Mar 2, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Interesting, as Boron is considered the most cosmic of the elements, not originating on earth but from cosmic ray spallation, and calcium is considered the most earthly element (in Biodynamics). Together it is like an elemental representation of heaven and earth.

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A fellow Steiner fan I presume? I've gained a lot of insight from his work when applied here. Thanks for that one!

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Hugh Lovel more, he did great simplifying Steiner's work for agriculture and was also a student of Galen Hieronymus.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hi there, thanks for the latest post.

So I'm trying to visualize the physics and motion of the "zero point" just in order to understand it a bit better. Also regarding the 2D geometry including the Sothic cone as it were. Correct me if I'm mistaken but on the end of the electromagnetic/matter/dark matter vortex structure there is a event horizon point where maximum density/energy/velocity is achieved and generates a toroidal structure.

When this toroidal structure is interrupted by matter the like aluminum sheet it leaves the jin-jang signature mark. Extracting neutrons/electrons from atomic nuclei at the positive point and depositing these neutrons/electrons into atomic nuclei on the negative point.

Link to first draft sketch of this 3D structure


So if I would try to animate the vortex part of the structure it look like this (not to scale)



I generate 3D geometry by visual programming in Rhino Grasshopper so I can make adjustments as I go along,


When I create a water vortex in a bottle the vortex changes structure going trough the aperture of the bottle opening. It explodes outward when it crosses the "event horizon" this is because of the air rushing in. So now I'm trying to figure out how the toroidal structure is generated at the end of the vortex.

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Nice procedural animation in Rhino!

Check out the teaser image I am about to post for Sundays livestream.

I think that if you get it and I think you will, you can animate it.

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hey! I've taken a look at the image, and have been messing around with vortex dynamics and self similar fractal structures and this is what I suspect is close to the structure producing the jin-jang scar producing, ball lightning, EVO, plasma structures.

I'm still a bit short on time playing and producing more content of this structure but I think it's the most viable candidate that checks all of the boxes you've been talking about

Link to Animation:


Link to pdf (very broadly) outlining my "thought process" to arrive at this configuration


So there'll be another internal dynamic in this system in between the fractal spheres inside/or outside of the stucture that A more strongly defines the jingjang signature, The most logical harmonic in the jin jang structure is 1:2 ie. an octave, going from micro to macroscopic and to incorporate resonance. Also the only 1 point where "particles" for lack of a better word must collide in this structure is on the zero point at where the 2 polar vortices meet where "latitude" velocity is the greatest. On the equator where "longitude" velocity is the greatest. I can further specify a lot of details happening in this structure, but do not have the time today to further work on this XD. Fun 3D procedural modeling exercise though!

Feel free to reference/use this material. It does deviate from your structure in the preview image, but it does adhere to newtons law of physics be it in a vacuum,.

And the only way I could incorporate the sothic triangle cone form into a self similar structure that spins is by outlining the axial path of precession. If you take one point on the "static equator of the sphere the movement of gyroscopic precession inside will generate an oscillation on this point where the moving equator seems to osccilate up and down. I suppose gyroscopic forces like these can withstand a lot of load before breaking down.

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Again, really nice work.

Not fractal in this way.

I will post a profile view of the simplest structure in a few hours as part of a video.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Nice, looking forward to it. Still trying to wrap my head around the fractal relationship between the vortices, the Jin-Jang structures and their proportions in between the steps from the macroscopic to the microscopic.

Anyhoes, I was doing some googling and bumped into this article in which they fabricated a 70X70 array of Jin-Jang Structures deposited with gold with a 30nm thickness on a total area of 50x50 microns by using nanoplasmonics for the manufacturing of polarizing optical surfaces and/or nanoantennae surfaces I suppose.


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If you want to be efficient, you have to work with nature.

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