I would like to know

1) if his understanding has settled onto the toroidal model... or is that just one possible example for the basic transmutation mechanism

2) his thoughts on best detectors available ( even if it is the brilliant Russian CD/DVD example) for transmutation & EVOs

3) has he noticed that he must move his equipment to different parts of the lab in order to continue seeing transmutation

4) does he think the fundamentals of transmutation care about solid, liquid, gas, or plasma? Or can all these mediums be equally used

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

The toroidal model has been alluded to in pop culture from The Simpsons to the most recent Oscar winner: https://youtu.be/d6ie3PEmAr4

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I find particurally intriguing the 3

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Something I just noticed running my own ULTR a few minutes ago (there will be many more runs) is the patterns on the surface of the water and how they differed when I ran the cleaner with just water vs a piece of AL foil held between the bottom of he tank and the included jewelry basket. It seems like we can see the shadows of the solitons or the optical distortions they cause as they build and do their work. I have always contended that there is no substitute for first hand experience and following up on whatever intuition results and this confirms the notion for me as I know I am going to find something interesting here. Everyone with the means on needs to do an ULTR experiment, watch the foil transmute and take it in as a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Reading about it and watching Bob's excellent videos is no substitute. We need to roll up our sleeves and get our hands on this in order to really have everything upon which to meditate and figure this stuff out.

I can confirm this unit will dissolve holes into AL foil. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BBK51BL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1

now I need to find the magnets and clip on microscope to examine the aftermath. The kids absconded with them to play, which is fine but frustrating. I will use this as an opportunity to show them the beginning of the wonderful changes we are all going to usher in over the next few years. And we are going to wow my son's chemistry class next semester and hopefully further spread the curiosity into fertile young minds.

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Great to read this. I feel the same way and agree 100%-- Bob has thrown us the ball and we can really progress in numbers into the Dawn of the Old Age. Cheers and keep us posted.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hi Bob,

Glad to hear, you are going to visit Takaaki and to have helped a bit to produce his book.

I'd be most interested in whatever he and you might want me to add to nanosoft.co.nz and what other software (my main skill) I might be able to help his and the MFMP's work with.

Either way, please give him my regards.

Cheers for now,

Wayne Power

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Hi Phillip,

Well, it has been a long time coming and this is the first conceivable possible time.

Your help was invaluable, I hope to get better scans of photos and SEMs/EDS - hopefully (no guarantees) for the totally re-mastered + version. I will keep you updates.

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I just wanted to add my thanks for your work. As a layman it helps see BG work with the tool so confidently. Helps anchor the results in scientific analysis for all to see. Outstanding!

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

OK, here's my tuppence worth:

1. As Dr. Matsumoto identified, the cavities formed between crystal grain boundaries play a key role - a key discovery. Further, itonic clusters form when electrons "bind together". So, in electrons "binding together" to form itonic clusters, does Dr. Matsumoto believe resonance plays a significant role, especially in cavities (which may literally act like sound caves)?

2. Related to question 1, does Dr. Matsumoto believe that when such cavities are subjected to ultrasonic (longitudinal waves) - especially from more than one direction (for example, due to reflection) that this, in a liquid, can create turbulence from which whirlpools (vortices) can form?

3. If the answer to question 2 is "Yes", from his diagram, he shows the point of Electro Nuclear Collapse at the centre of the explosion of a black hole (another key discovery!). Does Dr.Matsumoto also believe Electro Nuclear Collapse can occur at the centre of a vortex (or vorticle) being "fed" atoms and/or nuclei, particularly a vortex in water (H2O)?

4. Combining resonance, vortices and electron/nucleon feed, does Dr. Matsumoto believe these effects together could lead to a coherent outer electron shell shroud around an inner nucleon core, and that such a shell, when subject to both continued electron flow adding to the shell and increasing electromagnetic pressure from the surrounding vortex, can reach internal electromagnetic pressures exceeding 50,000,000 Tesla, so meeting Dr. Matsumoto’s observations of Electro Nuclear Collapse (in addition to the exploding black hole mechanism)?

5. Does Dr. Matsumoto believe the effect is enhanced - or actually needs - a hard surface to act as an a electron collector and donor and that hard surfaces that can create an electric field (particularly those used for charge separation membranes that generate a “clean water” zone around them) are particularly useful?

6. As a third key discovery, Dr. Matsumoto recognizes the existence of black holes and white holes connected by a worm hole at the micro scale, and that these are an intrinisic part of Electro Nuclear Collapse (ENC) / Electro Nuclear reGeneration (ENG). Does Dr. Matsumoto believe this to be scale invariant, so that the "micro" black/white holes are in all meaningful ways just small versions of the cosmic scale black/white holes? That is, does Dr. Matsumoto believe "as above, so below and as below, so above"?

7. Dr. Matsumoto's work is truly foundational - and amazing! Initially, of course, his colleagues back in the 1990s were very skeptical - but - has he now noticed a change in how his ideas are received?

8. Is Dr. Matsumoto acquainted with (or, better yet, familiar with) the work of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project - and especially, as I have observed and we all have commented on (!), Bob Greenyer's untiring work and unstinting dedication?

Finally, on a personal note, I would like to thank very much Dr. Matsumoto for his truly inspirational work - and observe that Dr. Matsumoto has started a tradition for this line of work - namely that food is very much at its heart !!! From Nattō (納豆) to Bagel to Kitchen Foil to (Viktor Schauberger's) Trout to Cauliflower patterns to ...

Have a wonderful trip Bob - and don't forget to take time out to see the cherry blossoms and enjoy the ambience, the culture and the cuisine...

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Thanks for summing up some of TM's findings. I was shocked as I read along. BG's trip, and any responses coming up, certainly make for outstanding open science. This is easily the greatest open science project I have ever encountered. Pure insights and understandings, no ego, no BS. Cheers.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer


Have you done any videos on biological transmutation bob?

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Scoby do - Understanding the Vysotskii / Kornilova experiment through Kombucha


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Good work Bob!

I will check in with you again a lil closer to the big reveal....

For now, may you have an opinion, on this idea, i had? It posits an electron (or quark) cluster dynamic as the fundamental character of elementary particles:


It was just an idea, and I'm not really sure what to think of it yet. Your thoughts?

Thanks as usual, Bob! 8-)

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thanks for the heads up - may not get to looking until after this week.

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1 week later...

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My process is work from things that I can repeatably see nature doing to a model, not from a thing I cannot see to a proposed model of a thing I cannot see.

My dedication is to test the claims of functional technology based on openly shared principles and to see where that had been possibly seen before (across all timescales and sizes) and, once the evidence is strong enough, to share the procedure and hypothesis for mode of action to produce a useful outcome.

I was sent the Russian Zvirblis paper only after I had derived a physical structure from witness marks in 2020 and also only after I had found the physical embodiments on VEGA Valley eastern plateau

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Don't comment on it then! It's too risky!

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errr... is that you trying to be funny?

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Gotta ask, has anyone here taken notice of the work of Malcolm Bendall, who has recently been promoted by Randall Carlson? I have just started to watch this new series of presentations where he talks about his inventions utilizing Plasmoids and Sacred Geometry. There is an apparent overlap with the work you are doing here Bob, so very interesting.


Edit: also, sorry for posting it here, but I don't know where else to put it

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023Author

It is unfortunate that he is trying to re-name everything and, though I am up to section 10, I am not sure he really understands EVOs or their original (but not accurate name) plasmoids.

It is also unfortunate that he repeatedly miss-attributes a Feynman quote to Einstein which does not inspire confidence (section 1 and 5 so far) and makes bold but demonstrably wrong statements like:

“Whilst improving efficiency by orders of magnitude”

(also in section 5) when in actual fact

100% more efficiency (use 66% of fuel fully burned instead of 33% [actually 34%]) is NOT even 1 order of magnitude. 340% would be one order. Orders? No.

He may have some novelty in his counter flow energy recovery approach, is it better than the now open source GEET... on the face of it without hard data, it looks ball-park the same. His claims on high O2 output are exactly the same as/in line with GEET.

I will do a review after I have seen the full set ASAP.

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I really don't understand what he tries to say in section 2. He seems to be completely lost in the numbers, just rambeling on.

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Seriously, put it on 0.75x speed to really listen to what he has to say and experience your brain slowly starting to melt from the incoherence.

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I know it seems off to ask him about it, but as I asked Holmlid if he was aware of the work of Matsumoto (he answered that he wasn’t and I provided him all the papers I had), I would like to know if Dr. Matsumoto is aware of the work of Holmlid.

Also, I would like to ask Dr. Matsumoto if he ever derived some cosmological interpretations from his work.

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Inserted a new question at 5.

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Did the Nattoh model of cold fusion occur to him all at once, in flash of insight, or more slowly from looking at his experimental results, and those of other researchers?

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Please ask Dr. Matsumoto to be patient with my beginner questions:

1. when he said black holes, was he thinking in space-time distortions like Yu.A. Khlestkov, L.A. Sukhanova in "Gravitational compactification of electrodynamic objects of wormhole type" Chinese Journal of Physics 55 (2017) 1794–1807?

2. Why did he think neutrinos would be required to make itons?

3. Why did he think those itons would interact with nuclear emulsions and not with acrylic plates? (electronic potential of atoms, dielectric properties, quantum bands available, high atom mass number, etc)

4. in "Observation of quad-neutrons and gravity decay during cold fusion" why did he think those tracks were from neutrons? Could the tracks be caused by ejection of larger nuclei?

5. in "Observation of quad-neutrons and gravity decay during cold fusion" did he ever checked the elements present in outer (and dark) rings and in inner (and clear) rings?

6. in "Interference phenomena observed during cold fusion" the interference is in vertical or horizontal for figures 2, 3, and 6?

7. could the stripes in figures 2, 3, 6 of "Interference phenomena observed during cold fusion" being caused by a pulsating micro ball lightning (pulsating like macro ball lightning in nature) rolling over the emulsions?

8. why, in the end of "Interference phenomena observed during cold fusion" some particles would be attractive and other would be repulsive?

9. In "searching for tiny black holes during cold fusion", Fig. 1, could those black spherical traces be hydrocarbons ejected from the white hole? The same question applies to "Cold fusion experiments with ordinary water and thin nickel foil", figure 7.

10. Did he ever try to check the chemical composition of those black dots?

11. In "Observation of mesh-like traces on nuclear emulsions during cold fusion", could the meshes be caused by space-time deformations (like if a micro-metric vacuum cleaner sucked the emulsion)?

12. In "Observation of mesh-like traces on nuclear emulsions during cold fusion", figure 8, could the hexagonal shapes be a result of slow crystallization of palladium (it could take 2 days for itonic clusters to lose energy and let metal recrystallize like observed in "experiments of underwater spark discharges with pinched electrodes", figure 9)?

13. Is he keeping up to date with cold fusion field new experiments?

14. How could we get in touch with him?

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

In a fractal universe, wormholes do not require distortions, just the collapse of matter to a structured state that matches the deeper fractal level - basically, nucleons as assemblies broken down into their constituent parts - or, in the case of bosons, able to co-exist in the same space, that "space" being the deeper fractal level. What looks crowded at level n, in other words, opens out into a wide open space of lower level constructs at level n-1. This also means wormholes are not "portals" or "short cuts" through which ordinary matter can travel without being broken down. All is not lost, however, as an EVO of sufficient size (or a blanket of EVOs perhaps) can disconnect from the surrounding electromagnetic environment, allowing for faster than light movement (for, it is not rest mass that increases as speed increases - that stays the same - but so called inertial mass - or resistance to change in other words - that resistance coming not from the object itself but the environment through which it travels - disconnect that object, however, and that inertia reduces or disappears , resulting in a situation analogoues to traveling faster than sound, only faster than light). At least, that is my take on it. Think of it as you will.

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+1 thoughts on Crystal grain boundaries

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