Ed Lewis on Ball Lightning, Plasmoids
The man that first introduce the concept of Micro-Ball Lightning to Dr. Takaaki Matsumoto speaks
Ed Lewis works with early researchers in Cold Fusion and realised that it may be related to Ball Lightning. He was the person that introduced Dr. Takaaki Matsumoto to the idea that his witness marks from Cold Fusion experiments could be related to Ball Lightning and discussed the relationship between this and Ken Shoulders’ Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVOs)
In recent years he has picked up on my observations of photon absorption of Black EVOs produced by Bogdanovich et. al. in water flow plasma discharge experiments and reports this.
I took quite a bit of time to try to translate and dub the Russian speaking parts of the meeting - it is not a perfect translation of their original words and should be treated as such.
In one part, Valery Zatelepin did not fully hear out Ed’s commentary on the relationship between ball lightning and linear lightning (that of Ken Shoulders’ where the Ball Lightning produces the ionised path over which the linear lightning discharges). He comments based on this later in his summary points.
Please look out for the Kickstarter for the second edition of Dr. Takaaki Matsumoto's book and help make it happen.
What The History Of Physics Helps Us Predict About The Development Of The Micro-Plasmoid Field
Understanding Ball Lightning Characteristics Will Help Us Understand Strange Particles such as Micro-Ball Lightning
Bob - I am seeing toroidal structures many place - was looking at red blood cells - poof - https://pixnio.com/science/microscopy-images/closer-look-at-the-details-exhibited-by-of-number-of-red-blood-cells
A treat. I never heard Ed Lewis speak before. I really appreciate his knowledge and outlook.
The Russians on the call deserve kudos for braving the American drawl.