I've done a small reverse engineering on the carving like I did on the Cologne Cathedral (link in other post in this thread) to try to see how specific the design of the carving is.

There are not many random details in the carving at all and it's very precisely composed with phi ratios and other division ratios. Here is the link to the PDF.


I've looked at the ratios derived from the outer dimensions only and annotated some of the interesting correlating points and edges. I suspect that there are many more ratios to be found since I've only "reverse engineered" it from outer dimensions only. I found it curious that centermark of the right circle isn't symmetrical with the left but has a pretty specific phi ratio offset between a couple of other phi ratios. I've designed a lot of graphic and architectural designs with templates like these, and this carving adheres pretty precisely to it. Including Bob's conclusions it is by any means definitely not a random design in any way.

Imagine a world where scientists have to resort to making art in order to communicate their theories XD

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This is great work Tony.

One is always 'above' the other, as in the 'sword' in the VEGA SiO2 BL mark and in the way the material is born from the Yin-Yangs.

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Hey Thanks for sharing the Carving and the impressive reverse engineering on that artwork or scientific document, I've never ran into the Sothic Triangle even though I use geometry a lot for design. I find Golden ratio's and other proportions in old world masonry very intriguing and sometimes reverse engineer architectural landmarks for fun, just to sort of decode their design process.

Anyhow, I've added some of the Sothic Triangle Crop circle torids onto the Cologne Cathedral drawings I've been playing with. Always get some nice patterns and alignments overlaying the architecture. Lot's of fun.



I might make a high resolution photo of the cathedral West Side soon and try to overlay that one. These drawings aren't 100% perfect, and the ALA MY watermarks aren't aligning right with my proportional templates ;). Anyhow what were those biggest bells in the entire world for? Just noise huh?

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This will be an interesting kind of study moving forward on other structure.

Thanks for sharing.

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It's not to difficult finding alignments on the Cologne Cathedral though. It's got a lot of details to align to. But I'm always pleasantly surprised when key features of a cathedral like this Exactly line up with geometric proportions. The architects cathedrals and the designers of the carving you've shared were not messing around. Very precise, Learned a lot of new things from your videos Thanks for sharing!

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Us building some sort of conversion table that can tell you the ideal rod length and air gaps for the engine size and fuel type would be amazing.

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There is a basic list in one of the links we have shared.

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This image gives the instruction on starting the reactor aligned with magnetic north-south written in the red text at the lower left.

I'm not sure if Mr Pantone himself described starting the generator aimed at magnetic north or if the above image was made by someone else.

You have said that a vertical reactor would be ideal so there may be some confusion there between the methods or if starting horizontal aimed at magnetic north then running the reactor vertically afterwards...

It would be great if you could have you geet expert on and maybe try to answer some of these questions.

Also would it be possible to build a bridge with this Malcolm Bendall guy? I found a small reference to Paul in one of his texts...


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From what I found in presentations of Mr. Pantone and some experts:

Vertical is best for the efficiency and it is also not necessary to align it then

but the rod will need to be a bit shorter than when it is vertically installed.

If horizontal:

- alignment to north is best

- alignment to south is worst

- on other occasions it was said that it does not bring down the efficiency if it does not point to north but it takes longer for the rod to get its magnetism -> It takes longer until you see with a compass if you need to make the rod shorter for the fuel you use.

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Yes I have read that the less dense the fuel the shorter the rod. I'm not sure if this means it needs to be shorter of If it just means it doesn't need to be as long...

"When the plasma field tube is too short or too long for the density of the fuel being used, it overheats the high end or forms ice on the low end, respectively. This characteristic is further evidence by numerous tests. When pollutants are noticeable there is an imbalance."

Also constraining the rod or not is a question, either using it as a 'vaporizer' by welding it in place or leaving it free to do its thing. The rex research page suggests using guide fins to encourage turbulence around the tubes, a set of fins under the vertical rod might also stop it from falling out the bottom of the reactor area.

PS I also just notice Randall took down his recent live video where he shares slides of Malcolms Geet Reactor.

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The video looks to be delisted but you can find it here: https://youtu.be/vmZY5b65YZw

Pantone said, if it is too long or too short it does not run as efficient. His view was, that if it is too long, the molecules begin to assemble again to longer chains. If you run a mixed fuel it also can not have a max efficiency in his view as the different parts have different molecule sizes. But in each case, the compass method can be used to find the best fitting size.

In his book and also in talks, he clearly says, that the rod is not supposed to have fins and must not be connected to the pipe. It will find its place due to the forces in the "fuel processor" on its own. He also said, he experimented with fins but it did not work very good.

You can find this information in his Book: "book of geet". If you can not find it to buy at the moment you may want to use the link for the book on scribd in Bobs link list above until it is available...

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Wanted to get more into researching/experimenting and actually helping. I have magnetic currents by leedskalnin, I’ll attempt his suggested experiments. Then space earth human. I love all your presentations but feel useless as I am not contributing. It appears time is running out.

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Check out the Leedskalnin Codex free on Kindle Unlimited. Definite correlation with stuff in Space, Earth, Human.

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Hey Bob, I emailed you a link about two months ago on Randal Carlson when he was on JRE with graham hancock discussing strike foundation. I spent 4 or so hours reading the strike foundation page documents. I came to the conclusion that he really had the tech and it most likely was a controlled rollout. I hope I'm wrong but part if me still feels it may be a limited hangout as he is trying to get patents for things others have already done. Also hey repurposed ken shoulders EVO acronym to have a totally different wording and only briefly acknowledges prior arts. My guess is they are not being forth write about prior arts because this is one last ditch effort to have control of this when it comes out.... At least they are "open sourcing" the science. Even though I think your YouTube videos are 10x more accurate and complete. i thiink by the end of 2023 your going to have 10x more subscribers :) I hope strike foundation isn't just the "backup plan" but they have so many power elite involved in the "phase 2 testing" on various boards, I really do wonder. I've said to my family for 2 years now this new green agenda stuff, is about keeping the energy tech secret, and getting us all on some govt ubi racket. If a corporate controlled rollout by the "strike foundation" is the alternative the masses will swallow, then its better than the "plan a" that is marching ahead briskly. I personally prefer "plan c" total disclosure, truthfulness and openness, but I think I'm being too idealistic perhaps. At least they've said they will release the goods by end of 2023, cause if they don't, all the people who watch mfmp no doubt will :)

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Just got back to my PC and dug up the email I sent you on 2022-11-30 with regards to the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAk8MagnDsY (relevant part starting around 4 minute mark, but there is nothing new in there so no sense watching it, just providing it for context).

The pertinent portion of my email regarding MSAART EVO and Ken Shoulders materials was as follows. (I may have been too hard on him in the rest of his email, given I now see that Joe Rogan is apparently holding back releasing his full interview for some reason....)


The first paper on this page "THE CARBON KILLER | AN ARTICLE BY ROLAND PERRY" https://www.strikefoundation.earth/introduction

States the following it is redefining EVO as "exotic vacuum occurance" it also chooses to rename "LENR" to LEAR (low energy attomic reconstruction)

"One such development that has come to the fore is * LEAR---Low

Energy Atomic Reconstruction---formally known as ‘Cold Fusion.’ A

little-known Tasmanian Inventor, Malcom Bendall has been able to

define and harness the forces that produce cyclones, thunderstorms

and lightning. In the latter, when hot air collides with cold air, so-called

‘EVOs’*---Exotic Vacuum Occurrences---small atomic entities, are

formed. They are captured to create energy."

The evidence gets more damning if you look at the following.




In this paper he clearly lifts images from Ken Shoulders EV tale of discovery, of impact craters.


Also glad to hear your Japan trip is still in the works. I'm down in south-west Japan (it's a fair ways from Hokkaido), but if there was a chance to meet with you and Sho or just your self I'de be happy to make a trip to Tokyo or something). Also I'm really looking forward to the GEET presentation you have lined up, I think realistically we could have open designs by the end of the year irregardless.

Totally unrelated to the GEET stuff, but I did build a 80x80x60cm box with the Ag SrAl paint. I didn't use proper latex but the paint still bound the particles pretty well to the wood. Unfortunately I think the donut I built is probably too big to safely use in the confines of the box as it's nearly 30cm across which would put the "special zone" will above or below the box. One question I asked during your presentation was for you to perhaps your current understanding (which you said you might have an explanation for) of why the inventor Pantone said that if the unit is horizontal the metal rod should have a length double that of if the unit is oriented vertically (for optimal operation). It seemed like it might have been related to some of the geometrical analysis you presented today.

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Thanks! I totally missed that footnote! Here it is for the record.

This definitely eases my concerns a little bit :) Still no point waiting for someone else though, and not to keen on the patents. But at least he elaborated on the points I was concerned about and I missed it! Thanks again for pointing it out I've pasted the relevant footnotes below.


*LEAR ---low energy atomic reconstruction is often referred to incorrectly as LENR, or Low Energy Nuclear Reaction. The process is Atomic, not Nuclear. LEAR by-products are not like those of nuclear fission, which are uncontainable, radioactive, carcinogenic and toxic.

*The term EVO was used by Kenneth Shoulders. EVOs, also termed by Bendall as MSAART, for Molten Sea Arc Atomic Reconstruction Technology


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Maybe the point of the rod and the concave area at the other end should be a sothic angle?

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Bob actually says something similar at min 43, unsure if he is referring to the green line on the image or his drawing on the paper.

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I hope this is not like FTX and crypto where they roll it out and destroy it publicly with scandal. Or a "safety" incident to justify regulation and suppression. It won't work. Just start building, learning, and sharing. We know plenty to go from here.

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Totally agree about a safety incident. If a number of the worlds most knowledgeable and open minded physicists were unfortunate enough to die potentially as a result of their research. There is unfortunately ample room for overly fearful regulation to derail the potential progress (I'de argue that is likely what has held it back for 50 years already most probably). An incident would most certainly bring that covert regulation into the overt spotlight of public discourse though. Anyways it's great to make the safety debate central like Bob is doing, because hopefully we can head off any such potential safety derailment argument in the more astute observers. Although given how poorly things have gone with speaking words of caution regarding medical interventions, I'm not really sure how much of a difference intelligent safety warnings will make when it comes to a potential problem, reaction, solution scenario to get control of it. Best to just build by ourselves as you say and share openly with like minded people.

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Either during this live discussion or a previous one, the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau was mentioned. Well, here is some *** simple *** math that goes with that, math that demonstrates one thing - it is better to Comprehend Nature and Copy It than try to work outside of it :

So, firstly, the Egyptian Royal Cubit (c) is 0.5236m

The Great Pyramid has a base of 440 cubits x 440 cubits and height of 280 cubits (440c x 440c x 280c)

Comparing these, we find (440c + 440c) / 280c ≈ π

Turning now to the Golden Ratio, ɸ (Phi) = 1.618, it is usually first met as the ratio in the limit between successive numbers in the Fibinacci Sequence

Now, ɸ has some interesting properties:

ɸ + 1 = ɸ x ɸ = ɸ² = 2.618

ɸ - 1 = 1/ɸ = 0.618

²√(ɸ) = 1.272

Moving on from ɸ and π, taking a circle of "diameter 1 (no units)" - so that its circumference is π:

dividing that circle into 6 equal segments (such that each segment encloses a 60 degree angle), gives:

an arc segment length of 0.5236m

for each arc segment.

Taking 1 arc length away from the circumference - so π-1 - gives the value 2.618 - ɸ² - the golden ratio squared

When we set the diameter "1" to be the meter, we get, for the pyramid:

(base x 2) / height ≈ Pi but also (base x 2) - height ≈ π * 100

This only works when "1" is the meter

That concludes the pyramid as a whole.

Now, turning our attention to the Kings or High Chamber in the Great Pyramid, it is built on a double square floor plan - 10 cubits width x 20 cubits length (10c x 20c) in size

This means the floor perimeter for the Chamber is 31.416m - or π x 10m

Further, for ɸ² (=2.618m), c (=0.5236m) a width of 10c and length of 20c gives:

10c + ɸ² = 7.854m - or 15 x 0.5236m - 15c (the diagonal up the height of the chamber wall)

15c + ɸ² = 10.472m - or 20 x 0.5236m - 20c

20c + ɸ² = 13.090m - or 25 x 0.5236m - 25c (the diagonal from bottom-left-front corner to top-right-back corner of the chamber)

This only works, however, when the meter is the unit used.

This brings us onto the Medieval Royal Quine, used in cathedral builidng 3500 years after the Great Pyramid.

The Royal Quine involved 5 measures scaled to the golden ratio - hand, palm, span, foot, cubit, defined according to measurements of "the Royal Arm" (although whose arm is not specified!)

Anyway, when superimposed on a pentagram inside a pentagram, you get hand (= 1/ɸ²) -> palm -> span -> foot -> cubit (= ɸ²) fitting nicely onto the edges of the inner and outer pentagrams.

Now, for the Royal Cubit (as part of the Royal Quine from the Middle Ages):

1 cubit - 1 foot = 1 span = 20cm = 1m/5 - 500 years before the meter was defined. This is due to the ratios of the edges within the inner and outer pentagrams

With ɸ, π, and the circle of diameter "1", mapping 5 spans to the diameter gives:

5 spans = 1 meter

1 cubit = π / 6 = 0.5236 = c

Now, the meter was "officially" derived in 1795 by dividing 1/4 Earth's circumference by 10000 (or, in other words, the Earth's circumference by 40000,), where the Earth's circumference was originally approximated at 40000 metres, but is now measured as 40007.864 km (giving the Earth's diameter as 12734.9 km)

Now, ²√(ɸ) x 10000 km = 12720 km, virtually the same as the Earth's diameter

In fact, given the Earth is not a perfect sphere, it is truly remarkable and an excellent approximation (≈ 14.9km difference).

Yet, the meter was only "officially" defined in 1795.

In reality, of course, it had been there all along as an inherent measure in nature.

So, once again, we learn the oft-repeated lesson of "it is better to Comprehend Nature and Copy It than try to work outside of it - an exercise doomed to failure !" - and that our ancestors knew way more than modern scholars care to admit, even if by other routes and means...

So, just as those "defining" the meter in 1795, we should not now be surprised when we see encoding "knowledge from the ancients" that we ourselves are now only uncovering as they are inherent behaviours in nature - and form part of the overall wheelworks of nature that have so often shown their presence, if only sometimes indirectly, in experiments of the past.

To which I would like to draw the readers attention to a "fraudster" of the late 19th Century - one John Ernst Worrell Keely , who claimed to have discovered a new motive power which was originally described as "vaporic" or "etheric" force, and later as an unnamed force based on "vibratory sympathy", by which he produced "interatomic ether" from water and air. Was he really a fraudster, or just someine who recognized the forms and outlines of "something" in nature that formed a part of the overall wheelworks? Perhaps it is time to look more favourably and more kindly again upon Mr. Keely and recognize that he was, indeed, "on to something" but that it was a reality that was always just beyond his grasp, rather than as someone who was a direct out-and-out charlatan and fraudster. Perhaps if he had only more readily shared and socialized his ideas, but then, we will never know for sure. What we can say, however, is that trying to "go it alone" is ultimately an exercise in futility and that freely sharing is, indeed, "the way to go"

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The website of the tech talked by Randall Carson. https://www.strikefoundation.earth/open-source-research

It has a lot in common with the GEET.

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Really interesting i cant find a reference to geet or paul pantone yet.

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Anyone else notice the Strike Logo? Thales call your office.

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