This was originally LIVESTREAMED, Sun 6 November 2022 @ 23:00 CET
From Patent US 2005/0200256A1 “Method and device for compressing a substance by impact and plasma cathode thereto” [5]
[0228] Thus, on FIG. 17, presented essentially iron hemisphere comprising 93% by weight Fe with admixtures of Silicon and copper isotopes on the background of the copper shield.
[0229] Obviously, this hemisphere is a fraction of a spherical body formed from a Substantial part of the copper anode-enhancer 6 (sample No. 4908 according to the log book of the applicant). It has an outer diameter about 95 um and a practically concentric spherical cavity with a diameter of about 35 um. The roughness on the major portion of the ring end of the hemisphere can be explained by the crack of the initial Sphere.
[0230] It is easy to assume that in the experiment with the sample No. 4908, the center of the focal space of the electron beam practically coincided with the center of the target curvature. In this case, Soliton-like density impulse focussed itself in the volume that is represented as a spherical cavity in the disclosed product.

First There Was Copper, Then Mandeleev's Entire Periodic Table
Aleksander Kochno, the director general of the Proton-21 laboratory, and another employee, Vladimir Vysotsky, a professor of physics and mathematics at the Kyiv Shevchenko University , join our conversation.
Vladimir Vysotsky: They demonstrated amazing photos of exploded targets, and it could be clearly seen that the explosions happened in their center, in the depth of the substance. I was particularly interested in a photo of a strange hemisphere imprinted on the screen with a ball clearly cut out from the center. The scientists explained that inside this ball the reaction of the nuclear collapse had happened and the explosion had taken this hemisphere out of the target and smashed it into the screen. Other tables show the results of spectrographic analyses – how many various elements were registered during explosions, for example from a copper target with 99.99% purity. [6]
The Black Hole as an Experimental Artefact
A.K.: Now we are talking about things which make ordinary physicists speechless and the existence of super heavy elements an axiom for us.
And we had a lot of such cases – after our experiments we gave our samples to other organizations and asked them to check them with their equipment. And we did not tell them what these samples were. They brought us reports and in a couple of months they admitted that they had no idea how such results might be registered, for instance during spectrographic examinations with lines which are impossible for these elements. "This is not according to textbooks!" they said. They overhauled equipment, tuned it, looked for malfunctions and obtained the same results. We told them how we got these samples and they replied: "So, why didn't you tell us!" We explained that we did it to keep the experiments pure.
But we have some things which could not be explained, for instance, "black holes." -???
A.K.: They do not "light up" under any light.
Adamenko: There are various methods of to analyze substances. One is radiation by a beam of ions and registering reflected signals. We tore secondary ions away from bombarded substances and analyzed them. And after an explosion we saw how local sections (20-50 microns) appeared on a screen. They reflected nothing no matter how hard you bombarded them with ions. Not only did these smashed out particles of screen refuse to fly, but even primary ions did not return. These are regions which absorb absolutely everything, in any range of weight! Just imagine, you shoot a handgun and the bullets simply disappear. They are not reflected and they do not pass through. And moreover, the process of absorption has no visible manifestations. This could not happen according to the laws of classical physics. We gave this effect a temporary name – "black holes." We suppose these places contain the nucleus of some super heavy element which has "not grown yet" till its reaches its limits. A so -called "dump pit ." We spent more time bombarding these sections (up to half an hour), and only then did these "black holes" start to return some part of the ions. Probably, saturation had occurred. These are interesting subjects of study.
There is another assumption connected with these sections and it refers to cosmology. It is known that there is a great quantity of "dark" matter in the universe, and it cannot be detected by ordinary tools. It is possible that the "black holes" we observed are part of this matter. It may be made of the nuclei of super heavy elements.
Stanislav Adamenko, Franco Selleri, Alwyn Merwe, 2007, “Controlled Nucleosynthesis - Breakthroughs in Experiment and Theory”, ISBN: 978-1-4020-5874-5 [Available on Google Books in digital]
“Exploring new frontiers in the pulsed power laboratory: Recent progress”
Patent - “Method and device for compressing a substance by impact and plasma cathode thereto” [US] [RU]
“Taming a Neutron Star - Ukrainian scientists claim they have tamed thermonuclear fusion. ”, Ukraine Now, Friday, April 22 2005 [Backup], [Wayback Machine]
“Fractal Toroidal Moment Induced Transformation Reactions - A Coherent Matter Driven Process”, 27th Russian Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning conference, 6 October 2022.
i came across this ball lightning video today. i dont think it is fake
Thanks for all the material.
none of the links are working for me for hmmmm
maybe thousands of people all over the world are trying to get to the same ? :)
Four years ago I recall reading all the proton21 web pages & some of Adamenko's work there. Now, of course, none of the proton21 links work.