CDC Official Study Proves No Benefit in Vaccinating the Recovered
Conclusive data based on the outcomes of greater than 1 million Americans
For most of the past two years, my family, like millions of others around the world, was prevented from getting educated, having freedom or being able to be fully productive, despite our April 2020 recovery from the Wuhan variant of Covid.
Our family failed to catch the disease again one year later in April 2021, even though we were forced into a situation with an infected person for three weeks. Likewise, we did not catch any variant up to and including Delta, despite travelling widely throughout 2020 and 2021. I have written about this as well as my frustration at my general practitioner’s attitude to my natural immunity. Moreover, I watched as nearly every vaccinated person I knew caught Delta in the second half of 2021.
Back in August 2020, in the quiet summer months running up to the Emergency Use Authorisations and roll-out of the jabs, the media was spinning that
“CDC suggests recovered COVID-19 patients have protection for 3 months”
Based on suggestions from the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) - a headline like that makes people think that natural immunity would only offer protection for 90 days.
The guidance is based on studies that found that, after three months, there was no evidence of people getting re-infected after recovering, a CDC official said. Longer-term studies are needed to determine how long protection might last, and it's still too soon to say to whether a person who has had COVID-19 and recovered is immune.
This is now not based on established fact - how do we know this?
Read on.
Contrast the CDC’s August 2020 “it’s still too soon to say” position on natural immunity with well-known actors and pundits, all over the world, claiming later, that the jabs were going to confer immunity from the get-go and that they were safe with no means of actually knowing either. It was clearly absurd.
The facts are in
Now that the Wuhan, Alpha, Beta… Delta has all but disappeared from populations in many countries, certainly in the UK and US - the US Center for Disease Control has now published a massive cohort based study that shows what should have been obvious a long time ago and was my personal lived experience.
FIGURE. Incident laboratory-confirmed COVID-19-associated hospitalisations among immunologic cohorts defined by vaccination and previous diagnosis histories
California, May 30 to November 13, 2021
The COVID Recovered Are Better Protected than the Vaccinated
Excellent Natural Immunity Confirmed
Shockingly, families like mine were subjected to restrictions and de-humanisation and ‘othering’, when, in truth, we had better immunity than those that were subjugating or denigrating people in our position. We were less likely to get it and our immunity was likely sterilising, meaning, we could not spread it even if we got it.
Societies should have lent on the Covid recovered to support the elderly and keep the economy ticking along - not have them ostracised and under house arrest because of a lack of understanding of immunology 101.
The video below is well worth your time.
Immunology with Professor Robert Clancy
The kind of mandated fascist corporate tyranny we have witnessed born off the edicts of ‘science’, should never be permitted again. And no, I do not want those that have been jabbed but have not had the disease, to have their lives restricted because they are now quantifiably a ‘bigger threat’ to the vulnerable than the un-jabbed recovered - especially given the minuscule risk from Omicron.
My family has already recovered from Omicron. It is likely that many of you will be in this position sooner or later as prior infection and jabbing will not stop people catching it. Should we allow the pharma-government axis of control to reset all our ‘life permits’ again until we all submit to a jab for last years bug?
Meanwhile, I still can’t travel to the US despite being more immune than any level of boosted jabbed person - because I still need to have a pointless jab regime that only has real and known risks attached to it in my case and that will confer no benefit to me or anyone else that I come into contact with.
If you are a non-U.S. citizen who is a nonimmigrant (not a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, lawful permanent resident, or traveling to the United States on an immigrant visa), you will need to show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before you travel by air to the United States from a foreign country.
The governments of the world must accept that the jabs have played out their role in shielding the old and infirm from Wuhan to Delta and that with Covid, natural human immunity is now proven to be far superior for those that have recovered.
Soon, most of us will be Covid recovered, if not already, then from Omicron and we must be allowed to get on with our one lives.
Excellent analysis Bob, thanks. I got the Omicold around the same time you and your family did, and have completely recovered. Glad to know it's better for making natural antibodies than a booster.