "interatomic ether" from water and air.

Was he really a fraudster, or just someine who recognized the forms and outlines of "something" in nature that formed a part of the overall wheelworks? Perhaps it is time to look more favourably and more kindly again upon Mr. Keely and recognize that he was, indeed, "on to something" but that it was a reality that was always just beyond his grasp, rather than as someone who was a direct out-and-out charlatan and fraudster. Perhaps if he had only more readily shared and socialized his ideas, but then, we will never know for sure.

What we can say, however, is that trying to "go it alone" is ultimately an exercise in futility and that freely sharing is, indeed, "the way to go"

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Well - I was given a big book on Keely when I was last in US, I should probably take a look at it.

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If you pull the string on Keely, after he died (probably foul play) his stuff ended up with the Theosophists. Blavotsky actually dedicated a chapter in her book to him and stated that some of what he had found was too dangerous for society and this probably led to both sides (dark and light) keeping it under wraps for selfish and safety reasons respectively. Well, the safety stuff has been overcome by events, especially the event. It is up to us, the meek (in the true sense of the word, as in powerful but loathe to do harm) to right things.

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I hope this link is not redandant and I Don't know if you know this but there is book for download at:


The "technical Document" is in the on page 65 and 66.

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Nice find.

There is an informative carving from a later period on page 239 (look at top of carving)

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On a lighter note, we should bring this guy onboard for prototyping... https://youtu.be/NEaLWBT_Q1o

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Look at the metal work below that flower pot in the picture then watch this- https://youtu.be/Rn5gPW51H2U

I've read his book and it goes into the significance of syzergy similarly to Space Earth Human. There is much here to be considered and integrated into what we are finding. Ed Leedskalnin did cut and move all that coral in this century.

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See the ends of the 300 year old dirt removers outside One 'O' aka Number 1O downing street

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Here are some similar Coptic stone artifacts in the Coptic museum in Cairo:


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Thanks, items Inv. No. 8585, 8566, 8260 are the most interesting. I will discuss those on Sunday.

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Bob, this is all greek to me but this may mean something to you

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It is Dan Easton's rod field measuring scanner and software.

Hope to have him on live soon.

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We need to make a collaboration of people to work on these devices, don’t you think Bob?

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Yes, underway

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Count me in

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Just a thought - with the version of the torus / magnetic moment that "pulls in" matter / energy from the far field ("the black spot" version), if a rod electrode (carbon or other) is (continuously, if the rod is consumed) fed toward that spot (could be the tip, or the body behind), would that "power" the magnetic moment to produce a stronger effect. Also, I am assuming the "spot" is the mid point of the mouth of a neutrino vortex funnel - so:


_______\__/ Expansion


_____O─o─O Torus / magnetic moment


______ / ↑ \ Feed


↑ - anode or cathode rod

Alternatively, instead of a solid rod, it could be a nozzle that either drip feeds or sprays charged water or HHO "into the place of the black spot"

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You are talking about the maker or south 'monopole.' which in its dark sphere zone, extracts chi energy from matter and/or matter - and uses its energy to produce heavier elements.

That is to say energy fed in this way will drive it and this is what allows for synthesis of heavier elements.

The breaker or north 'monopole' kinda rapidly pulls chi from matter pushing it out to it's white sphere zone.

A fractal tor can be a cluster of Sn or its 'evil' twin - a cluster of sN - making a fractal at a quanta.

One could argue that all Sn have a matched sN and there is a wormhole (path of life) between them. Only by having both separate does the plain of existence happen. In the truest sense therefore, your 'maker' is actually the division of Sn and the sN. To exist at all, the Christ centre has to be created by the Sn and sN. To exist longer, one has to maintain balance between your Sn which is in you and your sN (angel of death, final release). Using this logic, meeting your maker is to catch up with the other part of what made you, it is for the actual 'Maker' to meet and so extinguish the 'spark of life' (the ripping of the dark matter which created the charge separation which lead to ones existence)

Now that spark of existence is preserved in the meeting of Yin and Yang, the coming together of two existing spiritual entities of 'same same but different' leading to the creation of a new life, a child, it is Gods, or if you like - Nature's - ontological will made manifest.

Your diagram implies symmetry, this is only true when you have Sn and sN bound in very close proximity. This is matter, Christ consciousness exists in the gap between them and due to there being very little gap in ordinary matter there is very little consciousness, but not zero.

Think magnetic charge not electrical charge.

Think about Shakparonov's experiment, they create charge separation.

When there is a cluster of sN (north 'monopole'), matter is disassembled, as this happens the core energy is released and when a critical threshold is reached, it can not sustain the 'glow' it is the speed of 'death'.

In the case of a cluster of nS (south 'monopole'), the structure is pulling in Chi - life force from other matter, the process is feeding and sustaining itself - only when it gets out of balance, does it fall apart. In this way 'death' can occur from too much or too little. Shakparonov's experiment observed that the Black sphere lasts for days, this is because at its core is a 'living' entity, that is to say an entity that is able to 'look after/sustain itself'.

So a nS 'monopole' will be able to pull in matter and energy to sustain itself

A Ns pushes it away and de-constructs matter in its core.

Both have uses.

Both actually have each other in them. The 'Maker' (as I call it) captures matter/energy and builds, but it builds by slowly de-constructing/harvesting matter/energy. The Breaker can rapidly destroy matter, but gives it back to the universe.

In "The Event', Breakers did most of the work, heavier elements were observed because pre-existing makers in the environment and those synthesised during the events dynamics captured some of the Chi emitted by the Breaker.

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Feeding the nS 'black spot' is achieved by the fluid dynamics. Having hydrogen isotopes will allow for faster release of Chi as discussed in my Assisi 2022 presentation and calculated by Kuroles / Shishkin.

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Yes, although I wrote "Expansion" I really meant expulsion out along a thread to feed, of course, the twin that produces the white hole. My thoughts were that by feeding the system water or HHO or Carbon or some metal, the system could be kept stable enough to produce outputs such as Carbon etc... at a controlled rate for an extended period. Altermatively, the expulsion could be a (more energetic) EVO, especially if the feed rate of ions and electrons could be moderated / maintained / accelerated.

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They join back to back. That is to say weak to weak pole. If they are mixed.


And if they are separated by magnetic field, they cluster




As we showed in LION SiO2 analysis.

This is why I believe it is important to have a magnetic field bias like Papp did or like Lockheed Martin do, in their patent, to produce macro clusters.

I explicitly pointed this out in my 2021 Assisi presentation base on the Moscow Nuclear Physics institute work of Bogdanovich et. al.


The small letter constitutes the DIFFUSE field and the capital letter the focussed beam, the Birdies are showing how the 'monopoles' force spin matter around them, in this case, electrons from the silver in the x-ray film.

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could you see the black holes around a geet if it was in a fog box and filmed at a distance at super slow motion?

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It is quite likely any putative area of extraction will be in line with the rod and much smaller than those observed by either Bogdanovich et. al. or Shakparonov et. al.

If indeed the structure is fractal as I postulate, then there may be much smaller ones in a closer proximity to the rod but at 90º to it. However, since these are potentially in a closed loop, It may be that they would only be seen on breakup.

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Email !

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Step three on the rex research pages says to bore out the ends of the tees to 27/32". But this doesn't make sense to me as it is being bored out so that a half inch tube can slide inside. Has anyone done this step?

edit: I figured out this is right, It just did not seem right.

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Also what length rod are you guys using for methane? One inch? Seems short.

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I don't know if anyone else is finding the rex research instructions confusing but they are now saying to put a 9/16" rod inside a 1/2" pipe.

"Additional note: It has been found that the 1/2" reaction rod inside the pyrolitic chamber gives a bit too much clearance. It is recommended to use a 9/16" steel rod for the reaction rod."

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I'll just have to compile what I learn from building a geet here.

Today I send in my 1" to 1/2" reducers to be faced off and bored out according to the rex instructions.

I learned that the galvanised tees are not necessarily straight and fixing them to a milling machine using a 1" nipple may still mean the reducer attached at the other end will wobble out of square with the nipple. Something to consider if you want the rod and reactor tube to run true.

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Thanks - that is appreciated, I shall point people here.

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'After the thirty minute run and a cooling down period that is long enough to

comfortably handle the parts, take the rod out of the unit. Now, here is where we do something that is not very well understood. Hold an ordinary compass with the needle pointing north and the pointed end of the vertically held rod near the north pointing compass needle. O. K., now slowly move the compass up the rod until the compass needle suddenly swings around and is pointing south. This is the point on the rod where it must be cut. After the rod is cut it is necessary to drill or grind a “slight” concave shape on the cut end. It is important that the lowest point be in the center of the rod end.' - page 32 https://drive.google.com/file/d/18eS8O-u54TdIQnMRYDCZN-y3R0fTeVgj/view

A more protracted concave may be tried as Bob has mentioned.

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Would you say seeing evos outside the reactor is a design flaw, you mentioned the big sphere in Malcolm's design for covering a bigger area to drop pressure and maybe capture some of those evos I think you said in the stream. In one of his test videos you can see hundreds of evos appearing outside the reactor.

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We will need to shield from them.

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