One possible remedy to help prevent malicious disruptions is to place a restriction of only allowing those who have subscribed for 6 months or longer to be able to log into the zoom call. There is one rather famous you-tuber that says that this has worked for him at cleaning up the garbage.

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I will have a waiting room next time and ask people to request a link.

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Sep 27Liked by Bob Greenyer

Great to see things movin' on. The DAO model as presented looks promising - and I'm a big believer in distributed networks "with no centre" as they are much more robust. Centralized targets are easy to hit. Decentralized ones - and especially ones sharing ideas and dreams - are much harder to destroy (not that they won't try, as many a would-be dictator has found over the years). Many thanks, Bob, Paul and all the others sharing in this great adventure!

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Thankyou Gordon, the potentially hugely disruptive nature of these technologies means we have to find a way forward that is fair, robust and resilient.

Many other ways have been tried, mostly with failure, but none really that allowed the details to remain open. There are companies like clean planet that are public facing and others, like Rossi that are as closed as can be. More modes to the goal has to be a good thing.

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I really wish I would have gotten connected in time for this Livestream!

I must admit, I've been loosely following your work for just over a year, and only recently have I taken the time to deep dive into what your research has been about. It was thanks to your research into Hutchison and your interview with him that I felt compelled to learn more about MFMP. I then chatted with Jeane Manning and she expressed confidence in your work. I deeply regret not having taken time sooner to catch up on MFMP research. Catching up on your work has been a wild ride these past few weeks as your revelations complemented and overlapped with what I have learned from other research.

I don't want to overload this message with information so I'm going to cut to the chase and summarize things I'd like to elaborate on later. I want to work with MFMP, with my expectation being that I could contribute as a volunteer, full-time, beginning as soon as I've made introductions and caught up on all the progress made by MFMP this past decade. I've contributed and donated my time and resources to a plethora of open source research initiatives and inventors I can mention later. Working with fringe inventors and grassroots movements is my life's passion, to which I've dedicated the better half of my life- about 16 years.

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I hate to say it, but I'm a jack of all trades, and a master of none, but sometimes I'm better than a master of one. My value is generally in the beginning phases of structuring projects like a DAO, but also in conducting fundraising. I also have significant experience and resources available in the industry of electrical engineering manufacturing and prototyping, which in this case is the final stage. The most technical terms that summarize my skill sets are systems analysis and systems engineering (as it relates to electrical engineering, lean manufacturing, resource management, communications, strategic development, and permaculture). For me, the techniques and strategies for harmoniously arranging components are no different from arranging groups of individuals, and generally I try to take all into account at the same time. I truly believe I can improve efficiencies by integrating humanity into technical development.

I have no objections to your plans as I've come to understand them. I have no objections to the chosen methods of dissemination. I simply want to contribute, fill in gaps, and provide infrastructure and framework that enables inclusive teamwork. I represent several individuals and a couple of small businesses with connections to others that could donate. I don't know where to begin to integrate with the MFMP community so Ive progressed from the YT Live Chat, to here. On YouTube I'm @exponentialnegative1 and people call me Alex Loseman. My full name is Edward August Alexander III and I believe you have my email attached to this account. Id really love to meet everyone in the unofficial MFMP discord I've heard about. My username in discord is lexekhan

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Lastly, I'm very interested in meeting and working with the person creating the Timeline project as soon as possible. I've been working on something similar over the years, but it's mainly just a spreadsheet of dates next to important names in science and alchemy. I have a vision of being able to reveal past discoveries to all those that would simply be curious enough to investigate origins.

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