Active Neutrinos: abundant, energetic, stable, self-directed. On call 24/7 and ready to create a bit of coherent matter or nucleosynthesis wherever it's needed. Guaranteed to do the job or your money back, no zero-point energy required.
(Yes, I think your ENR hierarchy above makes sense and encompasses all the varieties of micro-BL that I know about so far.)
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and ALL!
I think the term "Active Neutrinos" is brilliant.
A good number of years ago, before I new about Relic or Cold neutrinos, I used to call whatever was playing a role - the ACTIVE AGENT.
I would therefor like to propose the following.
Active Neutrinos are a set that includes
1. Relic Neutrinos (natural ones)
2. Cold Neutrinos (synthetic ones)
The ACTIVE AGENT in "Electro-Nuclear Reactions" is
1. Ball Lighting (natural)
2. In more detail than 1, ECTONS (Mesyats, synthetic Ball Lightning)
3. In more detail than 3, is Exotic Vacuum Objects (Shoulders, synthetic Ball Lightning)
4. In more detail than 4, is 'Itons' and 'Itonic Clusters' (Matsumoto, , synthetic Ball Lightning)
Active Neutrinos: abundant, energetic, stable, self-directed. On call 24/7 and ready to create a bit of coherent matter or nucleosynthesis wherever it's needed. Guaranteed to do the job or your money back, no zero-point energy required.
(Yes, I think your ENR hierarchy above makes sense and encompasses all the varieties of micro-BL that I know about so far.)