Absolutely blown away, Bob. For me "O-Day - Flux capacitor" was like that field talk Randall Carlson gave in front of a landscape ravaged by an unfathomable amount of water and showing evidence in situ. I remember seeing the simplicity of the evidence and the moment I put it together in my minds eye. Seeing these amazing structures through equipment so graciously donated to MFMP, and to hear your live take on the captures, well this has given me hope. Don't tell nature what it is, let it show you. <3.

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Let it show you... and don't keep the secret.

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Bob Greenyer has just understood how the EVO transmutes and distributes that reformed matter in detail by looking at the residue that has been produced in the failure of the Cavitation (sonofusion) reactor from B-J. Huang.

One issue revealed in the analysis of current transmutation that has recently troubled me was how the transmuted material exited the EVO in seemingly ransom fashion and yet still managed to conform to the black hole theories that underpin Anti- De Sutter spacetime. There may be the reason to now suspect the possibility of the development within the center the EVO of a magnetic singularity (a magnetic monopole) rather than a gravitational singularity. The data Bob explains show now this reformed material is released and broadcast and how the internal mechanisms inside the EVO also endure the failure conditions of EVO termination. There is lots of wonderful detail here.

The Quark Gluon condensate matter digestion hypothesis process seems to be supported by this new data release and explanation. The creation and release of reformatted matter seems to occur at the end of the EVO lifecycle.

Bob does not beleive that Hot Fusion will ever work because you can't make Mother nature do what she does not want to do. She wants to do LENR.

The sacred geometry slant on this process looks to conform with Twister physics



In theoretical physics, twistor theory was proposed by Roger Penrose in 1967[1] as a possible path[2] to quantum gravity and has evolved into a widely studied branch of theoretical and mathematical physics. Penrose's idea was that twistor space should be the basic arena for physics from which space-time itself should emerge. It has led to powerful mathematical tools that have applications to differential and integral geometry, nonlinear differential equations and representation theory, and in physics to general relativity, quantum field theory, and the theory of scattering amplitudes. Twistor theory arose in the context of the rapidly expanding mathematical developments in Einstein's theory of general relativity in the late 1950s and in the 1960s and carries a number of influences from that period. In particular, Roger Penrose has credited Ivor Robinson as an important early influence in the development of twistor theory, through his construction of so-called Robinson congruences.[3]

Wolfram Physics

This field shows that the twister is reminiscent of ancient geometry

Is the project related to sacred geometry?

Not in any direct or formal sense. The specific geometric forms (such as the flower of life) commonly discussed in sacred geometry are overwhelmingly simpler than the forms that emerge even from extremely simple rules in our models. However, the notion (dating back to antiquity) that constructs can combine to reproduce nature has definite conceptual resonance with our approach.


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The O-Day - Flux capacitor may well mark the discovery of the electroweak magnetic monopole. This discovery should be shared with the world. In pursuit of this goal, the O-Day - Flux capacitor presentation could be better organized and cleaned so that this dats can be put into a science quality paper using links to the various SEM images for reference. The various parts of broken EVOs could be used to demonstrate how the magnetic monopole mechanism works inside the EVO. This explanation might include how the electroweak fields inside the EVO take on solid matter form that are shown to persist in the rubble left behind after the EVO is terminated.

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Certainly the data should be presented in a paper for consideration on its own merits and in relation to the other data (excess heat, apparatus failure and non-condensible gasses) already presented for these reactors in Nature - Scientific Reports.

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When Science Reports eventually rejects the original paper cavitation reactor paper claim as you mentioned in the flux video, the flux capacitor theory paper will be a appropriate and non-pretensions response to explain to science. how transmutation works.

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Look out for the next short video from further DHX-2 reactor analysis - 'T-Bone', I believe it presents, in hard data, another step change in the way these MHD structures form, act and die. I hope to image it better in the coming week.

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I was doing some research on sonoluminescence in order to find our more about the process of ultrasonic cavitation and ran into these videos of Toronto APL

One is a short presentation of one of the students that was able to photograph these sonoluminescent cavitation bubbles during the tests


This one is a explanatory video on how the sonoluminescent apparatus works and is operated.


Now if you look at the short presentation video on this timestamp you can see the photos of the different oscillating sonoluminescent bubbles


Now if you look at this video you can see the correlations that these sonoluminescent bubbles have with the solidified structures on the Bin-Juine Huang samples


Might be that these are photos of these structures in their live form before collapse and solidification. These are photos from a pretty snazzy ultrasonic cavitation setup

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Very good Tony!

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If there's a link where I can download some of the SEM images I would very much like to overlay the 3D geometry on the structures and create video files from that switching on and of the transparency to see if there are more correlations popping up in between the 3D geometry and the structures found on the sample.

I am wondering if the active structure is actually larger in size whilst being in "the coherent matter state" (am I saying it right?) and collapses down in a smaller size when it materializes and exits the coherent matter state.

A camera like that wouldnt be able to photograph these structures if they were only 20 nm wide. So in the coherent state they are more active, fluid but maybe also larger in size? Anyhow, would love to do the 3D overlays and share those. This is also explaining a lot about the windhexe geometries

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I will get them out as soon as possible, in Schipol at moment - little sleep for two days.

Need to overlay MagicSound Logo (my agreement with Alan)

And yes, it explains Windhexe

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flux capacitor is a fiction. or is it a take on early version for physics -- applications in electro magnetic science. or is it historical and became phrase for early calculus usages coming out of newton that everyone still jokes about....

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Bob, this is marvelous evidence and so cool that it’s the same as documented by Matsumoto all those years ago. Would it be more accurate to say that these transmuted chemical elements “decohere” from the fractal toroidal micro-ball lightnings, rather than come about from “quantum wave function collapse”, which has never been empirically observed? Solid objects have a quantum wave function too, it’s just that probability densities are more defined over a very local area, less spread out, versus a plasma, for example. Cheers.

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I think I finally found out what Matsumoto may have considered 'nattoh' like, it is what I believe is the inside of a dead cluster that sloughed off its shell.

Bin-Juine Huang - Nattoh & other dough ball fillings - objects on DHX-2 piping

Japanese (AI test)




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Matsumoto must have seen more than he was able to show, this will become clear.

In my view, it is coherent matter, in a kind of condensate, but maybe a quark soup as suggested by Ken Shoulders and implied by Solin's force unification - in the end it does not practically matter. It is clear that out of these systems, depending on their level of fractality, inputs, lifetime and state, they output a range of elements on their demise and they can often produce a spread of elements skewed to particular elements on one side (the Yin side) of the structure - like we see Ag, Sn etc.

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Just finished watching on catch-up- needless to say, I could only make it to 24:00 my time before heading off to sleep. Yet again, the evidence down the (scanning electron) microscope is clear, incontrovertible, consistent, thought provoking, and profound on its implications. Yet again, however, I have little doubt that the reactionary forces will continue to refuse to see what is plainly before them - and literally staring back at them from the mirror. As ever , the usual statements of “extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof” will be trotted out, while failing to apply the same rigorous standards to their own favourite pet mathematical abstractions.

Anyway, enough of the moaning. It was a brilliant presentation as ever - many thanks to Bob and Alan Goldwater- magic indeed.🧙‍♂️

Note to Bob: On a personal note, I’m still looking to create a presentation “slide pack” to increase awareness of EVOs and “the sacred geometry”, but this I can only do with stills from the sacred geometry structure (with is fractal toroids and sothic triangles). 🙂

With respect to alchemy, Egypt and sothic triangles, I recently came across this:



Anyway, once again, we find ourselves called to persevere with bringing these amazing (re)discoveries to a world sorely in need of some good news

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Interestingly Gordon, the claim that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” is a theological argument from the Middle Ages, it has nothing to do with modern science which simply requires evidence, of any type, preferably repeatable. I once heard Marcelo Truzzl, found of PSICOPS, the skeptical society, complain that this phrase had been misused to suppress new ideas and findings, like in PSI ability and remote viewing. The original idea has to do with witnessing miracles from God requiring proof, something that has absolutely nothing to do with science as most modern evidence is quite mundane in appearance and requires years of painstaking effort and replication as in we see in LENR research. So Carl Sagan got it wrong when he repeated this phrase to denounce what he thought of as pseudo science. It just showed how narrow minded he was even though I loved his TV series.

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O.k. the cavity size may setup the resonance frequency of the ying yang to product a set of materials.

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So Bob, we can look at the ying and yang as a living cell. The bodies factory. But at a smaller level. Making what is required.

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Thank you Alan and Bob. Been a long time coming. We must save and preserve all this data.

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Incredible. Amazing work. There's just so much to see here it's incredible.

I do still have questions about the oscillating behavior of these things when they're in action though. Right now it looks like one side will be spouting out in general. Is the pole of an EVO always on the same side, or does it oscillate from top to bottom as you go through an oscillation. Not that it becomes the opposite pole, i understand that the higher order tors are pseudomonopoles in the sense that one pole is expressed broadly but weakly, while another is extremely confined but also strong. I'm just wondering, does that strong north or south flip to the other side each phase, keeping the bulk of the pseudomonopole the very same pole? Are we seeing a snapshot of the action in these SEM images at the moment the structures are dying, and it ends up coming out at whatever side the suppressed pole was as the point when the resonance stopped?

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Thank you Bob and Team! This is super exciting!!!!

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I was trying to get my head around why the "Oreos" are cylinders and not spheres. Now, where such Oreos have formed from a segment of a multi-segmented (32-48 segment) torus, that begins to make sense, but then what of the cases where there are only 2 "segments" - and then it hit me. In these cases the segments are forming where the virtual torus intersects with a plane, namely the surface of the (in this case) Copper - and what we are seeing is, in a sense, a frozen vortex confined to the intersection of the virtual torus with the plane, for it is the (metal) plane that can provide both the electrons and the ions to feed the vortex to create the conditions for a central EVO to form - and while that EVO might be spherical and have an event horizon that is likewise so, it is only where the plane comes within the event horizon that the disk of transmuted elements occurs and grows.

That is, it is the frozen remnants of vorticle (flat vortex) disk within the event horizon surrounding the central EVO that we are seeing, once again showing that the magnetic pressures of 50,000,000 Tesla are occurring not just at the (virtual) center but along the length of the (virtual) torus at each level within the fractal toroid.

This, anyway, is how I am understanding the Oreos (especially where only 2 are present)

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Awesome work!!

These SEM sessions lay out a lot of information about how these structures consume matter, rearrange it on a nuclear level, and deposit the absorbed matter during collapse. Either inside of their shell clouds or split open and spread out over large areas.

Fascinating how the heavier elements get synthesized in the inner most parts of the structures and it's surrounded by concentric "shells" or clouds of lighter elements. All of it will be in flux when the structure is active but probably "solidify" when the structure looses it's momentum.

It's awesome to see such materialized formations of the apple shell structure. The inner toroidal structure which circumferences intersect the midpoint Chiro points are another concentric cloud or shell around the inner toroidal moment.

Would these get their "oreo" structure from multiple "vertical rings" on the toroidal moment collapsing onto each other at the moment of flux shut down? They look like stacked rings that collapse into each other and partially fuse at the last moment of flux momentum as it were.

Let's say there were 4, 5 or 6 "vertical" rings in the FTM and at shut down they cluster onto each other collapsing into 2 oreo structures. Since these are on opposite sides of the ftm they're not able to attract and fuse at the last moment of flux and thus always leaving 2 oreo structures created from a multitude of fused vertical rings.

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