Topics to be discussed
Possible explanation for eruptions in Coherent Matter Transmutations
Bagel experiments
Findings from 2 Jun 2022 SEM/EDS session
LIVESTREAM 5 June 2022, 22:00 CET
Until the stream, enjoy this and tell me, who can you see in the audience?
As you say Bob, everything is the same... look at these pictures :-)
Been watching you fantastic work from the start.
You are unique in this field.
BR Tommy S.
Bob, I enjoyed your review of the upcoming ICCF 24. In my experience going to lots of these types of conferences over the years, they are a type of theatre that is mean't to reinforce the solidarity of the organization sponsoring the conference. It's not necessarily about figuring out something like cold fusion/LENR. So if someone like you comes along as says, "Hey guys, I can explain what every single one of you are presenting/talking about in a single one-hour presentation with solid historical references going back decades" you're threatening their reason for existence. I imagine that if a young Tesla showed up at the conference and wanted to present, he would get the same reaction you did. "Here, we'll let you do a poster session." It's almost like down deep they don't want know what's going on, they prefer to keep selling the mystery. All official human groups and organizations do this, IMHO. Not really science, more like ant-farm dynamics.