hello Bob, your idea that the alchemists used potassium a lot is correct: but the adepts, those who had succeeded in creating the philosopher's stone, used it mainly in the metallic state: even if the history of chemistry thinks that synthesis of alkali metal is recent: there were some secret purely chemical synthesis processes, even very far in history: if you wish, I can give some ideas on the capture and use of cold neutrinos from the cosmological background: also concerning the coherence reached by sort of capture K induced by v, if that seems useful to you....

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Sounds very useful.

I know that the Mexicans used to place copper bowls filled with water into the Mexican sun for days, this would of course capture the cosmogenic relic neutrinos into the oxygen dissolved in the water. A french alchemist then used this in his Alchemy with apparent success.

This aligns with the observations of Perevozchikov:


I discussed why I felt Oxygen dissolved in water was so important here:


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First of all, very happy to be able to get in touch with you; It was only a few weeks ago that I discovered on the web your enthusiastic commitment to the MFMP: you do an incredibly stimulating job for the community: thank you very much for that:

concerning oxygen, there is a link with David Hudson's ORMES; in the form of Ozone; I must have a very interesting paper on it: from memory, this document tells the invention of an electronics engineer who created a new type of ozonator, and the industrial accident which followed: with strong consequences in transmutation term: really unique: the unexpected role of carbon (C14, beta emission ? maybe)...etc

I will look for: something else, the presence of ultraviolet which helps dissolved oxygen to appear momentarily in monoatomic form: this also seems to be confirmed by the work of another alchemist, also French, during of the transmutation of silver into gold, under the Mexican sun:

anyway, thanks for the links

oh, finally, I found the original site of the document:


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There is a theory of superconductivity that explains why charge separation always produces superconductivity at any temperature . This theory is called Hole Superconductivity.

Towards an understanding of hole superconductivity


Jorge E. Hirsch's most significant work would be his attempt to unify theories of superconductivity with his theory of hole superconductivity which suggests pairing of electron holes (protons or ions) that would lead to high temperature superconductivity as opposed to pairing of electrons in conventional BCS theory. Hirsch believes that there is a single mechanism of superconductivity for all materials that explains the Meissner effect and differs from the conventional mechanism in several fundamental aspects.

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Interesting Axil, thanks for sharing.

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