From the below link…
Technology to Separate Tritium from Water Treated with Multi-Nuclide Removal Equipment (ALPS)
It says:
In this project, an open request is planned to be issued every quarter from October 2021.
As of May 2021, the existence of a technology to separate tritium from water treated with multi-nuclide removal equipment (ALPS) (hereinafter, “ALPS treated water, etc.) at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., (hereinafter, “TEPCO”) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
In response to the government's basic policy of the handling of ALPS treated water, etc., TEPCO announced the measures regarding ALPS treated water, etc. in April 2021 as follows:
TEPCO will proceed with the preparation for establishing the necessary facilities, etc. aiming for starting discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea in around two years' time.
Large amounts of the water will not be discharged at once and the time required for decommissioning will be used effectively.
In the meantime, TEPCO will continue to keep a close eye on new developments in the technology to separate tritium from water.
A new scheme will be considered involving third parties on implementing a wide range of surveys and accepting proposals for new developments in the tritium separation technology.
If any realistically practical technology to separate tritium from ALPS treated water, etc. is identified, TEPCO will vigorously proceed with the verification and adoption.
Here is the main public facing site on the decommissioning.
Note, previous RFP responses from November 2013 included ‘nuclear transmutation’ proposals including those claiming to leverage ‘Electromagnetic wave, Cold fusion, HHO gas, Brown gas’.
Another bot on today's video. 'Lib Kristin' left a sketchy URL and the insightful one-word comment: 'neat' (lol). Looks like another phishing attempt. I'm noticing this crop up on a couple of YT channels of folks in this network.
I think we have to seize the momentum gathered, I am notorious for working better under pressure, so will keep going just now, so I was meaning to ask but refrained in honor of time and was going to offer alternatives, but as an opportunity opens, I will ask: do we want the references in any particular academic literature format? I was going to go by the classic in alphabetical order and standard citation format with a separate section for documents with an available source, is that Ok or we need something different?