On the afternoon of Wed 10th April 2024, Sergei Godin gave an overview of his work on the Magnetic Energy Convertor, anomalies observed and findings from the latest iteration being tested in Shenzhen, China.
I translated the slides with machine assistance and used AI to make a dubbed translation of the talk (some areas had to be patched up, but it is workable). Original Russian (with Google transcription) will be published with Q&A later as will slides in Russian and English.
Premiere 11 April 2024 at 22:00 CET
Download slides in English | Download slides in Russian
I had a question, could it be a toroidal moment generator?
Recognising the potential implications of the form of the Magnetic Energy Convertors' (MECs) proposed etheric matter flows, I asked the question I would ask!
Only when listening the dubbed translation live, did I notice Sergei state his motivation for starting the MEC research at the beginning of the 1990s. I included it at the end as the perfect segway into the next planned O-Day... TORNADO.
Magnetic Energy Convertor 2024 - Sergei Godin
(Full in Russian with Q&A)
NOTE: Auto translation of Google auto-transcription is up
The best thing about this presentation, when considering apparent mass changes in relatiom to rotational direction, is learning that "lefty-loosey, righty-tighty" remains a universal truth! 😀
Bob, magnets degrade and are useless for free energy generation as I worked for SAV infinity, and they went bankrupt after selling just a few generators.