LIVESTREAM, Sunday 13 August 2023 at 22:00
From Reference [2] - Cavitation destruction of matter - Kladov
“The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the real possibility of cavitation destruction of matter on the example of transmutation of various chemical elements, showing at least three main modes of destruction:
Changing the structure of a nuclide by adding one or more structural elements.
Changing the structure of a nuclide by dividing into several fragments.
Changing the structure of the nuclide by dividing into the smallest structural fragments or by the complete transformation of matter into radiation (into field forms of the existence of matter).
These basic processes of cavitation destruction of matter occur in the ultrasonic activator almost simultaneously, but with varying degrees of intensity.”
“For a third 20 hour treatment period, 24 ml of radioactive cesium 137 and 10 mg of stable cesium chloride were added to the solution. The decrease in the radioactivity of the solution was 65.1%.”
2 hours of processing - 19 elements
8 hours of processing - 23 elements
24 hours of processing - 29 elements
360 hours of processing - 55 elements
22 elements produced with "magic" number of nucleons
3 elements produced with double "magic" number of nucleonsTogether, all "magic" elements represent ~41%.
“By increasing the energy in the collapse even more, we come to the direct transformation of matter into field form. The magnitude of the energy of the scattering particles of matter determines the wavelength of the photon. With further compression of the nucleus, when the process of its neutronization is completed, the force of electrostatic pressure disappears. In this state, there is a possibility of further compression. The density of nuclear matter increases rapidly, tending to infinity.
When the radius of the collapsing core becomes equal to the magnitude of the gravitational radius (the radius of the Schwarzschild sphere), the contracting core will become a microscopic black hole. Microscopic black holes with a mass of less than 10-15g are unstable and, according to Hawking's hypothesis, lose energy by "evaporation", like a black body.”
“The main goal of this work is to show an alternative possibility of eliminating nuclear waste. The proposed technology has undeniable advantages over the classical technology of waste storage in special burials. The main thing is that radioactive nuclei using this technology are instantly rebuilt into nuclei of stable elements, or even completely turn into a field form of existence of matter.”
Kladov notes the last resort of criticism of his reactor synthesising new elements.
“As a last resort, the opponent switches to another topic, for example, "These new elements can be washed out of structural materials." However, an elementary calculation shows the complete absurdity of such a conclusion of opponents.”
From Reference [3] - Heat cavitation generator
At the moment of collapse of the bubbles, the kinetic energy is converted into the energy of collision of elementary particles (according to the description of patent of the Russian Federation No. 2054604 "Method for producing energy", author Kladov AF (CL F24J 3/00, G21B 1/00, application No. 93033524/25, application filing date - 07/02/1993, publ. 02/20/1996, prototype). The energy released during the collapse of the bubble is several orders of magnitude higher than the binding energy of elementary particles (nucleons) in the nucleus. As a result of a collision of nuclei in the conditions of the proposed method, an interaction occurs between the elementary particles that make up the nucleus. The energy released in the reactions controlled by the described method between elementary particles is converted into thermal energy in a liquid, and it is removed from the treatment zone with a flow of the working substance.

New Generation Hydrotherapy Massager - Alekseev Shower. Unique Conoid Nozzles Patented Design
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Increases blood circulation. Creates ionized air (12,000 ions per cubic centimeter)
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Here is a laser induced bubble collapse
Thanks to Axil for sharing this
Rhubarb 40+ fresh seeds from 2023
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If you want 40+ Rhubarb seeds that we grew in 2023, please select that option and add your address. Profits in this case will go to my kids pocket money.
Greenyer, R.W. (28 September 2022) “ULTR - A simple quick and repeatable demonstration of the LENR process” - ISCMNS 15 - Assisi - 2022
Kladov, A.F., (1992) “Cavitation destruction of matter” - English Translation, [Original Russian source]
Aliev, N.A. & Shuliko, V.P., (16 February 2010) “Heat cavitation generator”, Patent No. RU2422733C1
Crum, L.A., (10 October 2019) “Focused Ultrasound "Bubble" Not about to Burst Anytime Soon”, Focused Ultrasound Foundation
Crum, L.A., University of Washington
Naval mine - “Bubble Jet Effect” - Wikipedia
LeClair, M.L., (20 October 2012) “Nanospire”, The Seventh Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry & Biology of Water, October 18-21, 2012
Bundeswehr, (9 December 2019) “Mine Clearance Divers Demolish Naval Mines”
Koloc, P.M., Bowery, J.A., Fujii, R.M., Harrison, C.F., Jackson, W.D. Lowrey III, A. and Pittman, R.B. (2002) “The Engineering Physics of an Optimized Confinement Concept”
Zhang, A. M., Cui, P., & Wang, Y. (2013). “Experiments on bubble dynamics between a free surface and a rigid wall.” Experiments in Fluids, 54(10). doi:10.1007/s00348-013-1602-7
Alekseev, A.N., (8 August 2005) “Method for forming structure of jet holes of shower gauzes made by pressure die casting of thermoplastic materials”, Russian patent No. RU2296672C1
This came across my desk
"Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from wastewater using the hydrodynamic cavitation "
Using cavitation to destroy PFAS. On the plus side I love that this simple low energy technique has many uses. On the "problem side", those people know nothing about micro ball lightning & its health hazards.
Bob 13 minutes in to this vlog, please watch.
Or anyone.