Discussion on LENR and 'O' structure evidence in relation to the GP including its plan.
LIVESTREAM was on 19 Mar 2023 @ 22:00 CET
Possible correlation of unusual feature in Dr. Alexander Parkhomov’s 225 day Ni + H reactor with VEGA ‘Pyramid’
Back at ICCF22 in Assisi, Italy (2019) I presented analysis of unusual features that I found using Alan Goldwater’s SEM/EDX apparatus at his Magic Sound Lab. Two in particular were very odd as they were a cluster of things that would move when I focussed the electron beam on them.
I stated that I felt the ‘Pretzel’ structure seemed to be important, because it reminded me of structures that I had seen in other LENR experiments and it was clearly self organised and I argued a little later that I believed it was based on magneto-hydrodynamics.

The largely lead structure I did not have a ready explanation for until after the 9th March 2023, due to my reflection of my analysis of the ‘Great Pyramid’ schematic that formed out of a Henk Jurrien VEGA experiment. Alexander Parkhomov noted that no other analysis of parts of the reactor showed lead, yet here was this strangely behaving agglomeration that had the elements in the core and then lead, tin, zinc and copper in this particular shape.

Interesting 3rd party findings
Blackshoe10 shared a video with me on the day of me preparing the above presentation (19th March 2023 in response to my previous presentations) and it made very interesting listening, I was quite taken aback. Click on links to relevant sections of an interview with Joseph P. Farrell, The Giza Death Star Trilogy, with Kelly Em on The Common Surface that was published on 2nd Feb 2023.
People have witnessed a "pale blue light" from pyramid, speculates it is a cold plasma from hydrogen - parts missing from pyramid… Items from Grand gallery missing according to Sitchens - in the slots (that intrigued me)
Wars "with and for the pyramid”… Certain contents removed from pyramid after war, lost and destroyed
New and revised editionhttps://www.academia.edu/39749492/THE_PYRAMIDS_AND_TEMPLES_OF_GIZA_BY_Sir_F_Petrie
Morishima, K., Kuno, M., Nishio, A. et al. Discovery of a big void in Khufu’s Pyramid by observation of cosmic-ray muons. Nature 552, 386–390 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature24647
What might cause a big tor to be found within the volume of the Great Pyramid? Could it be its location on the Earth's surface? Its shape, size, dimensions, environment? Its construction materials? What made it run? How was its running controlled and modulated? To what ends? What idled it? Can we restart it? Should we?
This one is great too if the others resonate with you. https://www.youtube.com/live/fKJCRLTbXhg?feature=share