Well, I've finished the chapter that I asked to draw on some of your work, which I've used to explain the anomalous presence of carbon in the grey andesite at Puma Punku, which functioned as a particular kind of pyramid. I hope I've reflected your work accurately, and that I've made it clear to readers where my own speculations begin. Bear in mind that all of this started when I bumped into two aerospace engineers there, who were very interested in magnetic anomalies, followed by my own experience of watching a compass needle spin when a storm approached over the Altiplano. My heartfelt thanks to you Bob.

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Just did an experiment with a fry pan I carbonised. I placed it in water. Now, if I went anti-clockwise, not much carbon came off. But if I went clockwise carbon came off quicker.

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Hi Bob,

I posted this comment to the youtube this video:


Just want you opinion about if I got it right?

Every form of ionization by exposure to radiation (charge separation) will cause turbulence and a toroidal moment which in it self will create plasmoids (Exotic vacuum objects EVOs). These plasmoids can hid in metals indefinitely if not disrupted. While continually exposed to radiation in space these plasmoids will continue to increase in numbers and aggregate to form fractally bigger plasmoids. When later disrupted by a discharge the plasmoids will explode in a colombic explosion and spew out there etheric matter content in the form of carbon, oxygen, silicon, iron, sulfur, ... This process, if the charging period is long enough, will be violent and probably break loose material from an asteroid and form tails. I guess that one of the byproducts of this process also could be water.

This process is not only applicable to asteroids but is a natural phenomena that occurs every where in nature where you have charge separation and turbulence, for example in cavitation, combination of ionization and electrical discharge, ultra sound, ... Probably our body is also containing and using this phenomena in some way since it also is electrical in nature.

Finding out more about plasmoids (EVOs), watch Bob Greenyer at remoteview dot substack dot com.

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Not bad. Not perfect, but you are close enough.

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Was there any progress on the windhexe?

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Yes, very much so, check out Windhexe.com, where the main device has had several upgrades and is being instrumented to allow for data driven optimisation.

In the meantime, Henk has made a better minihexe and has been working with the blowers and injection nozzle forms and has already managed to heavily fragment an Aluminium can.

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The increase in efficiency shown is in line, albeit a bit less, with which I have seen reported for builders if GEETs versions, the SPAD, and also HHO generators when measured in laboratory conditions.

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Yes - but they are often difficult to apply and have not been tested on such big devices under known loads.

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Wonderful couple of videos, I did comment on YT but had to comment a second time after missing the brief mention of John the Baptist. "Missed the John the Baptist/Jesus esoteric history the first time. Stands out like a sore thumb and is hugely discrediting to Bob's narrative. The very renowned Dan Brown is not someone to emulate when trying to to do the work of integrating the phenomena behind 'The Shourd of Turin, Jesus' healings or Transfiguration' and causes of primordial natural powers. Gnostically dividing what Jesus said and did from his obvious power is a perennial temptation, but He has permanently damned up that route. Again doing shoddy ancient history and textual science with the manuscripts that swamp in number anything else attested in the ancient world is a mistake and totally unnecessary. John Bergsma is an expert here in yt on the Dead Sea Scrolls and so John the Baptist. And there are any number of youtube videos answering the latest re-inventing of Jesus to serve the latest rich-powerful project. But the historicity of the Resurrection and the Victory of His stated public ministry remains even more reliable today after centuries of attempting to defeat the Galilean. I would counsel Bob to refrain from ventures into self-serving Masonic rewriting of biblical history and instead recruit expert biblical scholars and philosophers for how to integrate nature’s God and His generous general revelation with His generous special revelation in the Incarnation."

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thomism wordpress +nature and/or archive Berquist 'Notes on the First Philosophers'

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What a treat! I have been encouraging people everywhere to have a look at your unique revelations on matters that have opened deep and robust questions about the human condition in this our world. Solving energy and pyramids is merely the tip of the pyramid, hehe. May the Chi be with you....Excelsior!

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Oooo - Corky - see what you did there!

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I knew there was a good reason for following Johanna: explain what Bob is on about! Look forward to it!

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Great talk, which sent me to many places mentally. For me, you made your most important point towards the beginning: that different pyramids may have been used as different technologies, at different times. I would add that it's almost impossible to understand the technological function of a pyramid without first understanding the underlying science that led to its construction. In the ancient world, science didn't come neatly packaged into discrete subjects, such as 'physics', 'biology' and 'chemistry', which is how modern science likes to construct the world. I remember the derision faced by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons faced in 1989 from the 'physics community' because they were chemists.

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Things need to be looked at as a whole.

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Amazing content, I'll have to re-watch this multiple times.

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Thanks for sharing I will watch this in a moment.. just finished watching "The primordial code"


I am SURE you will find interesting :)

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AFAIK She is one of the relatively recent "rising stars" in the alternative history community, kudos for the interview Bob, if anything this kind of exposure reaches a wide audience.

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When a child can do the process - it is time to teach it to the masses and end the dark ages.

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Teleportation and mutation and energy production

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