Trevor Constables work on ships with cones and tubes, being moved into the eather wind that us always coming at us from the east has shown fascinating results.

Weather systems literally followed the ship, tracked by radar.

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Bob, thanks for making the link to Grebennikov. That really cinches the argument because he's talking about grasses. I was pleased when none other than John O' Bockris made a general connection to crop circles in his book The New Paradigm: A Confrontation Between Physics and The Paranormal which is mostly about his cold fusion experiences. I was lucky to get a copy while they were cheap.

Reading through the footnotes for one of the chapters there was a footnote to my book on crop circles, Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance (2002)(http://OpeningMinds.info). While the footnote number was there, I couldn't find it in his text! He skipped a number. Damn! So we'll never know what he specifically thought apart from a mention of crop circles with cold fusion related topics.

Here's the YouTube playlist for the weird electronic events I've recorded around crop circles.


And this is my webpage with similar videos of cameras and batteries failing in crop circles.


(And in your presentation yesterday at 24 minutes or so I think you were referring to Dr. Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water.)

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Kinda had too, I had mentioned this before, in response to questions on live streams, but wanted to more formally get my thoughts out since you mentioned that you felt there may be a relationship.

Thanks for the links. Interesting detail about Bockris

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Added all the references now - including direct downloads.

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Hey Bob, where can I get a copy of the New Energy Technologies Issue 05 that was shown during the livestream?

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Uploaded references now.

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Thank you!

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I am adding the references at the moment and will publish later.

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Joseph Cater writes that the ether consists of particles that contain negative and positive elements and photons. They flow to earth from space and from the sun. Along the way, they disintegrate and appear with different properties. Some penetrate the earth's crust to a depth of 1600 km. Along the way, they give the dust particles in the atmosphere a negative charge. This means that they get an antigravity force. Water droplets adhere to the dust particles and are carried. A cloudbuster absorbs the negative charge and can pass it on to water, which can absorb very large amounts of the negative charge. The negative effect in the ether has perhaps nothing to do with electrons. I wanted to send Cater's own writings but I can't copy from the book I bought on Google Books.

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Thanks for this Allan,

As you can see from the quote of Shishkin, he considers "Orgone Energy" and all other manner of "Energy Cluster" observations by other parties as what is commonly called "static electricity" - This is exactly in line with what you are stating is the belief of Joseph Cater as to the product that is interacted with by a Cloudbuster.

I argue that the coherent matter travelling wave produced by the CloudBuster, draws the energy of the energy cluster towards the metal of the device, whereupon it conducts through the metal, as we know they can, to the water and gets locked into it, in particular to the oxygen dissolved in it.

You can also see the paper by Zhigalov and Parkhomov where they say that dust particles are so highly charged by the emissions of LENR reactors, that they can produce some of the forms of strange radiation.

Shishkin, Kuroles and Dubovik argue that there are neutral coherent condensed solitons of possibly relic neutrinos (because of their remediation of beta isotopes via inverse beta decay) that Shoulders might call black EVOs - that they technically refer to as Magneto-Toro-Electrical Radiation. These can aggregate both electrons and ions to make white EVOs - in this case they are energy clusters (Specifically Magneto-Toro-Electrical Clusters). They have a ratio of 100,000 electrons to 1 ions however, the charge of the electrons is screened because they too are coherent and condensed. When they dishevel, they emit up to 10 keV electrons as determined from 'birdies' on x-rays by Shishkin et. al. determined previously by Shoulders and independently noted by the vortex tube inventor Azarov discussed in this blog.

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He has an explanation for why water can absorb large amounts of negative charge.


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This is very long winded explanation and speculative, though I do know that there are others in the HHO community that refer to "Electrically Expanded Water Molecules" where Oxygen becomes linear because of speculation of them accumulating these extra charges.

I base my understanding on the fact that EVOs/MTECs etc. can bind to magnetic and paramagnetic substance and Oxygen is uniquely paramagnetic. Or conduct into metals.

My first data point is that Bockris and Sundarason in their 1996 replication of George Ohsawa's carbon arc under water experiments found absolutely no production of Iron with dissolved N2 but no dissolved O2. Only with dissolved O2 did they see Fe production.

Then there is the glow above Chernobyl, explained by these clusters (Lochaks Monopoles according to the author Urutskoyev) binding to O2 in the air and changing their spectral lines resulting in anomalous glow.

Shu-When Zhou et. al. observed spectral lines of elements change in 3 body alignments when the natural flux is varied and Bogdanovich observed the birdies of the MTECs as they say "Knocked off of the faces of the magnet by gamma rays".

We have seen LENR materials resport incorrect spectral lines or missing lines in Hutchison samples (XRF) and LION reactor (EDS).

All the material studies are not relative to H2O.

The Bockris, Bogdanovitch and to a degree Urutskoyev data are not dependent on H2O

O2 is uniquely paramagnetic.

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Combustion engines can run on water that has absorbed many soft electrons (I don't know what it is). Could it have something to do with a Geet Engine.

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You cannot electrolyse water to HHO and not create some O2. There maybe electrons charging the water as in 'water bridges' between filled glasses expose to a discharge - but you have to discount the presence of O2 in those experiments too. This would be a good one to do - boil the water to de-gas, saturate with N2 and see if you can still create a water bridge.


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The water bridge may just be polarisation effect though

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What contributes to the heating in the engine should be that soft electrons are released.

The reason I refer to Cater is also that others might want to read his writings. He has many explanations that could use a critical review.

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I see there are still some people reading this thread so I'll just add Cater's writings about Browns Gas. It has always been difficult for me to imagine what state water would have, in order to have those properties. If he is right, then there is something I understand.

He writes that the great cohesive force of water is canceled by adding a negative charge to the oxygen atom so that the polar properties of the atom are reduced. The gas therefore still consists of H2O. If you fill a bag with Brown's Gas and give it a spark, it will implode into a drop of water with the release of a bit of energy.



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Thanks Allan,

Polar properties of the molecule?

Yes this is the electrically expanded theory of HHO.


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Speaking of water and it's inherent vibratory properties.


Check out this explanation of John Worrell Keeley's vibratory resonant motor.

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Supposing someone were to set up some parallel tubes in the manner of the honeycomb/cloudbuster, how could the resulting coherent matter waves potentially be measured?

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