I have been looking into this the last 2.5 years. We must be so close to being able to build a Flux-liner 2000 GTS or C-Car 1000-X

I did eventually manage to make a Bagel levitate but this required external EM fields and used already known Physics.

Given the current energy crisis, research funding for ZPE should be easy to obtain?

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One would have thought so.

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Bob I’ll send address private if you can send a dvd to I’ll send address private

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I sent links to some folks in Brazil it might get interesting

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Also last night I sent this link out to the medias many things change with medias over time the periods of adventures basicaly what’s interesting 90 percents of stuff in medias is just random junk not sure in the status of coasttocoast ?it’s been awhile maybe just boring monologue these days lots if smoke but no fire hmmmmmm

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Thanks John.

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Look up TR-3B

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Hey Bob, I hadn't actually seen this APEC so it was a pleasure to watch it for a first time ;) I think it's pretty easy to deduce how the power generation works as McCandlish basically spells it out, in relation to the research you've brought to light, especially that of Kennith Shoulders. if you just watch from 1:24:00 to 1:26:00 it's an evo blaster with a helical metal set of bristles used to extract charge from the evo as it moves down the mercury vapour column in the center :D I dunno how I never saw this video before :) It makes a lot of sense that they would have so many explosions and run-away events as they would have no way of really throttling how much energy the EVO actually extracted during it's flow down the central column. When it reached the bottom of the column it isn't made clear how they dissipated the EVO either. I can't help but wonder if perhaps there is a missing part of the story related to how the continual EVO flux moving down the central column might have actually been the source 0 gravity and NOT the capacitor plates as we are lead to believe by explanation provided. Perhaps the capacitor plates were more about generating free charges to feed the EVO flowing down through the central column, rather than actually performing an inertial cancellation effect as most researchers presume. Very cool :)

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Yes the EVO blaster is a factor in the core if the description is correct, but I believe the spinning Al with the copper rings on the same plane is a very good clue also.

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I just had another thought. Bismuth is diamagnetic as you have said multiple times, what if the the downward moving EVOs momentum was being converted to upwards thrust via the repulsion from the bismuth in the bottom capacitor plate. I'm uncertain though how the EVO's inertial frame would be coupled to the top of the saucer though. And in such a scenario it would be very much like sitting on a sail boat and blowing on ones own sale, so perhaps this is a dead end of a thought :)

second thought: I think the reason it's a sphere is so that the inertial frame of the moving EVO couples to the sphere of the top of the craft So perhaps you really could be just "blowing on your own sail" and pushing off the bismuth plate at the bottom...

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There must be far more elegant and safe solid state ways to achieve this same effect without needing to blast evo's around :) Although it does seem unfortunately like high voltage would be a pre-requisit even if it were a solid state solution. Man this is such a fantastic APEC... they even pull in numerology with abductions always on the 11th or 22nd of the month :D At the 4:01:00 time point someone "wayne" even comments about how coherent matter as described by Alzofon loses a degree of freedom and thus can work similar to a refrigerator (but gets cut out before he can say the same thing you have said ;)) Alzofon describes how when the coherent matter returns to non coherent state it actually loses mass as it absorbs the entropy from the environment. This is such a fantastic set of interviews both of them...

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I hope the following presentation explained the importance of certain element choices.

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Yup i wrote this before the presentation. The presentation was great especially the Wallace patent. The ARV really did combine like 3 different evo generating techniques.

1) blaster in gas/liquid mercury

2) high speed rotating 1/2 spin metal disk

3) 48 segment capacitor with alternating bismuth,copper,copper quartz layering

All 3 of these should have been making/trapping evos and building coherence. Its curious to think if they were all necessary or not. One interesting comment by a caller on APEC 1 said that often for these kinds of model 1 devices they are testing multiple technologies. So perhaps they aren't all strictly necessary. However if that were the case they probably wouldn't have built 3 sizes. So maybe you do need to combine them all, or some analogous technique...

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Some may be needed for quantum locking, others for inertial / mass negation and the other for propulsion / vectoring.

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Ok this is my last comment hopefully second video about 36:57. When referencing the text concerning Vemana from ancient texts the translation calls the capacitor plate apparatus an "ION HEATING APPARATUS". This definitely sounds like the primary concern they wanted to convey was that of charge separation to feed the charge clusters/ EVO's inside. Rather than that of the bifield brown effect or inertial cancellation. Which is most likely related more to the decoherence of relic neutrinos to matter and electricity which may have some mass cancellation effect as Alzofon mentioned in that APEC conference.

full quote) "strong and durable must the body of a vemana be, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine, with it's ion heating aparatus underneath. by means of the latent power in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, the man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky"

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Hi bob and folks old friend gordon novel wanted to build one he had a team myself abd Paul muelker got invited we found certain problems in Gordon’s system that would make the unit way to large I think the secrets are in atomic stuff like antimatter according to Los alamos it could be a simple thing like a ceramic that Sheilds gravity or maybe odd electrical effects like what I used to show the news folks and others iam not smart enough to write about it all but during the macdonnel Douglas filming when I speeded up the video the slow effects showed up antigravity I think will be the next huge discovery reading about this years ago scientific America how they monitored gravity waves and later reading the DESY documents in Germany later dr Peter kokoshinegg work and Peter actusly monitoring the events lije Ken shoulders very important information Ken showed thanks bob loved this love the giants on the YouTube video cheers john

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Gordons proposal was written at a time when there was no understanding outside of the Soviet Union of Toroidal moments. Moreover, there were still, missing details of the ARV that have since come to light. I think the Walace patent is very important in light of your and our observations.

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My notes after 2nd hour. A comment visible at 1:09:57, says to check out Oliver Heaviside, altering gravity with counter-rotative magnetise disks. I found online, a Heaviside book: https://archive.org/details/electricalpapers02heavrich/page/n19/mode/2up

But I couldn't find specifically about altering gravity.

About homopolar generator, it reminds me of the SEG. (This wasn't discussed on the video.. I'm just musing here) Maybe his flying craft, has a homopolar disk that rotates magnets, mimicking an SEG, the outer edge of the SEG has many inductor coils to harvest large amounts of electricity. I think the missing knowledge about SEG, is that each rotating magnet has a flux loop to a stronger center magnet, all those flux loops are compressed by a casing, (like bronze) to create magnetic pressure.

Flux loops of opposite polarity/flow direction are often crossing each others path, creating 'reconnection' events, and those are known to release a lot of energy.

at 1:26:09, Jeremy gives link to generating 'flying electromagnetic doughnuts'.

( cough, cough, sounds like EVOs)

at 2:04:10, McCandlish speculates that they could be doping the quartz with some heavy atoms like uranium, ( making their own perovskite, perhaps), but others just speculated that 'making the dielectric heavier' was their simple goal. But I think those perovskite atoms would be similar to how flourescent materials are good at shielding EVOs, by giving them a place to stay anchored.

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My notes after the first hour, first video with McCandlish. As Peter S pointed out, the klystron is an EVO maker. The layered structure he calls a capacitor, is that, plus an EVO holder. The magnetic fields from EVOs are being contrained by the bismuth, creating magnetic 'pressure'. The AZ31X alloy plus bismuth, is similar to this UFO fragment: https://www.earthfiles.com/bismuth/ A related alloy AZ31B is used in ultrasound transducers for coupling to the barium titanate crystal. I assume quartz will also have good power coupling from the AZ31X. The heating of the foil layers to fuse them, probably doesn't completely melt the quartz, so that an inner seed remains that governs the regrown of the crystal, so it is parallel to the other layers, for unknown reason. We tend to think of quartz being piezoelectric, but metaphysics tells us it has hexagonal structure and it may be the AZ31X alloy is passing magnetic energy into it, and not for purpose of vibrations. To back that up, the recipe for TiAlCo-B alloy is here: https://magneticenergysources.wordpress.com/magnetic-units/tialco-b-metal/ and it has Aluminum, Zinc, Magnesium, is supposedly excellent for transmitting magnetic energy. Maybe the fused quartz becomes an even better holder of magnetic energy pressure, or maybe it is given a home there to swirl around in hexagons.

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Barium titanate works great demonstrated it on tv it’s somewhere in YouTube light works audio and visual there was fun years ago with David froneing with Brit elders from Shirley Maclean it was a peice if metal the riders where trying to get back from marcel vogal a very odd meeting in Arizona secret squirrel stuff David fronting was very open and very friendly so was Marcell vogal and andrie puharich then there the odd pink crystals from William warren that caused a number of folks to take great interest in them including Ted usher if the new west police these crystals where epic tiny they where but even Peter Williams ex cnn reporter filmed them doing odd things Nichole Whitney I gues has the video then there’s my oartner Alex pezaro long ago who gave me these pulsing magnetic stones at 5 cycles per second I gave one to Roland bredow where he gave it to scientists who where testing my samples it might be written up in esquire magazine I never had all the German stuff and Japanese stuff translated anyway iam not a scientist or inventor I just lije vintage but however the Chinese folks brought out a amazing device a universal radio with spectrum visusl on it called q900 ? Something like that they are in eBay great gear tiny wel, iam besides that getting more gear into the lab a lavio spectrum analyzer mush like the upm84 unit plus other things my signal monitoring is interesting useing r390s with location gear and FSK converters getting some odd things I tape it with iPad yesterday appears to be earthquake piezo effects I’ll be posting these on Facebook I get more views comments then YouTube I turned off YouTube as I got two strikes I’ll use rumble as well I simply might delete all google products I do not like the control and restrictions also I was contemplating in deleting all social medias and get back to real life I waste valuable time on stuff I do so have fun time on eBay As it’s mateization of real things in reality cheers a long boring comment if mine

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I F*ck Orangutangs IFO!

How we learned the right hand rule in Navy Nuc school all those years ago.

Thumb is Input (Motion or current)

Field (North to South)

Output (Current or motion)

I feel like there is a right hand rule that relates Toroidal moments to E and M. Watching vids and catching up on Earth, Space, Human.

And there must be a more elegant way than just swinging heavy metal or mercury around. Probably sonic + heterodyning. An analog to the physically spinning stuff similar to the way a rotating magnetic field can be created in a stator.

Man we are close.

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Can a magnetic feild be rotated at tge speed if light within a electrostatic feild ? ?Any mention of antimatter matériels ? Thanks info at or within the SBIR dod program as seen by me 1985 to 1999

Then Boyd bushman , Ken shoulders I found some letters papers cheers john

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Thanks for the link Mr.


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Look over this https://www.ebay.com/itm/125361283181 a great portable tool in many ways

I myself use a portable radio to repair electronics and other diagnostic areas like a sparky motor or a bad vacuum tube or component or rf feilds had to share this unique device

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Hi John, what equipment are you using in this video?


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That was 2006 a very busy decade many many demonstration for scientists dr Ludwig , history channel discovery channel fox tv about maybe in this decade 250 demonstrations and radio shows we had rob simone film crew and many others footage available at www.gryphoneproductions.com Peter sold lots of footage to japan 150,000 usd 2007 when they filmed me in Scottsdale ok equipment high voltage disruptive discharge tranformer , high voltage dc pulsed ,electromagnets , naval countermeasures electronic warfare equipments iff 4 warships I helped take apart the cannons and all electronics great resources Doppler radar systems ok electrostatic generators small ones about 24 tons in 400 square fort soartment 9 tons went to Germany the rest I still have and will be doing again but differant cheers john

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Bob any dvd s there’s folks who dint bother with internet thanks

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