Mar 27, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hey Bob!

I've been looking at wiki svg file pyramid with the extended base geometry as you've suggested. I've replicated it in the same way you've did and got the 26.04 axis aligned with the ascending great gallery and the intersection of these axis at the center of the structure. Now..

Extending the base does not alter the exterior height to base ratio of the pyramid. It does change the total height and length of the sides of the pyramid. I've been reverse enginerding some phi ratios on the new geometry of the pyramid and found some (in my opinion) interesting correlations with the pyramid's interior.

Here is a link to the PDF


First the center of the monopole structure is at the phi ratio of the total height. which is nice. but is an inevitable result of the ratio between the height and base of the pyramid in combination with the angle of ascension divided by 2 axis a.k.a the 26.04 ascending axis. It is nice though to have this level align exactly with the phi ratio of the total height (u).

Now this measurement (the phi ratio of the total height of the extended pyramid structure you propose) is either referenced or scattered all over the interior. I found it returning almost if not exactly in the length of:

- the descending passage to the subterranean chamber

- the entire ascending passage to the back wall of the kings chamber

- the distance between the exits of the southern and northern shafts from the kings chamber.

If you take the second phi ratio from the new total height of the extended pyramid (total height * phi^2) or in the drawing (u)*phi. You wil find the exact lengths of:

- the start of the grand gallery to the back of the kings chamber

- the two shafts emanating from the queens chamber and stopping for no reason (or for referencing this ratio measurement)

- The top of the kings chamber to the ground level of the original pyramid

and more phi ratio's are annotated in the drawing.

In any case these ratios only appear when the base of the pyramid is extended to align the grand gallery with the ascending 26.04 axis. Since one would only need limestone to extend the pyramid and the limestone is technically present there would be no reason to assume the actual pyramid stops at ground level. Very clever. If phi ratios were deliberately incorporated in the design to annotate and suggest this I would not be surprised.

I was starting on 3D modeling the thing into a step file for CNC milling but got distracted by searching for phi ratios in the thing XD. What do you think?

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Pause on doing a re-make.

I have realised how I can fully align the findings of Joe Parr to the Physical experimental data I have previously shared.

I will do a short update tomorrow.

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I hope to record short video today.

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CNC milling is the way to go in my view, especially if you can get the quality of Limestone that can be sourced in Vietnam.

We MUST however get the dimensions right.

It could be, seeing this with your thoughts, that the 'unfinished' air channels are actually pipe resonators.

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Well - that is very nice! Great work.

My thought was exactly that since the Pyramid was in part built from limestone taken from the bedrock nearby, extending it 'virtually' underground in the bedrock made no real difference. It was kind of a cheat. Moreover, the main bubble I have identified already extended below ground, so they had to consider the substrate part of the structure.

Only the subterranean chamber and the 'gas-line' and part of the descending passageway is below the virtual extended pyramid.

That being said, you don't quite have the angle right on the slope.

Wikipedia diagram had an angle of 51.84º

Official claimed slope angle

51° 50' 40"= 51° + 50'/60 + 40”/3600 =


Official angle of the ascending passage


= 26° + 2’/60 + 30”/3600

= 26.041667°

Joe Parr had 52º and 26º

Obviously 52 is 2*26

In my diagram, I re-constructed Joe's diagram, but adjusted for the actual slope of 51.844444° and ascending passageway of 26.041667° which my 3D software angle measure meant only reports to 2dp (but I modelled it with all the dp).

I then scaled with the top of the Joe Parr analogue incident with the Wikipedia diagram top and scaled the Joe Parr analogue to the Chi-Rho (Christ centre at the top of step of the Grand Gallery. It then turned out that the 26.041667° line fitted completely in the open volume from the start of the Ascending passageway past the Chi-Rho to the inside of the entrance to the anti-chamber.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

It matches the EM focusing characteristics: phys.org/news/2018-07-reveals-great-pyramid-giza-focus.html

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Author

Well isn't that interesting. 200 m EM wavelength is like 1.5 MHz.

If there was Ultrasound and say Quartz at 1.5MHz that would be transformed in to EM at that frequency.

Granite contains quartz.

Therefore, if the pyramid is resonant at around 1.5Mhz, with vibration with Granite in it, it would produce EM at 1.5MHz.

If this is true, it would then focus that beam in the direction of the subterranean chamber - and that shows a potential in this study of 2 V/m

Ultrasound at 1.5MHz is used therapeutically


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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer


(I made a small review of the 200x micro with examples in the chat..)

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Very nice examples and on your first go I presume. Lens appears to work well.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

From the second go. The first time I had no time to to take photos as there was too much to see. And I wanted to get used to the lens.

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Still - not bad!

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Here is the full paper.


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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Small update, the plasma toroid circuit is working, and I got it oscillating with two different 3-tor coils, and one mobius type coil (bottom right) imgur.com/a/Pl43xuC. It only lights a neon tube with the normal coil, and to get a plasma toroid a high vacuum xenon globe is required. Apparently the phenomenon has been known about since the late 1800's though (youtu.be/Nu6VvNJN8XM, docs.google.com/document/d/17Jjo1K_ud8pRcb-rwpznrFdL0n-aweE3rKRmwp1ZLBs/edit).

I tried bagels inside the normal inductor, and it works very well, they get hot very quickly, but there has been no observable effect in the plasma globe, or phantoms on the Tri meter. (It oscillates around 9Mhz, but with a globe on top it does 10. With a grounded globe it can double to 19-20Mhz.)

I also did a bunch of tests with two different HFSSTC coils (in the second picture), but no phantoms yet there either.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Though if the images show the exact model they used, it only has about a 40° slope. It would be difficult to duplicate the model with the proper angles, but maybe someone can do it. They used CMT Microwave Studio and COMSOL, which have some tutorials, but it may be better to try similar software like CST or HFSS, that have tutorials for modelling 3D shapes for Dieletric Resonator Antennas, if someone has time.

HFSS Dielectric Resonator modeling: youtu.be/o6_jLNBNw9E (Pt2 youtu.be/HhevZR8bvzU)

CST Tutorial: youtu.be/iURRNQAP7Qg

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Yeh, the slope angle is wrong. Nice tool

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Now I know why there are no beekeepers in Giza ;)

Very specific observation by Joe Parr that the bees metabolism gets compromised in the vicinity of ball lightning activity. The bees anatomy does correlate with the Bob Greenyer 2D monopole template though. I've overlayed them in the following files. I do not own the original bee images and they might be copyrighted.

Image file


MP4 file


Gif File


Could the bees anatomy simply induce a resonating "monopole" structure when in the vicinity of a field of a larger monopole? Would it just spontaneously disassemble it's metabolic tract in the disruption zone? It's very close.

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