Deeply informative, Bob. You did mention this live, and thanks for pressing on and into it so quickly. This has easily got my attention, having studied "church art" (Specifically "Da Vat") my entire adult life. (I even repaired an angels wings painted high up in a nave once.) So yes this makes sense, in the O-Day context. And now onto applying the 3D Overlay on to art etc., which you also mention. As you know my candidate is the Garden of Earthly Delights. This one image I regard as the most deeply mysterious/Greatest Image in my experience as an art professor of painting, and has long been scrutinized for it's myriad alchemical references (all hiding as "church art." hehe.) We may be breaking new scholarly GOED ground here, buddy. BTW, There may be many other image candidates in a book called: Alchemy & Mysticism by Taschen. Peace Cheers Onward.
Well I did it basically in my dreams in Cyprus and then tried it on the Vatican, then today I improved that quick test and then applied it to a Christian church similar to the one I sang in as a child.
At 3:15min "de-coded" is an odd term. Either Jesus is complete and definitive Revelation of the God of history and nature's God or He is not. John the Baptist who met Jesus in the womb either is the seal of the prophets announcing the Messiah's coming or he is not. If not then our entire understanding of them is totally false, the historical record and the mechanism of its stewarding, textual science on the manuscripts is completely untrustworthy and along with it the discipline of history, ancient and contemporary. With respect to textual science The Dead Sea Scrolls have a 250 B.C copy of Isaiah which is perfectly consonant with the Septuagint version have handed down. This implies authenticity of biblical texts generally. The manuscript evidence of the books of the New Covenant (Testament) is thousands of times greater than anything of ancient history and obviously ~700 years more recent. Jesus identified himself with the prophesy in Isaiah Luke 4:17-21 and John the Baptist was likely a member of the Essenes (1/3 of the sects of Israel according to Josephus) of The Dead Sea Scrolls are remnants of their library. (See Dr John Bergsma youtube) Long story short: we have to be able to hold the perfectly timed explicit teaching of the God-man who made the Shroud of Turin with very strange radiation, in tension with the general principle that a master teacher doesn't tell students everything but forms people by his presence to become teachers themselves, to become wise like him. John 16:12. With respect to Jesus' mission it was to re-establish our likeness to God, Word of the Father and Way to salvation/eternal life. What He and the Holy Spirit reveal is always perfectly timed and for the benefit of the individual's salvation. There is no contradiction between the Logos made flesh and his work in salvation history and the discovery of Logos (reason/meaning/essential cause) in the things He has made.
I'm going to have to go ahead and give this an "Amen!." For me, this work Bob is doing is in fact showing us, by holding up a kind of conceptual/physical mirror, What/Why/How OUR IMAGE actually is. My focus has remained the Nature of Reality and the Nature of Nature. Why the human face has never, ever been so clear. Again, my questions are finding answers by being the right questions. Your contribution here is a part of that grasp. Peace.
Brother, I LOVED this intimation/testimonial. I am and engineer, no theologian. However I do apply the both appophatic and kataphatic theology within the ontology and epistemology that gave birth to the the cosmology called Geometry of Consciousness and Morphogenics Matrix Math (magic squares) to Revelation 3:712 as the heart chakra of Adam Kadmon as the universal being in Jesus Christ as a cross. Can you speak to the seven churches of Revelation as it related what we are all gathered in the space of love in sympathetic resonance terms and co-create through the neutrality of the sacred heart and the FIegenbaum "Double" take cardiac cardiOID LAW of ONE heart, ONE love??
It looks like Warden Cliffe tower. This device gave off microwaves that produce anti-gravity waves. I think you have it correct. George Westinghouse did not like Warden Cliffe Tower and instead went to the power grid and solar panels that the governments are currently installing and that produce microwaves like the pyramids and thus the anti-gravity waves. The earth core as a result is currently reversing due to the reversed time and allowing the cancer rate to drop by 30% over the past two decades. People are also living longer from about 40 years of age back in the 1880's until now they live to about 82 years of age. This is what I have found out from my forty years of research. The sound resonating with water from the people produce anti-gravity waves. The magnetron structure produces microwaves that produce anti-gravity waves. A torus coil rotates electrons that give off anti-gravity waves. The anti-gravity waves turn back time so the bible prophecies in the revelations come true like ships returning to sea, the dead rising, etc. The pyramids were powered by the Ark of the Covenant in the king's chamber box. that was a capacitor/Casimir device to produce electrons, so the arms of the cherubim produce an electric arc, so this produces microwaves and anti-gravity waves. The pyramids do the same thing. This allows people to live a long time like the bible ancients. This is all my opinion from my research over the past forty years. The anti-gravity waves all cure all DNA related diseases by reversing the chemistry of the genes. This is all future people technology in the next five years that the US military is researching and is all related to the Atlanteans who were the future people in five years, so the time loop is continued to find the technology. The UAP are also future people with the prime directive who do not communicate with us so they don't upset the time loop and also to get the US military to do the research to find the technology. I was just invited to the Washington DC Nobel Prize Summit with Nobel laureates presenting. I am going virtually on May 24 all day from 9 am until 5:30 pm and they are supposedly chatting about the current status of the sciences so I will let you know what they say. Your dreams are most likely from your research with the EVO, etc. that produce anti-gravity waves and move you back in time to the heaven planet which is the earth in the past who have the technology and were people go when they pass. The heaven planet is planet nine or x that they scientists are looking for and affects the solar system. The planet is the earth and can show up as being near the earth or at the edge of the solar system because it is blue shifted. No one can find this planet because it in the past by about six or seven days and is how long God took to make the Earth. God may be the black hole particle that I depict on my spectrum and makes up the entire universe due to the gravity waves from the big bang red shifting the BHP into all other particles and waves on the spectrum. Also, the pharmaceutical companies are currently gearing up to sell tons of medications next year when the Helion comes online. Vaccines, antibiotics, cholesterol lowering medication, blood pressure medications, chemo medications for cancer, etc. only work so well in the gravity waves but work great in anti-gravity waves. The power grid added to these medications working all in the past 140 years to a limited degree but will work great in another year with the Helion. IMO.
I do not think the Ark fitted into the 'Sarcophagus', I do hypothesise that the Ark, with its layered structure of conductor / insulator, *may* have been a means of storage for whatever got produced in the 'Sarcophagus'. That stuff may have then been used to do all kinds of things.
I think the following blog details how Charles Piazzi Smyth, in "Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (1864)" took an interpretation of the cubit, to produce a volume that is *similar* to the inside of the 'Sarcophagus' which then got distorted over the years to being the same as / to having the same dimensions - which it does not.
Having roughly the same internal volume *IS* constant with it being able to store the contents of what may have been produced in the GP.
I do think the material that is produced *may* be an immense store of energy for later deployment in many ways. I think if it had long insulating handles, they would be to protect the bearers from residual Strange Radiation that might leak through the shielding.
What I think that they are currently doing in the US. They just launched a very protected rocket carrying the ARK, my star device, and the phaser to take out armies of dictators. They sent Xi to Putin to give him one last chance before using these devices to immobilize Putin's army. They can also take out Syria, Iran, and North Korea as the phaser makes a time shift and knocks people out without killing them. The ARK they use to communicate. The star device is a fusion power source. There are tons of allied troops on all borders. IMO.
Do you have any solid references to back up your stated opinion. I am not very good with opinions, I am much better when assessing repeatable experimental evidence observed by multiple independent, ideally unconnected parties across political regions and even better from different historical periods.
The data is all over the internet if you know how to find it. It would take me a year to find it once again and send it to you which I am not going to do for the reasons I stated to you in earlier messages.
I would get hacked and my stored-up information deleted once again before I sent it to you. If you don't wish to believe this, then there is nothing that I can do about it.
I got delayed getting parts until May so I cannot build my replicator to show you in a video. The US blocked me from getting the parts. The parts were just a magnet and a screw and a small transceiver. I just got contacted by a scientist friend of mine that worked at CERN and I have to see what he wants as I just wrote back to him. I also contacted online manufacturers to make my parts and they refused to do it for me.
The internet (and even many published and well read books) are chock full of nonsense, that is not to say there are not some valuable nuggets in them. I make mistakes all the time, I did so in my video on 'O' in Christian Church (about the flux being underground when I should have said above ground).
That being said, I cannot take on board an opinion that is loosely grounded in "something on the internet" that the person sharing the opinion is explicitly saying they will not back up.
When people ask for supporting evidence of hypothesis I make, I directly show them the physical data and analytical supporting data and/or give them direct links to the papers or other related research. Sure I have had direct in my face threats from specific highly connected people, but I still choose still to share the science to support my hypothesis.
I just can't believe something based on nothing but a few words said with apparent authority.
Today you stated that the Ark fitted in the 'sarcophagus' of the GP without supporting evidence. It took 20 seconds to be to establish where this fallacy was born and how it came into being a common misunderstanding. Then you stated that Plutonium would have been in there - well, which is it? Moreover, Plutonium is not something anyone can mine, and it is extremely difficult to make and handle.
In my experience, if you are willing to pay the right money, you can get pretty much anything made that is possible to make.
Do you know how many times I proved my theory with supporting evidence and then I was called a nut, fake, delusional, got yelled at, etc? You found the proof that you wanted for the ARK and I found different proof from scientists. It always ends in a huge argument and then the people stop communicating which leads to science discoveries being oppressed like cold fusion that I know works. I do it with my natural gas appliances with my solar panels and power saver and I also pay six cents per kilowatt-hour for my electricity due to the same setup. I even invite people to come see my setup and experiments and they still call me names and don't come which is retarded. If you wish to pay twenty cents per kilowatt hour for electricity, then go ahead. I don't care what you do. I even have chatted with Biden and my senate representatives about my theory, and I show the letters to many people who still call me a fake, idiot, etc. The world is full of ignorant people as I have chatted with about 500,000 on my media sites over the past twenty years. They are all idiots. I attach my photo of my four experiment parts that I was able to purchase but I need the three other parts that are stalled until May for obvious reasons. I have my contacts who I chat with and who believe me. You don't have to be one of them.
The sarcophagus may have held Plutonium that powered the pyramid and why the kings chamber has some radioactivity in it. The age of the pyramids is about 10,000 years and not 5000 years. This is ample time for the plutonium to decay with its half-life and be removed by whoever put it there. Maybe the future people of the earth. The plutonium isotope emitted electrons and neutrinos and along with the solar neutrinos may have powered the pyramids. The Ark thing was something I also looked at from a more recent YouTube video. The tunnels under the pyramids with the queen's chamber was for water from the Nile that used to flow near and under the pyramids to regulate the plutonium fission as a moderator. If the plutonium had too much fission the water would heat up and expand into the king's chamber where the plutonium fission would slow down and then the water would recede as necessary to keep the reaction under control. The neutrinos change the isotope of the granite atoms whereby they also emit electrons. The electrons made the arc at the top that then produced the RF and then the RF emitted antigravity waves to keep the people of the biblical times young. I think the ARK was to be used as a communicator with the past people of the earth on the heaven planet or planet nine or x. The electric arc between the cherubim wings also produced an RF frequency and produced antigravity waves of the correct frequency as gravity wave communication that the scientists are attempting to do and that I am currently working with a mainstream scientist to do as he works on gravity wave communications. We are using my polyethylene plastic as an antenna and a receiver to make the antigravity waves to accomplish this as I sent my diagrams to you. I have to wait for my parts to complete my experiment sometime in May and the scientist who has more access to parts will do this in late April as he is currently traveling the world informing other scientists. Gravity waves come in different frequencies as my spectrum shows. Each frequency does something different like the colors of the visible light spectrum. The ARK may have indeed stored some of the energy of the pyramids like a capacitor battery to further keep the pyramids working properly. As the plutonium was used up the age of the people decreased.
If it did not operate in this way, I believe it could easily be made to operate in this way for a relatively small investment.
To get plutonium, you have to have neutrons and refined uranium and then go through an incredible refining process.
The process I propose would be, all bar a small amount of periodically added water (or natural aquifer supplied water), solid state and operate for millions of years and would be safe as many domestic homes around the world when shut down.
There is no need for an arc - the uranium and thorium decays are sufficient to create the charge clusters in a cold hydrogen plasma and the process is self-starting, self regulating and safe. Moreover it produces two beams that project east and west that could be transducer by suitable resonant structures.
LENR is known to produce RF noise, LENR is this process in my view.
You may be correct, but it is easy to make pure plutonium with my replicator that is a HD TV the way that I sent to you after the Helion goes online producing antigravity waves so the light from the TV can be blue shifted to produce the plutonium. The voltage needed from my polyethylene antigravity device placed in back of the TV to do this is just the atomic mass of the plutonium and the current controls the amount of the plutonium produced. Your method may also be correct as the pyramids might have needed multiple sources of electrons to produce the beams. It is not always one reason for doing things. After all the earth is fairly large to send antigravity waves around the earth and also possibly in the solar system as we see Mercury, Venus, and Mars used to be earthlike if you look this up.
Given what you said, you should be the richest man on earth in short order.
The beams are produced in seconds due to resonant wave interference in free water and at surfaces. No plutonium there. This is all clearly shown in experimental evidence I shared over the past years and brought together in this presentation.
The quantum postulate states that the observer determines the outcome of the experiment. This is you. The scientists and government cover stuff up by putting twelve different experimental results on the Internet and you have to choose what you believe. Then you and me and others argue over nonsense. I worked with Reagan the US army back in the day and I know how subterfuge works. Pulsed water also makes anti-gravity waves as I have done with my Vicks vaporizer that cures people of their common cold. Try it out. No, I won't do this because I don't believe it. Pure nonsense once again. I get healthier and younger, and you get older and sicker so eventually I will win the argument when you pass to the heaven planet. LOL. The planets were the correct temperature back one billion years ago and the ARK that they are currently testing will reverse time to the one billion years ago as the bible prophesizes. Just wait a couple of more months with what I see going on.
Rick I'd word-search the concepts +time +heaven +God +resurrection at thomism wordPress first. Helps with precision with respect to these concepts about ultimate things, sometimes called first philosophy or metaphysics. The science that governs reason is logic and regulates what can be said meaningfully and as natural the order will be found in the cosmos/universe as a whole. Thunderboltsproject youtube has interesting hypotheses about the phenomenon of gravity - they prefer the Electric Universe theory: what is experienced as gravity is electrodynamical fundamentally.
The immaculate conception does not mean conception without sex. It means that Mary had no sin which means no DNA errors. Gabriel may have been a future human from the heaven planet. The heaven planet is the earth in the past with Arks of the covenant devices that the TV show the curse of oak island was looking for six months ago. He impregnated Mary because he had the correct DNA to allow Jesus to do the things, he did by his DNA producing antigravity waves to reverse time. Psychics can do similar things with their DNA sequence. Charlie Goldsmith in Australia can do healing because of this.
When a person passes, they see a light and tunnel, or the light form the Ark of the Covenant which was a capacitor/casimir generator that produced an electron arc that produces antigravity waves and wormhole waves. The light is a side effect of the production of antigravity waves and wormhole waves so the passing person can get to the Heaven planet which is the earth in the past.
When Jesus was resurrected, he traveled in time from the heaven planet back to his body and due to him being in the past earth his body gave off gamma rays to release the excess energy and burned his image into the shroud of Turin cloth. The heaven planet is planet nine or x that the scientists are looking for and cannot find because it is cloaked in the past because of the produced antigravity waves.
This can all be accomplished due to the way space and time are structured as we are all in the same space at a different time and why we see cosmic rays from the big bang near the earth or the production of electrons, protons and atoms.
I know the electric universe. I also think the big bang is correct and these two theories work together to keep the universe at static equilibrium. The big bang pushes all heavenly bodies outwards with the negative charge of the electrons (antigavity) and the electric universe contracts the universe with the protons positive charge (gravity).
The missing antimatter in the universe is the blue/white, white and blue stars and the matter is the yellow, orange and red stars. These two types of stars are separated by a huge distance and never interact to cancel each other in a big matter/antimatter explosion. If you add up the mass of these two types of stars, they both equal 50% in the universe.
UAP are from the heaven planet with the Ark technology and follow the prime directive so that they don't upset the balance of time but just inspire us present people to find the technology so that they can exist.
The incarnation is the Higgs boson or God who makes up the entire universe because the higgs boson is the black hole particle on my spectrum that is blue shifted or red shifted to make up all particles and waves. So, God becomes man. My spectrum shows this.
Speaking to the last few posts, it is evident to me that BL can be seen as a big machine with components that include the nested tors. The architecture of megalithic and cathedral complexes seems to be a way of generating and holding in place certain of the BL components so a desired size and function of a BL 'machine" can be obtained. Roughly analogous to the the way static windings can create a rotating magnetic field w three phases. Not the best analogy as we are dealing with generator created polyphase potential in the latter and the ambient chi or ether or relic neutrinos in the former, but maybe you get the gist.
Now keeping in mind scale invariance, I see a path to reengineering GEET to handle dynamic loads and, holy cow, lots more...
I will address the clearest anomalies regarding GEET, that I have not already addressed, this Sunday I hope to the best of my ability.
I also have some hunches on things observed by Parkhomov/Shoulders/Zatelepin and others that I may parse.
It clearly quantises, and this should be considered when building machines based on it and there are gentle and intense fractal moments that would effect a range of action. Sometimes less is more.
Lots of comments. BTW it's spelled "Wardenclyffe." Explaining it's shape and deriving your 3D model from another directlion to show WHY the tower is THAT shape, is one of the mostr helpful things ever. Cheers.
Meanwhile in other news... Hadn't heard from them for some time.
Dear Alexander,
We have made major progress finalizing the company structure to move forward with the work we are focused on in the elemental transmutation of radium.
We now have 5 new SAFIRE chamber candidate designs we will be testing; they are aqueous, semi-aqueous and gaseous configurations working to evaluate the most effective solution. These designs are grounded in and further extend the patents and intellectual property already established by the SAFIRE project.
Thank you for your support without which we would not have been able to continue to move forward.
It is all about your measurements. I just got contacted by the owner or sub stack and she likes my comments. I also did not wish to imply that you considered me a nut but that others that I talk with do. With regards to the replicator, I was contacted by Cambridge university a year and a half ago about my theory of the replicator and they wished to know so I sent my theory to them as they were making electrons with x-rays and then wished to make atoms with gamma rays. We chatted for three days.
German physicist Ernst Chladni i is widely credited for discovering the fact that harmonics produce
regular geometric patterns of the pentagon, hexagon and octagon on vibrated surfaces, such knowledge had actually been around for centuries and probably thousands of years. This was proven recently in the discovery of Chladni figures carved into the face of “musical cubes” jutting out from the arches of Rosslyn Chapel outside of Edinburgh, Scotland. Hence my fascination with Malcolm being Scottish? As I am a direct descendant of Queen Mary Stuart
German physicist Ernst Chladni noticed these patterns, later named Chladni figures, formed whenever harmonic wave frequencies were applied to flat surfaces. His equation, f = C(m + 2n)p using C and p as coefficients of the plate, became known as Chladni’s law.
The Da Vinci Code celebrated Rosslyn, and the Fibonacci sequence (and other not as well known) are the actual Da Vinci Code, yeas?
Are you aware of the 215 “musical cubes” in the chapel’s arches? Each “musical cube” is reported to correspond to a particular Chladni pattern to determine a pitch. An beneath the cubes were 13 musical angel angles carved into the stone pillars, with Fibonacci ratio of 13:8, or 1.625, signifying a number close to the golden ratio and corresponding to the Earth-Venus orbital proportion of a pentagram, DEEPLY entangled with the massive pine-cone (pineal) in the Vatican't no mo.
Was the secret of Rosslyn chapel the simple fact that the interplay of 13:8 and 5:3 is found not only in music but in the heavens as well? This is the core of GOC with Frank Chester's Venus (5) and Saturn (6) Bells and the Ghantas not part of the discussion to date in tandem with the Vajra?
So in the footer of Part 17 of 20 in Malcolm's PUM MSAART Patent Malcolm includes a VERY powerful code in regards to you post of the Vatican, but related to your post of TENET and the Templar nexus in levels and degrees above first principle... or to the level and degree it appears to be in fractal form of the scalar 144 as Aether/Energ/Light of 369 as 6D DC, which appears as a nexus in fractal scale of the scalar in the hexagram of the 6D hypercube of DNA.
Is he heir to 5 generations? The numerology September 22, 2022 is profoundly entangled with my sojourn and Rosslyn Chapel is KEY in sum product 99 at the center of the 6D hypercube of DNA.
There is SO MUCH in this structure
Jordan the Alchemical Science guy said he was Tasmanian from Down Under?!
Bob, are you versed with this PUM material? What Malcolm is doing with his "Alien Mathematic" is OG organic intelligence few have any contextuality for, save perhaps the empire of empirical rulers that need to weigh, measure and count the heart of Matter when it is light as a feather for one with gnosis like Raphael... birds of a feather stick together is the physics of love, but the bird words do not serve just as the Standard Model is a standard LIE in I beLIEve the experts and follow the guru rather than the interference theory at the core of Musica Universalis ( within long-term and short term memory of the bird brain carbon 12 cubic bird cage for the yellow canary in the coal mine with the little blue bird Twitter "turned" X... WHY?! Never-Mind?!
The Looking Glass from Wonderland is at the core of quantum "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date" quackery of superposition of coincidence in space of syncronicity entangled in prime time 2, the Double cross two-face coin... as the only EVEn prime and source of the mirror of duality in Master number 11 in probabilistic terms of the fractal factOID in factorial application of Genesis 6:1
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,”.
Of coarse, innerstanding the face of the Earth is a 1:6th of the total squares as Earth is a cube is a whirled world word s-word of the Knights of the Round Table and the Temporal S-Word of Unam Sanctam 1302.
Genesis 11:9 “Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”
Why 11:9 and what relativity to 9/11 and 9 relative to 11 in a 90 degree phase angel angle... 7/11 is implied through the Ides of September... for those who remember, long terms AND short term RAM access. What relation to Ecclesiastes 1:9 and the Alpha and Omega of TENET and Revelation 1:8?
"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
WOW Bob, I am dumbfounded with the resonance of the church and your Noetic Archeology of secrets in plain sight. The plane of hyperbole in hyperspace, and the Vatican't no more. I recall you have seen Scott Onstott's work, but perhaps not in contextual terms of eart|H|eart and archetype in symbol and sacred Geometry of Consciousness in Morphogenic Matrix Math. The math of HeartMath in the hydrodynamics of water through the binacci fractal. In form of Fiegenbaum and Plato's and John Dee's "Double"? .
This being the KEY to the stillness of cymatic sound and light within the Yin Yang you love so much, and perhaps can see much deeper as related to the 8 heart muscles (water BTW, see Gerald Pollack @ WA U, "EZ water") and 60 degrees within "squared" equilateral space as first principle of pi, pHi and Euler's e... irrefutably? Hope you see Alan Green/REGO's quaternion pair symmetry video? Malcolm groks the numbing number as the source of the magic, and you are teasing with TENET time, when you speak to the hydrodynamics of plasma, and this is KEY as related to the capsid in the microtubule (Sanskrit microvita) of DNA in Hydro-ionic subspace wave mechanics of sacred geometry as a medium of self-organization into expanding symmetry operations in Archimedes spirals of 144K chosen to form a de Broglie matter wave within the Archimedean CUBE-Octahedron that is at the center of TENET no one has spoken to as related to the 8 spokes in the Rota Fortuna.
The Archimedian spiral of 144 too, it is critical in pHi and recursion of nested fractal cycle in ROTAS}|SATOR live|evil palindromes in the NEYEN TENET mirror of Pascal's triangle (11^2=121) that Ezekiel's wheels within wheels is based in prime time gyroscopic number only Malcolm speaks to in scales but perhaps not at depth of the abyss in Primary Water terms most have ZERO awareness of, much less it's association with the Priestly Breast Plate 3X4=12 in the 3-4-5 Pythagorean form of the kite faces of the Chestahedron you have not said a word of beyond acknowledgement of in response to invitations other-wise?
The massive pine cone flanked by two peacocks is the KEY you may have awareness of but you are still dancing around with Lucifer's light illusion as all this, plasmOID inclusive is at the corner stone the nature of consciousness as there is no-thing to weigh, measure and count inside the SOURCE of the empire of empirical review of half truth, obfuscation and omission and down right LIE in beLIEF and the circle jerk that is peer review, where you have no peers... where here you do, in levels and degrees.
Do you notice the "plan" view of the complex is a KEY Hole for a Skeleton KEY and the Skull & Bones at Yale is the "KEY maker" in the Matrix movie? The KEY to doors no man openeth or closeth is within the valve of the heart brother. Unam Sacntum is the source of the sanctam of the Vatican't no mo and the Head of Christ yes? The Skull of Christ?
‘One is my dove, my perfect one. She is the only one, the chosen of her who bore her,‘ and she represents one sole mystical body whose Head is Christ and the head of Christ is God [1 Cor 11:3]
I am VERY interested in Ezekiel 37 and dem bones, as related to Revelation 3:7 and the Church of Philadelphia, as related to the Liberty Bell, and the Vajra Ghanta that is overlooked here as related to nobility of metals and inert gases used by the anesthesiologist, yes? No? The word become flesh, but what words and how related to the glyph (petroglyph, then hieroglyph, then geoglyph)?
Where is the spire in your decode as it is in the steeple where the people meet and the spire is within the Breath of the Compassionate (Isotropic vector matrix) and four causal forces of INspire~Aspire (as pyre as Fire)-EXspire~REspire?
More good, related stuff here. Dr. Farrell is definitely intersecting what what we are seeing albeit via a somewhat different path and sources. Fwiw I think he is conflating plasma with the ether.
Deeply informative, Bob. You did mention this live, and thanks for pressing on and into it so quickly. This has easily got my attention, having studied "church art" (Specifically "Da Vat") my entire adult life. (I even repaired an angels wings painted high up in a nave once.) So yes this makes sense, in the O-Day context. And now onto applying the 3D Overlay on to art etc., which you also mention. As you know my candidate is the Garden of Earthly Delights. This one image I regard as the most deeply mysterious/Greatest Image in my experience as an art professor of painting, and has long been scrutinized for it's myriad alchemical references (all hiding as "church art." hehe.) We may be breaking new scholarly GOED ground here, buddy. BTW, There may be many other image candidates in a book called: Alchemy & Mysticism by Taschen. Peace Cheers Onward.
Well I did it basically in my dreams in Cyprus and then tried it on the Vatican, then today I improved that quick test and then applied it to a Christian church similar to the one I sang in as a child.
At 3:15min "de-coded" is an odd term. Either Jesus is complete and definitive Revelation of the God of history and nature's God or He is not. John the Baptist who met Jesus in the womb either is the seal of the prophets announcing the Messiah's coming or he is not. If not then our entire understanding of them is totally false, the historical record and the mechanism of its stewarding, textual science on the manuscripts is completely untrustworthy and along with it the discipline of history, ancient and contemporary. With respect to textual science The Dead Sea Scrolls have a 250 B.C copy of Isaiah which is perfectly consonant with the Septuagint version have handed down. This implies authenticity of biblical texts generally. The manuscript evidence of the books of the New Covenant (Testament) is thousands of times greater than anything of ancient history and obviously ~700 years more recent. Jesus identified himself with the prophesy in Isaiah Luke 4:17-21 and John the Baptist was likely a member of the Essenes (1/3 of the sects of Israel according to Josephus) of The Dead Sea Scrolls are remnants of their library. (See Dr John Bergsma youtube) Long story short: we have to be able to hold the perfectly timed explicit teaching of the God-man who made the Shroud of Turin with very strange radiation, in tension with the general principle that a master teacher doesn't tell students everything but forms people by his presence to become teachers themselves, to become wise like him. John 16:12. With respect to Jesus' mission it was to re-establish our likeness to God, Word of the Father and Way to salvation/eternal life. What He and the Holy Spirit reveal is always perfectly timed and for the benefit of the individual's salvation. There is no contradiction between the Logos made flesh and his work in salvation history and the discovery of Logos (reason/meaning/essential cause) in the things He has made.
Thankyou for your contribution.
I'm going to have to go ahead and give this an "Amen!." For me, this work Bob is doing is in fact showing us, by holding up a kind of conceptual/physical mirror, What/Why/How OUR IMAGE actually is. My focus has remained the Nature of Reality and the Nature of Nature. Why the human face has never, ever been so clear. Again, my questions are finding answers by being the right questions. Your contribution here is a part of that grasp. Peace.
Brother, I LOVED this intimation/testimonial. I am and engineer, no theologian. However I do apply the both appophatic and kataphatic theology within the ontology and epistemology that gave birth to the the cosmology called Geometry of Consciousness and Morphogenics Matrix Math (magic squares) to Revelation 3:712 as the heart chakra of Adam Kadmon as the universal being in Jesus Christ as a cross. Can you speak to the seven churches of Revelation as it related what we are all gathered in the space of love in sympathetic resonance terms and co-create through the neutrality of the sacred heart and the FIegenbaum "Double" take cardiac cardiOID LAW of ONE heart, ONE love??
It looks like Warden Cliffe tower. This device gave off microwaves that produce anti-gravity waves. I think you have it correct. George Westinghouse did not like Warden Cliffe Tower and instead went to the power grid and solar panels that the governments are currently installing and that produce microwaves like the pyramids and thus the anti-gravity waves. The earth core as a result is currently reversing due to the reversed time and allowing the cancer rate to drop by 30% over the past two decades. People are also living longer from about 40 years of age back in the 1880's until now they live to about 82 years of age. This is what I have found out from my forty years of research. The sound resonating with water from the people produce anti-gravity waves. The magnetron structure produces microwaves that produce anti-gravity waves. A torus coil rotates electrons that give off anti-gravity waves. The anti-gravity waves turn back time so the bible prophecies in the revelations come true like ships returning to sea, the dead rising, etc. The pyramids were powered by the Ark of the Covenant in the king's chamber box. that was a capacitor/Casimir device to produce electrons, so the arms of the cherubim produce an electric arc, so this produces microwaves and anti-gravity waves. The pyramids do the same thing. This allows people to live a long time like the bible ancients. This is all my opinion from my research over the past forty years. The anti-gravity waves all cure all DNA related diseases by reversing the chemistry of the genes. This is all future people technology in the next five years that the US military is researching and is all related to the Atlanteans who were the future people in five years, so the time loop is continued to find the technology. The UAP are also future people with the prime directive who do not communicate with us so they don't upset the time loop and also to get the US military to do the research to find the technology. I was just invited to the Washington DC Nobel Prize Summit with Nobel laureates presenting. I am going virtually on May 24 all day from 9 am until 5:30 pm and they are supposedly chatting about the current status of the sciences so I will let you know what they say. Your dreams are most likely from your research with the EVO, etc. that produce anti-gravity waves and move you back in time to the heaven planet which is the earth in the past who have the technology and were people go when they pass. The heaven planet is planet nine or x that they scientists are looking for and affects the solar system. The planet is the earth and can show up as being near the earth or at the edge of the solar system because it is blue shifted. No one can find this planet because it in the past by about six or seven days and is how long God took to make the Earth. God may be the black hole particle that I depict on my spectrum and makes up the entire universe due to the gravity waves from the big bang red shifting the BHP into all other particles and waves on the spectrum. Also, the pharmaceutical companies are currently gearing up to sell tons of medications next year when the Helion comes online. Vaccines, antibiotics, cholesterol lowering medication, blood pressure medications, chemo medications for cancer, etc. only work so well in the gravity waves but work great in anti-gravity waves. The power grid added to these medications working all in the past 140 years to a limited degree but will work great in another year with the Helion. IMO.
Warden Cliff was in my Jan 2018 'O-Day' draft slides.
I specifically laid out how the Patent fits the 'O' pattern in February 2023
I do not think the Ark fitted into the 'Sarcophagus', I do hypothesise that the Ark, with its layered structure of conductor / insulator, *may* have been a means of storage for whatever got produced in the 'Sarcophagus'. That stuff may have then been used to do all kinds of things.
I think the following blog details how Charles Piazzi Smyth, in "Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (1864)" took an interpretation of the cubit, to produce a volume that is *similar* to the inside of the 'Sarcophagus' which then got distorted over the years to being the same as / to having the same dimensions - which it does not.
Having roughly the same internal volume *IS* constant with it being able to store the contents of what may have been produced in the GP.
I do think the material that is produced *may* be an immense store of energy for later deployment in many ways. I think if it had long insulating handles, they would be to protect the bearers from residual Strange Radiation that might leak through the shielding.
What I think that they are currently doing in the US. They just launched a very protected rocket carrying the ARK, my star device, and the phaser to take out armies of dictators. They sent Xi to Putin to give him one last chance before using these devices to immobilize Putin's army. They can also take out Syria, Iran, and North Korea as the phaser makes a time shift and knocks people out without killing them. The ARK they use to communicate. The star device is a fusion power source. There are tons of allied troops on all borders. IMO.
Do you have any solid references to back up your stated opinion. I am not very good with opinions, I am much better when assessing repeatable experimental evidence observed by multiple independent, ideally unconnected parties across political regions and even better from different historical periods.
The data is all over the internet if you know how to find it. It would take me a year to find it once again and send it to you which I am not going to do for the reasons I stated to you in earlier messages.
I would get hacked and my stored-up information deleted once again before I sent it to you. If you don't wish to believe this, then there is nothing that I can do about it.
I got delayed getting parts until May so I cannot build my replicator to show you in a video. The US blocked me from getting the parts. The parts were just a magnet and a screw and a small transceiver. I just got contacted by a scientist friend of mine that worked at CERN and I have to see what he wants as I just wrote back to him. I also contacted online manufacturers to make my parts and they refused to do it for me.
The internet (and even many published and well read books) are chock full of nonsense, that is not to say there are not some valuable nuggets in them. I make mistakes all the time, I did so in my video on 'O' in Christian Church (about the flux being underground when I should have said above ground).
That being said, I cannot take on board an opinion that is loosely grounded in "something on the internet" that the person sharing the opinion is explicitly saying they will not back up.
When people ask for supporting evidence of hypothesis I make, I directly show them the physical data and analytical supporting data and/or give them direct links to the papers or other related research. Sure I have had direct in my face threats from specific highly connected people, but I still choose still to share the science to support my hypothesis.
I just can't believe something based on nothing but a few words said with apparent authority.
Today you stated that the Ark fitted in the 'sarcophagus' of the GP without supporting evidence. It took 20 seconds to be to establish where this fallacy was born and how it came into being a common misunderstanding. Then you stated that Plutonium would have been in there - well, which is it? Moreover, Plutonium is not something anyone can mine, and it is extremely difficult to make and handle.
In my experience, if you are willing to pay the right money, you can get pretty much anything made that is possible to make.
Do you know how many times I proved my theory with supporting evidence and then I was called a nut, fake, delusional, got yelled at, etc? You found the proof that you wanted for the ARK and I found different proof from scientists. It always ends in a huge argument and then the people stop communicating which leads to science discoveries being oppressed like cold fusion that I know works. I do it with my natural gas appliances with my solar panels and power saver and I also pay six cents per kilowatt-hour for my electricity due to the same setup. I even invite people to come see my setup and experiments and they still call me names and don't come which is retarded. If you wish to pay twenty cents per kilowatt hour for electricity, then go ahead. I don't care what you do. I even have chatted with Biden and my senate representatives about my theory, and I show the letters to many people who still call me a fake, idiot, etc. The world is full of ignorant people as I have chatted with about 500,000 on my media sites over the past twenty years. They are all idiots. I attach my photo of my four experiment parts that I was able to purchase but I need the three other parts that are stalled until May for obvious reasons. I have my contacts who I chat with and who believe me. You don't have to be one of them.
The sarcophagus may have held Plutonium that powered the pyramid and why the kings chamber has some radioactivity in it. The age of the pyramids is about 10,000 years and not 5000 years. This is ample time for the plutonium to decay with its half-life and be removed by whoever put it there. Maybe the future people of the earth. The plutonium isotope emitted electrons and neutrinos and along with the solar neutrinos may have powered the pyramids. The Ark thing was something I also looked at from a more recent YouTube video. The tunnels under the pyramids with the queen's chamber was for water from the Nile that used to flow near and under the pyramids to regulate the plutonium fission as a moderator. If the plutonium had too much fission the water would heat up and expand into the king's chamber where the plutonium fission would slow down and then the water would recede as necessary to keep the reaction under control. The neutrinos change the isotope of the granite atoms whereby they also emit electrons. The electrons made the arc at the top that then produced the RF and then the RF emitted antigravity waves to keep the people of the biblical times young. I think the ARK was to be used as a communicator with the past people of the earth on the heaven planet or planet nine or x. The electric arc between the cherubim wings also produced an RF frequency and produced antigravity waves of the correct frequency as gravity wave communication that the scientists are attempting to do and that I am currently working with a mainstream scientist to do as he works on gravity wave communications. We are using my polyethylene plastic as an antenna and a receiver to make the antigravity waves to accomplish this as I sent my diagrams to you. I have to wait for my parts to complete my experiment sometime in May and the scientist who has more access to parts will do this in late April as he is currently traveling the world informing other scientists. Gravity waves come in different frequencies as my spectrum shows. Each frequency does something different like the colors of the visible light spectrum. The ARK may have indeed stored some of the energy of the pyramids like a capacitor battery to further keep the pyramids working properly. As the plutonium was used up the age of the people decreased.
I do not believe it needed Plutonium to operate. I have described how I believe it operated clearly in these presentations base on experimental data.
If it did not operate in this way, I believe it could easily be made to operate in this way for a relatively small investment.
To get plutonium, you have to have neutrons and refined uranium and then go through an incredible refining process.
The process I propose would be, all bar a small amount of periodically added water (or natural aquifer supplied water), solid state and operate for millions of years and would be safe as many domestic homes around the world when shut down.
There is no need for an arc - the uranium and thorium decays are sufficient to create the charge clusters in a cold hydrogen plasma and the process is self-starting, self regulating and safe. Moreover it produces two beams that project east and west that could be transducer by suitable resonant structures.
LENR is known to produce RF noise, LENR is this process in my view.
You may be correct, but it is easy to make pure plutonium with my replicator that is a HD TV the way that I sent to you after the Helion goes online producing antigravity waves so the light from the TV can be blue shifted to produce the plutonium. The voltage needed from my polyethylene antigravity device placed in back of the TV to do this is just the atomic mass of the plutonium and the current controls the amount of the plutonium produced. Your method may also be correct as the pyramids might have needed multiple sources of electrons to produce the beams. It is not always one reason for doing things. After all the earth is fairly large to send antigravity waves around the earth and also possibly in the solar system as we see Mercury, Venus, and Mars used to be earthlike if you look this up.
Given what you said, you should be the richest man on earth in short order.
The beams are produced in seconds due to resonant wave interference in free water and at surfaces. No plutonium there. This is all clearly shown in experimental evidence I shared over the past years and brought together in this presentation.
Mars does not have the gravity, Mercury does not have the low temperatures.
The quantum postulate states that the observer determines the outcome of the experiment. This is you. The scientists and government cover stuff up by putting twelve different experimental results on the Internet and you have to choose what you believe. Then you and me and others argue over nonsense. I worked with Reagan the US army back in the day and I know how subterfuge works. Pulsed water also makes anti-gravity waves as I have done with my Vicks vaporizer that cures people of their common cold. Try it out. No, I won't do this because I don't believe it. Pure nonsense once again. I get healthier and younger, and you get older and sicker so eventually I will win the argument when you pass to the heaven planet. LOL. The planets were the correct temperature back one billion years ago and the ARK that they are currently testing will reverse time to the one billion years ago as the bible prophesizes. Just wait a couple of more months with what I see going on.
Rick I'd word-search the concepts +time +heaven +God +resurrection at thomism wordPress first. Helps with precision with respect to these concepts about ultimate things, sometimes called first philosophy or metaphysics. The science that governs reason is logic and regulates what can be said meaningfully and as natural the order will be found in the cosmos/universe as a whole. Thunderboltsproject youtube has interesting hypotheses about the phenomenon of gravity - they prefer the Electric Universe theory: what is experienced as gravity is electrodynamical fundamentally.
The immaculate conception does not mean conception without sex. It means that Mary had no sin which means no DNA errors. Gabriel may have been a future human from the heaven planet. The heaven planet is the earth in the past with Arks of the covenant devices that the TV show the curse of oak island was looking for six months ago. He impregnated Mary because he had the correct DNA to allow Jesus to do the things, he did by his DNA producing antigravity waves to reverse time. Psychics can do similar things with their DNA sequence. Charlie Goldsmith in Australia can do healing because of this.
When a person passes, they see a light and tunnel, or the light form the Ark of the Covenant which was a capacitor/casimir generator that produced an electron arc that produces antigravity waves and wormhole waves. The light is a side effect of the production of antigravity waves and wormhole waves so the passing person can get to the Heaven planet which is the earth in the past.
When Jesus was resurrected, he traveled in time from the heaven planet back to his body and due to him being in the past earth his body gave off gamma rays to release the excess energy and burned his image into the shroud of Turin cloth. The heaven planet is planet nine or x that the scientists are looking for and cannot find because it is cloaked in the past because of the produced antigravity waves.
This can all be accomplished due to the way space and time are structured as we are all in the same space at a different time and why we see cosmic rays from the big bang near the earth or the production of electrons, protons and atoms.
I know the electric universe. I also think the big bang is correct and these two theories work together to keep the universe at static equilibrium. The big bang pushes all heavenly bodies outwards with the negative charge of the electrons (antigavity) and the electric universe contracts the universe with the protons positive charge (gravity).
The missing antimatter in the universe is the blue/white, white and blue stars and the matter is the yellow, orange and red stars. These two types of stars are separated by a huge distance and never interact to cancel each other in a big matter/antimatter explosion. If you add up the mass of these two types of stars, they both equal 50% in the universe.
UAP are from the heaven planet with the Ark technology and follow the prime directive so that they don't upset the balance of time but just inspire us present people to find the technology so that they can exist.
The incarnation is the Higgs boson or God who makes up the entire universe because the higgs boson is the black hole particle on my spectrum that is blue shifted or red shifted to make up all particles and waves. So, God becomes man. My spectrum shows this.
I can go on and on but I will stop here as it is 3:30 am by me and I need to get some sleep.
Speaking to the last few posts, it is evident to me that BL can be seen as a big machine with components that include the nested tors. The architecture of megalithic and cathedral complexes seems to be a way of generating and holding in place certain of the BL components so a desired size and function of a BL 'machine" can be obtained. Roughly analogous to the the way static windings can create a rotating magnetic field w three phases. Not the best analogy as we are dealing with generator created polyphase potential in the latter and the ambient chi or ether or relic neutrinos in the former, but maybe you get the gist.
Now keeping in mind scale invariance, I see a path to reengineering GEET to handle dynamic loads and, holy cow, lots more...
I will address the clearest anomalies regarding GEET, that I have not already addressed, this Sunday I hope to the best of my ability.
I also have some hunches on things observed by Parkhomov/Shoulders/Zatelepin and others that I may parse.
It clearly quantises, and this should be considered when building machines based on it and there are gentle and intense fractal moments that would effect a range of action. Sometimes less is more.
Lots of comments. BTW it's spelled "Wardenclyffe." Explaining it's shape and deriving your 3D model from another directlion to show WHY the tower is THAT shape, is one of the mostr helpful things ever. Cheers.
Thanks - it is one name I have never committed to memory.
Meanwhile in other news... Hadn't heard from them for some time.
Dear Alexander,
We have made major progress finalizing the company structure to move forward with the work we are focused on in the elemental transmutation of radium.
We now have 5 new SAFIRE chamber candidate designs we will be testing; they are aqueous, semi-aqueous and gaseous configurations working to evaluate the most effective solution. These designs are grounded in and further extend the patents and intellectual property already established by the SAFIRE project.
Thank you for your support without which we would not have been able to continue to move forward.
Kind regards,
Montgomery W. Childs
Founder | Chairman
Aureon Energy Ltd. - The SAFIRE Project
Plate spinning?
Hard to know.
Thanks for the update.
It is all about your measurements. I just got contacted by the owner or sub stack and she likes my comments. I also did not wish to imply that you considered me a nut but that others that I talk with do. With regards to the replicator, I was contacted by Cambridge university a year and a half ago about my theory of the replicator and they wished to know so I sent my theory to them as they were making electrons with x-rays and then wished to make atoms with gamma rays. We chatted for three days.
German physicist Ernst Chladni i is widely credited for discovering the fact that harmonics produce
regular geometric patterns of the pentagon, hexagon and octagon on vibrated surfaces, such knowledge had actually been around for centuries and probably thousands of years. This was proven recently in the discovery of Chladni figures carved into the face of “musical cubes” jutting out from the arches of Rosslyn Chapel outside of Edinburgh, Scotland. Hence my fascination with Malcolm being Scottish? As I am a direct descendant of Queen Mary Stuart
German physicist Ernst Chladni noticed these patterns, later named Chladni figures, formed whenever harmonic wave frequencies were applied to flat surfaces. His equation, f = C(m + 2n)p using C and p as coefficients of the plate, became known as Chladni’s law.
The Da Vinci Code celebrated Rosslyn, and the Fibonacci sequence (and other not as well known) are the actual Da Vinci Code, yeas?
Are you aware of the 215 “musical cubes” in the chapel’s arches? Each “musical cube” is reported to correspond to a particular Chladni pattern to determine a pitch. An beneath the cubes were 13 musical angel angles carved into the stone pillars, with Fibonacci ratio of 13:8, or 1.625, signifying a number close to the golden ratio and corresponding to the Earth-Venus orbital proportion of a pentagram, DEEPLY entangled with the massive pine-cone (pineal) in the Vatican't no mo.
Was the secret of Rosslyn chapel the simple fact that the interplay of 13:8 and 5:3 is found not only in music but in the heavens as well? This is the core of GOC with Frank Chester's Venus (5) and Saturn (6) Bells and the Ghantas not part of the discussion to date in tandem with the Vajra?
So in the footer of Part 17 of 20 in Malcolm's PUM MSAART Patent Malcolm includes a VERY powerful code in regards to you post of the Vatican, but related to your post of TENET and the Templar nexus in levels and degrees above first principle... or to the level and degree it appears to be in fractal form of the scalar 144 as Aether/Energ/Light of 369 as 6D DC, which appears as a nexus in fractal scale of the scalar in the hexagram of the 6D hypercube of DNA.
Is he heir to 5 generations? The numerology September 22, 2022 is profoundly entangled with my sojourn and Rosslyn Chapel is KEY in sum product 99 at the center of the 6D hypercube of DNA.
There is SO MUCH in this structure
Jordan the Alchemical Science guy said he was Tasmanian from Down Under?!
Bob, are you versed with this PUM material? What Malcolm is doing with his "Alien Mathematic" is OG organic intelligence few have any contextuality for, save perhaps the empire of empirical rulers that need to weigh, measure and count the heart of Matter when it is light as a feather for one with gnosis like Raphael... birds of a feather stick together is the physics of love, but the bird words do not serve just as the Standard Model is a standard LIE in I beLIEve the experts and follow the guru rather than the interference theory at the core of Musica Universalis ( within long-term and short term memory of the bird brain carbon 12 cubic bird cage for the yellow canary in the coal mine with the little blue bird Twitter "turned" X... WHY?! Never-Mind?!
The Looking Glass from Wonderland is at the core of quantum "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date" quackery of superposition of coincidence in space of syncronicity entangled in prime time 2, the Double cross two-face coin... as the only EVEn prime and source of the mirror of duality in Master number 11 in probabilistic terms of the fractal factOID in factorial application of Genesis 6:1
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,”.
Of coarse, innerstanding the face of the Earth is a 1:6th of the total squares as Earth is a cube is a whirled world word s-word of the Knights of the Round Table and the Temporal S-Word of Unam Sanctam 1302.
Genesis 11:9 “Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”
Why 11:9 and what relativity to 9/11 and 9 relative to 11 in a 90 degree phase angel angle... 7/11 is implied through the Ides of September... for those who remember, long terms AND short term RAM access. What relation to Ecclesiastes 1:9 and the Alpha and Omega of TENET and Revelation 1:8?
"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
WOW Bob, I am dumbfounded with the resonance of the church and your Noetic Archeology of secrets in plain sight. The plane of hyperbole in hyperspace, and the Vatican't no more. I recall you have seen Scott Onstott's work, but perhaps not in contextual terms of eart|H|eart and archetype in symbol and sacred Geometry of Consciousness in Morphogenic Matrix Math. The math of HeartMath in the hydrodynamics of water through the binacci fractal. In form of Fiegenbaum and Plato's and John Dee's "Double"? .
This being the KEY to the stillness of cymatic sound and light within the Yin Yang you love so much, and perhaps can see much deeper as related to the 8 heart muscles (water BTW, see Gerald Pollack @ WA U, "EZ water") and 60 degrees within "squared" equilateral space as first principle of pi, pHi and Euler's e... irrefutably? Hope you see Alan Green/REGO's quaternion pair symmetry video? Malcolm groks the numbing number as the source of the magic, and you are teasing with TENET time, when you speak to the hydrodynamics of plasma, and this is KEY as related to the capsid in the microtubule (Sanskrit microvita) of DNA in Hydro-ionic subspace wave mechanics of sacred geometry as a medium of self-organization into expanding symmetry operations in Archimedes spirals of 144K chosen to form a de Broglie matter wave within the Archimedean CUBE-Octahedron that is at the center of TENET no one has spoken to as related to the 8 spokes in the Rota Fortuna.
The Archimedian spiral of 144 too, it is critical in pHi and recursion of nested fractal cycle in ROTAS}|SATOR live|evil palindromes in the NEYEN TENET mirror of Pascal's triangle (11^2=121) that Ezekiel's wheels within wheels is based in prime time gyroscopic number only Malcolm speaks to in scales but perhaps not at depth of the abyss in Primary Water terms most have ZERO awareness of, much less it's association with the Priestly Breast Plate 3X4=12 in the 3-4-5 Pythagorean form of the kite faces of the Chestahedron you have not said a word of beyond acknowledgement of in response to invitations other-wise?
The massive pine cone flanked by two peacocks is the KEY you may have awareness of but you are still dancing around with Lucifer's light illusion as all this, plasmOID inclusive is at the corner stone the nature of consciousness as there is no-thing to weigh, measure and count inside the SOURCE of the empire of empirical review of half truth, obfuscation and omission and down right LIE in beLIEF and the circle jerk that is peer review, where you have no peers... where here you do, in levels and degrees.
Do you notice the "plan" view of the complex is a KEY Hole for a Skeleton KEY and the Skull & Bones at Yale is the "KEY maker" in the Matrix movie? The KEY to doors no man openeth or closeth is within the valve of the heart brother. Unam Sacntum is the source of the sanctam of the Vatican't no mo and the Head of Christ yes? The Skull of Christ?
‘One is my dove, my perfect one. She is the only one, the chosen of her who bore her,‘ and she represents one sole mystical body whose Head is Christ and the head of Christ is God [1 Cor 11:3]
I am VERY interested in Ezekiel 37 and dem bones, as related to Revelation 3:7 and the Church of Philadelphia, as related to the Liberty Bell, and the Vajra Ghanta that is overlooked here as related to nobility of metals and inert gases used by the anesthesiologist, yes? No? The word become flesh, but what words and how related to the glyph (petroglyph, then hieroglyph, then geoglyph)?
Where is the spire in your decode as it is in the steeple where the people meet and the spire is within the Breath of the Compassionate (Isotropic vector matrix) and four causal forces of INspire~Aspire (as pyre as Fire)-EXspire~REspire?
Very cool
More good, related stuff here. Dr. Farrell is definitely intersecting what what we are seeing albeit via a somewhat different path and sources. Fwiw I think he is conflating plasma with the ether.
What I chat about on Linkedin.