Does this explain geo-polymer casting techniques possibly used in ancient megalithic structures ?
'Melting rock'
With experiments already completed, do we already have the evidence needed to explain the claimed phenomenon of Geo-Polymers in the construction of ancient megalithic structures?
The LION2 reactor was unboxed live on 2nd Feb 2018. The main fused together part was cracked open live on the 14th Feb 2018.
Please review this video:
LION 2 - Kanthal A1 relationship to Alumina - 21 Mar 2018
Most abundant elements in earths crust
46.1% oxygen (99.76% bosonic 16O)
28.2% silicon (92.2% bosonic 28Si)
8.23% aluminium (100% fermionic 27Al)
5.63% iron (91.75% bosonic 56Fe)
4.15% calcium (96.941% bosonic 40Ca)
2.36% sodium (100% fermionic 23Na)
2.33% magnesium (79% bosonic 24Mg)
2.09% potassium (93.258% sermonic 39K)
Proportion of elements in Earth’s crust for top:
3: 82.53%
4: 88.16%
5: 92.31%
8: 99.09%
A paper discussing the elements in andesite (the kind of material used at Puma Punku). We can see that andesite contains between 52 and 63 weight % silica (SiO2), 0.7 to over 2.5% K2O and sometimes >16% Al2O3.
So up to 79% could be SiO2 and Al2O3
Andesite can also contain high concentrations of Iron, Magnesium and Calcium. That means it is made of 7 of the top 8 elements in the earths crust, that represent 96.73% by mass. Andesites erupt at temperatures between 900 and 1100°C, implying they are a fluid based on thermal processes at that temperature. Given that the LION 2 reactor peaked at 1050°C, if it was made of Andesite, it could indeed be molten - however, it was not, it was made of copper, fused quartz, foamed alumina and Kanthal.
An example of a melting theory in Peruvian walls
In the video below, it is suggested that perhaps the rock was melted with heat and then poured into place and cites the inclusion of organic material in samples from Puma Punku.
The mystery melting of SiO2 and Al2O3 in the LION 2 reactor, when Kanthal-A1 did not melt
The LION 2 reactor could reach a maximum of around 1050°C. This is below the temperature at which diamagnetic Copper melts (1084°C). Oxides of copper, which can form at between 200 and 800°C, melt at even higher temperatures (Cu2O @ 1232°C, CuO @ 1326°C). We can see easily in the image below, that there was copper oxide formation on the LION 1 core.

Kanthal-A1 is an iron (over 69.5%)-chromium-aluminium (5.8%) alloy with a melting point of around 1500°C and is Ferromagnetic, with a Curie point of approximately 600°C.
Fused Quartz is pure Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) with a melting point of 1670°C. It is an electrical insulator, even at elevated temperatures.
Alumina is pure Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3) with a melting point of 2072°C. It is an electric insulator, however, it starts to become conductive at higher temperatures.

What is interesting is that both the fused quartz and alumina, together the most significant rock forming compounds in andesite, liquified below their respective melting points when the Kanthal-A1 between them, that has the lowest melting point by far, is not affected. So how did this happen?
Presence of micro ball lightning / Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVOs) in the LION reactors
In the core
The containment of the LION 2 core was fully breached.

This breaching of the core gave us the opportunity to see the materials inside and I produced a detailed analysis in a steemit article which you can review here. It showed that EVOs had formed inside the core and had started to eat away and transmute the diamonds. In one diamond, a large sphere was removed from it, possibly by a large spherical EVO. It is clear that EVOs were forming at various levels of aggregation in the core.
On the outside of the core copper oxide crust
The LION 1 experiment did not produce the extreme degradation of the reactor structure as witnessed in LION 2. This meant it was possible to recover the core, as shown above and separate it from the remainder of the fused quarts tube furnace liner. On closer inspection, it was found that there was a high fidelity strange radiation (EVO structure) track on a split plane of the glassy copper oxide crust.
This showed that there were EVO structures on the inside of the copper oxide. There were also a variety of EVO structures evident on the outside of the core.

So we have tracked EVOs at various scales and levels of self organisation from the centre of the reactor where they were born, though to the outside of the copper oxide crust.
EVOs interaction with the inside of the fused quartz tube furnace liner
On inspection of the quartz liner, it was found that there were many EVOs, principally toroidal of various scales on the inside of the fused quartz tube. These showed material disruption flow evidence, interference and self organisation and were of two pole types.

Here is a video of the LION 1 liner showing a macro quantum coherent macro EVO structure that nearly bored all the way though the fused quartz in a typical chiral magneto hydrodynamic analogue fashion:
Here is a close up look from the inside and outside.

In the following macro image from LION 2 fused quartz liner, we can see damage running all through the glass withe some EVO tracks towards the outside centre and coloured features typical of quartz that has been exposed to beta or x-rays (both emitted from EVOs) and heat treated.

So we have tracked EVOs from the core, through the copper oxide inside and out, then from the inside of the SiO2, through the SiO2 to the outside of the SiO2.
EVO aggregation on crystal and structure boundaries
On the LION 2 fused quartz there was a petal-like shape that was at the same distance as surrounding materials from the core, but appeared to be protected by a macro-EVO, leading to a very different colouration. This was called the ‘jewel’ and it had smaller EVO north and south substructures that had eaten into the quartz at a similar scale to those found covering a John Hutchison sample.
In the image below, we can see how meshes of north and south pseudo magnetic monopoles can form on aluminium (Hutchison ‘Fracture’ sample) and fused quartz (LION 2 ‘Jewel’).

In the case of the LION 2 ‘Jewel’ it was the mesh of EVOs that appeared to prevent the same kind of material changes that occurred to those parts of the quartz that were immediately adjacent but not enveloped in the mesh.
With this knowledge in had, one only has to envelop a particle or object with an EVO or a mesh of EVOs to allow it to pass through or merge into another material, if the coherent matter can be formed without heat, as is possible, then wood can be placed into aluminium for instance, without burning, as observed by John Hutchison.
Role of conductivity and magnetic properties
It is my understanding that EVOs are good at ‘infecting’ conductors, they are also attracted to ferromagnetic and paramagnetic materials and get attached to their surfaces.
It is important to note that whilst Cu metal is diamagnetic, its atoms have a magnetic moment in the range 1.7–2.2 µB which complicates the picture. Cu metal is extremely good at conducting electricity though. I believe that the conductivity of Cu far outweighs its diamagnetic nature in respect to EVOs.
Cu2O is again diamagnetic but a semiconductor, CuO is paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic depending on frequency, but generally considered antiferromagnetic below its Néel temperature and a p-type semiconductor. At the lion operating temperatures, it is surely above the Néel temperature and so it will have lost any magnetic properties. As oxidation progresses, the LION core coating would, in my view, move from diamagnetic conductor to a p-type semiconductor where holes in material would attract the EVOs which can act as an electron.
Magnetite on the other hand is ferromagnetic up to its curie point of 570°C and is a conductor of electricity above 120 Kelvin, so certainly a conductor at all liveable temperatures. In air, magnetite can become non-magnetic hematite above 600°C when exposed, though it still remains a moderate to good conductor. Being able to make coherent matter below the curie point of magnetite would be most favourable for the production of mouldable geo-polymers.
Andesite contains magnetite grains distributed throughout it, which you can see in this paper which I came across on 20th Jan 2021.
Edmonds, M., Brett, A., Herd, R. A., Humphreys, M. C. S., & Woods, A. (2014). Magnetite-bubble aggregates at mixing interfaces in andesite magma bodies. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 410(1), 95–121.doi:10.1144/sp410.7

Magnetite ‘bubbles’ appear throughout andesite, if neutral black EVOs where passed into the andesite, they would attach to these bubbles and aggregate. These could then be excited into the grey or white state, possibly by sound or scalar EM waves. This would then allow the material to be manipulated and moulded cold.
If sufficiently excited, then andesite could be broken up, even to dust, at the quarry, for easy transportation to a construction site for later moulding using a variant of the same process.
It is clear from the paper above, that some andesite has a more even distribution of magnetite bubbles, so some rock will be better than others. However, one may be able to use the self organising principles of EVOs to ‘work’ an even distribution in less than a perfect resource.
Inspiring 3rd party tests
Within a day of the livestream, a researcher that publishes on YouTube (m3sca1) explored my suggestion that magnetite (Fe₃O₄) could act as a ‘flux’ in geo-polymer moulding processes in a similar way to how Copper Oxide appeared to in the LION 2 reactor. We have proved that Copper Oxide certainly contained EVOs in LION reactors and tracked their path from the reactor core outwards. Being EVO rich, allowed the Copper Oxide to eat into the Fused Quartz and then the Alumina making it a type of lava.
My hypothesis was that if EVOs were formed at room temperature as per Hutchison Effect, TL Carr (Ralph Ring), Russian energetics (as cited in Tom Bearden's 'Fer de lance') and Dr. George Egely natural ball lightning studies, they would bind to the highly magnetic Magnetite grains (as EVOs bound to 57Fe in Urutskoyev et. al. and Ni in Baranov and Zatelepin studies) and these would act as little machines able to ‘churn’ the materials into a composite geo-polymer that can be set into wood, papyrus, compressed paper, leather, plaster or other electrically insulating moulds. It may be that crushed andesite would be suitable alone with the right stimulation.
I believe we may have re-discovered the principles of the technology to build megalithic structures.
Edmonds, M., Brett, A., Herd, R. A., Humphreys, M. C. S., & Woods, A. (2014). Magnetite-bubble aggregates at mixing interfaces in andesite magma bodies. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 410(1), 95–121.doi:10.1144/sp410.7
The above paper shows how magnetite ‘bubbles’ appear throughout andesite, if neutral black EVOs where passed into the andesite, they would attach to these magnetic bubbles and aggregate on them. These would then be excited into a great or white phase, possibly via sound or scalar EM waves, which would result in the andesite becoming pliable to ‘liquid’, though essentially cold.
It is clear from looking at the paper, that some andesite would be more ideal than others to achieve the effect due to initial distribution of the magnetite bubbles, however, EVO loading followed by subsequent excitement and manipulation could lead to self organisation and re-balancing of the overall distribution.
It may be possible to over excite the EVO clusters in an andesite quarry to cause the rock to fracture or turn to powder. This would allow easy mining of the raw material that could be transported in any normal way for later ‘liquification’ and moulding at the construction site.
Hey Bob, I'm only half way through but I think you may have given me a lead to investigate as to how rifes highest power microscope may have worked. I will prefix this comment by saying Rife claimed repeatedly his microscopes were not making us of UV light to gain the increased resolution, and also I believe tests were conducted that showed there were no detected x-rays. Also I would expect collapsing EVO's to more than likely destroy any kind of biological sample in the same area. So perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree entirely, but there are a lot of things that make me feel something related to this technology was at play. Even the nature of the suppression (coming very late in the release of his technology after years of public testing and demonstration), made me feel that no one was able to easily identify the nature of what he was doing in order to know that it needed to be suppressed and to suppress it sooner.
Given he used a plasma lamp to actually illuminate samples (as well as treat patients), then they would emit light in a different wave length,. I toyed with the idea that maybe it was regular fluorescence for a while, then moved on to thinking it might have been some form of secondary harmonic generation where two photons essentially excite fluorescence at a higher power level or a shorter wave length, thus giving a higher resolution perhaps. But it still didn't make a lot of sense.
There were lots of reports from the likes of Bearden and Bedini that it was doing some kind of heterodyning of waves, (Bearden even going so far as to say it was showing some kind of higher dimensional version of the entity under observation) but they never gave any specifics about precisely what they meant that I was able to act on and how this might facilitate a higher resolution.
I still don't really understand how it would generate a higher resolution given what I know about the design, but your comment at about relic neutrinos forming axions which can then be disrupted with high magnetic fields to emit UV light and xrays seemed like it would be one such mechanism to generate higher frequency output from a sample.
He used the plasma in conjunction with some kind of interference between two coherent light beams of what appears were differing wave lengths. I can only imagine that perhaps this created some kind of propensity for the sample to charge with evo's, which then were upset at periodic intervals to perhaps emit UV light and xrays. The only contra-indication to this is that there were never any reports of any of his tubes emitting xrays when they were later tested (however perhaps they were not of the usual kind). This would also fit with the historical record in that he suffered serious eye injury which many have speculated was caused by UV light, but he wasn't stupid, I don't think the UV light caused injury, I think it's far more likely there was some unexpected high energy event that caught him by surprise and damaged his eye sight.
The things I don't know are many still but it definitely seems there was some possible role for this technology in what he was doing. The specifics of what precisely was happening I hope to one day understand :)
To be totally honest I've spent probably hundreds of hours looking over the material over the past 10 years and only ever found ONE photograph that showed anything that appeared to be higher resolution than anything capable with other normal microscopy techniques like DIC (albeit invented after rife). But the one photograph of a tetanus spore (which actually rife didn't release on purpose but was released by in the Smithsonian report by the person who came to gather material to write the article and had free range in his lab to find photos) if it is legitimate is so much better than anything else possible it has kept me hunting for an explanation, of HOW he did what he was doing.