Bob, I am writing a paper on the anomalous behaviors of HHO and the similarities to other over non-gas anomalous systems. Hopefully to be published in IOP. I have been able to document some subatomic features. As soon as it is available in preprint, I will be sure you get access to it. I think you will appreciate what we have found.

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Braun's gas contains extra many soft electrons. I have not fully understood what soft electrons are, but that is Joseph Cater's explanation of HHO. I hope others will investigate whether he is right.

21. Brown’s gas, produced by one form of the electrolysis of water has properties which seem bewildering to most scientists. Using it, allows steel to be welded to a clay brick and the flame is not harmful to human flesh. The flame temperature depends entirely on what it is applied to. It can also reduce nuclear radiation by 96%. The properties of Brown’s gas confirm the information above. Water has a very large capacity to store soft electrons in addition to those already present in the structure of water. Brown did not separate water into hydrogen and oxygen. Instead, he added additional soft electrons to the water molecules. These additional charges greatly weakened the cohesive forces between the molecules, converting the water to an unstable gas. All of the properties of Brown’s Gas follow naturally from this. Under welding conditions, the vast concentrations of soft electrons supply the release of sufficient quantities of hard electrons to produce the needed heat. In addition, the soft electron concentrations enable iron atoms to partially interpenetrate brick molecules to produce a bond between brick and iron. Also, with the ultra-high concentration of soft electrons, the gas can readily neutralise the positive charges of nuclear radiation.



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Moray B. King talks about the electrically expanded theory of water in Brown's Gas. These various theories do account for the excess charge.

These theories do not explain the persistent observations of "the first flush" of gas being the special "heavy" kind - most active. Whereas one that accounts for the dissolved oxygen playing a role - as it certainly did in the Sundarasen and Bockris transmutation observations - does explain this observation. As I argued, the continual highly dynamic turbulent mixing present in the Ohmasa Gas generator, explains why its gas is consistent as evolved O2 is constantly forced to dissolve in the HHO source water. The 'Birdies' observed by many researchers do have a high velocity and penetration, having O2 rich water of a large volume, allows for their capture.

These Magneto-Toro-Electrical Clusters can store vast numbers of electrons which are released upon disruption, this disruption can happen inside metals, and our observations of eruptions from within Indium is consistent with this mode of action.


Moreover, the proposed condensed neutrino clusters are ripe for playing a role in remediation.

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Great David, I will be happy to look at it and review it when you are able to share it.

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Bob I don’t know if you have read much of Rudolf Steiner’s work. You mentioned the akashic records several times.

You might enjoy listening to The World of Spirit Devaekon. I believe this is taken from his work compiled in “Higher Knowledge” the readings are well done as are the website which has most of his writings translated in English. His life’s purpose was spent on educating those who were interested in the world outcomes dependent on Ahrimanic and Luciferian force’s as the world was steadfastly moving towards a scientific perspective rather than spiritual. He saw this as dangerous and would prohibit humanity from obtaining the developmental paths in which we were designed for


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I missed your live as I needed to partake in family duties 😀 I look forward to participating in the next live

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Hi Tammy,

I like to start with Nature first and see what it says, to "clean room it" otherwise I might attribute observation to a pre-existing hypothesis. Some people have mentioned Steiner in the past, perhaps it will be relevant, I do prefer what can be replicated in experiment over and over or symbols of very ancient societies long before people focused on self and EGO.

Thanks for sharing.

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Bob, I wonder the same thing, how did everything get so dumbed down? You mentioned OH radicals acting like masers. Can you explain this idea. Thanks.

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Thanks, that's a cool picture of glowing masers on Jupiter on the Wikipedia page. I found this article explaining the different types of chemical masers. Interesting that water produces fractal masers and OH masing creates filaments and arcs. Also methanol which might explain what appear to be cow mutilations, so prevalent in the US. Perhaps in some of these Gilsonite (natural hydrocarbon) rich areas, micro ball lightning comes up form the ground going into the animals helping to transform their methane to methanol. https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/A559D35A5B4F07481A75014AC8DEB306/S1743921307012604a.pdf/masers-and-star-formation.pdf

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Hey Bob,

Just re-watched this presentation. What are your thoughts around the various methods used for electrolysis?

From an experimental standpoint, most people seem to be using electrodes into an electrolytic solution.

Most of the “Hydrogen Water Bottles” are using Proton Exchange Membranes and are dumping the O2 into the atmosphere while pumping the Hydrogen into the water.

Would that membrane alter how the EVO binds?

The PEMs only allow protons through and do not allow electrons to pass.

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I bought one of these bottles with the intention of using them in experiments, it is logical from what we have found so far to do this and I will explain my full logic in a future presentation.

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Looking forward to hearing your thoughts then!

The fact that this method doesn’t require an added electrolyte to the water is certainly an attractive reason for looking into this method of electrolysis. Especially if we’re looking to use this water for something like gardening.

Another consideration for testing is that Iridium and Platinum appear to be used as the electrodes in many PEM electrolysis units. I’m not sure how their paramagnetism compares to O2. It may alter where the toroidal moment binds.

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Having now caught up on the previous two videos (!), the evidence just keeps piling up in favour of the fractal toriod and its moments - like, for example, the observed prediction that dielectric elements, such as Carbon, would naturally be expelled from the active zone, and O2, with both its massive moment and its being paramagnetic, explaining so much (with monatomic Hydrogen, either as atom or ion, being "just right" for getting the whole process started. So, starting with H2O (the Mickey Mouse molecule), longitudinal wave resonance in cavities (ultrasound and so on) causing a percentage of the H2O to reform into H-HO with added air bubbles (O2 and N - according to Tesla, Nitrogen is important in the propagation of æther streams without encouraging electron production out of the æther) - and also, possibly, scalar wave "shock fronts" (in the æther) to carry the collapsed nuclei remnants in a stream (for example, streaming from the eye of the vortex, the maximum point of pressure, the point where nucleons collapse ino the æther), we see at the far end of the "æther stream soliton" matter being reformed, preferentially as alpha conjugate nuclei (with electrons either being grabbed from the surrounding or also formed direct from the æther when the stream hits a metal lattice - hence Alu-foil and an æther stream loop formed from the Fractal Toroid and its Moment! - as it curves back into the metal lattice), those alpha conjugate nuclei, being diamagnetic, then being expelled from the "reformation point". At least, that is how I currently understand the mechanism seen in ULTR, LION, the VEGA valley and so on.

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Yes, that is pretty close. There is, I will argue, an accelerating factor in our current ULTR experiments which I will come to soon.

Also, the paramagnetic moments of the electron, atomic hydrogen and oxygen align with either the L or R chirality vortexes to enhance their respective fractal toroidal moments.

In addition 17O has spin, so is not only the first most likely O2 molecule isotope to form from the most abundant 2(16O and 1H), it is the most active. It is logic therefore that 12C and 22Ne would be formed from 17O2 in Bin Juine-Huang's cavitation system, but also logic that 2(17O2) would produce 12C and 56Fe in Sundarasen and Bockris' replication of George Ohsawa's STEEL producing process (and only when dissolved O2 is present in the water) - just not too easy to prove C synthesis when one started with Carbon electrodes.

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Is the Thunderstorm Generator Meyl's water based Thunderstorm Machine/Engine?



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If real, it may play a role, however, it appears highly speculative, though well reasoned.

Santilli gave a similar name to his generator, it does not mean it is the same thing.

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Does your description of lightning match these images of lightning.


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Yes, this was the video I was referring to (I think they did another one also).

I have had the pleasure of standing on that building (by invite of a guest, never stayed there!)

Ken Shoulders stated that the "leader" in any spark is an EVO, I would agree entirely, see his videos and documents on the lightning process here.


If Ball Lightning (BL) is an EVO (and Ken says they are), and a BL impact soil sample from Norway observes the exact same crenelated Fe+O sphere as we produced with synthetic BL in VEGA and ULTR (download updated slides for "O-Day - HHO" as I have included these SEMs with links to references) then it stands to reason that when a "Leader" branches, it produces another BL and this has the potential to contain an Fe + O rich crenelated microsphere.

In the video, the "expert" states that the "leader" travels at 1/10 c - this is exactly the speed that Ken Shoulders determined EVOs to travel at. It is likely due to the field intensity that initiates the cluster movement and this field is sufficient to produce 1/10 c.

The reverse pulse I argue is a combination of the release positive matter, the intense re-birth of or ordinary electrons and the shockwave that propagates in the ionised channel faster than in matter that is not ionised - claimed to be 1/3 c

The discharge then proceeds through the 'virtual wire' of the discharge channel. Sometimes multiple times as I have recorded personally on camera.

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