Fully enjoyed the interview with the scientist bob greener and his company great dinner bob made let’s do more and get the book to the young generation and old young ones awesome thank you bob

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It maybe forest mushroom risotto tomorrow, you're very welcome.

Ready when you are.

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Awesome thank you lots indeed

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Thanks for interview John, great stuff!

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Awesome thank you

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John, do you by any chance have a Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier radio transmitter? They are old and rare, can't find in any surplus outlets.

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I had ine by farion company also ,,1970s used in data transmission from the world trade building for data transmission Collins radio also used in Apollo big unit got that one as well only 12 made I’ll make a video on it sometime

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This was great. One of my favorite shows he did was "Somewhere Out There" (youtu.be/Q2RU684PlrM) where he described using a variometer inductor to tune the phase.

I believe it is possible his effect could be caused by noise, the amount of electrical noise, RF noise, electrostatic noise, from everything running in such a small area, lined with metal to bounce it around even more. It would be interesting to know how it was grounded, because being in an apartment, it must not have been well grounded, which would support the theory.

Konstantin Meyl in his book Scalar Waves talks about noise, how it is potential vortexes or "dielectric field vortices". Maybe that is why it was so unpredictable, because it was all based on changes in the noise environment, like a chaotic pool, modulated by his tuning and phase changes.

This is from Meyl's book: https://imgur.com/a/tbaojtO, in fact it is basically the entire premise of the book, that scalar waves/potential vortexes are noise.

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Hi Phil,

It is the nature of the RF noise that allows John to know when things are in the right zone.

The EVOs bind to PN junctions affecting their bias and producing noise, similar in valves and photodetectors. Parkhomov uses reverse biased diodes as a detection device.

Noise is an output from interaction of EVOs with electronics and photosensitive materials.

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I have some plasma experiments planned for the coils involving white noise, but it will be a few weeks. Sort of bad news about the 5-tor, I won't be able to make the overall size d/4d with the next level down, and the next level down will be half an inch off d/4d from the lower three, but the smallest three are d/4d. It would have been a 16 inch monster to keep the ratio all the way up, so I opted for a 10.5 inch, which on it's own will take more than I calculated. Here is the progress, I had to start a new section that will have to be joined with this, as it got too long: https://imgur.com/a/47z2YRb

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Wow that is a real windup

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Nov 26, 2022Edited
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Perhaps, not seeing the RRL coil orientation, just a Solenoid, but perhaps it is just a schematic.

It is a novel experiment, I think it is worth doing. No guarantees.

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I have to go with an even smaller torus for the 5-tor, that length you saw only gave three loops, barely a quarter of the way! 5-tors are monsters, it would take thousands of feet of wire! It's a bigger undertaking than I thought, so I must downsize. It was maybe jumping the gun to start one before figuring out the right 4-tor orientation. A proper d/4d 5-tor would be an industrial scale operation almost!

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Which bagel coil winding direction is correct?LLLL AND RRRR? OR RLLL AND LRRR?

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to be determined.

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great little interview


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Pleasure. Was a great morning and afternoon.

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Awesome to see you together and excellent news about the upcoming book! Way to go guys 👏🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️

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Fully enjoy bobs company and yin

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Hi yes used in certain areas old but still used mostly in data transmissions do you have one yourself thanks

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@Bob: The coffee fairy humbly requests you check your email. And perhaps my substack too. There's some important things going on there. You can ignore the music & poetry, though, if you like. :)


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Your 2 torus is a 1 tori, etc.

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Details, details! You know, I did ask you to review the physical model in particular ( that which you now are mentioning ) about a month ago.... At least you did get around to it eventually! :-)

I lost most of my images in a hardware failure, and did rapidly reconstruct my losses. I'm working on a new graphics update alongside other work, and I'll get to it when I can.

Did you check any of the "Arcaneum" section - which includes several chapters from my book?

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And do you have a similar graphic for a 4-tor handy? I couldn't find one, so I let it slide.

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There is not one.

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