Since posting my experience with Omicron blog, the inventor of mRNA technology Dr. Robert Malone found out about "" as I reported. This is a site where you can compare your batch number to adverse events.
He had Moderna very early on. First dose, no problems. Second dose nearly killed him.
He checked the first batch code - no problems.
He checked the second and there was a large number of adverse events and deaths.
He was saved because he already had a doctors appointment scheduled.
There are several problems with this theory about the origin. It's the cumulative improbabilities.
1. Jumps to humans. Unlike any other corona virus. Attack mechanism same as HIV. This is also implausible, explained possibly as a person HIV also having covid... before it was covid.
* Possible. Not probable.
2. Jumps from humans to mouse.
* Possible. Not probable.
And where's the mouse? How did it get to S. Africa? Can mice even catch covind-19? That test, I would think, is kind of a no-brainer if we're really looking for answers.
3. While in a mouse (assumed not in humans due to lack of history), it mutates at 3 times the average mutation rate for this kind of virus.
* Possible. Not probable.
4. Jumps back to humans.
* Possible. Not probable.
The way this works is that possibilities multiply. These are all pretty unlikely, but as we multiply them together the *improbability* of this narrative being believable is:
Even "possible" the the 4th power is a slim chance but this is "improbable" to the 4th power.
And that's assuming the virus origin is in Wuhan in the first place, which is also as improbable as the alpha strain having so many origins in the epidemiology chart cued up at the video.
But this is the BIG problem.
Time Will Tell? - Time Has Spoken (my attempt at a time line, also has a graphic representation link).
The time line starts with Ft. Detrick lab getting shut down for 8 months in 2018 for breach of safety protocols and ends with the US having 1/3rd of the entire world's covid but there are many interesting dot connections along the way.
Possible. But is it probable? There are no cumulative improbabilities in the time line. Every link can be verified.
Humanised Mouse Models (Humanised Mice that have Human ACE-2 receptors) were developed in US and the technology transferred to Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Mice also exist all over the world.
If you had a lab with Genetically Manipulated coronavirus, Humanised Mice and Mice Mice - what is the most likely place for things to develop.
There was a testing centre in Botswana where Omicron was first 'discovered'
Nothing about mice at the link. They point to the origin being in a "foreign country", but the way this has spread... Dunno if I buy that. They are apparently very competent lab technicians, but epidemiology is another discipline.
You wrote:
If you had a lab with Genetically Manipulated coronavirus, Humanised Mice and Mice Mice - what is the most likely place for things to develop.
Obviously humanized mice.
Back to you now, and I think we either agree or are on the verge agreeing on this point.
If bioweapons are a scientific fact, is it more or less likely that a biodefense could be produced to neutralize the HIV insert than a natural mutation of an unnatural virus. ;-)
I can also see a "who benefits" aspect of this, even if the benefit is only to cut losses.
Maybe if they could find some of those humanized mice they could get one to catch it. Lol.
This still looks fishy to me. 3.3 times the mutation rate for that specific protein as in the other branches. Same virus. Same protein. Very different mutation rats.
Here's more if you have time...
down 10% of page
[T]wo B.1.1 variants were sampled during April 22nd–May 5th, 2020, which suggested that the progenitor of Omicron diverged from the B.1.1 lineage roughly in mid-2020. Intermediate versions have gone largely undetected, thus resulting in an exceptionally long branch leading to the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of Omicron in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1A).
Not "largely undetected", "completely undetected".
down 30%
Mice were previously reported to serve as poor hosts for SARS-CoV-2 because the spike protein of early SARS-CoV-2 variants exhibited low-affinity interactions with mouse ACE2 (Lam et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2020; Ren et al., 2021; Wong et al., 2021). However, over the course of the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 variants emerged that could infect mice...
But those variants were not progenators of omicron. Nor did they jump back into humans.
I'd give this papaer an improbable > probable score, Bob.
I'm not saying this is deliberately deceptive but it could be. And part of what bothers me about it is that if they found mice could catch some other branches of this virus wny not check if mice can catch omicron.
I can't say I fully understand this but near the top it says:
We observed that the preoutbreak Omicron mutations were over-represented in ORF S (P = 1.2 × 10^−13
And it looks like the ORF_S is where most of the action is. Then they go off looking at ACE2 and other stuff.
But the first test this hypothesis needs to pass, as far as I'm cuncerned, is to check if mice can catch the bug.
What do the British get for playing along? Well, the long term goal since Thatcher/Reaganomics hit the world stage, has been to destroy the NHS and ring in the American health care system in the UK. Here we have to balance probabilities again, but that is a fact.
And it's curious how the British ignored the results of the Exercise Cygnus study. It's just curious. I'm not coming to any conclusions on this one.
But the Crimson Contagion simulation in the US is, per usual, a bit blatant. ;-)
A parasites does not advance its interests by killing its host. For if the host dies so does the parasite. Invariably, a process of natural selection will transform a virulent killer virus over time into a benign form. But this process of parasitic transformation takes time and lives.
But in a modern state, people do not want to die, so if the politicians say that herd immunity is to be achieved at the cost of millions of deaths, the populus rebels. This is why Trump was not reelected. His policy was to let nature take its deadly course. A new more politically acceptable policy is now in place. Yet there still exists a hero segment of the population that chooses to expose themselves to the ravages of herd immunity and to make the sacrifices necessary to convert the virus into a more benign form by giving up their lives and health for the good of the whole.
Over these years, it now looks like the virus is reaching this more benign and sustainable form. The waves of death and sickness that have occured have been caused by waves of mutations as natural selection refashioned the virus into a non deadly state. We who now survive should thank those who have given up their bodies and their health as the workshop of natural selection so that the race can continue on in confort.
Except that Omicron is not a result of an evolution from any of the other major variants except the original.
It appears that pretty much the first man-made one infected mice, evolved in mice and managed to jump back to humans.
None of the policies of any particular politician or country, vaccines, the vaccinated or the unvaccinated had anything to do with Omicron - it is "of mice and men".
Some say that since humanised mice and mice are in the lab of origination, that it could have come from the same place, but I am not saying that and neither are the Chinese authors of the paper discussed.
It is either nature correcting the hubris and folly of man, or it is the cure someone always had.
"The B.1.1.529 variant was first reported to WHO from South Africa on 24 November 2021. The epidemiological situation in South Africa has been characterized by three distinct peaks in reported cases, the latest of which was predominantly the Delta variant. In recent weeks, infections have increased steeply, coinciding with the detection of B.1.1.529 variant. The first known confirmed B.1.1.529 infection was from a specimen collected on 9 November 2021."
A link with HIV infection may explain a large number of mutations in the sequence of the Omicron variant.[35][citation needed] Indeed, in order to be affected by such a high number of mutations, the virus must have been able to evolve a long time without killing its host, nor being eliminated. One such situation occurs in people with a weakened immune system but receiving enough medical care to survive.[36] This is the case in HIV patients in South Africa, who represent more than 20% of the population.[37] Due to lack of access to clinics, fear of stigmatisation and disrupted healthcare, millions living with HIV in the region are not on effective HIV therapy. HIV prevention could be key to reducing the risk of uncontrolled HIV driving the emergence of Covid variants.[38]
Someone with AIDS had a cold then got alpha and did not die.
That is discussed in the paper that the good Drs video is about, however, the Chinese argue that since Omicron is highly adapted to mice, it is unlikely that there is a mousified human in the same way that that University of North Carolina had humanised mice (which they transferred to Wuhan Institute of Virology for the original Gain of Function research).
So they conclude it is unlikely this scenario that was proposed.
It is of "Mice and Men" most likely, either in the lab, or in nature.
Hi bob certain USA Congress men have been drilling dr fauci anyway this is amazing information that you posted today let the dam bust
It is breaking. The illusion is dissipating.
Thanks for publishing this - yet another very important voice that is not being broadcast by the large media outlets.
I think the damn is breaking.
Since posting my experience with Omicron blog, the inventor of mRNA technology Dr. Robert Malone found out about "" as I reported. This is a site where you can compare your batch number to adverse events.
He had Moderna very early on. First dose, no problems. Second dose nearly killed him.
He checked the first batch code - no problems.
He checked the second and there was a large number of adverse events and deaths.
He was saved because he already had a doctors appointment scheduled.
Hi Bob. I want to put this up top so it's easier to find.
You wrote:
It appears that pretty much the first man-made one infected mice, evolved in mice and managed to jump back to humans.
Did the mouse have a vaccine passport? How did it get from Wuhan to S. Africa?
Same video as you linked in the replies, cued up to the image showing the history of variants.
There are several problems with this theory about the origin. It's the cumulative improbabilities.
1. Jumps to humans. Unlike any other corona virus. Attack mechanism same as HIV. This is also implausible, explained possibly as a person HIV also having covid... before it was covid.
* Possible. Not probable.
2. Jumps from humans to mouse.
* Possible. Not probable.
And where's the mouse? How did it get to S. Africa? Can mice even catch covind-19? That test, I would think, is kind of a no-brainer if we're really looking for answers.
3. While in a mouse (assumed not in humans due to lack of history), it mutates at 3 times the average mutation rate for this kind of virus.
* Possible. Not probable.
4. Jumps back to humans.
* Possible. Not probable.
The way this works is that possibilities multiply. These are all pretty unlikely, but as we multiply them together the *improbability* of this narrative being believable is:
Even "possible" the the 4th power is a slim chance but this is "improbable" to the 4th power.
And that's assuming the virus origin is in Wuhan in the first place, which is also as improbable as the alpha strain having so many origins in the epidemiology chart cued up at the video.
But this is the BIG problem.
Time Will Tell? - Time Has Spoken (my attempt at a time line, also has a graphic representation link).
The time line starts with Ft. Detrick lab getting shut down for 8 months in 2018 for breach of safety protocols and ends with the US having 1/3rd of the entire world's covid but there are many interesting dot connections along the way.
Possible. But is it probable? There are no cumulative improbabilities in the time line. Every link can be verified.
Humanised Mouse Models (Humanised Mice that have Human ACE-2 receptors) were developed in US and the technology transferred to Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Mice also exist all over the world.
If you had a lab with Genetically Manipulated coronavirus, Humanised Mice and Mice Mice - what is the most likely place for things to develop.
There was a testing centre in Botswana where Omicron was first 'discovered'
Nothing about mice at the link. They point to the origin being in a "foreign country", but the way this has spread... Dunno if I buy that. They are apparently very competent lab technicians, but epidemiology is another discipline.
You wrote:
If you had a lab with Genetically Manipulated coronavirus, Humanised Mice and Mice Mice - what is the most likely place for things to develop.
Obviously humanized mice.
Back to you now, and I think we either agree or are on the verge agreeing on this point.
If bioweapons are a scientific fact, is it more or less likely that a biodefense could be produced to neutralize the HIV insert than a natural mutation of an unnatural virus. ;-)
I can also see a "who benefits" aspect of this, even if the benefit is only to cut losses.
The mice origin paper is here:
Maybe if they could find some of those humanized mice they could get one to catch it. Lol.
This still looks fishy to me. 3.3 times the mutation rate for that specific protein as in the other branches. Same virus. Same protein. Very different mutation rats.
Here's more if you have time...
down 10% of page
[T]wo B.1.1 variants were sampled during April 22nd–May 5th, 2020, which suggested that the progenitor of Omicron diverged from the B.1.1 lineage roughly in mid-2020. Intermediate versions have gone largely undetected, thus resulting in an exceptionally long branch leading to the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of Omicron in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1A).
Not "largely undetected", "completely undetected".
down 30%
Mice were previously reported to serve as poor hosts for SARS-CoV-2 because the spike protein of early SARS-CoV-2 variants exhibited low-affinity interactions with mouse ACE2 (Lam et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2020; Ren et al., 2021; Wong et al., 2021). However, over the course of the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 variants emerged that could infect mice...
But those variants were not progenators of omicron. Nor did they jump back into humans.
I'd give this papaer an improbable > probable score, Bob.
I'm not saying this is deliberately deceptive but it could be. And part of what bothers me about it is that if they found mice could catch some other branches of this virus wny not check if mice can catch omicron.
I can't say I fully understand this but near the top it says:
We observed that the preoutbreak Omicron mutations were over-represented in ORF S (P = 1.2 × 10^−13
And it looks like the ORF_S is where most of the action is. Then they go off looking at ACE2 and other stuff.
But the first test this hypothesis needs to pass, as far as I'm cuncerned, is to check if mice can catch the bug.
[EDITED, typos & clarity.]
What do the British get for playing along? Well, the long term goal since Thatcher/Reaganomics hit the world stage, has been to destroy the NHS and ring in the American health care system in the UK. Here we have to balance probabilities again, but that is a fact.
And it's curious how the British ignored the results of the Exercise Cygnus study. It's just curious. I'm not coming to any conclusions on this one.
But the Crimson Contagion simulation in the US is, per usual, a bit blatant. ;-)
A parasites does not advance its interests by killing its host. For if the host dies so does the parasite. Invariably, a process of natural selection will transform a virulent killer virus over time into a benign form. But this process of parasitic transformation takes time and lives.
But in a modern state, people do not want to die, so if the politicians say that herd immunity is to be achieved at the cost of millions of deaths, the populus rebels. This is why Trump was not reelected. His policy was to let nature take its deadly course. A new more politically acceptable policy is now in place. Yet there still exists a hero segment of the population that chooses to expose themselves to the ravages of herd immunity and to make the sacrifices necessary to convert the virus into a more benign form by giving up their lives and health for the good of the whole.
Over these years, it now looks like the virus is reaching this more benign and sustainable form. The waves of death and sickness that have occured have been caused by waves of mutations as natural selection refashioned the virus into a non deadly state. We who now survive should thank those who have given up their bodies and their health as the workshop of natural selection so that the race can continue on in confort.
Except that Omicron is not a result of an evolution from any of the other major variants except the original.
It appears that pretty much the first man-made one infected mice, evolved in mice and managed to jump back to humans.
None of the policies of any particular politician or country, vaccines, the vaccinated or the unvaccinated had anything to do with Omicron - it is "of mice and men".
Some say that since humanised mice and mice are in the lab of origination, that it could have come from the same place, but I am not saying that and neither are the Chinese authors of the paper discussed.
It is either nature correcting the hubris and folly of man, or it is the cure someone always had.
Omicron evolved from the delta variant.
"The B.1.1.529 variant was first reported to WHO from South Africa on 24 November 2021. The epidemiological situation in South Africa has been characterized by three distinct peaks in reported cases, the latest of which was predominantly the Delta variant. In recent weeks, infections have increased steeply, coinciding with the detection of B.1.1.529 variant. The first known confirmed B.1.1.529 infection was from a specimen collected on 9 November 2021."
This was the assumption, analysis of the phylogeny shows that it did not evolve from delta.
Here is Wikipedia on it showing that it is a new branch close to the original
Here is a clearer chart showing evolution over time - nothing at all to do with Delta
A link with HIV infection may explain a large number of mutations in the sequence of the Omicron variant.[35][citation needed] Indeed, in order to be affected by such a high number of mutations, the virus must have been able to evolve a long time without killing its host, nor being eliminated. One such situation occurs in people with a weakened immune system but receiving enough medical care to survive.[36] This is the case in HIV patients in South Africa, who represent more than 20% of the population.[37] Due to lack of access to clinics, fear of stigmatisation and disrupted healthcare, millions living with HIV in the region are not on effective HIV therapy. HIV prevention could be key to reducing the risk of uncontrolled HIV driving the emergence of Covid variants.[38]
Someone with AIDS had a cold then got alpha and did not die.
That is discussed in the paper that the good Drs video is about, however, the Chinese argue that since Omicron is highly adapted to mice, it is unlikely that there is a mousified human in the same way that that University of North Carolina had humanised mice (which they transferred to Wuhan Institute of Virology for the original Gain of Function research).
So they conclude it is unlikely this scenario that was proposed.
It is of "Mice and Men" most likely, either in the lab, or in nature.
One of the best charts here