Keep “Scratching at the Surface” Bob 😝 meticulous methodology is the only way to present controversial results to the physics community if it’s to change long establish conventional theory and be accepted without refute.

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This is on the more general topic at hand. https://youtu.be/24TB1vPuzIU?si=HOKMToJqOkPFH2Ju Forgive my posting it here, but once again MFMP may be able to answer a question still evading answers: At around 8:30 mark sothic triangles appear as dendrites. How water grabs "impurities and surfaces to form ice at HIGHER TEMPRATURES" from that atomic base interaction with same is "not understood." Methinks Bob might see an answer in LENR.

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Please see my post from above, as it is related to this hexagonal structure of the quantum condensate!

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Good analysis Bob.

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Good luck for CS24! Do a lot of nodding ,otherwise I fear you may lose you're voice! Nearly got there myself, maybe next time..Very interested in upcoming Bohemian glass alchemical tour mind. Glass,heat, light has lot to answer for!

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As I ponder the details, as Joe Layman only the conclusions can make sense to me in the larger MFMP research context. But in ALL cases, I appreciate the data and discussions remaining critically accurate and not "dumbed down" in any way. Excellent!

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Hi Mr Greenyer

Found your discussion with MES very interesting, yet you did not fully answer my question on Dr Judy Wood and her book - Where did the towers go? - https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

Interview: https://youtu.be/xLe2uhz4ANs

I made a quick edit on what you had to say - Bob Greenyer 9/11 - NO thermite, no little neutron bomb or jet fuel required. Video: https://rumble.com/v53eodh-bob-greenyer-911-no-thermite-no-little-neutron-bomb-or-jet-fuel-required..html

Then with regards to you mentioning the technology that was in play being developed in the 1950's and weaponised in the 1960's, I asked a question with regards to Dean Warwick and his testimony with regards to the events of 9/11, you mentioned you do not know about him.

Well, here is an article, with Dean Warwick's testimony, you might find rather interesting, as he suddenly collapsed and died giving a presentation in 2006.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/david-icke-on-911

What I found strange, is you stated you've read Dr Wood's book, you've spoken to her, but you played dumb with regards to the iron micro-spheres in the WTC dust samples? Why do that?

Then I also find it strange that you are working with Jeremy Rys (Alien Scientist) that keeps with the lie of thermite and then you also hang out with Ashton Forbes, who's doing a free energy grift?

Why are all these Alien / UFO pushers, who talk about Lt. Col. Tom E. Bearden, scalar waves, Electromagnetics, RF Weapons and Weather modification - But when it comes to Dr Judy Wood, that all just don't want to go there?

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/secret-super-weapons-ufos-and-911

Wikipedia's block listed 9/11 scientist.

Cancelled by Wikipedia for 14 years and counting.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/wikipedias-block-listed-911-scientist

Still love your work that you've done and still fan.

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Bob, I was thinking you could call the thunderstorm generator a storm in a teacup to serve with donuts (the toroid). Pretty cool demo at the Cosmic Summit, I must say. Joanne Ballard

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Awesome iam earning lots from this thank you

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Sorry for going on about the "skinwalker ranch" but thing are heating up.

Bob, watching the show they talk a lot about detecting a 1,6 GHz signal when performing different experiments, have you ever used a spectrum analyzer to detect any signals while doing "Cold fusion" experiments, if so, what was the result?

In this episod they are shooting a laser canon up in the middle of the triangle and they are obviously hitting something that look very much like a EVO since the laser beam i blocked in mid air and you can see the laser beam i split in 4 directions like swallowed by a fractal EVO of size 4.

Watch it here:


And then to top it of there seems to be an even bigger EVO or something similar that covers the hole area of the triangle like a dome.


The fun part is that, at least seems like, none of the involved seem to have a clue that it's mostly about EVOs static or flying around.

At another part of the show they are talking about when they were digging and tock sample from the ground and the analysis of it showed Mg, Mn, Fe, Ca, Al, ... this is the exact tell tail of EVO (Plasmoid) interaction. Since EVOs can exist for a long time in certain material I believe that when they start digging / drilling they will activate the dormant EVOs and those EVOs and strange radiation will interfere with electronics and any batterie since EVOs love electrons, also probably the cause of people getting sick when digging in the ground when getting exposed to strange radiations and EVOs.


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Thank you Bob, your work is critical toward serving as a bridge, but I wonder, do you entertain the foundation of Malcolm's work Walter Russell (www.philosophy.org) brought forward that he says he is standing upon?

Terrence Howard, with his "no lines in reality" and 1X1=2 cra cra on Joe Rogan Show as well? The psyentific community was really triggered by his revelations, which he ignorantly lead with IMHO, and without distinction on which side of the veil this applies? Are you familiar with the work of John Keely that Howard also references, and is integral with my work in terms of consciousness as the physics of love (sympathetic resonance)? Do you know anyone that does and wants to collaborate?

As I recall in his slides he showed the graphic from Malcolm's PUM with the Sun-Earth-Moon at the center, without reference. The premise being there is only light and the periodic table is actually musical... no particles and light alone is all we can weigh, measure and count within the standard LIE in beLIEf in the Standard "Model". How about his "Alien Mathematics" better termed Sanskrit Mathematics related to Pythagorean Triplets within the right triangle of the plasmOID?

You comment on the hexagonal structures that are at the center of the plasmOID and vesica piscis Ican add deep context to that it appears you lack. The Star of David as a sacred form and on the top of Saturn for nexus with Musica Universalis and the 12 singing spheres?

Do you innerstand the role of 369 Nikolai Tesla spoke to as the secret of the universe? Malcolm speaks to this as well, but space is silent with regard to the role (roll) of numbing number? As Pythagoras said, "All is number" in primacy terms. Prime number is KEY, yes? Do you entertain these ancient secrets occulted in secret society of the Skull & Bones at Yale?

Spinning a Condensate with Light: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v7/s132

Please know I am coming from the space of consciousness NOT the Standard LIE in beLIEf in deception with regards to Walter Russell's work, which lacks a heart IMHO, and Malcolm explicitly stated the heart creates plasmOIDs, but it does not appear that he is aware of the Chesthedron as the sacred archetype the heart is based?

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Hey CS, I note your invitation and will gradually let your thoughts seep in. Thank you. But quickly here let me mention that as I clicked your link over to Leuren Moret, I will say I am Professor Hamamoto's wrench at his podcast under his name. Fun co-inky-dinks. He and I hit it off when I explained LENR is also being suppressed. He bought Mats Lewin's book about Rossi and we have been in the Noosphere since. BTW Sheldrake has a new vid on brain and Consciousness....Cheers....

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Wonderful corky, respect.

The divine orchestration is immaculate in number, as Randall speaks to, and there is no coincidence regarding my post and your association. We should connect where I can share graphics, as a picture says a thousand words and this language we use is part of the confusion from Babylon where the money-magic was originated. Are you on telegram? Would you be interested in a MeetN (www.meetn.com) session?

I have been pushing the rope for 23 years since 911, as a structural engineer at the time. Now in water resources now 16 years after losing faith in the structural "profession" and a short stint in land development as a soul proprietor for 4 years even the water resource industry is ignorant that water is THE source, not a resource!

I am just a dumb-ass engineer, but after 23 years in search of the unknown unknown, I am now in the position of juxtaposition of plasma (everything) and light (nothing) in relative terms of the EMF spectrum.

Walter Russell's work appears as a construct of the Russell Trust at Yale that Professor Hamamoto referred to. Unam Sanctam of 1302 is a KEY to innerstand the deception through the Triple Crown of Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 in final terms of the ownership of mind-body-soul. The temporal and spiritual swords are the KEY:

‘One is my dove, my perfect one. She is the only one, the chosen of her who bore her,‘ and she represents one sole mystical body whose Head is Christ and the head of Christ is God [1 Cor 11:3]

I may even be related to Malcolm through the Queen Mary Stuart of Scotland and my cosmology is all about the sacred geometry of DNA as related to the musical spheres! The Rosslyn Chapel holds DEEP secrets as related to the Musical Spheres through the architecture.

Malcolm recently revealed his heritage (https://youtu.be/p9oVpp07sl4?si=q-8IEliBW2xmgMrG), and blew my mind as there is absolutely no such thing as coincidence in my cosmology! He also responded to the question Bob asked for me regarding the heart (Egypt) and plasmOIDs, with DEEP gnosis terms!

Einstein said quote "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous", where my cosmology says coincidence is superposition in space of time, entangled with synchronicity in 789, which is why 6 is afraid of 7, no joke, it is in the center of the hexagram (Genesis).

Malcolm is also a proponent of Vortex Based Math (Marco Rodin) that is in truth ancient in Persian (Iranian) terms they spoke to in that discussion.

While it is a critical bridge to the DNA, none of what Malcolm or Bob is doing is relevant until we innerstand the role of light to what consciousness is, and how it is manipulated by the hidden hand, nothing!

Per Pythagoras "All is number" and Thales "All is water" in light and light is NO-thing relative to plasma, but we are looking at plasma through the lenses and filters of Lucifer and Ahriman, Steiner spoke to and Godel Escher Bach spoke to in "The Eternal Golden Braid" as regards topology and optical illusion!

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Off topic but DEEPLY related to the premise above regarding the mind control in quackademia and the empire of empirical review of half truth, obfuscation and omission of very important foundations of science as the nexus with spirit (the breath), straight from the horses moth from UC Davis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndUJl6aNsMA

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