Oh my so much to keep up with, I have like 6 hours of presentations to watch!

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Ill be in vacation for 3 weeks in England/Spain starting tomorrow. This is what I’ll be doing

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remediation of a part of a radioactive sample which is separated from the sample being treated by vast distances

- spooky interaction at a distance (or, samples linked via couplings at a lower level than the world of atoms we are familiar with) - resisting flights of fancy into n dimensional maths (where the physically separate objects are somehow next to each other at the higher dimensions), this does suggest the existence of lower level fields between objects that can "stretch" across space AND THAT ALLOW (NEAR) INSTANT TRANSMISSION between actors in the field - hmmm, like gravity, or, perhaps, consciousness...? I feel certain that, if nothing else, these fields will allow for near instant communication across whole galaxies and beyond - so, you will be able to watch it on television, even if you can't get there as fast ... also, if "looking for aliens", isn't this the place to look - although, in all likelihood, unless you have one of the actors in the shared field, you won't be able to "listen in" - well, what's one way to achieve totally secure communications

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