Gravitational Field Propulsion
Walter Dröscher 1, Jochem Hauser 2
Institut für Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft, 6010 Innsbruck, Austria
Faculty Karl-Scharfenberg, Univ. of Applied Sciences, Salzgitter Campus, 38229 Salzgitter, Germany
The above paper from 2009, published in American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, talks about the need for neutral leptons in gravitation field propulsion. It goes on to say “the existence of neutral leptons is postulated” it does not recognise natural mass bearing cold neutrinos [relic neutrinos] and their technological equivalents however, as proved by Dr. Alexander Parkhomov and suggested by him to be a component of dark matter. It also talks about the need to create coherent matter at cryogenic temperatures (like Tajmar, Graham, Podkletnov) and does not consider the possibility that this would be possible at any temperature, as stated by the Lockheed Martin ‘Coherent matter wave beams’ patent.
In my understanding, the technological formation of a natural ball lightning equivalent, produces both cold neutrinos (mass bearing neutral ultra low momentum leptons produced by the inter-particle dynamics during self organisation/condensation of the involved matter) and coherence.
Key points from the Dröscher & Hauser 2009 paper
“If spacetime is made of discrete pieces that is, atoms of spacetime exist, then spacetime might be susceptible to collective modes, representing a daunting many-body problem. A major rearrangement of the many-atom spacetime ground state could take place in the new symmetry-broken phase. Each phase of spacetime, similar to phenomena observed in condensed matter physics, may exhibit its proper fundamental symmetry, characterizing this phase.”
“At present, the mechanism of neutral lepton production is not known, but, as is directly obvious from Table 1, the photon is the only particle that can be converted into a gravitophoton, which is the interaction boson for neutral leptons. It is therefore assumed that in the initial phase of the Universe, when huge numbers of photons were present, these particles possibly could have formed. Since they are not subject to electromagnetic interaction they might have life-times long enough to be stable and thus take part in galaxy formation. Furthermore, the experiments by Tajmar et al. can be explained assuming the production of gravitophotons by condensed matter phenomena, see Sec. IV, while accelerators are producing individual particles.”
“Spontaneous symmetry breaking is associated with the formation of a new type of particles that in, general, are strongly correlated. For instance, in superconductivity, Cooper pairs (two electron interaction, boson like) are formed.”
“It is surmised that spontaneous symmetry breaking is instrumental for the laboratory generated large gravitomagnetic fields, since the magnitude of these fields suggests a coherent macroscopic phenomenon similar to superconductivity or ferromagnetism.”
“Gravitons interact with the space vehicle and cause its acceleration while the momentum of the quintessence particle is not felt by the space vehicle but by the surrounding spacetime.”
“there seem to exist two coupling mechanisms to generate gravity-like fields, termed fermion and boson coupling.
Fermion coupling: Imaginary charges are created by radiation coupling in form of virtual electron-positron pairs and their interaction with the complex Higgs field. This type of coupling requires very strong magnetic induction fields, and thus is no longer pursued.
Boson coupling: Experiments of Tajmar et al. Imaginary electron pairs (boson like), possibly created by some kind of two-electron interaction (similar to conventional BCS theory), are interacting with the imaginary vector potential from the imaginary quarks in the lattice, resulting in real physical interaction. The technical requirements for achieving boson coupling are less demanding than for fermion coupling. For instance, the strength of magnetic induction field is substantially lower for boson coupling.”
The Lockheed Martin ‘Coherent matter wave beam’ patent states that not only bosons, but also fermions can be coupled at any temperature.
“it seems to be feasible that, if our theoretical predictions are correct the realization of a space propulsion device that can lift itself from the surface of the Earth is within current technological limits.”
“These facts provide evidence for novel physics in the form of additional long range fundamental forces.”
“Moreover, an axial field might directly lead to some kind of gravity control.”
“Furthermore, gravity-like fields most likely would lead to novel technologies in the general field of transportation, and thus should be of major interest to the public and, in particular, to industry. In addition, these fields might also be usable in energy generation leading to energy research that is highly relevant to the future.”
What a difference a decade makes
In the paper given above, they mention neutrinos 5 times. In a later paper, from 29 Aug 2019 they mention some form of neutrinos 97 times and do discuss mass-bearing sterile neutrinos as well as negative mass ‘dark matter’ neutrinos. It is clear that they believe that some form of neutrino is critical to these kind of propulsion technologies.
Hauser, J., & Dröscher, W. (2019). Gravity Beyond Einstein? Part II: Fundamental Physical Principles, Number Systems, Novel Groups, Dark Energy, and Dark Matter, MOND. Zeitschrift Für Naturforschung A, 74(5), 387–446. doi:10.1515/zna-2018-0559
“It is a sobering fact that despite enormous, long-standing experimental efforts only indirect signs for the existence of DM have been found in the form of gravitational interaction with matter and radiation. So far, DM particles were never detected in our spacetime. On the other hand, a comprehensive mapping of the distribution of DM in the cosmos exists, based on its cosmic scale gravitational interaction.
The solution to this conundrum may be twofold. First, it needs to be accepted that there are no DM particles of positive mass m > 0. Hence, DM must have negative mass. However, this kind of exotic mass cannot exist in our spacetime. Second, as DM particles, denoted by χ, are known to exist but cannot be found in our spacetime, assumed to be a de Sitter space dS(1, 3), they have to reside in a dual spacetime, termed DdS(1, 3) [9], whose physical properties are discussed below. Such a dual space must allow the gravitational interaction of DM with OM of our spacetime, in order to be consistent with astrophysical observations. Furthermore, this gravitational interaction must be attractive. As no DM particle of positive mass was measured, the existence of a dual spacetime containing particles of negative mass m < 0 is postulated.”
Not knowing is an excuse
Of course, they had not learned of the work of Dr. Alexander Parkhomov who has shown the existence of mass bearing cold neutrinos and their interaction with ordinary condensed matter as well as means to technologically produce them. This was because Dr. Parkhomov’s book was not available in English until after the publication of their 2019 paper.
The paper also goes on to mock the EM Drive, which has apparently been tested by at least three nations in space. However, Roger Shawyer understands this position and explains why in the video below.
The production of neutrinos and axions from neutron stars has been considered in other work however.
“Neutrino and axion production in neutron stars occurs mainly as bremsstrahlung from nucleon-nucleon (/NN) scattering”
This is interesting as Lutz Jaitner calculated that the condensed matter in ‘condensed plasmoids’ (micro ball lightning / EVOs) reaches that of neutron stars.
I will talk more about the importance of this in the future.
Bob: check this out... might have a bearing on the strange radiation tracks:
My own mental model for how gravity works is a little simpler.
Simply put, electrodynamics is directly analogous to hydrodynamics.
Fluidic Electrodynamics: On parallels between electromagnetic and fluidic inertia
Alexandre A. Martins
The purpose of the present work is to trace parallels between the known inertia forces in fluid dynamics with the inertia forces in electromagnetism that are known to induce resistance forces on masses both due to acceleration and at constant velocity. It is shown that the force exerted on a particle by an ideal fluid produces two effects: i) resistance to acceleration and, ii) an increase of mass with velocity. These resistance forces arise due to the fluid dragged by the particle, where the bare mass of the particle at rest changes when in motion ("dressed" particle). It is demonstrated that the vector potential created by a charged particle in motion acts as an ideal space flow that surrounds the particle. The interaction between the particle and the entrained space flow gives rise to the observed properties of inertia and the relativistic increase of mass. Parallels are made between the inertia property of matter, electromagnetism and the hydrodynamic drag in potential flow. Accordingly, in this framework the non resistance of a particle in uniform motion through an ideal fluid (D'Alembert's paradox) corresponds to Newton's first law. The law of inertia suggests that the physical vacuum can be modeled as an ideal fluid, agreeing with the space-time ideal fluid approach from general relativity.
The above author has written multiple papers.
The basic idea goes that the vacuum behaves as a superfluid with near zero viscosity and all of the different properties of electrodynamics have a hydrodynamic counterpart.
Now, consider that the pressure of the aether or this fluid is the scalar potential and direction or flow of this fluid is the vector potential. You can directly observe the vector potential via the Maxwell Lodge effect in which you can induce an EMF with a vector potential where no magnetic field and hence no "electric field" is supposed to be. This experiment is so simple it can be done in someone's garage. What it all comes down to is that that the "stuff" that composes a magnetic field (the curl of the vector potential) and the electric field (changing magnetic field) is all the same "stuff" that composes the vector potential and hence the scalar potential.
What is this stuff? One idea is that the vacuum is composed of electron-positron pairs. This was detailed in a paper by Don Hotson that Puthoff said great things about.
So let's go with this possibility for a bit.
If this is the case, then mass, inertia, and gravity are all manifestations of these electron positron pairs and how they interact with matter.
Puthoff speculates in one of his papers that gravity is due to a shadowing effect in which a large mass such as the Earth absorbs a tiny portion of the scalar waves (or whatever) are traveling through the planet. The result is that there is a lower density near the surface of the planet and a greater density farther away. The result is a form of push gravity because objects will move towards the region of lower density.
What's interesting is that there have been a large number of experiments showing that sudden, abrupt electrical discharges with a high rate of change can produce anomalous forces that can buckle railgun tracks, create lines in liquid mercury, or break apart wires into many pieces. One name for this is the Longitudinal Ampere Force. There have been whole books written about this effect.
So how do I bring this together?
Magnetic vector potential that's NOT changing doesn't move charged particles and unless there is a density gradient that's severe enough neutral particles are not moved.
A changing Magnetic vector potential will move charged particles but leave neutral particles alone for the most part (yeah, the vector potential can indeed induce phase synchronization and coherent matter production and that might be related to this but I'm not going to discuss it at this point).
But a powerful and rapidly changing magnetic vector potential seems to be capable of producing a gravitational like "push" force. Why? Because there's a severe gradient in aether density that's produced that is strong enough to induce movement of matter. There are many examples of this if you google the Longitudinal Ampere Force.
Now is where things get very interesting!!!
These same powerful impulses of magnetic vector potential (such as during spark discharges with a high rate of change) also increase the DeBroglie wavelength of matter while simutaneously inducing movement of charged particles in a manner that makes them self organize into tight, compact structures. The result is coherent matter and EVO formation.
Could the following be possible?
Powerful changing vector potential ---> Coherent Matter and EVO ---> "Coherent" or focused movement of vector potential
If the movement of charged particles is what produces a vector potential could the movement of coherent matter produce a UNIQUE more ORGANIZED form of vector potential (perhaps like a laser) which is FAR MORE EFFECTIVE and producing a repulsive gravitational like force?
Eugene Podkletnov claims that utilizing a couple million volts he was able to produce organized plasma structures that moved across a discharge gap that then produced a BEAM of force that could punch through brick walls!
So, here is my thinking about the Fluxliner ARV and TR3B.
A self organized plasma with a macro EVO with a coherent matter membrane is formed in the center column. The coherent matter is then spun in a direction that produces a bubble of COHERENT VECTOR POTENTIAL (repulsive gravitational force) that wraps around the craft. By changing the geometry of this bubble the craft can be made to move in a desired direction.