One of those great videos that I will watch many times. Has there been a Q&A or did they go to lunch?

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They were letting all the other presentations run over and so there was not time for questions

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I wish people were more familiar with your extended presentations, coming to this without proper context must have been really mind boggling for the people attending.

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At this point, I am happy if I get the opportunity to just place flags in the ground that can be referred back to. This event cost basically a week of my time and a few thousand dollars so I could share a small fraction of the work of the project for 30 mins.

It is nice to see new and young faces in the room that came to see what the MFMP had done, outside of those, the majority of the room just don't give it a second thought, some are barely awake during the presentation.

I appreciate the opportunity to meet some people there also from the field. The majority are in the MIT, EU, ARPA-e or Japanese funded groups, we are an outlier, but that has always been the case from the get-go.

I thank Jacques for having the courage to let more people share their research on EVO related matters.

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Note that not a single person at the conference even acknowledged that Bin-Juine Huang et. al. had published in Nature - Scientific Reports. No one during or after has enquired about the physical data presented and no one asked about the main-stream journal peer-reviewed papers that I based my hypothesis on.

That being said, Jacques did allow Anatoly Klimov to submit his paper and sent it out to the group.

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Excellent work Bob!

Looking forward to project Zeus!

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https://youtu.be/vFypUSvHnqA?si=1Xl-cF0eam31Z2Yy Hi Bob. At the 2:00 mark a curious plasma appears in a video from Brazil. Just thought I would throw it here on the record, as I work through your latest. Kudos!

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