Not sure if this has been mentioned but Bob the central sphere- could it be a large Fullerene with whatever condensed state inside? Very interesting! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fullerene

Hexagonal macro structures are pretty normal for condensed (Bose-Einstein) or low entropy states.

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That is exactly what I am saying this coherent matter forms, all allotropes of carbon and their clustered and nested aggregates.

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Also just came across this paper on properties of graphene coated oxide layers used as a waveguide. Guess what? - they're highly non-linear to the point it can slow, and even stop propagation of light. An enclosed spherical hyperbolic meta-material waveguide :) https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4352/10/3/176/htm

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Thanks Chris

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Wow, great presentation Bob! A couple of thought:

- Do you know the work of Roberto Monti? Many things he wrote are quite similar to your findings. He formulated an atomic theory involving alpha nuclei as base "building blocks" of elements, he conceived many transmutation methods, also to produce gold. One of these methods, that he describes as a kind of alchemical recipe, directly involves Hg (the others where based on fast burning of certain mix of dusts). Once, he wrote that in order to get better results you have to use Hg from switches or relays!

- I was stunned by the Wheeler paper on Geons! He actually describes EVOs and their properties, as we (learned to) know them! This paper is very important. Wheeler was a very brilliant scientist and worked on a number of military (classified) projects. Probably he knew these thing since long before publishing the paper, and saw some practical applications...

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Well the Hg from Switches and Relays would already be loaded with EVOs.

I look forward to reading the Wheeler paper in more detail - from my skim reading - it fitted the descriptions and observations of Shoulders, Matsumoto, Shishkin et. al. extraordinary - and amazing that it took 40 years for someone to take a serious look at General Relativity implications for classical mechanics.

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Ryushin Ohmasa’s cavitation transmutation patent application


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Thanks Curbina

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Thanks also Curbina. I've added this Patent reference to the LENR_Events database. Its index number is 4798.

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thanks Phillip, as ever, for all your hard work.

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folder with papers of Ultrasonic Cavitation of many things, three of them are about the Mercury cavitation. (shared folder) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1p_RQB6nkmreAscq24H0FXqP7n8m1gq5z?usp=sharing

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Great, Thanks

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If it asks for permission I have already given it to two persons that requested it but will open the folder as soon as I can log in my PC the mobile version of Google drive doesn’t let me

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Now that I see the update about the hexagonal objects in Fe and in Al, which is breathtaking alone by the conserved shape consistently expressed along two orders of magnitude, I think the experiments of ultrasound applied to steel bars produced “damaged” areas that could be analyzed morphologically and said to be similar to these events.

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I mean in this paper. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1p_RQB6nkmreAscq24H0FXqP7n8m1gq5z?sort=13&direction=a

It’s not exactly the same shape, but the damaged areas are more or less hexagonal at least in the surface, and the underlying cavity could be said that has a certain vortical character. A pity they did not explore more the morphology of the areas but the potentially transmuted material is closer to the surface.

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Well - it looks like the 3-winged structure on Ball Burn and the same type I captured from an ultra experiment.

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You are absolutely right, it’s a three winged, clearly, with the same areas, now I saw it perfectly.

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And I think I have now one caught in motion in an ULTR experiment - will post tomorrow.

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Evening Bob, do you have any research volunteer work I can do?

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Well - first up, spread the word!

What do you like doing?

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I always do, I like going through old and new videos ,articles, and documents that has anything to do with advanced interstellar concepts or metamaterial science.

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Bob you found a winner with that last post and the reduction of radiation.

It took me a few weeks to hunt this down, I think its valuable in understanding what the spark gap does to make almost instantaneous impulses, this guy when above and beyond even modeling it in spice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7gPeIVVy0A

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Reaction of aluminum with mercury: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrdYueB9pY4

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Having thought about it and run the reaction tables for exchange reactions - it may be absolutely critical for the amalgam process to occur. I have updated the newsletter.

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Did they not know of this reaction?

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Please see my comments to Dave below.

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in the video https://youtu.be/xQ-_T1nWqP0 they used an aluminium cone. The ultrasonics knocks off the oxide layer and the reaction begins. the product they show looks just like the product produced in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrdYueB9pY4

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Josh, this argument has been thrown at them many times, this is just a demo to make more people aware of their results, I suggest you to read the paper “nuclear metamorphosis of Mercury” , that is available in ResearchGate and was followed by two others that addressed the whole range of materials found in the solid that is retrieved from treating mercury in this way. They analyzed all the materials that were present in the reactor vessel, the sonotrode itself, the mercury itself and don’t report those as transmutation products. It was a very exhaustive analytical effort. I have all the papers if you are interested, mail me at osiander.kuhn@gmail.com and I can send them to you.

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I skimmed through the video and it didn't seem demo-ish when he's going show samples to people.

I've seen a separate thing about a UFO landing in New Zealand where a very human looking person had a cone hand and spoke Russian.

So I'm very curious to know what your take on this experiment?

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I don’t understand exactly what you mean by “my take on this experiment”, This video was produced some years ago, the experimental work on cavitation of Mercury by the Research team led by Cardone wss performed and published Since around 2015, they did these experiments as a part of a wider scope work to provide experimental evidence for a theoretical approach devised many years before they call “deformed space time” (DST in short) and that since early found that cavitation was a potential mechanism of experimental proof. They use conical sonotrodes because their DST theoretical frame implies that energy applied above certain threshold of space and time Can deform space and time to rearrange matter. One could argue that they basically describe the conditions that arise inside the EVO but from a pure phenomenological point of view, without a specific mechanism. The cone shape is only a way to increase energy density in the top of the sonotrode and help resonance, but the shape of the vessel also is important.

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Excellent! Thanks a lot. That sure does help clarify a theory I have.

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Curbina -The Aluminum will react with the mercury and the ultrasound will increase the reaction rate by allowing the mercury to get past the oxide layer, he clearly says it's aluminum cone. Why would they use aluminum knowing it will react with the mercury and not Stainless Steel? This demo is very suspicious to me and proves absolutely nothing as the product looks exactly like what you would expect from aluminum/mercury reaction. They mercury will destroy the aluminum cone eventually as it will continuously remove the oxide layer on the surface and create aluminum oxide.

I am not saying you could not transmute it with ultrasound, just that this video seems cranky to me due to the obvious oversite of the aluminum mercury reaction.

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Yeh - seen that one before - fascinating.

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The name of the paper is called

The plausibility of creating a traversable artificial wormhole (as a means for transportation)through the Cooper pairing effect of entangled matter in a exotic plasmic state resulting in spatial-temporal distortion by relativistic quantum non-locality.What do you think,is it too long?

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There is interesting paper here - https://sci-hub.se/10.1126/science.1234657

'Unwinding of a Skyrmion Lattice by Magnetic Monopoles'.

If you scroll down to the page #4 Fig. 2. Typical magnetic force microscopy data at the surface of Fe1−xCoxSi (x = 0.5) - you'll find exactly the same hexagonal structure formations like in the Bob's presentation. I'm wondering if it is related?

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Bob in several of the images it looks like if a sphere hits with a hexagonal face against a flat surface, one of the the hexagonal solitons (providing the inflationary pressure, like a soap bubble) may collapse allowing the entire ball to collapse into its footprint.

Possible ball structure.


The scallops sometimes seen could be the 10 solitons making up the bett plus some of the other junk, but mainly the belt hitting mostly edge on and further out than the other stuff -- including a reversed polarity top piece.


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At 8:46 You say, "...EVOs, itonic clusters, whatever you call them, ectons, and their dissheveling."

The vocabulary you seem to prefer is Shoulders'. EVOs appears to be a larger class than the others (or maybe it's truly a synonym for one of the others, but this would be less confusing to newbees onboard if you stuck to one vocabulary context.



* Itonic cluster EVOs,

* ectonic EVOs, and

* soliton EVOs

MIGHT make it more clear what you find significant about the type of object causing the effect.

And if you do want to use the word "disshevelling" (which is a great descriptive term), you are clearly in Shoulders' universe. So I'd go with that, personally.


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According to the tables above, these fission transmutations should generate a lot of additional energy. According to Cardone, the temperature of the Hg bath was lower than expected after the test, so energy is ‘lost’. How do you explain that, Bob?

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This has been asked and answered often, there are many body reactions some are endothermic others exothermic so most of the energy is used by the same process.

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The experiments done by Ohmasa also have not any apparent energy output.

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These swirlons(which I think are tied to the Exotic compact object shenanigans) states of matter have something called janus particles,they are believe to be self propelling "active matter" .Is active matter the same as coherent matter?

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I thought this was a good presentation on active mater: Nature's Engines: Active matter | Prof. Julia M Yeomans | Coherence Lecture 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Acn3VG4ybAw&list=PLkD-0Bstxv780parXcQsLeSQSPqOS_inf&index=5

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Is coherent matter and superfluid high Density particles responsible for dark matter?

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Well, Mills (Hydrino), Santilli (Magnon), Holmlid (UDH/UDD), Parkhomov (Relic Neutrino clusters) etc. all have something that has mass and is not observable.

The latter is coherent and known to exist. It is superfluid.

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Thanks - this may be important


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Found this, "Electrons on the Brink" - a recent study on the emergence of magnetism in doped semiconductors. Namely, researchers noted that after the semiconductor hits the metallic phase, and the semiconductor becomes magnetic, electron-spin is neither monolithic nor uniform across the lattice as had previously been assumed.

Instead, discrete fluidic regions of magnetism emerge, which the researchers described as "puddles". In addition, these puddle-regions are observed to exhibit the properties of fractals in general, which are found to have jagged edges. Anyway, I wondered if this rung any bells for you after having gone through God-knows how many hours of VEGA/ULTR footage.


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"Is active matter the same as coherent matter?" I don't know if they are "the same" but all things in nature are connected so I'm sure there is something to be learned by trying to understand these concepts and how they mesh with other concepts. The structures we are witnessing do sometimes display life like characteristics. From the paper "Swirlonic state of active matter"https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-73824-4 "The most prominent feature of systems of active (self-propelled) particle is the formation of self-organized coherent structures". So according to that paper they are "the same".

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Sure there will be a connection. I think within active matter systems, self-organised coherent structures are formed. Active matter leads to the latter but is not the latter.

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Made of Hair and beeswax - what are the chances!

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May have been an “EVO antenna”?

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sorry, not going to give my email to read this

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I believe these papers are documenting boson novas



I think this paper are the results of a double evo


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Sky Scholar YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL7QIOZteWPpBWBOl8i0e-g Dr. Pierre-Marie Robitaille has some interesting opinions on star formation and the possible existence of black holes and in the imaging of the cosmic microwave background and black holes. He is of course touted as a "Nobel disease-type crank" in this article: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pierre-Marie_Robitaille but like most that would use such rhetoric there is no direct refutation of his claims made. I have watched all his videos and the arguments he makes are very convincing to me.

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Noted, thanks for the info any valid reason why he's shunned by the mainstream.

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yea, he is critical of them.

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I also watch Dr. Robitaille often, he is criticized mostly because he is a Medical Doctor and his interest in Astrophysics comes from his expertise in medical NMR imagery and from this background he derived some inferences to incosistencies in astrophysics and cosmology. History is, however, full of examples of people from other disciplines that contributed to paradigm shifting advances, as an example, Alfred Wegener, who was a meteorologist and proposed the continental drift.

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