Wandered over to make a comment, and happy to find this summary from Simeon. Before I watch, a quick note on the Symbols, Signs, and Statements of the Picts, parts 1-2 (on YT, same title, hosted by "Alan.") In any case Bob, the symbols etched in stone are looking like matches to the Coptic ones. Mind you the Picts derive from North of the Black Sea, predate the Celts, and seem to me to have developed the "Celtic Knots" carved in stone first. Celtic Knots hold untold answers, methinks. I am still working through this information but wanted to "get this out" to you about those remarkable Picts! (PS methinks the stone exhibits megalithic/LENR tech to etch the Symbols of the Technology into the same stones. I am contending that LENR is involved in all standing stone, dolmens, menhirs extant from the "Neolithic" age. And that on many occasions, the technology is depicted therein, as you have shown.) 2 cents. More later. Peace.
PSS Side note: I'm working on overlaying your EVO schematic onto Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. Just for funsies....Da Vinci did paint his only ceiling mural in a villa. Fresco. Guess what? It's a bower of tree limbs and foliage entwined into the most elaborate "Celtic Knots" I have ever seen. Beyond cryptic....
Thanks for posting Bob. Couldn't have done without you, MFMP, and all the LENR/CF researchers for the last 200 years who persisted in face of terrible adversity. And let's not forget good old Paul Dirac for following all those quantum equations to magnetic monopoles and antimatter, when it was not popular to do so.
It has been a long and iterative process... There will be more corrections and new insights ahead - but sharing and justified critique is the way to get to a fuller and more accurate understanding.
I need some supplies to get started building the EPG, Stan Meyer's LENR reactor which powered his water-powered car. I am confident that I know how it works and can make it work. The engineering notes are available on my substack, as I am sure you already recall, since you helped me with them.
Typically we would only test/investigate the claims of others, either with their cooperation ideally if they are alive, with their existent made devices or independently if the case warrants it.
In the case of Celani, it was with his prepared wire in our replica of his apparatus. In the case of George Elegy, it was with microwave reactors made by his team. In the case of Yull Brown, it will be with devices made by him. In the case of Rossi it was to test the thermal imaging claims. In the case of Parkhomov, he supplied the fuel. In the case of Ralkar and Ohmasa, it was following an invite to their lab.
With ULTR it was a bit of serendipity.
Having established 1. we moved on to 2. In trying to share understanding of what the New Fire is, we inspired others to do their own experiments, in the case of Neil Gould, Henk Jurrien, David Boutillier, Tony Jabony, under their own initiative and financing, they started research and having got so far reached out for guidance and support such as material analysis - when it was clear they had something worth expanding on with our limited resources, we further extended support.
Beyond specific reagents to experienced or proven experimentalists, such as with Parkhomov fuel, Mizuno meshes etc. we have not supplied reagents or reactor equipment. When an experiment needs data acquisition or analysis and if we have funds, we have helped with these where possible to proven individuals.
We were originally approached by a sponsor to set up a parts and chemicals supplies shop - but knowing that was not our role we passed on that offer, the result was Looking For Heat under Alan Smith in UK which operated for a few years. This was ultimately the correct approach - moreover there are extremely large risks with being a supplier.
The things you seek are readily available, even on E-Bay.
HHO is extremely dangerous, I was told last week of yet another person that nearly blew themselves up.
Meyer's system is an on-demand brown's gas system, strictly speaking not a stored-HHO or even on-demand-HHO system, where brown's gas is clustered and HHO is not, as per my understanding of the accepted nomenclature; Correct me if I am wrong.
The fact that we are aiming to develop an on-demand system means that there is very little combustible hydrogen in the reactor at any point during the operation cycle of the reactor. Stan actually tapped the motor's distributor with a sensor, to gauge the fuel consumption rate and adjust the hydrogen production rate, in real time, thus avoiding any accumulation of dangerous hydrogen gas.
@Bob: Do you know what what P.S.I Yull Brown was using? I haven't been able to track it down ...
Incidentally, I do have a local source for magnet wire, however they require the purchase of an entire spool, which is extraneous.
As for pressure vessels suitable for Brown's gas production being available on E-Bay, I have looked and haven't found anything. Could you provide me with a weblink to an example an available pressure vessel on E-Bay, of which you speak, for example?
Simeon, Your presentation on CF is superb! I must look into your books. The Big Bang Never Happened is my next one to read. I can see open science is working from many perspectives. Many scientists take up art. I am an artist who has taken up science, which I have always loved, along with ethics. Ken Wilber showed that they all interrelate in an "Integral Stew." Peace, respect, gratitude.
Wandered over to make a comment, and happy to find this summary from Simeon. Before I watch, a quick note on the Symbols, Signs, and Statements of the Picts, parts 1-2 (on YT, same title, hosted by "Alan.") In any case Bob, the symbols etched in stone are looking like matches to the Coptic ones. Mind you the Picts derive from North of the Black Sea, predate the Celts, and seem to me to have developed the "Celtic Knots" carved in stone first. Celtic Knots hold untold answers, methinks. I am still working through this information but wanted to "get this out" to you about those remarkable Picts! (PS methinks the stone exhibits megalithic/LENR tech to etch the Symbols of the Technology into the same stones. I am contending that LENR is involved in all standing stone, dolmens, menhirs extant from the "Neolithic" age. And that on many occasions, the technology is depicted therein, as you have shown.) 2 cents. More later. Peace.
You will see the fruits of my Summer 2020 Archeological trip to Scotland soon... Way ahead.
PSS Side note: I'm working on overlaying your EVO schematic onto Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. Just for funsies....Da Vinci did paint his only ceiling mural in a villa. Fresco. Guess what? It's a bower of tree limbs and foliage entwined into the most elaborate "Celtic Knots" I have ever seen. Beyond cryptic....
Thanks for posting Bob. Couldn't have done without you, MFMP, and all the LENR/CF researchers for the last 200 years who persisted in face of terrible adversity. And let's not forget good old Paul Dirac for following all those quantum equations to magnetic monopoles and antimatter, when it was not popular to do so.
It has been a long and iterative process... There will be more corrections and new insights ahead - but sharing and justified critique is the way to get to a fuller and more accurate understanding.
Hey Bob!
I need some supplies to get started building the EPG, Stan Meyer's LENR reactor which powered his water-powered car. I am confident that I know how it works and can make it work. The engineering notes are available on my substack, as I am sure you already recall, since you helped me with them.
( https://baronarcanus.substack.com/p/stanley-meyer-memorial-project-manifesto-2fa )
Is there any way you can help me in acquiring some magnet wire & a pressure vessel?
( also know what PSI yull brown was using? This is also pertinent. )
Hi Arcanus,
This falls largely outside of our projects stated aims which have always been as follows:
We have 3 aims
1. Show to the world there is a new practical primary energy source we call the New Fire
2. Once shown, help develop peoples understanding of what the New Fire is
3. Help promote the development and uptake of the New Fire in all its various guises
Typically we would only test/investigate the claims of others, either with their cooperation ideally if they are alive, with their existent made devices or independently if the case warrants it.
In the case of Celani, it was with his prepared wire in our replica of his apparatus. In the case of George Elegy, it was with microwave reactors made by his team. In the case of Yull Brown, it will be with devices made by him. In the case of Rossi it was to test the thermal imaging claims. In the case of Parkhomov, he supplied the fuel. In the case of Ralkar and Ohmasa, it was following an invite to their lab.
With ULTR it was a bit of serendipity.
Having established 1. we moved on to 2. In trying to share understanding of what the New Fire is, we inspired others to do their own experiments, in the case of Neil Gould, Henk Jurrien, David Boutillier, Tony Jabony, under their own initiative and financing, they started research and having got so far reached out for guidance and support such as material analysis - when it was clear they had something worth expanding on with our limited resources, we further extended support.
Beyond specific reagents to experienced or proven experimentalists, such as with Parkhomov fuel, Mizuno meshes etc. we have not supplied reagents or reactor equipment. When an experiment needs data acquisition or analysis and if we have funds, we have helped with these where possible to proven individuals.
We were originally approached by a sponsor to set up a parts and chemicals supplies shop - but knowing that was not our role we passed on that offer, the result was Looking For Heat under Alan Smith in UK which operated for a few years. This was ultimately the correct approach - moreover there are extremely large risks with being a supplier.
The things you seek are readily available, even on E-Bay.
HHO is extremely dangerous, I was told last week of yet another person that nearly blew themselves up.
Meyer's system is an on-demand brown's gas system, strictly speaking not a stored-HHO or even on-demand-HHO system, where brown's gas is clustered and HHO is not, as per my understanding of the accepted nomenclature; Correct me if I am wrong.
The fact that we are aiming to develop an on-demand system means that there is very little combustible hydrogen in the reactor at any point during the operation cycle of the reactor. Stan actually tapped the motor's distributor with a sensor, to gauge the fuel consumption rate and adjust the hydrogen production rate, in real time, thus avoiding any accumulation of dangerous hydrogen gas.
@Bob: Do you know what what P.S.I Yull Brown was using? I haven't been able to track it down ...
Incidentally, I do have a local source for magnet wire, however they require the purchase of an entire spool, which is extraneous.
As for pressure vessels suitable for Brown's gas production being available on E-Bay, I have looked and haven't found anything. Could you provide me with a weblink to an example an available pressure vessel on E-Bay, of which you speak, for example?
Thanks as usual.
you can download the BN2000 manual here
Brown's devices were custom welded parts.
https://substack.com/@arcanus/note/c-18402896 <--- Note
Simeon, Your presentation on CF is superb! I must look into your books. The Big Bang Never Happened is my next one to read. I can see open science is working from many perspectives. Many scientists take up art. I am an artist who has taken up science, which I have always loved, along with ethics. Ken Wilber showed that they all interrelate in an "Integral Stew." Peace, respect, gratitude.
Thanks Corky! I love to see how all these ideas connect, against the grain of overspecialization and linearity.