Consider the following coptic stele from the British museum.
What can you see? What does it mean?
LIVESTREAM - 19 Feb 2023 @ 21:00 CET
Circle of Life
“In philosophy, the Circle of Life is a concept that says we
begin at the end and end at the beginning.
Throughout our lives, we have been living in a complete circle.
It doesn’t matter how big or small the circle is, everyone ends up the same.” [Ref. 7]
“Originally seen in a funerary text inside King Tut’s tomb, it has since become an important symbol in many cultures. … The circle of life symbolizes two opposites, life and death,” [Ref. 8]
James 3:6
“And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.”
James 3:9
“With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father,
and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.”
Ancient African Bauherren Masonic "Master of the Egyptian Secrets " - 5th grade - Ref. 9
“..the fifth grade of the African Bauherren system, namely the "Master of the Egyptian Secrets"; "Alethophilote" or "Friend of Truth." …
The details of this system … are given … as follows:
Let Truth be the sole aim of your understanding and of your will.
Consider nothing true, consider nothing false, if you are not convinced about it by adequate reasons.
Be satisfied with this, that you know and love the Truth; seek to impart it, that is to make it known and agreeable to your fellow-citizens. He who buries his experience, buries a thing which has been committed to his care for the furtherance of the glory of the Highest; and he thus diverts its use from humanity, which might have profited therefrom.
Do not deny your love and help to those who know the Truth and are seeking it themselves, or who are honestly trying to defend it. It would be too disgraceful and contrary to the actual vocation of an Alethophilote (Friend of Truth) if you were to deny protection and defence to those whose object is one with yours.
Never contradict a truth when you see that you are being overborne by others whose insight is more keen than yours. An Alethophilote would be unworthy of his name if he undertook to combat the Truth out of pride or conceit, or from any other unreasonable cause.
Be pitiful with those who either are ignorant of the Truth, or who have incorrect perceptions of it; instruct them without bitterness, and seek to bring them into the right way solely by the strength of your arguments and by no other way. You would disgrace the Truth and make it appear suspicious if you were to fight for it and defend it with any other weapons but those which Reason gives into your hand.”
The Secret Science, Jesus, the Templars the Scottish and “preserving knowledge as a mystery” - Ref. 9 (Findel 1866)
“The secret science, the mystery, was very ancient indeed. This mystery formed the secret of the Higher Degrees of the Rite, which were not merely kept hidden from the rest of the confederation, but also from the members of the inferior degrees of the system itself. This mystery was fully confirmed by documents, which the Grand Lodge of Germany had in its keeping…. This secret legend is the same as that of the Carpocratians, which is that Jesus chose some of the Apostles and confided to them a secret science, which was transmitted afterwards to the priests of the Order of the Knights-Templars, and through them to the Building Fraternities, down to the present Freemasons of the Swedish Rite…. The Swedish system teaches that there have been men of all nations who have worshipped God in spirit and in truth, and surrounded by idolatry and superstition have yet preserved their purer faith.
Separate from the world, and unknown to it, this
Wisdom has been preserved by them and handed down as a mystery."
In the time of the Jews they had made use of the Essenes, in which sect Jesus was brought up, and had spent the greater part of His life. Having been instructed by Him in a more perfect knowledge of Holy things, they had amidst persecution taught in silence that which had been committed to their keeping. At the period of the Saracens and the Crusades they were so greatly oppressed that they must ultimately have sought for protection from without. As fate, however, would have it, seven of them, Syriac Christians, pursued by unbelievers near Bastrum, were rescued by the Knights-Templars, and afterwards taken under their protection. When they had lived there for a certain time they begged for permission to dwell with the Canons or Prebendaries of Jerusalem, as the life there led agreed better with their own inclinations and habits. This was accorded them, and Andreas Montebarrensis effected a union of these Syrians with the Canons, to whom, out of gratitude, they imparted all their science, and so completely did they make the priests of the order the depositories of their secrets that they kept them and handed them over to others under certain conditions.
Thus, this secret knowledge, which was continually being added to, lived on in the very heart of the Order of Knights-Templars till its abolition. The clergy were dispersed with the persecution that ensued, but as the secular arm did not touch them as it did the Knights, they managed to rescue many of their secret writings, and when the Knights sought refuge in Scotland, they founded a chapter at Aberdeen, the first Prior of which was Petrus de Bononia. The science was disseminated from this place, but very cautiously, first to Italy, then to the extreme North (Sweden and Russia) and France. In Italy Abbot Severin had been the guardian of the True Science.”
Levitical Doctrines - (Ref. 10)
“God is all that exists; every part of all that exists is a part of God, but is not God.
Immutable in His essence, God is mutable in His parts, which after having existed under the laws of certain combinations more or less complex, live again under laws of fresh combinations. All is increate.
God being supremely intelligent, every one of the parts which compose Him is endowed with a portion of His intelligence, in virtue of its destiny, whence it follows that there is an infinite gradation of intelligences resulting from an infinity of different compounds, the union of which forms the entirety of the worlds. This entirety is the Great All, or God, who alone has the power to modify, change, and govern all these orders of intelligences, according to the eternal and immutable laws of an infinite justice and goodness.
God—infinite Being—is composed of three powers; the Father, or Being; the Son, or action; the Spirit, or mind, proceeding from the power of the Father and the Son. These three powers form a trinity, a power infinite, unique and individual.
There is but one only true religion, that which acknowledges one only God, Eternal, filling the infinity of time and space.
The Order of Nature is immutable; therefore all doctrines that any one would attempt to build up on a change of these laws would be founded only on error….
Eternal life is the power with which every being is endowed, of living in his own life and of acquiring an infinity of modifications by combining himself unceasingly with other beings, according to what is ordained by the eternal laws of the wisdom, the justice and the infinite goodness of the supreme Intelligence.
According to this system of modification of matter, it is natural to conclude that all its parts have the right of thought and free-will, and therefore the power of merit and demerit; hence there is no longer anything of what is called inorganic matter; if, however, any must be admitted, where is the limit, for instance, among mineral, vegetable, and animal substances?
However, the high Initiates do not profess to believe that all the parts of matter possess the faculty of thought. It is not thus that they profess to understand their system. They certainly admit a series of intelligences from the elementary substance, the most simple molecule, or the monad, up to the reunion of all these monads or of their compounds, a reunion which would constitute the great All, or God, which, ak the Universal Intelligence, would alone have the power of comprehending Itself. But the manner of being, of feeling, and of using the intelligences, would be relative to the hierarchical order in which they found themselves placed; consequently the intelligence would differ according to the mode of organization and the hierarchical place of each body. Thus, according to this system, the intelligence of the simple molecule would be limited to seeking or rejecting union with certain other molecules. The intelligence of a body composed of several molecules would have other characters, according to the mode of organization of its elements, and the higher or lower degree that it occupied in the hierarchical scale of compounds. Man, for example, among the intelligences which form part of the earth, would alone have that modification or organization which would fully give the "I" consciousness, as well as the faculty of distinguishing good from evil, and consequently which would procure the gift of free-will.”
Nicola Tesla and his “Weapon to end all wars”
Note, that he said it would make war impossible by offering every country an "invisible Chinese wall."
in case you missed that
“Invisible CHI-nese wall.”
It wasn’t just his photo that was carefully planned, I believe his words were too.

The meaning of the 37º tilted ‘O’ on 1O Downing Street
On the Wikipedia entry for the seat of the prime minister of Great Britain, as we discussed in ‘O-Day - NOON’, there was no meaningful explanation for either the ‘O’ letter (instead of 0 number) used, or the 37º angle it was titled at.
“Painted in white, between the top and middle sets of panels, is the number "10". The zero of the number "10" is painted in a very eccentric style, in a 37° angle anticlockwise. One theory is that this is in fact a capital 'O' as found in the Roman's Trajan alphabet that was used by the Ministry of Works at the time.” [Ref. 16]
Unsatisfied, I chose to dig a little, looking into the meaning attributed to the number 37 in the past. On its symbology in Ref. 17 it reads
According to R. Allendy, it is "the individual evolution in the cosmic organization".
According to Fathers of the Church, thirty seven is a symbol of the Christ. It is the symbol of the alive word of God. To this number is thus allotted a certain dignity.
According to the antique science of Chaldeans, the number 37 symbolizes the Force, the Capacity and the Power.
So on might infer that the monogram on the Downing Street door, high mean
One Cosmic Organisation, or
One Christ / On word of God, or
One force, capacity and power
All of these would appear appropriate for the representative of what was, over much of its time, the representative of the head of the greatest empire the world has ever known. That, in addition to what we already showed - that the centre of the door is the christ centre in the overall ‘O’ structure.
Moreover, the ‘antique science of the Chaldeans’ would be referring to the those that lived in Mesopotamia between the 10th and 9th century BC - as much as 12000 years ago. These would have been the people that would have passed on the knowledge, including to Jesus, that lead to the production of the Sumerian Lantern from Iraq that I refer to often and which I believe precisely show the science of the process.
Limestone stela of Pleinos; Chi-Rho within a “wreath” at the top, British Museum
369 - O-Day, are we there yet? 27th February 2022, at 22:00 CET
Assisi 2021 - LENR in a Can, 31 Aug 2021 &
Chaldea -
Resonance, frequency, vibration and cosmic energy. We are so close to breaking through the veil of illusions..
BTW: I was meditating during the week and slipped into a lucid dream. I saw a pulsating globe that was cold in the centre and which had a rotating vortex glow around it. Then I realized that my consciousness had risen "in frequency" and I appeared to be in an alien spacecraft, then I woke up. Weird. I hope to go back there again soon for a closer look. It is difficult to explain in words as it had no recognizable solid parts.
Happy Mardi Gras! I'll be marching with a neighborhood cluh here in New Orleans (nee Chi-Rho according so some occultists) . The Thoth parade passed my house Sunday. Symbols and synchronicities everywhere. Eyes of Horus/Ra, Fleur de Lis,,,, My costume features a paisley pattern. Can't wait for the Zoom call. Ready to build.