Thanks bob for being a real human being very well put in many ways indeed medias I don’t trust them anymore I hope your friends can get the cabin all good things during this seige it’s been a very weird two years

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After writing this piece, the Czech government introduced a new law for people living in Czech Republic - anyone supporting Russia faces up to 3 years in prison and they announced they are monitoring internet communications.

It is good to be objective.

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So if some one thinks that you are “Supporting Russia” that can get you in Jail? Wow! What a Chinese way to handle dissent.

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Normalising thought crimes appears to be in vogue.

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I was having a hard time believing what you told us, so went and tried to find it for myself, and I am appaled to see it's true! https://translate.yandex.com/translate?url=https%3A%2F%2Fverejnazaloba.cz%2Fnsz%2Finformace-k-moznym-trestnepravnim-limitum-svobody-projevu-ve-vztahu-k-situaci-na-ukrajine%2F&lang=cs-en

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Unfortunately yes.

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Great I hope all this war stuff dies not go nuclear interesting video https://youtu.be/sCihRpQuUZ8

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For some odd reason I can’t “like” the post, only the comments. Is a cliché by now the phrase “the first victim ik war is truth”. We are constantly subject to propaganda from both sides. There’s no winners among the civilians in any war. The narratives to justify either side are just narratives. We can always take a step back to look the bigger picture and in the bigger picture all wars are unjustified and just an expression of how easily humans can become prey of mass psychosis.

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Yes !

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As always Bob right on the button and very objective and balanced in your opinión, particularly as regards the Ukraine.

I am amazed at the amount of anti Russian/Putin propaganda that we are all now being subjected to.

I found Mr. Parhomov's opinión highly iluminating!

All the very best to you and your family

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Dispute rarely arises where it is clear only one party is fair and just. We know this in our own lives, but our thoughts are so often lead to polar positions in matters we often know almost nothing about.

European countries have deeply complex histories, it is insufficient to understand a place like Czech Republic if one only views its history from 2000 say.

More humility and reflection is required than rhetoric.

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Thanks. seems like valuable information. I wonder if Alexander could discuss 'tartaria' and 'khazarian mafia', which seem to be popular topics on social media in the west.

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He is very knowledgeable, I would expect he has a view.

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I am dual citizen of both Russia (2000-2013) and Ukraine (1979-1999) and I think I can provide some comments on this. I am living in the USA since 2013, so I see the situation since 2014 from a different point of view.

In my view Alexander is a victim of Russian propaganda.

The reason for this is media in Russia fully owned by government. NTV was the last major TV network - forced to be under government in 2001, two years into Putin's ruling.

By visiting family in Russia and Ukraine in 2016 and in 2021 I was watching this propaganda TV in Russia, and let me say this - Russian propaganda is light years ahead of what I've seen in the US. I have no doubt 70% of Russians support this special operation. They have been brainwashed. They were told many different things which are not true. But lie if repeat 1000 times becomes something in what people believe.

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Thankyou for your valuable perspective

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