Apr 9, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

You know how scientists discover phases between phases of matter like how a liquid crystal is a phase between liquids and solids.. also the Hutchinson effect, Bermuda Triangle, and Philadelphia experiment seem to all have this electric fog. Well a Fog is a cloud and a cloud is matter in a gaseous state. And I got to thinking, could this electric fog be a state of matter between a gas and a plasma? Heres my inspiration https://www.bermuda-attractions.com/bermuda2_0000b3.htm

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Apr 9, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

https://lasermatter.umd.edu/research/spatiotemporal-optical-vortices/ .....https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.11079. Here are other cool papers I was looking at

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Apr 9, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hey Bob do you think this An EvO https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/nanoph-2019-0101/html

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Apr 8, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Somebody done the maths on ring formation..https://youtu.be/lJfqgmbiqnQ

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

All I can say about those two ring videos is Wow!!! That was stunning behavior!!!!

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Interesting Bob. It seems to be easy to replicate this.

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