We have already shared a lot of other physical evidence and conclusions that are in line with Rodionov's hypothesis which I will further integrate and tie this back with the work of Bostick, Shoulders, Matsumoto, Bogdanovich and many others.
Back in 2018, I shared a paper by Rodionov and Savvatimova on strange radiation.
NOTE: from re-reading this above paper, they came to the same conclusion I did from analysis of LENR experiments
"The huge gradient of a magnetic field promotes an attraction to magnetic poles of particles with nonzero magnetic dipole moment (electrons, protons, neutrons, many atomic nucleus, atoms and molecules, ions) which can enter in nuclear interaction."
"As the result of е-capture the filaments of neutrino at the northern magnetic pole create jet traction which pulls the filament after North Pole (like a locomotive pulling its cars). At the southern magnetic pole force of reaction of neutrino pushes (compresses) the filament, because of which unstable movement of South Pole of the filament is possible."
We have literally seen this on video in our VEGA experiments.
"Due to output power of capacity during the nucleus transmutations, a part of "new" nucleus is formed on fluxes, in particular, nucleus with zero spin and, hence, with zero magnetic dipole moment. They should scatter, forming a "hot" shell of these "new" nuclei near fluxes filament which are inside dense nuclear-molecular substance."
This is exactly what I have been sharing - in particular, flux forming toroids (basic EVO) - clustering using their toroidal moment into fractal clusters, which, after collapse leave the observed CaO (40Ca and 16O) fractal toroidal clusters in a sea of SiO2 (28 and 30 Si and 16O) and C (12C) predominently. Additionally non-spin Fe + O in spheres and toroids and spindle tori, from fractal toroidal moment induced structures.
Hi Bob, I very much enjoyed the Lewis paper especially that MBL could take sharp turns. This is seen in many examples of UFO behavior. Evonic Flying Objects may be the only explanation. He also notes that BL has "Killed and injured" people. Hmmm. Need to look that up. Onward!
It's also significant that Rodionov and Savvatimova reference the fractal quantum Hall effect as component of flux-like objects as this expands the charge cluster idea to other types of strongly correlated systems and general superconductivity. Sierpinski Gasket shape in addition to Koch Snowflake-type fractal discussed by Zhvirblis and Nevesky. https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023401
Flux - flow - a stream - makes perfect sense. I do believe, however, that the "flow" is a flow of spheres / toruses formed at a greater depth in a fractal universe - and that, like stars or galaxies, these "particles" are free to move out of the flow in which they formed (yet still, possibly, be connected to it) - otherwise, these particles, and "particles" at a lesser depth (stars, galaxies) could just - almost randomly - instantaneously skip from one place to another - and do so on a continual basis - clearly not what we see... so, spheres / toruses can form on flows and then move outside of them, but likely remain connected in some way (even if the branch point of such particle connection threads move along the larger threads from which they branch). Just a thought.
As I note above, the "Fluons" are effectively a basic EVO torus. Of course, how does a neutral MTER fit here? Well, we know that when matter collapses via proton e-capture on a Fluon, it would leave only Neutrinos behind - but it could also leave the Shishkin et. al. tori of relic/background neutrinos. So one could release the other.
There is much to think about, I will argue that [anti]toroidal moment may lead to production or aggregation of these threads based on some work we have shared alongside the gathering of the Relic Neutrino component of DM, however, Rodionov and Savvatimova's predicted outcomes re-spin and non-spin matter are directly in line with what I deduced from observation of several experiments.
Tori could, as you say, locate on Flux/flows, my thinking is, the might help explain the beads on a chain aspects of self-organisation. I argue, with support of modern 'hyper-toroidal' research that the toroidal moment drives the formation of magnetic cores made of Fe and O in the form of toroid or sphere based on the level of precession of the TM.
"likely remain connected in some way (even if the branch point of such particle connection threads move along the larger threads from which they branch)"
although perhaps an "EVO shroud" actually does detach the "threads" inside the EVO (or EVO "linked chain shell") from the outside - so allowing the EVO construct to move "disconnected" from the larger threads - and maybe it is the speed at which threads can move along larger threads that sets "the speed of light". Again, just a thought.
I first referred to the flux model and the paper of Rodionov/Savvatimova a few years back (having shared it without reading it in late 2018 ( I actually didn't really read it ). This was before VEGA, so you can see what thinking is still relevant and what needs adjustment in light of all that has come since.
Very interesting! I have read the article almost once. It is difficult to grasp, I need to read it a few times at least. The ' ''properties of fluxes'' list is ' strange'. Every bullet needs to be explained and the relations need to be clear. I have never seen a theory like this, how ' solid' is it? What other scientists are talking about it? And how does the classical model ' morph' into this model?
Rodionov work is cited by the replicators of Shakhparanovs Möbius strip experiments. Also you can see the comments in Ed Lewis' paper above and the collaboration with Savvitimova, both of whom are still alive.
I learn more every time I listen to this transcription. Almost like there's a time-delay effect for the significance to completely sink into your consciousness. You mentioned the mysterious strength of tornados in one of your presentations about 2 years ago. So tornados are neutrino/dark matter pumps? It all clicks.
The weird thing is, I published a link to the Rodionov / Savvatimovva paper in Oct. 2018 because of the emerging data about Strange Radiation and the diagrams, to a degree, comported with my emerging experimental investigations, but did not take a serious look at the underlying 'flux' concepts even mentioned there, just the diagrams.
Then I took another look in April 2021, after establishing the basic 3 level (fractal) EVO. In this case, I was focussed on claimed, potential natural "Flux" synthesised W and a similar feature I observed in OHMA vibrator plate.
Again, I did not really read the text and certainly did not follow through to the references.
Now, as you can imagine, having established since 2017, via empirical data, that there are Falico soliton and toroidal Solitons involved in LENR and toroidal solitons of n-toroidal solitons and that these are of two types and that they can arrange into spheres and networks and the outcomes of these systems is dependent on the type of clustering and the moment involved and interact with spin and non-spin matter differently depending on the form of the EVO, I was literally 'Booming' and laughing out loud as I translated this paper.
Wow, I bet you were. You've established an empirical connection from LENR to unexplained luminous phenomena around comets and meteorites, tornadoes, crystal epitaxy, "angel hair" around UFO sightings, the tiny filament structures seen by astronauts and probably 98 percent of all rest of the mysterious things we see. Astounding, my head's spinning. Way to go, Bob. You and all the MFMP volunteers, other researchers going back to Tesla and beyond, figured it out: like everything.
It is a team effort - I realised that there were far brighter people from many nations working on this for collectively many millions of hours, 1000s of man years (Adamenko's 2000-2006 Proton-21 lab alone was 100s of man-years).
So, I decided, to focus on what can be found in LENR and Hutchison and BL related experiments and then see what the people that have worked hardest on this have proposed in the past.
That got me, I expect I will have to translate the referenced work to understand. What it may mean is that on 1m of a 60fm wide tread, 100,000,000,000,000 can be 'stored' - that is 12.5 terabytes about the same as that external hard drive.
These might be set up for example, as individual vortex in the super-fluid, superconducting bose condensate of electrons sheath.
This is not related to your current post so I apologize. I was going to email it but I'm no longer certain if my emails arrive at your gmail or not so I'll stick it here instead. I just came across this discussion of GEET the interesting part is from the 20 min mark (linked) up until at least the 29 min mark. https://youtu.be/47o7YJFjcL8?t=1226
Sounds like another branding for plasma gass generator that some how I'de never heard of. The guy makes a lot of comments regarding coherent plasma field and what not. Worth keeping on ones radar I think. They don't offer any free plans other than those provided 30 or so years ago, but to be fair I haven't built it so perhaps the 30 year old plans work fine.
Perhaps controversial but maybe relevant. A part of the presentation by the late Wal Thornhill from Thunderbolts Project talking about a certain gyroscope phenomenon and what might be happening. (The founder of the Electric Universe paradigm Wal Thornhill, passed away on 7th February 2023).
https://youtu.be/YkWiBxWieQU?si=XaX5d85bSjl8e3kX&t=3140 He is saying the gyro appears as a positive charge in the presence of the negative charge of the rest of the universe and the negative charge of the earth, and seems to be more strongly influenced by the rest of the universe, with an apparent loss of weight. The orbs in the video MH370 seem to spin like gyros.
Device has a capacitor bank with energy ready for release,. Strange MH370 having those batteries onboard. Was the aircraft fuselage to be the inner tube of a plasma device, while the orbs (maybe gyros) effectively created an outer tube. At the time of the zap somehow were both connected creating a penumbra and plasmoid, the flash. Fanciful speculations. Really just making the point that Thunderbolts Project has a lot of information on the topic and plasmacosmology.net has a summary.
Magnetic current is the same as electric current. Current is [actually] the wrong expression. Really it is not one current, they are two currents, one current is composed of North Pole individual magnets in concentrated streams and the other is composed of South Pole individual magnets in concentrated streams, and they are are running one stream against the other stream in whirling, screwlike fashion, and with high speed.
We have already shared a lot of other physical evidence and conclusions that are in line with Rodionov's hypothesis which I will further integrate and tie this back with the work of Bostick, Shoulders, Matsumoto, Bogdanovich and many others.
Back in 2018, I shared a paper by Rodionov and Savvatimova on strange radiation.
NOTE: from re-reading this above paper, they came to the same conclusion I did from analysis of LENR experiments
"The huge gradient of a magnetic field promotes an attraction to magnetic poles of particles with nonzero magnetic dipole moment (electrons, protons, neutrons, many atomic nucleus, atoms and molecules, ions) which can enter in nuclear interaction."
"As the result of е-capture the filaments of neutrino at the northern magnetic pole create jet traction which pulls the filament after North Pole (like a locomotive pulling its cars). At the southern magnetic pole force of reaction of neutrino pushes (compresses) the filament, because of which unstable movement of South Pole of the filament is possible."
We have literally seen this on video in our VEGA experiments.
"Due to output power of capacity during the nucleus transmutations, a part of "new" nucleus is formed on fluxes, in particular, nucleus with zero spin and, hence, with zero magnetic dipole moment. They should scatter, forming a "hot" shell of these "new" nuclei near fluxes filament which are inside dense nuclear-molecular substance."
This is exactly what I have been sharing - in particular, flux forming toroids (basic EVO) - clustering using their toroidal moment into fractal clusters, which, after collapse leave the observed CaO (40Ca and 16O) fractal toroidal clusters in a sea of SiO2 (28 and 30 Si and 16O) and C (12C) predominently. Additionally non-spin Fe + O in spheres and toroids and spindle tori, from fractal toroidal moment induced structures.
Also this 2009 paper by Ed Lewis.
Read the references in both.
Hi Bob, I very much enjoyed the Lewis paper especially that MBL could take sharp turns. This is seen in many examples of UFO behavior. Evonic Flying Objects may be the only explanation. He also notes that BL has "Killed and injured" people. Hmmm. Need to look that up. Onward!
Corky, can you let me know the details for tomorrow.
Yes - very interesting.
It's also significant that Rodionov and Savvatimova reference the fractal quantum Hall effect as component of flux-like objects as this expands the charge cluster idea to other types of strongly correlated systems and general superconductivity. Sierpinski Gasket shape in addition to Koch Snowflake-type fractal discussed by Zhvirblis and Nevesky. https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023401
Flux - flow - a stream - makes perfect sense. I do believe, however, that the "flow" is a flow of spheres / toruses formed at a greater depth in a fractal universe - and that, like stars or galaxies, these "particles" are free to move out of the flow in which they formed (yet still, possibly, be connected to it) - otherwise, these particles, and "particles" at a lesser depth (stars, galaxies) could just - almost randomly - instantaneously skip from one place to another - and do so on a continual basis - clearly not what we see... so, spheres / toruses can form on flows and then move outside of them, but likely remain connected in some way (even if the branch point of such particle connection threads move along the larger threads from which they branch). Just a thought.
As I note above, the "Fluons" are effectively a basic EVO torus. Of course, how does a neutral MTER fit here? Well, we know that when matter collapses via proton e-capture on a Fluon, it would leave only Neutrinos behind - but it could also leave the Shishkin et. al. tori of relic/background neutrinos. So one could release the other.
There is much to think about, I will argue that [anti]toroidal moment may lead to production or aggregation of these threads based on some work we have shared alongside the gathering of the Relic Neutrino component of DM, however, Rodionov and Savvatimova's predicted outcomes re-spin and non-spin matter are directly in line with what I deduced from observation of several experiments.
Tori could, as you say, locate on Flux/flows, my thinking is, the might help explain the beads on a chain aspects of self-organisation. I argue, with support of modern 'hyper-toroidal' research that the toroidal moment drives the formation of magnetic cores made of Fe and O in the form of toroid or sphere based on the level of precession of the TM.
"likely remain connected in some way (even if the branch point of such particle connection threads move along the larger threads from which they branch)"
although perhaps an "EVO shroud" actually does detach the "threads" inside the EVO (or EVO "linked chain shell") from the outside - so allowing the EVO construct to move "disconnected" from the larger threads - and maybe it is the speed at which threads can move along larger threads that sets "the speed of light". Again, just a thought.
I think there is a lot of cross-correlation.
I first referred to the flux model and the paper of Rodionov/Savvatimova a few years back (having shared it without reading it in late 2018 ( I actually didn't really read it ). This was before VEGA, so you can see what thinking is still relevant and what needs adjustment in light of all that has come since.
Here is an interesting article related to conciousness study discussing Topological Pockets that I would recommend to check. Intersects with a lot of things discussed in the thread imho - https://qualiacomputing.com/2023/10/26/the-view-from-my-topological-pocket-an-introduction-to-field-topology-for-solving-the-boundary-problem/
He uses an animation - https://i0.wp.com/qualiacomputing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/tumblr_m1zmmsU4Ms1qeb9gf.gif?ssl=1 as a visual metaphor for how myriad topological pockets in the brain could briefly fuse and become a single one, and then dissolve back into a multitude - from separate rings to the spiral arranged as toroid.
Nice gif, thanks.
Very interesting! I have read the article almost once. It is difficult to grasp, I need to read it a few times at least. The ' ''properties of fluxes'' list is ' strange'. Every bullet needs to be explained and the relations need to be clear. I have never seen a theory like this, how ' solid' is it? What other scientists are talking about it? And how does the classical model ' morph' into this model?
Rodionov work is cited by the replicators of Shakhparanovs Möbius strip experiments. Also you can see the comments in Ed Lewis' paper above and the collaboration with Savvitimova, both of whom are still alive.
Bob, is this the predecessor to Proton Scientific? https://proton-21.com.ua/science_01_en.html
I learn more every time I listen to this transcription. Almost like there's a time-delay effect for the significance to completely sink into your consciousness. You mentioned the mysterious strength of tornados in one of your presentations about 2 years ago. So tornados are neutrino/dark matter pumps? It all clicks.
The weird thing is, I published a link to the Rodionov / Savvatimovva paper in Oct. 2018 because of the emerging data about Strange Radiation and the diagrams, to a degree, comported with my emerging experimental investigations, but did not take a serious look at the underlying 'flux' concepts even mentioned there, just the diagrams.
Then I took another look in April 2021, after establishing the basic 3 level (fractal) EVO. In this case, I was focussed on claimed, potential natural "Flux" synthesised W and a similar feature I observed in OHMA vibrator plate.
Again, I did not really read the text and certainly did not follow through to the references.
Now, as you can imagine, having established since 2017, via empirical data, that there are Falico soliton and toroidal Solitons involved in LENR and toroidal solitons of n-toroidal solitons and that these are of two types and that they can arrange into spheres and networks and the outcomes of these systems is dependent on the type of clustering and the moment involved and interact with spin and non-spin matter differently depending on the form of the EVO, I was literally 'Booming' and laughing out loud as I translated this paper.
Wow, I bet you were. You've established an empirical connection from LENR to unexplained luminous phenomena around comets and meteorites, tornadoes, crystal epitaxy, "angel hair" around UFO sightings, the tiny filament structures seen by astronauts and probably 98 percent of all rest of the mysterious things we see. Astounding, my head's spinning. Way to go, Bob. You and all the MFMP volunteers, other researchers going back to Tesla and beyond, figured it out: like everything.
(Here's some evidence right here about strange jet-like bursts from comets: https://www.livescience.com/comet-29p-strange-outbursts-puzzles-astronomers)
It is a team effort - I realised that there were far brighter people from many nations working on this for collectively many millions of hours, 1000s of man years (Adamenko's 2000-2006 Proton-21 lab alone was 100s of man-years).
So, I decided, to focus on what can be found in LENR and Hutchison and BL related experiments and then see what the people that have worked hardest on this have proposed in the past.
Fascinating times.
About the Flux properties. With the 'Information density ~ 10^14 bits/m' I get totally 'lost'. What does this imply?
That got me, I expect I will have to translate the referenced work to understand. What it may mean is that on 1m of a 60fm wide tread, 100,000,000,000,000 can be 'stored' - that is 12.5 terabytes about the same as that external hard drive.
These might be set up for example, as individual vortex in the super-fluid, superconducting bose condensate of electrons sheath.
Hey Bob,
This is not related to your current post so I apologize. I was going to email it but I'm no longer certain if my emails arrive at your gmail or not so I'll stick it here instead. I just came across this discussion of GEET the interesting part is from the 20 min mark (linked) up until at least the 29 min mark. https://youtu.be/47o7YJFjcL8?t=1226
Sounds like another branding for plasma gass generator that some how I'de never heard of. The guy makes a lot of comments regarding coherent plasma field and what not. Worth keeping on ones radar I think. They don't offer any free plans other than those provided 30 or so years ago, but to be fair I haven't built it so perhaps the 30 year old plans work fine.
I think the unusual 'magnetic field' here
Is very interesting
I have heard of GEET, and most probably David had seen many of the same phenomenon that tend to the same conclusions the more one experiments.
Funny this article popped up today showing “mother of pearl” https://ground.news/article/sky-gazers-spot-rare-and-vivid-mother-of-pearl-cloud-in-scotland
Perhaps controversial but maybe relevant. A part of the presentation by the late Wal Thornhill from Thunderbolts Project talking about a certain gyroscope phenomenon and what might be happening. (The founder of the Electric Universe paradigm Wal Thornhill, passed away on 7th February 2023).
https://youtu.be/YkWiBxWieQU?si=XaX5d85bSjl8e3kX&t=3140 He is saying the gyro appears as a positive charge in the presence of the negative charge of the rest of the universe and the negative charge of the earth, and seems to be more strongly influenced by the rest of the universe, with an apparent loss of weight. The orbs in the video MH370 seem to spin like gyros.
A later video with graphic in presentation https://youtu.be/LF6S68cRgxo?si=Vo9PsfAhJ1K9mrr_&t=1927
Plasma focus device https://youtu.be/338of49iF0k?si=sn8yzx40tGud4L2N&t=2209
Plasma gun https://www.plasmacosmology.net/tech2.html#pgun
Device has a capacitor bank with energy ready for release,. Strange MH370 having those batteries onboard. Was the aircraft fuselage to be the inner tube of a plasma device, while the orbs (maybe gyros) effectively created an outer tube. At the time of the zap somehow were both connected creating a penumbra and plasmoid, the flash. Fanciful speculations. Really just making the point that Thunderbolts Project has a lot of information on the topic and plasmacosmology.net has a summary.
Magnetic current is the same as electric current. Current is [actually] the wrong expression. Really it is not one current, they are two currents, one current is composed of North Pole individual magnets in concentrated streams and the other is composed of South Pole individual magnets in concentrated streams, and they are are running one stream against the other stream in whirling, screwlike fashion, and with high speed.
Edward Leedskalnin