
Joseph Farrell call your office. https://youtu.be/bn3sVtzElcc

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And here:

Primal Matter


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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023Author

Wow - this too.

Wars "with and for the pyramid"

Certain contents removed from pyramid after war lost and destroyed


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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023Author

I have just reached the comments here - very interesting, thank you

People have witnessed a "pale blue light" from pyramid, speculates it is a cold plasma from hydrogen - parts missing from pyramid.

Items from Grand gallery missing according to Sitchens - in the slots.


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There a lots of big chunks out there to be integrated into our overall view and they are starting to really fit! Theosophy/Anthroposohy, Riech and Orgone, and, as others have mentioned here, Montauk/Philidelphia experiment. Re those, this series REALLY resonated with me. You should know I have a navy Nuclear Electronics' Tech (radar heavy plus nuclear and was a destroyerman) and damned if what Al Bielek describes definitely rings true. Quadrature phased array, the whirlygig, all that is Navy tech I learned about and also intuitively understood even as he was recounting them in passing if you know what I mean. I think you do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS254bvnAsM&t=9453s

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I have a couple questions. a couple relevant, a couple involving wild speculation, because thats always fun.

1) what would kick off the initial dissociation of the H2O in the subterranean chamber? particularly on the very first initial startup. is that simply 100% the function of the geometry and the disruption zone? but does the disruption zone and the main toroidal structure need to be kick started? if not, would it have ever been safe to enter the pyramid once the casing stones were on?

2) In this model, what is the role of the relieving chambers/stones above the kinds chamber? if the role of the kings chamber is to simply collect matter, the whole structure above seems superfluous, so I assume there would be some function

3) The whole set of inner structures is, essentially, 2 dimensional, that is, they arent reflected 2, 4, 8 or whatever times around the pyramid. So, aside from the fact that the pyramid is aligned north, does the largest toroid not spin so that the 2 level 1 toroids are essentially static? In fact, now that I think about it, do any toroids in these fractal structures inherently "spin" around their toroid or do they and their individual structures/disruption zones remain basically static within the entire structure down to and in relation to the toroid0 (the top level of that specific fractal)

4) Should there be material in the stone outside the kings chamber opposite the grand gallery or does the matter only "condense?" once it is outside the non spin material?

5) now for some wild speculation (tin foil hat time), if this matter generation would tend to produce stable isotopes, could this be used to "find" the stable isotope of element 115?

6) Ok, takes off tinfoil hat, I do have a request: Would you be willing to do a "lab day" every once in a while? For instance. you said in this presentation as well as a few others that a 5 year old could, with about 30 minutes reproduce these kinds of experiments. Would it be possible to do a video starting from a materials list, to setup, to demo as a means to "jump start" those interested in exploring these ideas further and hopefully spread the knowledge and acceptance at least amongst community research even if it stays avoided or suppressed by more "elite" science communities?

This got way longer than I wanted, but I would love to start exploring this at a functional/tangible, even if elementary for now, level

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Hi You, I will address these ASAP. Ping me if not by end next week. Lot's of prior demands and plans in my inbox!

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer


When reading this article i had to think immediately about @bob 's theory of the pyramid.

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Got sent this by another party...

Need 19.5% O2 in the atmosphere for humans, and with out CO2 and H2O, plants can't make the O2...

All the same, "natural processes" hmmm.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hey Bob

I cannot thank you enough for your efforts bringing this together over all the years. If this is going to get us somewhere, we need to push for getting you the Nobel Prize.

I'm not sure if I understood everything, so please bare with me if I ask something stupid or something you already answered here or somewhere else.

What do you think could be the next step? I mean, fixing the Pyramid is obviously not going to happen.

In your opinion, is there any change we could prove your theory by building a small scale device?

For example, it should be relatively easy to get a replication of the Great Pyramid as a 3D print.

I know that ideally the device would need to made of limestone, but do you think a printed model would show any kind of activity? There would surely be the need for putting some kind of ionizing material in the spot where the radioactive granite was the pyramid.

Even if the device gets destroyed because it is not made from the right material, it would be revolutionary.

Any thoughts?


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We have seen the structure in Ohmasa Gas in many experiments, however, most materials get caught up in the process. I think it may be reasonable to precision mill out of split fine marble in sections and then bond together outside of the main disruption areas. A stand-in material could provide the ionisation, we have some Kerala Black Sand. The question I have is if the disruption zone or resonant harmonics is sufficiently strong in a scaled down version for the water separation to work and is the net geomagnetic strength enough on the strcutre.

Sure, we can place the whole thing in a solenoid and force the magnetic field and place Hydrogen in there to begin with and force sound at a resonant level for the structure built as done in LION reactors. We know that there were self organised structures that formed in the LION reactors and these are far smaller.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Very interesting, but you should of released the science before the link with ancient history and possibly a prototype product utilizing the science.

People won't take you seriously.

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Hi Jeff,

Since January 2018 I have been releasing the science, all the while, people have been repeatedly requesting for short explanations of what is meant by O-Day.

The science is extremely well documented on this blog - complete with patents old and current, experiment how-tos, reports of third party replications and deep analysis.

For many that have followed along, they have already had their 'O-Day'. Some it takes more than others.

I am doing what I can, I don't have a job to keep, a scientific or professional straight-jacket to work within, I don't have bosses to please or to not embarrass - there is no reputation trap for me. I have had conversations with people at the very top of LENR research in Japan, they privately admit to seeing very odd things that they can't report. The top people in the Russian space don't have these hangups. In the US, they are replicating the work whilst publicly being timid.

Nature cannot lie. By changing my approach to the science in early 2015 and focussing on what nature repeatedly does given a set of parameters - the truth began to emerge. It becomes self-evident that some common force of nature is applying at all scales and the journey then became more about what it was rather than if it was.

Here is my response to another newcomer on GrahamHancock.com


I did all the scientific work first - it then becomes a choice for someone to choose to learn.

As my father used to say, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Where can I buy the matsumoto book?

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

I went looking for some info. regarding some of the ancient symbols, came across this :


and realized this is, indeed, the "New Dawn of an Old Age". In fact, not just "realized", rather "mind blowing and revelatory" - see especially chapter 2: THE SEVEN HERMETIC PRINCIPLES - the last one - Gender (Chapter 8) - is really around opposites. and their need to come together to "balance out" (so not just male/female, but rather more positive/negative, anode/cathode, north/south. Knowing what we now know, it is clear that these 7 principles are exactly the principles we have been unearthing in our journey... mind blown !

To quote:

Since its publication in the early 20th century, the unique concepts and teachings in “The Kybalion” have and continue to enjoy a significant impact in New Age circles. Initially published in 1908 under the authorship of Three Initiates, which is thought to be a pen name of New Thought pioneer William Walker Atkinson, the book is a modern Hermetic tract. Based on the purported teachings of legendary Hellenistic figure Hermes Trismegistus, “The Kybalion” adds a uniquely modern twist and engagingly accessible perspective to medieval Hermetic texts.

So, looked up Hermes Trismegistus and found this:

Hermes Trismegistus (from Ancient Greek: Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "Hermes the Thrice-Greatest"; Classical Latin: Mercurius ter Maximus) is a legendary Hellenistic figure that originated as a syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. He is the purported author of the Hermetica, a widely diverse series of ancient and medieval pseudepigraphical texts that lay the basis of various philosophical systems known as Hermeticism.

Now, looking up Thoth, we see he holds the Ankh in one hand and a staff in the other (Thoth's symbol is the winged serpent staff - basically, the double helix as snakes around an axis) and was credited by the Egyptians as the author of all works of science, religion, philosophy, and magic. He was also the creator of the Emerald Tablet. The Greeks further declared him the inventor of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, surveying, medicine, botany, theology, civilized government, the alphabet, reading, writing, and oratory. They further claimed he was the true author of every work of every branch of knowledge, human and divine.

The emerald tablets are now lost:


To quote:

Scholars consider the Emerald Tablets a legend concerning the gods of Ancient Egypt, revealing mysteries involving the ancient societies that survived the Great Flood. The tablets are known as a cryptic Hermetic inscription said to contain the secrets of alchemy and the foundation of the Hermetic tradition.

Ever have that feeling of having "been here before" ? Just saying...

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Been here before.

Gordon - tomorrow I will prove, with clear physical evidence, the wormhole and the disruption zone.

Happy days.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Bob I know you’re busy but check out this video on the symbol of the swastiksa in Viking times. It’s crazy to me the maker of the video figured out when facing a certain way one swastika pulls in every and the other shines... right?


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The "auspicious symbol" is used everywhere, it is almost certainly not a coincidence it is banned in many countries.

This guy's studies does get it a little, he recognises that one way re-enforces energy, the other one takes things apart.

He can do an ULTR experiment and prove it for himself.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hey Bob!

Absolutely loved the presentations last night! There was so much information and knowledge shared. Many thanks for what you've created. I also very much enjoyed the Giza pyramid analysis, it's a lot of food for thought.

I've been looking at the 3D monopole structure you've composed and tried to find a way nature could generate such a structure from basic components since I've never encountered anything like it. I believe I have found a method that is very effective. I've uploaded the sequence in pdf format to my drive since it's a pretty complicated motion to animate in 3D. But I do think you'll get it. ;)


Pretty curious what your thoughts on this sequence is.

Again, loved the presentation, it was awesome. Thank you!

**Edit** Oh btw here''s the link to a small 3D turntable video so you can see it from all angles


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In the Nature paper Figure 1. they have a diagram where they create a 3 axis bias.... Nature just does this with the fractal toroidal moments!

'Experimental set-up showing magnetic quadrupole (Q) and bias field (BX, BY and BZ) coils"

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It's nice work, but not the structure.

At the most basic level, in my model, the outer sphere radius is set by the edge of the sothic cone, not the base of the descending large sphere. I grappled with this for some time, however, what we see is that the physical spheres appear to be truncated, sure that could be on the extension of the sothic cone to the boundary you have, but that may change the ratio (it may not), still a little more to do on that.

Mainly though, you are trying to merge poles, when this is a monopole which is created by a cluster of self-similar quantised structures.

The Aalto work is helpful, and perhaps that is a starting point for your consideration, however, it is reliant on the concept of spin alignment, and this is not so easy to conceptualise as strings - normally shown as vectors. And they do not realise the model as self-similar structures and I believe this is why their approximation does not match the experimentally observed data and, because it can't, but you can intuitively see the wheel within a wheel within a wheel, as above, so below structure I shared does.

Here is the Nature paper.


Ray, M. W., Ruokokoski, E., Kandel, S., Möttönen, M., & Hall, D. S. (2014). Observation of Dirac monopoles in a synthetic magnetic field. Nature, 505(7485), 657–660. doi:10.1038/nature12954

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

I always enjoy discovering what things are not. It's almost just as satisfying discovering what things are. Most of the time my interpretations are wrong but my intention is always to try and limit the degree to which I'm wrong. XD

Either way on the Nature paper page 7 they show images of the decay sequence of the monopole which shows the splitting up of the apparently singular vortex structure. I quote;

"After roughly 10 ms the vortex splits in two, demonstrating the initial 4pi phase winding of the nodal line."

The paper also mentions on page 8 at the "Extended data figure 2 | additional representative images of Dirac Monopoles" Quote; "b); and a nodal line that appears to be splitting into two vortices in the | m 5 -1) component"

Which was an observation during operation of the artificial magnetic field on the Bose Einstein condensate.

I'm wondering if they created an artificial electromagnetic field strong enough to almost completely merge the two pole vortices of the initial field in the Bose Einstein Condensate which upon decay immediately separate into their former state.

If it was a monopole with an internal fractal structure you describe with either merged pole vortices or a single pole vortex, wouldn't it eventually produce a singularity in its center to accommodate the array of microcosmic fractal structures al the way and beyond the Planck field? or does the monopole structure you've illustrated stop after 3 iterations.

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O-Day - Proposed Dirac monopole structure matches Ohmasa Gas vs 10 Yen coin structure

In 2019 we exposed a 10 Yen coin momentarily to Ohmasa Gas - an advanced form of HHO.


Monopole like structures were formed and on a sub, sub structure area, Oxygen was found to be fused to sulphur as noted in natural Ball Lightning historical reporting.


The form of the structure is easily explained by the proposed 3D O - monopole structure that better matches the data shared by Aalto University in Physical Review Letters (2009) and Nature (2014).


O-Day - Proposed Dirac monopole structure matches Ohmasa Gas vs 10 Yen coin structure

In 2019 we exposed a 10 Yen coin momentarily to Ohmasa Gas - an advanced form of HHO.

Monopole like structures were formed and on a sub, sub structure area, Oxygen was found to be fused to sulphur as noted in natural Ball Lightning historical reporting.

The form of the structure is easily explained by the proposed 3D O - monopole structure that better matches the data shared by Aalto University in Physical Review Letters (2009) and Nature (2014).


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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Very fascinating! Looking forward to the video! I am finding some structural correlations in the images to the dualpole structure that I'm proposing.

1.Since the LION reactor and the pyramid do make use of north south alignment in order to properly orient the monopole like structure the "dualpole" structure I propose simply orients itself in the proper alignment by its own two poles. They might end up very close to each other but they will stay aligned to the earths magnetic field.

2. on the solidified spheres there are two nodes, one is a hole, presumably a crystallized pole structure absorbing matter. The other is a carbon deposit. a crystallized pole depositing matter it could not utilize. If you have a buildup of carbon underneath the pyramid. You dont want to shovel it out of there, hence the dump shaft on the south pole.

Water running down the entrance interacts with the absorbing pole. the water that doesn't interact runs down the shaft taking carbon deposit with it. Otherwise you'll have to fill up the entire shaft down to who knows where in order to start making hydrogen

3. The precise offset from the center seen in the images of the point of destruction and deposition inside the sothic triangle could be explained by the distance in between the poles. The only offset point that crystalizes to tell the tale is the deposition point


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It is a nice idea.

When the reactor is spun up, water will not get down past the sphere.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Author

Please consider the 5100 year old Libation disk from the Met.

The Ka - spirit (dark matter) is fed through the top of the 'T' of the Ankh and downwards (via fractal toroidal moment) and this helps lead to the disruption of ordinary matter.


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It needs at least 3 iterations ... possibly per fractal level!

See video I am just about to post.

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I mentioned it in the live chat and I think I bears repeating. I knew that the Electric Universe was onto something when Wal Thornhill (RIP-and you are deservedly mentioned in the same breath as a similarly brave and clear thinker) predicted the the electric reaction when the probe hit that comet while all the Nasa were "baffled" and "going back to the drawing board."

Likewise, when that second gallery proves to be where it is to accommodate the the upper n-2 toroid, you will have nailed it with your hypothesis. Exciting times.

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We shall see. It would be awesome if they got in there somehow and found some Alpha etc. emitting granite.

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Have any of you seen The Tibetan flag?

I find it VERY interresting.

Roger Betten


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Why isn't John Hutchinson doing his floating bowling balls still if full hd?

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Can someone recommend me a good affordable gas/oxygen detector that has a probe?

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Bob I was just thinking about your presentation today. From what I’ve researched, the top of the pyramid was the ark of the covenant was v highly radioactive and killed anyone who came into contact with it. Does that fit your hypothesis for how the pyramids worked?

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deletedMar 5, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer
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Well, I think you will agree it is special.

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